July / August 2020 ᴥ Tammuz ~ Av ~ Elul 5780 Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Introducing COS 2020-2021 Officers PAGE 2 • JULY / AUGUST 2020 CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM TAMMUZ ~ AV ~ ELUL 5780 – – Haveirim Y’karim Dear Friends DID YOU KNOW “The new normal.” ...that you can reach Most of us are probably already geing Rabbi Kay a lile weary of hearing that phrase. on -line? Mostly because the “new normal” keeps [email protected] changing all the time. Congregation Ohev Shalom Bulletin There’s no question about it though: Published bi -monthly by things are different – very different! – Congregation Ohev Shalom 613 Concourse Parkway South than they were just a few months ago. Maitland, FL 32751 407 -298 -4650 • fax 407 -636 -4080 You probably heard me say that my un- dergraduate degree was in Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution. We PROFESSIONAL STAFF tend to think of “evolution” as that process that plays out over Rabbi David Kay – Rabbi Emeritus Aaron D. Rubinger many generations thousands, even millions of years. But evolu- Cantor Allan Robuck tion is also driven by sudden dramatic events. A radical change in Executive Director Steve Brownstein Directory, Youth/Family Education Amy Geboff environment, a sudden depletion of resources, an unexpected shift in the landscape: those species or individuals that can adapt to the OFFICERS “new normal” will flourish. Those that can’t adapt will struggle. President: Rachel D. Gebaide Exec. Vice Pres: Marcy Kast When the COVID -19 pandemic first hit, none of us could have pre- V.P. Operations: Debby Gendzier - V.P. Youth & Family Ed: Lorraine Kessler dicted just how far reaching the effects would be. Here in Orlando, V.P. Resource Development: we even joked, “I’m not going to start worrying until Disney shuts V.P. Membership: Nina Oppenheim down!” And then it did. Secretary: Dan Rothbaum Treasurer: Eric Schwartz – Parliamentarian: Dana Rusonik Every one of us every person, every family, every organization, Immediate Past President: Steven Hornik every business – found ourselves scrambling across unfamiliar, uncharted, and nerve -wracking territory. Melody Apter* Stuart Kimball* Susan Bodell Terri Mayle We certainly were at Ohev Shalom. But our thoughtful and dedi- Jeffrey Bornstein* Steven A. Newman* - Burton Chasnov* Craig Novick cated lay leadership, in full partnership with our hard working Richard L. Cohen* Dan Rothbaum staff, labored tirelessly to hammer out a strategy, often having to Dan Coultoff Dana Rosnik reshape it hour by hour, as new information came in. As a result, Ed Danuff* Sandra Saft* Marc Feuerman* Bill Sholk* our employees kept their jobs and our synagogue family contin- Janet Friedman Sara Nathan Stern* ued to gather, although now in virtual formats. Robert Gamson* Barry Stern Denise Ganson Mark Stone* Now, here we are – in a new phase of the “new normal”. On the Lindsey Gluck Tom Wolfe* Shabbat of July 10 -11, we’re set to resume in -person services, with Stacy Gotlib Shelley Fenton-Zeira James S. Grodin* precautions in place to ensure everyone’s health and safety. We Richard Heller* *Past President already have plans in motion to enhance our virtual services with Sandra Herman - – improved video, audio, and production. In person programs so- MEN’S CLUB CO-PRESIDENTS cially distanced and with safety protocols in place – are underway Ken Davis & Steve Herman for our youth and adult programming is in the works. SISTERHOOD CO-PRESIDENTS Es Cohen & Sandi Saft But there’s still much more to do, as the “new normal” continues EDITORIAL STAFF to emerge and evolve. High Holidays are coming up in September. Steve Brownstein Meryl Poweski Watch for special new experiences and opportunities during Elul, Debbie Bornstein (Rabbi continued on page 6) TAMMUZ ~ AV ~ ELUL 5780 CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM JULY / AUGUST 2020 • PAGE 3 A NOTE FROM YOUR CANTOR Dear Friends, tion. I’ve never done TV or movies. Just the thought of singing in an empty room, other I am certain that than the shower, seems absurd to me. many of you feel the way I do about this Having said all that, I know that the ability to pandemic situation. hold services virtually has been a wonderful Enough already chance for so many of you to hear the words with singing and and melodies that you are used to. I know chanting to an emp- that some folks are really comforted by the ty room. And that’s knowledge that their service, albeit remote, just me at home! Seriously, the biggest prob- continued every week. Jewish continuity is lem I have during services is my attempt to something we are all concerned about. Re- daven with proper kavanah , purpose and in- mote streaming of services is a corollary. It tention. It is especially noticeable when lead- lets us know that no matter what the difficul- ing a Piano Shabbat service. I have spent ty, Judaism continues to thrive. When one years trying to put together a service that I considers all the horrible hardships that have can play that involves a lot of congregational been placed upon our people over the millen- participation. With no congregation to sing nium, having to go to the synagogue remotely along, it feels more like a show than a service. probably ranks very near the bottom of the That’s why I will be moving the Piano Shabbat list. up to the bimah from now on to at least make So, let’s get ready for masks, hand sanitizer it “feel” more like a service to me. The added and effective social distancing. Is it ideal? bonus is that, when the congregation does No, but at least we will once again be able to come back, I’ll have better social distancing! gather to pray, sing and see our friends. Sor- In truth, Covid-19 has changed the way I do ry, no eating yet. Here is some good news-- almost everything here. I have been teaching that will be back before you know it. I am students on-line. It is great for many par- very excited to see those of you who are com- ents, who no longer need to make the drive to fortable attending services this summer. I COS. I must admit that I do not feel as effec- look at it this way: On Purim everyone wears tive an instructor using this method. Yes, it’s a mask. Purim is the happiest day in the better than nothing, and there are many edu- Jewish calendar. And now, everyday will cators who are able to teach very effectively in seem a little like Purim. I know, it is a this situation. I, on the other hand, am like stretch. Let’s turn our Covid into KAVOD, an old dog learning new tricks. During my 12 holiness. years at Walt Disney World, every show I Fondly, played was before a live audience. When I Cantor Robuck came here, there was always a live congrega- PAGE 4 • JULY / AUGUST 2020 CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM TAMMUZ ~ AV ~ ELUL 5780 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Friends, COS recently issued a survey to learn more about members’ intentions regarding Shabbat and High My kids used to watch Holiday services. The number one comment re- Phineas and Ferb , an ani- garding virtual services was succinct: Get a beer mated TV show with a camera . This was not news to COS leadership, but theme song that begins it reaffirmed our commitment to bring a beer vis- with the improbable ual experience to congregants aending services line, “Thereʹs 104 days remotely. of summer vacation, and school comes along Several generous members have donated to a spe- just to end it . .” cial “technology fund” to enable COS to purchase With summer break a new camera and make significant related up- typically lasting a lile grades that will allow Ohev Shalom to provide a less than 75 days in beer virtual experience for congregants partici- Florida, the title characters of the show seemed to pating from home. Even when we return to have a prey good life. Lile did we know, dis- “normal,” the enhanced technology will allow tance learning notwithstanding, that students Ohev Shalom to provide a high quality visual ex- would be on “break” from school for more than perience for anyone participating virtually in Shab- 104 days by the end of June, with another six bat services and other programs in the sanctuary. weeks to go before they return to campus and He- We are excited to move forward with this project brew School here at Congregation Ohev Shalom. in the coming weeks. Thank you very much to our We hope. donors who have made this technology upgrade possible! The year 2020 has been an incredibly stressful time for just about every person in the world as we cope On another note, COS is beginning to prepare the with the COVID -19 pandemic that has upended Community Ad Book/Membership Directory for life as we know it. It is human nature to adapt, 2020 -2021. The forms for renewing your business and Congregation Ohev Shalom has adapted well! ad or greeting are in the process of being mailed to Our incredible clergy, staff and volunteers are you. Please call Meryl in the COS office if you working daily to provide virtual services, learning have moved or your contact information has other- and programming and to prepare COS for reopen- wise changed since last year or if you need to make ing to “in person” services and activities. other changes to the information listed in the 2019 - 2020 directory. The COS Reopening Task Force has been meeting regularly and has prepared a comprehensive reo- Finally, the High Holiday Commiee is meeting pening plan.
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