COMPREHENSIVE DISTRICT PLAN 2017-18 PREPARED BY: DPMU, KORAPUT AnupamaSaha,IAS Collector&DM,Koraput PREFACE ComprehensiveDevelopmentPlan(CDP)ofadistrictmirrorsthedevelopmentvisionofa district.CDPisaSMART(Specific,Measurable,Achievable,Realistic,Time-bound) plan for the district prepared through consultative and analytical processes with direct participation and involvement of communities from the grassroots to the district level. The CDP of Koraput district for the year 2017-18 has come out as aresul to participation, involvement and contribution of various stakeholders at different levels of the district administration and the differenttiers of the Panchayatiraj system covering priority sectors of development from length to breadth. For a backward district like Koraput with low HDI ranking the CDP assumesutmost significance for systematically and systemically address i n the development issuesand movingforward. Sincetheyear1985-86 CDP is a regular practice mandated by the Department of Planning and Coordination of the State. During the 2008-09 to 2013-14 the CDP preparation was assigned to Technical Support Institutions(TSls) appointed by PlanningandCoordination Department. However, since the year 2014-15 CDP has become a responsibility of District Planning and Monitoring Unit (DPMU). With a brigade of well trained facilitators the DPMU has been preparing the CDP following recommended processes, method sand practices which has been by and large participatory and consultative; henceiseffective, analytical, transparent and development context specific. The CDP has been meticulously prepared looking at the groundreality, localpriority, flagship programs, financial allocations, policy prerogatives and development goals after a thorough analysis of the district development scenario. The level of professionalism tha thas gone into the plan preparation makes the CDP a vital instrument for bridging the local and regional disparity, providing a frame work for convergence of plans and resources, addressing the top side development across sectors and sub-sectors, and contributing to the development targets of the State and Nation. TheCDP 2017-18 has therefore laid adequate emphasison livelihoods, capacity building and sanitation; with pronounced priorities for development in the sectors of Agriculture and R ural Development targeting poverty alleviation in the district. Communities at the grass roots level, peoples' representatives at different tiers of Panchayatiraj system, peoples' representatives at Urban Local Bodies ULBs) and other relevant takeholders of the District have contributed immensely for preparation of the plan coordinated by DPMU. The present plan is therefore a peoples plan reflecting up on the localpriorities. I cannot but sincerely thank the noble and sincere contribution of all those involved in this end eavour making the purpose fruitful and effective. Last but not the least, I thank the Deputy Director,DPMU for have led and coordinated the process and made the stupendous task of preparation of CDP successful. I also express my thanks and appreciation to all the staffs of DPMU, all the Department Heads of the district without whose participation, cooperation and contributionsthisplan would not havebeen ascherished. I earnestly believe the CDP would touch the aspirations of thecommunities in Koraput and contribute to the accomplishment of the State and National targets. Collector,Koraput 2 Contents Abbreviation A Executive Summary 18 Chapter-I District Background and Profile 24 Chapter-II Strength,Weakness,Opportunity and 68 threat(SWOT) Analysis of the District & Indivisual Sectors Chapter-III District Vision:2020 Corresponding to 79 Comprehensive District Annual Plan(CDP):2017­18 Chapter-IV Resource Envelope of the District for the 99 Comprehensive District Annual Plan(CDP) 2017­18 Chapter-V Resource Envelope for Gps/Blocks/ULBs for 108 the Comprehensive District Annual Plan(CDP) 2017­18 Chapter-VI Sectoral District plans/ Schemes (ongoing 113 and new) of 11(eleven) sectors Chapter-VII Tribal sub Plan(TSP) 152 Chapter-VIII Scheduled Caste Sub Plan(SCSP) 163 Chapter-IX Backward Regions Grant Fund(for BRGF 174 Districts) Chapter-X Gender Sub Plan 175 Chapter-XI Convergence Programmes and Resources 189 Chapter-XII Plan Performances of the previous year(s) 213 Chapter-XIII Left Wing Extremism(LWE) 218 Chapter-XIV Component Specific to Left Wing Extrimism 219 pockets Annexures 237 References 245 3 Abbreviations ACA : Additional Central Assistance AEZ : Agro­Export Zone AIBP : Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme AMDP : Accelerated Maize Development Programme ANM : Auxiliary Nursing Midwife APL : Above Poverty Line ARWSP : Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme ASHA : Accredited Social Health Activists ATMA : Agriculture Technology Management Agency BDO : Block Development Officer BGJY : Biju Grama Jyoti Yojana BPL : Below Poverty Line BRGF : Back­ward Regions Grant Fund CADA : Command Area Development Agency CBR : Crude Birth Rate C­DAP : Comprehensive District Agriculture Plan CDMO : Chief District Medical Officer CHC : Community Health Centre COATS : Council of Analytical Tribal Studies DDA : Deputy Director of Agriculture DDH : Deputy Director of Horticulture DFO : Divisional Forest Officer DIC : District Industries Centre DLO : District Level Officers DPC : District Planning Committee DPEP : District Primary Education Programme DRDA : District Rural Development Agency DTDP : Dispersed Tribal Development Programme DWSM : District Water and Sanitation Mission FFDA : Fish Farmer’s Development Agency 4 GDP : Gross Domestic Product GP : Gram Panchayat HAL : Hindustan Aeronautics Limited IAY : Indira Awas Yojana ICDP : Intensive Cotton Development Programme ICDS : Integrated Child Development Scheme IEC : Integrated Awarness Campaign IEDC : Integrated Education for Disabled Children IHSDP : Integrated Housing and Urban Development IMR : Infant Mortality Rate ITDA : Integrated Tribal Development Agency ITI : Industrial Training Institute IWDP : Integrated Wasteland Development Project JBY : Janashree Bima Yojana JFM : Joint Forest Management LIP : Lift Irrigation Project LIPS : Life irrigation projects MDM : Mid­Day Meal MDR : Major District Roads MIP : Minor Irrigation Project MLAs : Member of Legislative Assemblies MMR : Maternal Mortality Rate MTA : Mother Teacher Association NAC : Notified Area Council NAIS : National Agriculture Insurance Scheme NALCO : National Aluminium Corporation NDP : National Domestic Product NeGP : National e­Governance Programme NGO : Non­Government Organisation NHM : National Horticulture Mission NMEP : National Malaria Eradication Programme NPDP : National Pulses Development Programme 5 NPIC : National Programme on Improved Chullah NREGS : National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme NRHM : National Rural Health Mission NSLRS : National Scheme for Liberation and Rehabilitation of Scavengers NSS : National Sample Survey NTFP : Non­Timber Forest Products NTPC : National Thermal Power Corporation ODR : Other District Roads OFSDP : Orissa Forest Sector Development Project OPDP : Oil Palm Development Programme OPP : Oil Seed Production Programme OREDA : Orissa Renewable Energy Development Agency ORSAC : Orissa Remote Sensing Application Centre OSSIC : Orissa Small Scale Industries Corporation OSWAN : Orissa State Wide Area Network OTELP : Orissa Tribal Empowerment & Livelihood Project PDS : Public Distribution System PHC : Primary Health Centre PMGSY : Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana PS : Panchayat Samiti PTA : Parents Teacher Association QPM : Quality Planting Materials RGGVY : Rajib Gandhi Grameen Vidyut Karan Yojana RKVY : Rastriya Krushi Vikash Yojana RLTAP : Revised Long Term Action Plan SC : Scheduled Caste SCA : Special Central Assistance SCSP : Scheduled Caste Sub­Plan SGSY : Swarnajayanti Gramin Swarojgar Yojana SHGs : Self­Help Groups SISI : Small Industries Service Institute SRI : System of Rice Intensification 6 SSA : Sarva Sikhya Abhiyan SSI : Small Scale Industries ST : Scheduled Tribe SWHS : Solar Water Heating System SWOT : Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats TBA : Trained Birth Attendant TCVIS : Tiny and Cottage and Village Industries TFC : 12th Finance Commission TLC : Total Literacy Campaign TMC : Terminal Market Complex TRIPTI : Targeted Rural Initiative for Poverty Termination and Infrastructure TSP : Tribal Sub­Plan UIDSSMT : Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium ULB : Urban Local Body VEC : Village Education Committee VSS : Vana Surakshya Samiti ZP : Zilla Parishad 7 8 9 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 16TH DISTRICT PLANNING COMMITTEE (DPC) MEETING OF KORAPUT DISTRICT HELD ON 23.08.2017 AT KORAPUT The 16th DPC Meeting of Koraput district was held on 23.08.17 at 11.00 AM in the DNK, Conference Hall, Koraput under the Chairmanship of Sri Prafulla Pangi, Hon’ble MLA Pottangi and the Chairman DPC, Koraput. The list of participants present in the meeting is annexed at Annexure­ I. At the outset Collector, Koraput welcomed the Hon’ble MLA Pottangi & Chairman DPC, Hon’ble MP, Koraput, Hon’ble MLA, Koraput, Hon’ble MLA, Jeypore, Hon’ble MLA, Kotpad, Hon’ble MLA, Laxmipur, President ZP, Koraput, all members of DPC and all concerned and informed that the CDP of Koraput district of 2017­18 has been prepared in a consultative approach by convening meetings from the GP, PS and District level. Similarly the Action Plan 2017­18 of Biju KBK has been prepared in a consultative approach from the Block level. Beside the GGY Action Plan 2017­18 has also been
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