E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2019 No. 181 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was ened criminals among them, but he The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- does it in such a way as to demean and bers are reminded to refrain from en- pore (Mr. CUELLAR). defame all of them. He does it on the gaging in personalities toward the f day that the Supreme Court of the President. United States of America is consid- f DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO ering a case with reference to DACA re- IMPEACHMENT MUST NOT BECOME TEMPORE cipients. WEAPONIZED The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- I rise to defend them. These are fore the House the following commu- young people who came to this country The SPEAKER pro tempore. The nication from the Speaker: at a very early age. They did not come Chair recognizes the gentleman from of their own volition. These are young Michigan (Mr. MITCHELL) for 5 minutes. WASHINGTON, DC, Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, the November 13, 2019. people who have been screened and vet- House of Representatives most cer- I hereby appoint the Honorable HENRY ted. These are young people who have tainly faces a vote to impeach the CUELLAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on gone on to get good educations. These this day. are young people who are contributing President before the end of this year. I NANCY PELOSI, to our society. urge my colleagues to carefully and de- Speaker of the House of Representatives. So I rise to defend the DACA recipi- liberately contemplate this next step f ents. I rise because I understand what in their votes. The Constitution provides great lati- is going on. This Chief Executive Offi- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE tude to this body in impeaching a cer is not going to stop. This is just an- President. It is up to us, all 435 of us in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- other phase of his attempts to this Chamber, to determine what con- ant to the order of the House of Janu- weaponize bigotry, hatred, racism. stitutes a ‘‘high crime and mis- ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- He did it with the Muslim ban, demeanor,’’ and those determinations nize Members from lists submitted by weaponizing religion. He did it with the the majority and minority leaders for clearly vary greatly among us. s-hole countries, weaponizing race. He As we cast those votes, we must con- morning-hour debate. did it with some ‘‘fine people’’ among The Chair will alternate recognition sider our place in history and the im- those in Charlottesville where a woman plications of those votes in the future between the parties. All time shall be lost her life, weaponizing anti-Semi- equally allocated between the parties, of this Republic. tism. Alexander Hamilton warned of the and in no event shall debate continue And he has done it repeatedly and risks of impeachment becoming a par- beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other will not stop. He went on to do it with tisan act. In Federalist No. 65, he wrote than the majority and minority leaders the ban on transgender persons in the of his fear that, during impeachment, and the minority whip, shall be limited military, weaponizing homophobia. ‘‘ . there will always be the greatest to 5 minutes. This is not going to stop. We must danger that the decision will be regu- f move to impeach this President. lated more by comparative strength of I am proud to say that history, now, parties, than by the real demonstra- I RISE TO DEFEND DACA is going to record that, on this day, RECIPIENTS tions of innocence or guilt.’’ I fear the witnesses appeared to give testimony proceedings have not heeded this warn- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The with reference to why the President ing. Chair recognizes the gentleman from should be impeached. That is how the Impeachment was never designed to Texas (Mr. GREEN) for 5 minutes. testimony is going to be presented. be a supplemental election process but, Mr. GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I am not proud that this is hap- rather, a safety valve to be used in the and still I rise. And still I rise because pening. I love my country. I don’t want rarest of occasions when an elected of- I love my country. this to happen in my country. ficial acts in such an immoral and bla- And today I rise to defend those who I didn’t come to Congress to be a part tantly unlawful manner as to threaten are recipients of the DACA program. I of an impeachment effort against the the very basis of our Republic. rise to defend these young people be- President, but when a President at- I urge my colleagues on both sides of cause, unfortunately, bigotry is being tempts to weaponize race, bigotry, xen- the aisle to remember this as they as- weaponized against them. ophobia, Islamophobia, homophobia, sess the interviews, depositions, and I rise because the Chief Executive Of- that President ought to be impeached— hearings that are unfolding today and ficer has indicated that there are hard- and he will be. their impending vote on impeachment. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8787 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:14 Nov 14, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13NO7.000 H13NOPT1 Sspencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8788 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 13, 2019 Impeachment must not become Mr. BROOKS of Alabama. Mr. Speak- Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise weaponized. It cannot simply be an- er, I rise today to recognize the 50th today to congratulate Colonel Anthony other election tool. anniversary of Alabama Agricultural Polashek on his retirement from the The question before this body is not and Mechanical University. U.S. Air Force after 32 years of service. whether a Member is comfortable with The school was originally established Colonel Polashek graduated from Coe the rhetoric of the President, his polit- not long after the Civil War, in 1873, by College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, an offi- ical tactics, his use of Twitter, his pol- the legislature of the State of Ala- cer training school, before commis- icy choices, or his political rallies. The bama. Through the tireless efforts of sioning into the Air Force. question is: Have high crimes and mis- the first principal and president, Wil- During his long career, Colonel demeanors been committed? And if so, liam Hooper Council, the Huntsville Polashek’s deployments included Oper- they must be prepared to demonstrate Normal School opened on May 1, 1875, ation Desert Shield and Desert Storm that specifically. with an appropriation of $1,000 per and Operation Iraqi Freedom and En- I urge the Speaker of the House to year. It had 61 students and two in- during Freedom. By the end of his dis- ensure that each Member, should they structors. tinguished career, he logged more than desire, be afforded time, 5 minutes per In 1885, because of its success with in- 5,800 flight hours as a command pilot, Member, during debate on impeach- dustrial education, the Alabama Legis- more than 500 of which were in combat. ment to explain his or her view and im- lature changed its name to the State Since 2016, Colonel Polashek has pending vote. It is critical the Amer- Normal and Industrial School in served as commander of the 934th Air- ican people, who will be watching Huntsville. lift Wing, located at Minneapolis-St. closely, be afforded an opportunity to In 1891, the name was again changed Paul International Airport Air Reserve see and hear those views. to the State Agricultural and Indus- Station, overseeing 12 squadrons with Impeachment must not be based upon trial Institute for Negroes, and a new more than 1,400 airmen. polling data, election advantages, or location was provided at Normal, Ala- Minnesota has been fortunate to have social media commentary. It must be bama. such an accomplished member of our based upon clear and compelling facts. In 1969, the school became a fully ac- To do anything else threatens our Re- Nation’s Armed Forces lead the charge credited member of the Southern Asso- and train our airmen and -women of to- public. ciation of Colleges and Schools, and its I intend to approach this matter in morrow. name was changed to Alabama Agricul- Again, we congratulate Colonel just that way. I will uphold my oath tural and Mechanical University, the and vote as the circumstances require. Polashek on his retirement, and we name that it has today. wish him the best as he moves to his But this judgment also must not be In the 50 years since its university next chapter. preordained based on political party or designation and establishment of the political maneuvering by anyone serv- foundation, Alabama Agricultural and RECOGNIZING NANCY LIBERSKY’S LIFETIME OF SERVICE TO THE SMALL BUSINESS COMMUNITY ing in this Chamber. Mechanical University has grown to Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise f encompass widely respected programs today to recognize the Small Business in engineering, computer science, busi- NATIONAL APPRENTICESHIP WEEK Administration’s Minnesota district di- ness, food sciences, agricultural and 2019 rector, Nancy Libersky, on her retire- animal sciences, and education, as well The SPEAKER pro tempore.
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