Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 10-21-1961 UA19/17/1/4 Football Program - WKU vs University of Louisville WKU Athletic Media Relations Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Recommended Citation WKU Athletic Media Relations, "UA19/17/1/4 Football Program - WKU vs University of Louisville" (1961). WKU Archives Records. Paper 783. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/783 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • ! I . OFFICIAL PROGRAM i TWENTV-FIV1CENTS LOUISVILLE '" /' .. /:.,./< -.­ :I: ... (II II: III ( \ ~~~y mo o~ • Referee LEE CALLAND, LHB HOWARD WIRTZ H~d Linesman ) HOMECOMI NGDAY JIM Bflt;RESDORFER ~ . PARENTIS DAY Umpire I 1961 TOM ADKINS Field Judge JOHN DUVAL KEN KOR,lS, L T I , GOES WHERE YOU GO! NEW CELEBRITY PORTABLE Clearest, Sharpest . .. G-EI s Finest Picture Ever! * M203WG N Smoke oreen & Antique white 19" di zg .. 175 sq. in. s:reen RECEIVE UHF & VHF STATIONS WITH THIS NEW *1911 G-E PORTABLE! * New Hy-Power Chasis-Full Power Transformer * Fold-away, luggage type carrying handle * Built-in telescoping antenna-VHF, UHF * N' w "Daylight Blue" picture * Full year warranty on parts and tubes DISTRIBUTOR'S S U GG ESTED RETAIL PRICE SEE YOUR FAVORITE G-E TV DEALER TODAY! • A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Friends: Welcome to the University of LouisviUe's 1961 football games. Our fine Coaches and Captain John Finn tell us that we have the best material we have had for a number of years. The Freshmen are big and fast and we know what the rest of the team can do. We have five home games this season and they should be interesting ones with tougher competition on the schedule. Get behind our team and cheer them on to the best season we have ever had. Sincerely, ~hdif :Dao-id2ol2 Philip Davidson President $tanJilorJ MOTOR HOTEL AN Executive Inn EMerson 6-4511 MOTOR HOTEL I WATTERSON X-WAY & FREEDOM WAY AT AIRPORT - ACROSS FROM STADIUM "Diners Club • American Express • Hilton Carte Blanche" ROOM SERVICE - DIRECT DIAL TELEPHONES IN EACH ROOM - FREE TELEVISION 200 Air Conditioned Units • 2 Swimming Pools • Courtesy Car Service To & From Airport Free TWX Reservations To Other Executive Inn MOTOR HOTELS CALUMET CITY - CINCINNATI - INDIANAPOLIS - LOUISVILLE - NORFOLK - DAYTON 1 AT SIRC/Ulr WE CARE...ABOUT YOU ... ABOUTYOUR CAR SINCLAIR DINO GASOLINE, at regular price, matches the performance of premium gasolines in 3 out of 5 cars. It's made to give you the most for your gasoline dollar. Fill up at the sign of the famous Sinclair Dinosaur. SINCLAIR REFIN ING CO MPAN Y· LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Administration President Dr. Philip Davidson Exec. Vice President Woodrow Strickler Vice President Wm. J. McGlothlin University Counselor Charles Farnsley Alumni Director Leslie Shively Registrar John Houchens Supervisor of Kelly Lewis Bu ilding & Grounds Director of c. P. Dunbar I nstitutionaL Services University of Louisville Bursar Norbert Elbert InternaL Auditor William Davidson Department Leaders Librarian Evely n Schneider Cashier Ruth Koch Eli Brown Lee MiI1er John Collis Deans Adele Brandeis Robert Burke. Jr. SchooL of Music Dr. Robert Whitney Trustees Kent SchooL Dr. Arleigh Lincoln Henry Offutt University CoLLege Dr. William Huffman Dr. O. O. Miller Potice I nstitute D avid McCandless Arth ur Almstedt D ean of Men D avid Lawrence Dean of Women Mrs. Cecil Stokes Eugene Hill Arts and Sciences Dr. Richard Barber Wathen Knebelkamp SchooL of Business Dr. John Craf SchooL of Medicine Dr. Murray Kinsman SchooL of Dentistry D r. R aymond Meyers Woodrow Strickler School of Law Dr. Marlin Volz Carl Abner Speed School Dr. R. C. Ernst Morton Walker Norbert Elber t Athletic Fred K oster COMPILED AND EDITED BY LES WILSON Council Bernard Hickman Dr. Guy Stevenson Athletic Public Relations Director Morris Bein IPaul Kendall UNIVEHSlTY O:F L OUISVILLE Compliments of K& I Fruit House· Lo uisville Refining Co. 200 E. Jefferson JUniper 4-6302 Cafeteria & Student Snack Bar 1300 SOUTH WESTERN PKWY. Catering to University of Louisville Koehler Stamp & Stationery GO, CARDS, GO !! One-Day Service on all Rubber Stamp orders Ransdell Surgical, Inc. 406 West Main - JUniper 4-2101 548 S. 3rd 2 II Louisville Mill Supply Co. Neill La Vielle Supply Company 520 So. 15th St. 22 11 South Brook Street Louisville 8, Kentucky GENERAL MILL SUPPLIES COMPLETE STEEL WAREHOUSE Trophies Medals Awards MACHINE TOOLS Geo. C. Richards & Co., Inc. POWER TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT Manufacturers of " F 01" ove'l" 76 years a Louisville Institution" SCHOOL and COLLEGE JEWELRY 124 West Main Street Phone 584-0145 Phone MElrose 7 -5401 University of Louisville Athletic Family Athletic Director ... .. ... ... ... Bernard "Peck" Hickman Ticket Manager . Les Wilson Head Football Coach . ...... ..... ... Frank Camp Assistant F100tball Coach ... J. D. Dunn Assistant Football Coach .. Roy Pugh Assistant FootbalI Coach .... Clark Wood Head BasketbalI Coach "Peck" Hickman Assistant BasketbalI Coach. .. ............ John Dromo Freshman BasketbalI Coach ................ John Dromo Track Coach . .. ........ Clark Wood Assistant Track Ooach . .. ....... Joe Trabue BasebalI Coach .... .. ........ Dr. John Heldman Golf Coach. .. .............. John Dromo Swimming Coach J eff Johnston Tennis Coach . ... Don Kaiser Director of Intramurals ElIis Mendelsohn Trainer. .... Jim Bible Public Relations ... .. .. Les Wilson Bernard "Peck" Hickman GEORGE cqHN. JR. - PRESIDENT MARSHALL BENSINGER - VICE PRESIDENT H . RAY HATTON - TREASURER WILLIAM T . WARNER - SECRETARY E. S. TACHAU AND SONS, INC. INSURANCE 315 GUTHRIE - 4TH FLOOR • JUNIPER 5-5385 3 BRANTLEY SECURITY SERVICE 31 YEARS EXPERIENCE I N CROWD MANAGEMENT • Complete Ushering Service For All Events All Teenage and Young Adult Socia! Functions • AUDITORIUMS • THEATRES • STADIUMS • TICKET TAKERS • PARKING SERVICE • WEDDINGS & RECEPTIONS EMerson 6-0265 IF NO ANSWER DIAL EMERSON 6 · 9592 GLENDALE 2 · 2833 STATE FAIRGROUNDS Best Wishes CONS UMERS SUPPLY CO. Incorporated For A Successful Season Ready-Mixed Concrete Plant No. 1 Clay and River Road Rowland Paper Company Plant No.2 340 Byrne St. Inc. JU 5-5377 J I W ELDERS SUPPL Y COMPANY of louisville. Inc. HEhlNGER and SHUCK AU TH ORIZED AI RCO DEALER 5101 Crittenden Drive We lding & Cuttino Ga ses Apparatus & Suppli es Arc Welders National Carbide EM 3·2613 LOU IS W. WR IGHT, Owner ME 7·4771- ME 7.4772 335 Boxley Ave. Louisville, Ky. TOPS LITHO-PLATE INC. 2801 So. Floyd St. IN ENERGY Service For The Lithographic Trade MElrose 7 -6229 FOODS Complete layout, Art, ' Camera, Stripping, Color and Black and White, Plates, Step and Repeat. 4 - 1961 Edition Fighting Car,dinals THE BOSS Frank Camp, Head Coach Frank Camp, known by friends , players and associates as "Little Man," "Silent Man," and many other nicknames, is known by opponents as some­ one they'd rather not have to face year after year. Reason is an inventive mind that can analyze a defense and prepare an offense that will score. Camp's success as a grid coach is reflected in his record. Now entering his 16th year at the helm of the Cards, his overall record stands at 80 vic­ tories, 55 seHbacks and two ties. In those 135 con­ tests, the Universi,ty of Louisville has been shut ou t only seven times. U. of L. has experienced only four losing sea­ sons during Camp's 15 years here and three of them came during a four-year p eriod when a de­ emphasi,s program in football prevailed. In those four years, the Cards still won 12 games, but they lost 23. Discounting those four years, Coach Camp's record at U. of L. would be 68-32-2. Top Camp teams came in 1947 when the Cards posted a 7-0 record and were tied once and 1957 solid gridders like Rex Warner, George Bertram, when the Redbirds posted a 9-1 mark, including a Andy Walker, Ed Young, Maurice Wofford, Jim victory in the annuaLS un Bowl Classic at EI Paso, Wolfe-;- Howard Turley, Larry Cadwell, Mario Texas. Cheppo and Ken Porco. One of the finest compliments accorded to a Following his graduation in_1930 from Transyl­ coach was recently directed to Coach Camp when vania College (he was a "gutty" 135-pound college one of the top college coaches in the nation said quarterback), Frank Camp took over at Henderson at a coaching clinic, "Frank Camp has one of the High. He is 50 years of age. He and his wife Nancy finest minds in football. I wish I could be lucky are the parents of four daughters. enough to have him on my staff." Year after year, the Cards have been able, His fame has spread in the last few years even under Frank Camp's leadership, to play a schedule more due to the success of Johnny Unitas who against schools who have sufficient scholarships to graduated from the University of Louisville and field freshman squads, thence having more boys is today "Mr. Football." Besides the Baltimore Colt from which to select a varsity team. The fact that star, he also developed Lenny Lyles of the San U. of L. has suffered only four losing seasons Francisco 49'ers and such greats as Jim "Boom against such competition is adequate proof that Boom" Williams, Ross Lucia, John Brewer, Joe Frank Camp should rank among the best college Trabue and men who were unhearalded but were coaches in football today. 5 ASSIST "-t\NT COACHES Clark Wood Roy Pugh every phase of coaching and like Coach D unn, is J. D. Dunn, Assistant Coach a skilled recruiter. After graduating from U.K. in 1942, Coach Back in 1947, the "Genial Gentleman from Wood served as a tank commander during World Alabama" arrived on the campus.
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