1776 Edwards Stone 1918 Foote Horton 1984 Lane Nick $10,000 Reward Bush & Cook 13 by Shanley Shanley John Patrick 13 Rue De L'amour Green Mawby 1940’s Radio Hours, The Jones Walton 1984 Orwell George 2 Lives Laurents Arthur 2.5 Minute Ride Kron Lisa 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Sheinkin Rachel 4 Plays: The Lady from the Sea, John Gabriel Borkman, Ghosts, An Enemy of Ibsen Henrik the People 4.48 Psychosis Kane Sarah 42nd Street Michael Stewart 5 Plays Weller Michael 6 Rms Riv Vu Randall Bob 84 Charing Cross Road Hanff Helen 9 Circles Cain Bill 9 Parts of Desire Raffo Heather Abe Lincoln in Illinois Sherwood Robert Abroad Weller Michael Absence of a Cello, The Wallach Ira Absent Friends Ayckbourn Alan Absurd Person Singular Ayckbourn Alan Accidental Death of an Anarchist Fo Dario Ace High McMullen J.C. Acrobats Horovitz Israel Acts of Faith Felt Marilyn Addict McDonough Jerome Adding Machine, The Rice Elmer Adding Machine: A Musical Loewith & Schmidt Adding Machine: A Musical, The Schmidt Joshua Admirable Crichton, The Barrie J.M. Adrift in Macao Durang Christopher After Ashley Gionfriddo Gina After Miss Julie Marber Patrick After the Fall Miller Arthur After the Rain Bowen John Agamemnon Aeshylus Agnes of God Pielmeier John Agnes of God Pielmeier John Ah Wilderness! O’Neill Eugene Ain't Misbehavin' Waller Fats Album Rimmer David Alcestis Euripides Alchemist, The Jonson Ben Alchemy DaVinci Phillips Louis Alfred the Great Horowitz Israel Alice's Adventures Underground Lopez Melinda All American Strouse, Adams, Brooks & Rogers All For Love Dryden John All in the Timing Ives David All My Sons Miller Arthur All Over Albee Edward All Set for Murder Carter Beatrix All the Better to Kill You With Carmichael Fred All the Girls Came Out to Play Johnson Richard All the King’s Horses Fuson Deni Almost Like Being Van Itallie Jean-Claude Aloha, Say the Pretty Girls Lizuka Naomi Amadeus Shaffer Peter Amedee Ionesco Eugene America Hurrah Van Itallie Jean-Claude America Play & Other Works, The Parks Suzan-Lori American Blues - Five Short Plays: The Dark Room, Moony's Kid Don't Cry, Williams Tennessee Ten Blocks on the Camino Real, The Case of the Crushed Petunias, The Unsatisfactory Supper American Buffalo Mamet David American Buffalo Mamet David American Clock & the Archbishop's Ceiling, The Miller Arthur American Dream, The Albee Edward American Women! Barefield LG Amorous Flea, The Devine Jerry Amphitryon Von Kleist Heinrich Amphitryon 38 Behrman S.N. Amulets Against the Dragon Forces Zindel Paul An Enemy of the People (adapted by Arthur Miller) Ibsen Henrik An Ideal Husband Oscar Wilde An Inspector Calls Priestley J.B. An Italian American Reconciliation Shanley John Patrick An Overpraised Season Dunlop Richard Anagram of Murder Matthews Seymour Anastasia Maurette Marcelle Anatomy of a Murder Winer Elihu And A Nightengale Sang Taylor C.P. And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little Zindel Paul And Then I Wrote Sharkey Jack And They Put Handcufs on the Flowers Arrabel Fernando Andorra Frisch Max Androcles and the Lion Shaw George Bernard Andromache Euripides Andromache Racine Jean Angel Comes to Babylon & Romulus the Great, The Durrenmatt Friedrich Angel Comes to Babylon, An Durrenmatt Friedrich Angel Street Hamilton Patrick Angels Fall Wilson Lanford Angels in America: Millenium Approaches Kushner Tony Angels in America: Perestroika Kushner Tony Animal Crackers Kaufman & Ryskind Animal Farm Bond Nelson Animal Farm (adt. Nelson Bond) Orwell George Animal Farm (adt. Peter Hall) Orwell George Anna Christie O'Neill Eugene Anna Christie, The Emporer Jones, The Hairy Ape O'Neill Eugene Anna in the Tropics Cruz Nilo Anna in the Tropics Cruz Nilo Ann's Little Affair Osborne Harry Another Part of the Forest Hellman Lillian Antigone Cocteau Jean Antigone Sophocles Antigone Anouilh Jean Antigone, The Sophocles Antoine Feval Gibbs Chris Any Wednesday Resnik Muriel Anybody for Murder? Clemons Brian Anyone Can Whistle Laurents & Sondheim Applause Comden & Green Betty & Adolph Applause Comden & Green Apple Pie McNally Terrence Apple Tree, The Bock & Harnick Appollo of Bellac, The Giradoux Jean Approaching Moomtaj Weller Michael The Arabian Nights Grundy Sydney Arcadia Stoppard Tom Arcadia Stoppard Tom Arms & the Man, Back to Methuselah Shaw G.B. Arms and the Man Shaw George Bernard Armstrong's Last Goodnight Arden John Around the World in 80 Days Brown Mark Arrow Davis Bill C Arsenic and Old Lace Joseph Kesselring Art Reza Yasmina Art Reza Yasmina Art of Dining, The Howe Tina Art of Self-Defense, The Johnson Trish Art of Succuss, The Dear Nick Artichoke Glass Joanna Artist and the Model Schisgal Murray As Bees in Honey Drown Carter-Beane Douglas As Is Hoffman William Ashes to Ashes and Other Plays Pinter Harold Aspects of Oscar Day Barry At Home Weller Michael Athaliah Racine Jean Aunt Dan & Lemon Shawn Wallace Aunt Dan & Lemon Shawn Wallace Aunt Tillie Goes to Town! Braun Wilbur Auntie Mame Lawrence & Lee Autumn Garden, The Hellman Lillian Awake and Sing Odets Clifford Baal Brecht Bertolt Baal, Drums in the Night, In the Jungle of Cities Brecht Bertolt Baby With the Bathwater Durang Christopher The Bacchae of Euripides: A Communion Rite Soyinka Wole Bacchae, The Euripides Bad Habits (Ravenswood & Dunelawn) McNally Terrence Bad Jazz Farquar Robert Baggage Lockwood Doug Bakersfield Mist Sacks Stephen The Bakkhai (Translated by Robert Bagg) Euripides Balcony, The Genet Jean Bald Soprano, The Ionesco Eugene Ballad of the Sad Café, The Albee Edward Ballroom Kass, Goldenberg & Bergman Baltimore Waltz, The Vogel Paula Barber of Seville, The Beaumarchais Pierre Barefoot in the Park Simon Neil Barnum: A Musical Suggested by the Life of P.T. Barnum Bramble & Stewart Barrets of Wimpole Street, The Besier Rudolf Barrymore Luce William Basement, The Pinter Harold Basiz Training of Pavlo Hummel, The Rabe David Bat, The Roberts Rinehart Mary Battering Ram Freeman David Battle Royal Stafford Nick Bear Witness Reach James Bear, The Chekhov Anton Beard of Avon, The Freed Amy Beau Jest: A Romantic Comedy Sherman James Becket Anouilh Jean Becoming Memories Giron Arthur Bedroom Farce Ayckbourn Alan Beggar’s Opera, The Gay John Beggars in the House Plenty Shanley John Patrick Beggar's Opera, The Gay John Beginning of August, The Donaghy Tom A Behanding in Spokane McDonagh Martin Behind the Green Curtains O'Casey Sean Bell Book and Candle Van Druten John Belmont Avenue Social Club Graham Bruce Benefactors Frayn Michael Benito Cereno Lowell Robert Bent Sherman Martin Berenice Racine Jean Best Christmas Pageant Ever, The Barbara Robinson Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, The Hall Carol Best Television Plays Vidal Gore Betrayal Pinter Harold The Betrothed Guha Dipika Better Off Dead Sturnick Shawn Betty's Summer Vacation Durang Christopher Beverly Horovitz Israel Beyond the Fringe: A Revue Bennett, Cook, Miller & Moore Beyond the Horizon O'Neill Eugene Big Funk, The Shanley John Patrick Big Maggie Keane John Big Mother, An Evening for Merlin Finch, The Last Straw Dizenzo Charles Big River Hauptman William Big…..Bad….Mouse! King Philip Bill W and Dr. Bob Bergman Stephen Bill W. and Dr. Bob Shem & Surrey Billy Bishop Goes to War Gray John Billy Budd Coxe / Chapman Louis / Robert Biloxi Blues Simon Neil Biography Behrman SN Birds of Paradise Holzman & Evans Birds, The Aristophanes Birthday Party, The Pinter Harold Bizarre Behavior - 6 Plays: Gemini, Ulysses in Traction, The Transfiguration of Innurato Albert Benno Blimpie, Urlicht, Wisdom Amok, Earth Worms Black Coffee Christie Agatha Blackbird Harower David Blackbird Harrower David Blacks, The Genet Jean Blinded by the Sun Poliakoff Stephen Blithe Spirit Coward Noel Blood Knot Fugard Athol Blowing Whistles Todd Matthew Blue Angel Von Sternberg Josef Blue Ball, The Godfrey Paul Blue Room, The Hare David Blue Window Three Postcards Lucas Craig Blue/Orange Penthall Joe Body Awareness Annie Baker Body Awareness Baker Annie Boeing Boeing Camoletti Marc Boesman and Lena Fugard Athol Bond, The Strindberg August Book of Days Wilson Lanford Boom Machtreib Peter Boom Nachtrieb Peter Born Yesterday Ruth Gordon Born Yesterday Kanin Garson Bosoms and Neglect Guare John Boston Marriage Mamet David Boston Marriage David Mamet A Boston Story Gow Ronald Bottled-Up Man, The O’Brien John Bounce Roos Don Boy Gets Girl Gilman Rebecca Boy Meets Girl, Spring Song Spewack Bella & Samuel Boys from Syracuse, The Rodgers Hammerstein Boys Next Door, The Griffin Tom Brand Ibsen Henrik Break of Day, The Wertenbaker Timberlake Break of Noon Claudel Paul Breaking the Code Whitemore Hugh Breaking the Code Whitemore Hugh Breath of Life, The Hare David Brecht on Brecht Tabori George A Breeze from the Gulf Crowley Martin Brighton Beach Memoirs Simon Neil Brilliant Traces Cindy Lou Johnson Britannicus Racine Jean Broadway Bound Simon Neil Broken Heart, The Ford John Broken Jug, The Von Kleist Heinrich Broken Promises Hwang David Henry Broke-ology Jackson Nathan Brooklyn Boy Margulies Donald Browning Version, The Rattigan Terence Brute, The Chekhov Anton Bubbly Black Girl Sheds Her Chameleon Skin, The Childs Kirsten Bullfight Stevens Leslie Bullshot Crummond House Ron Bunbury Jacobson Tom Burgomaster, The Hofman Gert Buried Child Shepard Sam Burn This Wilson Lanford Burned House, The Strindberg August Bus Stop Inge William Bus Stop Inge William Butley Gray Simon Butterflies Are Free Gershe Leonard By Scott Joplin and Louis Chauvin Overmyer Eric Cabaret Kander & Ebb Caesar & Cleopatra Shaw George Bernard Cahoots Johnston Rick The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial Wouk Herman California Suite Simon Neil Caligula and Three Other Plays Camus Albert Calvin Berger Wyner Barry Camino Real Williams Tennessee Candida Shaw George Bernard Candide Voltaire Candide (musical) Hellman Lillian Candy & Dorothy Johnston David Captain Brasbound’s Conversation Shaw George Bernard Captain's Doll, The Zinn Jeff Careless Love Jenkin Len Caretaker & The Dumb Waiter, The Pinter Harold Caretaker, The Pinter Harold Carthaginiaus and Baglady McGuinness Frank Cascando Beckett Samuel Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Williams Tennessee Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Williams Tennessee Catalpa O'Kelly Donal Catastrophe Beckett Samuel Catch 22 Heller Joseph Cathleen Ni Hoolihan Yeats W.B.
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