Tics of Croaking Gourami? Through Which Oxygen Can Be Absorbed from the Croaking Gourami Is a Tropical Freshwater Air

Tics of Croaking Gourami? Through Which Oxygen Can Be Absorbed from the Croaking Gourami Is a Tropical Freshwater Air

«“√ “√¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬∑—°…‘≥ ™’««‘∑¬“¢Õߪ≈“°√‘¡ : ªï∑’Ë 10 ©∫—∫∑’Ë 1 ¡°√“§¡ - ¡‘∂ÿπ“¬π 2550 72 ª≈“∑’Ë √â“߇ ’¬ß‰¥â Thaksin.J., Vol.10 (1) January - June 2007 ÿª“≥’ ‡≈’Ȭßæ√æ√√≥ ·≈–§≥– ∫∑§«“¡«‘™“°“√ ™’««‘∑¬“¢Õߪ≈“°√‘¡ : ª≈“∑’Ë √â“߇ ’¬ß‰¥â Biology of croaking gourami Trichopsis vittata : The fish that croaks! ÿª“≥’ ‡≈’Ȭßæ√æ√√≥ ª√.¥. («‘∑¬“»“ μ√凙‘ߧ”π«≥) Supanee Liengpornpan Ph.D. (Computational Science) ¿“§«‘™“™’««‘∑¬“ §≥–«‘∑¬“»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬∑—°…‘≥ Biology Department, Faculty of Science, Thaksin University ¡—≈≈‘°“ ‡®√‘≠ ÿ∏“ ‘π’ Mullica Jaroensutasinee Ph.D. (Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour) “¢“«‘™“«‘∑¬“»“ μ√凙‘ߧ”π«≥ ”π—°«‘™“«‘∑¬“»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬«≈—¬≈—°…≥å Computational Science Programme, School of Science, Walailak University °ƒ…≥–‡¥™ ‡®√‘≠ ÿ∏“ ‘π’ Krisanadej Jaroensutasinee Ph.D. (Computational Physics) “¢“«‘™“«‘∑¬“»“ μ√凙‘ߧ”π«≥ ”π—°«‘™“«‘∑¬“»“ μ√å ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬«≈—¬≈—°…≥å Computational Science Programme, School of Science, Walailak University Keywords : Croaking gourami, Trichopsis vittata, Bubble nest, Labyrinth, Sound production, Female preference, Male-male competition, Larval development Abstract Croaking gourami Trichopsis vittata Cuvier, 1831 is a small tropical freshwater fish of the subor- der Anabantoidea, family Osphronemidae. This fish is very popular in the aquarium fish trade in occidental countries because of its interesting behaviour and easy keeping. Male is slightly larger than female. This fish commonly inhabits shallow standing water with dense aquatic or floating vegetation. Additionally, ™’««‘∑¬“¢Õߪ≈“°√‘¡ : «“√ “√¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬∑—°…‘≥ ª≈“∑’Ë √â“߇ ’¬ß‰¥â 73 ªï∑’Ë 10 ©∫—∫∑’Ë 1 ¡°√“§¡ - ¡‘∂ÿπ“¬π 2550 ÿª“≥’ ‡≈’Ȭßæ√æ√√≥ ·≈–§≥– Thaksin.J., Vol.10 (1) January - June 2007 croaking gourami can survive in poorly oxygenated water due to the existence of an air-breathing organ called a labyrinth. Both sexes produce a croaking sound by rapid pectoral fin beating during courting and fighting. ∫∑§—¥¬àÕ ª≈“°√‘¡‡ªìπª≈“πÈ”®◊¥¢π“¥‡≈Á°„π‡¢μ√âÕπ ®—¥Õ¬Ÿà„π suborder Anabantoidea, family Osphronemidae π‘¬¡‡≈’Ȭ߇ªìπª≈“μŸâ„πª√–‡∑»·∂∫μ–«—πμ°·≈–¬ÿ‚√ª ‡π◊ËÕß®“°¡’æƒμ‘°√√¡∑’Ëπà“ π„®·≈–‡≈’Ȭßßà“¬ ª≈“°√‘¡‡æ»ºŸâ¡’ ¢π“¥„À≠à°«à“ª≈“°√‘¡‡æ»‡¡’¬‡≈Á°πâÕ¬ ‚¥¬ª°μ‘·≈⫪≈“°√‘¡®–Õ“»—¬Õ¬Ÿà„π·À≈àßπÈ”π‘Ëß∑’Ëμ◊Èπ·≈–‡μÁ¡‰ª¥â«¬æ◊™πÈ” πÕ°®“°π’Ȫ≈“°√‘¡¬—ß “¡“√∂¡’™’«‘μ√Õ¥„π·À≈àßπÈ”∑’Ë¡’ª√‘¡“≥°ä“´ÕÕ°´‘‡®π≈–≈“¬Õ¬ŸàπâÕ¬¡“°‰¥â ‡π◊ËÕß®“°¡—π¡’ Õ«—¬«–摇»…∑’ˇ√’¬°«à“ labyrinth ª≈“°√‘¡∑—Èß Õß‡æ» “¡“√∂ √â“߇ ’¬ß‰¥â®“°°“√°√–æ◊Õ§√’∫Õ°Õ¬à“ß√«¥‡√Á«„π √–À«à“ß°“√‡°’Ȭ«æ“√“ ’·≈–°“√μàÕ Ÿâ Why is this Fish Named çCroaking sometimes called labyrinth fish because it possesses Gouramié? an accessory breathing organ known as the laby- Croaking gourami Trichopsis vittata Cuvier, rinth organ (McInerny and Gerard, 1966). 1831 is a freshwater fish of the suborder Anabantoidea, family Osphronemidae native to What are the Distinguishing Traits of Java, Borneo, Sumatra, Malaya, Indo-China, and Croaking Gourami? Thailand and spans perhaps a wider geographic Croaking gourami is a small torpedo shaped area than any other species of gouramis (Smith, fish with a size about 3.0-4.0 cm. Male is slightly 1945; Sandford, 2000). This species also has some larger than female. The mouth is small upstanding commercial value in the aquarium fish industry. and the tail is pointed. The colouration is highly This fish species has a variety of common variable from pale brown and green to dark purple. names (Table 1), but it usually is called the croak- Female tends to be paler than male and has a slightly ing gourami or croaking gouramis (i.e. plural name) shorter anal fin. All fins are reddish with blue high- which refers to the high-pitched rattling or croak- lights like an iridescent coloration on their edges ing sound clearly made by both sexes during breed- (Liengpornpan et al., 2006). The maleûs dorsal fin ing displays and the establishment of dominance is pointed, while the femaleûs is rounded. The fins hierarchies among males (Kratochvil, 1978). The are long; the first pelvic fin ray of the male is latin word çvittatusé means çbandé and refers to modified into an elongate filament (McInerny and the three horizontal stripes on the fishûs body. Thus, Gerard, 1966). The anal fin has threadlike exten- this fish is occasionally called the striped croaking sion on the back end of the fin and starts approxi- gourami. Scientific synonyms are Osphromenus mately 2/3 down the body. Adult has 3 spines plus vittatus and Ctenops vittatus. Croaking gourami is 7-8 branch rays on the dorsal fin, and 6-9 spines «“√ “√¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬∑—°…‘≥ ™’««‘∑¬“¢Õߪ≈“°√‘¡ : ªï∑’Ë 10 ©∫—∫∑’Ë 1 ¡°√“§¡ - ¡‘∂ÿπ“¬π 2550 74 ª≈“∑’Ë √â“߇ ’¬ß‰¥â Thaksin.J., Vol.10 (1) January - June 2007 ÿª“≥’ ‡≈’Ȭßæ√æ√√≥ ·≈–§≥– Table 1 Common names of croaking gourami in some countries. Common or vernacular name Country Croaking gourami USA, Australia Talking gourami UK Pla krim, pla kadpa Thailand Ca′ bai trau` Viet Nam Cupang, jeplang Indonesia Karim Malaysia Pa math or pa mat Laos Knorrande gurami Sweden Knurrende gurami Denmark Knurrende gurami Germany Murisijarihmakala Finland Skrzeczyk pregowany Poland Trey kroem kdah Cambodia China Main Source: http://filaman.ifm-geomar.de/comnames/CommonNamesList.cfm?ID=4728 plus 19-28 branch rays on anal fin (Hemsiri and elongated structures extending posterior as far Termvidchakorm, 2001). This fish has three black- back as the dorsal fin (Figure 1) (Marshall, 1967; ish horizontal stripes on the body in which two Liengpornpan et al., 2006). The best way to see stripes run from the mouth to the anal fin, while this is to look at the fish in a small container and another stripe starts behind the eye and goes to the hold it up to the light to see its ovary. anal fin. The iris is bright blue or purple. There are several varieties of croaking gourami even from the same locality. Some adult fish have no spot; on the other hand, others have one or two spots located near the gill cover. If the spot is present, it is usually larger in male than in female. This spot was formerly believed to be a male sign (Sandford, 2000). At present, female was identified by its ovary showing through the scales as yellowish Figure 1 Croaking gourami female with ovary. ™’««‘∑¬“¢Õߪ≈“°√‘¡ : «“√ “√¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬∑—°…‘≥ ª≈“∑’Ë √â“߇ ’¬ß‰¥â 75 ªï∑’Ë 10 ©∫—∫∑’Ë 1 ¡°√“§¡ - ¡‘∂ÿπ“¬π 2550 ÿª“≥’ ‡≈’Ȭßæ√æ√√≥ ·≈–§≥– Thaksin.J., Vol.10 (1) January - June 2007 What are the Natural Habitat Characteris- folds called lamelli filled with blood vessels, tics of Croaking Gourami? through which oxygen can be absorbed from the Croaking gourami is a tropical freshwater air. The membranes in the labyrinth are richly fish that commonly inhabits small weedy streams, supplied with blood vessels so that the chamber roadside ditches, rice paddies, irrigation canals and serves for auxiliary breathing in water that is just about every other small body of water through- deficient in oxygen. The highly vascularised and out this range even polluted waters (Bhaibulaya et convoluted tissue stores air and allows croaking al., 1979). The fish will become severely stressed gourami to gulp air directly from the atmosphere. in bare tanks without various hiding places. A darker This fish is capable of utilising the oxygen present substrate will make this fish species feels at the water surface by swallowing air bubbles at comfortable and helps show-off its subtle colour. frequent intervals, holding them in the labyrinth This fish is often found in company with wild organ for extended periods of time, and then Siamese fighting fish. forcing them out through the gill covers (Moyle The natural flooded habitats of croaking and Cech, 2000). With the ability to breathe air gourami in Nakhonsithammarat Province, south- directly from the atmosphere, croaking gourami is ern Thailand (08° 29.381′- 08° 29.384′ N, 99° able to survive in anoxic water. One impact of 55.138′- 99° 55.437′ E) are characterised by low predation on croaking gourami is the frequency values in pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), transpar- and location of atmospheric air breathing. In the ency, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), nitrite, presence of the predator, the fish tends to breathe nitrate, phosphate and water depth but high values air less frequently. Most activities, including in specific conductance, total dissolved solids territorial defence, ritualised behaviour, and (TDS) and temperature relative to water qualities courtship displays are always interrupted by the measured from natural streams and rivers need for croaking gourami to take an air breath (Liengpornpan et al., 2006). Croaking gourami is (Graham, 1997). In addition, male croaking tolerant to fairly high temperature which can be gourami expels air bubbles through its mouth and used to eliminate fish diseases in aquarium. In builds nest of froth on the water surface. Female addition, higher temperature brings out the lays its eggs in the nest, which is subsequently colours of croaking gourami. tended by the male. The froth nest and labyrinth organ of croaking gourami are obviously adapta- How does Croaking Gourami Respire? tions for life in the stagnant hypoxia water. In Croaking gourami can survive in poorly addition, air breathing serves to protect croaking oxygenated water due to the existence of an gourami from excessive water pollution so it plays air-breathing organ called a labyrinth or an air- an important role in the biological control of filled suprabranchial chamber (Graham, 1997). This insects in urban areas. organ is located above the gill and consists of skin «“√ “√¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬∑—°…‘≥ ™’««‘∑¬“¢Õߪ≈“°√‘¡ : ªï∑’Ë 10 ©∫—∫∑’Ë 1 ¡°√“§¡ - ¡‘∂ÿπ“¬π 2550 76 ª≈“∑’Ë √â“߇ ’¬ß‰¥â Thaksin.J., Vol.10 (1) January - June 2007 ÿª“≥’ ‡≈’Ȭßæ√æ√√≥ ·≈–§≥– How does Croaking Gourami Produce are fully developed, single pulses give way to Sound? double pulses produced by two enlarged tendons Croaking gourami produces intraspecific of each pectoral fin. This double pulse is low in sound (Wysocki and Ladich, 2002) which starts frequency and high in amplitude.

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