PAOB TWENTY-FOUR MONDAY, MAY 6, 1668 iimtriffiitpr €it»nfng H^ralii Average Daily Net-Preas Ron The Weather For The Week Ended Manchester Lodge of Masons St. EUaabeith’a MdSieni d r - The Rockville Emblem d u b The executive board of Bow­ May 4, 19« Clear tonight. Low near 80. About Town ■ will meet tomorrow at 7 :30 p.m. cl« will meet Wadneaday at will have a potluck and Mothers ers School PTA will meet to­ MosUy sunny tomorrow. High at the Masonic Temple. The en­ 8:16 pxri. at the hnme fA Mire. Day program Wednesday at morrow at 8 p.m. at the school lianrijpfitpr lEuptttng UpraUi in mid to upper 60s. ArittMony Gryk, 37 Academy 6:30 p.m. at the Elk’s, Home, library. Tlw Bcnnet Junior Hlfh School tered Apprentice degree will 15,070 St. Mm. Bruno Lattjva is co- Park St., Rockville. Mrs. Stan- ;antW(iilitblHStin|iort]it... PT80 will conduct iU Annual be conferred. James A. Strat­ Manehe$ter— A City of ViUage Chmrm hMteM. mektlnr and election of officers ford, junior warden, will pre­ leY McCray is program chair­ The executive board o f Buck- tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. In Cafe­ side. man. A meeting will be conduct­ ley School.PTA will meet to­ (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1968 (OhMollled AdverUoIng on Page 86) PRICE TEN CENTS ed at 8 p.m. VOL. LXXXVU, NO. 185 teria Two. Pupils will hold a de­ The Army-Navy d u b Auxili­ night at 8 at the home of Mrs. bate on Vietnam, and a brief The Manchester-Bolton Wel­ ary will have Its annual outing CUarlea Young, 186 W. Vernon orientation discussion. come Wagon will meet and elect Sunday, June 9, at Victor’s Cat­ The Marine Corps League St. officers tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. ering Service, Tolland Tpke. Re­ Auxiliary will meet Wednesday at Mott’s Community Hall. The servations may be made with $595 $700 Weather forecasting will be at 8 p.m. at the Marine Home, St. James’ BDoly Name So­ $300 event Is open to all area new­ Mrs. Harry Mahoney, IIB Blue- Parker St. the h^ic for the meeting of the ciety will meet tonight at 8 at Wedding comers who have been contact­ field Dr.; Mrs. Rose Crane, 96 More Important than aiza if the cutting, the clarity and the Fellowcraft Club of Manchester St. James’ School Hail. MOj. ed by a Welcome Wagon host­ Essex St.; or Mrs. John Vince, color. Size alone in determining the value of a diamond It Lodge of Masons tonight at 7 :30 Temple Chapter, Order of Francle Miner, aaelstant com­ mitleading. Wa offer all 3 aame-flza diamonds lliustratad Armored Vehicles Section ess. 227 McKee St. Eastern Star, will meet Wednes­ and would welcome the opportunity to explain the difference Taxes Rise 4.1 Mills at the Masonic Temple. The mandant o f the Rocky Hill Today’s Herald contains a day at 8 p.m. at the Masonic in prices. Do come In. No obligation, of course. speaker is Donald A. Chisholm Veterans Home and Hospital, special of interest to brides- Buckley School library staff of Travelers Research Center. Strickland Group of Second Temple. After a. business meet­ will speak. to-be, to their families and will meet tomorrow at 9:80 a.m. INSIST ON A TREASURE CHEST DIAMOND FOR QUALITY AND VALUE Invited guests are members and Congregational Church will ing, members of John Mather friends, and, of course, to their wives of the Master’s Club at the school library. meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Chapter, Order of DeMolay for Cut Off VC Attack .their prospecUve bridegroom. of Friendship Lodge of Masons. home of Mrs. Walter Smith, R t Boys, will present the Mother’s You’ll find it on pages 3 to The book discussion group of I4A, Bolton. Degree. Miss Mary L. Dickson, MICHAELS JEWELERS Main St.. MantAester 12. It contains informaUon To Meet Town Budget past matron, is chairman of a LIQQETT DRUG my thrusts both around Saigon The Infantrymen reported kill­ Members of the Manchester the Newcomers dub of the SAIGON (A P )— Ameri­ about wedding plans and pre­ St. Gerards Mothers Circle refreshment committee. PARKADE and In South Vietnam’s northern ing-35 enemy soldiers, and five Junior Women’s Club will have YWCA will meet tonight at 8 can tanks and armored per- . .v paring for marriage. will meet tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. Americans were wounded. a duplicate bridge party tomor­ at the home of Mrs. John lo v e ­ OPEN sonnel rarriera ioined the at the home of Mrs. John Doug- Llnne Lodge, Knights of Py­ sonnet rarners joinea me North viptnnmi>su>Vietnamese »a hanmininvbargaining A number of civilians also The Manchester Board of Directors last nigfht adopt­ row at 8 p.m. at the home of ly, 53 Fairfield St. "The Ar­ new battle of Saigon to­ rangement" by Ella Kazan will gan, 18 Santlna Dr. Mrs. John thias, will meet tomorrow at 8 17:45 A.M. to 10 P.M. edge when preliminary peace were wounded as thoxisands of ed an all-time high $11,991,567 General Fund budget Mrs. Arthur Pyka, 99 White St. day, cutting o ff a Viet refugees streamed from their be discussed. Farley Is co-hostess. p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall. Read Herald Ads talks with the United States for the next fiscal year and voted a 42-mlll tax rate. Those unable to play are re­ Cong attack from the o ^ n In Paris this week. homes to the more secure down­ minded to cMitact the hoetess town areas. South Vietnamese 'Hie budget is up $1,371,441, or 12.8 per cent, over the Manchester WATES will meet southwest in the third day In the north, officers reported Pulitzer current budget, and the tax rate is up 4.1 mills from by noon tomorrow. one enemy force surrounded patrol boats picked up some of tomorrow at the Italian Ameri­ of hard fighting on the the current levy. can dub, 135 Eldrldge St. city's fringes. near Hue and others withdraw- _ The General F\uid budget for ’The Keeney St. School PTA The fighting subsided for a Weighing In will be from 7 to 8 U.S. troop, hod not been Ti,S tl"!™ ^ Prizes the ycar*whlch ends June 80 Is will Install officers at Its final p.m. Members are reminded to $10,620,126, and the tax levy Is meeting of the year tomorrow inside Saigon since OgM. „ made a break for the bring their mothers to the meet­ they helped smash the Viet ■ h s bridge across the canal and Into 37.9 mills. starting at 7:80 p.m. at the ing for a Motherls Day pro­ State City In adopting the 1968-69 budg­ school auditorium. ’There will be Cong’s lunar new year of- Hattie m southwest Saigon the city. But a second company Awarded gram. of 9th Division armored person­ et and t ^ rate, the board cut an Equipment Fair, with stu­ fensiye in February.^ In ^ e began when an estimated nel carriers got to the bridge NEW YORK (AP) ^ Three $84,658 and .5 mill from the rec­ dents and teachers explaining latest assaults, which be- iso Vlet Cong trying to push'into ommendations made by Town and demonstrating equipment Chapman-Joy d rcle of North first and pushed the Viet Cong 1968 Pulitzer Prizes for journal­ Picketed Methodist Church will meet gan Sunday, the Americans the city attacked a South viet- Into a factory building. Manager Robert Weiss. used in classroom teaching. The istic excellence have been For a homeowner with a Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the have been outside the capi- namese outpost near the Klnh South Vietnamese rangers event Is open to the public. Re­ awarded to members of the house assessed at $13,000, the church. Members are reminded tal searching the enemy uoi canai. , took up blocking positions east freshments will be served. Knight Newspaper group—a tri­ 4.1 mills General Fund tax to bring articles for a box to go Getthis units which might further Armored personnel carriers ^ jjje factory, and the Amerl By e W A ple triumph unique in the 62- boost means $63.30 more in tax­ to servicemen In Vietnam. Mrs. threaten the city. from the U.S. 9th Infantry Divi­ can armored force moved In on A Scout Leaders' Roundtable year history of the awards. es for next year. Herbert Bradley, Mrs. Felix U.S. officers believed the ene- sion moved In to cut them off. the trapped Viet Cong. will be held tomorrow at 7:30 John S. Knight, editorial di­ BRIDGEPORT (AP)—About a The board adopted a $713,640 Lewis and Mrs. Thomas Moore U.S. helicopter gunshlps and p.m. at Buckley School, Ver­ rector of the Knight Newspa­ dozen pickets, members of Local budget and a 3.8 mills tax rate are hostesses. South Vietnamese dive bombers pers, was honored Monday for for the Town Fire District. non St. 1290 of the CommunlcaUon.s also attacked the Viet Oong in­ distinguished editorial writing. This budget is up $116,722, or vaders and other guerrUlas The Hockanum Dog d u b will Eugene Gray Payne of Knight’s Workers of America, marched 19.3 per cent, over the current Mystic Review, North Ameri­ meet Wednesday at the Wapplng Indiana Primary Vote holding out in a shantytown on today outside telephone compa­ can Benefit Association, will Charlotte, N.C., Observer, was budget, and the tax rate Is up Community Center.
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