Church History Master Timeline, 0 AD - 1049 AD 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Major Events ● Crucifixion of Christ ● Battle of the Milvian Bridge ● Justinian closes the Academy ● Second Council of Nicea 33 AD 312 AD 529 AD 787 AD The Great Revolt ● Edict of Milan ● First Council of Ephesus Third Council of Constantinople 66 AD - 73 AD 313 Ad 431 AD 680 AD - 681 AD ● Destruction of Jerusalem ● First Council of Nicea ● Hagia Sophia built ● Battle of Tours 70 AD 325 AD 537 AD 732 AD Kitos War ● First Council of Constantinople 115 AD - 117 AD 381 AD Bar Kokhba Revolt ● Council of Chalcedon 132 AD - 136 AD 451 AD ● Fall of Western Roman Empire 476 AD ● Second Council of Constantinople 553 AD Persecutions ● The First Persecution under Nero ● The Tenth Persecution under Diocletian 67 AD 303 AD ● The Second Persecution under Domitian 81 AD ● The Third Persecution under Trajan 108 AD ● The Fourth Persecution under Marcus Aurelius 162 AD ● The Fifth Persecution under Severus 192 AD ● The Sixth Persecution under Maximus 235 AD ● The Seventh Persecution under Decius 249 AD ● The Eighth Persecution under Valerian 257 AD ● The Ninth Persecution under Aurelian 274 AD Famous Christians Ignatius of Antioch Macrina the Younger Gregory I Venerable Bede Approx. 35 AD - Approx. 108 AD 324 AD - 379 AD 540 AD - 604 AD Approx. 673 AD - 735 AD Clement of Rome Athanasius of Alexandria Isadore of Seville Gottschalk of Orbais Approx. 50 AD - Approx. 101 AD Approx. 298 AD - 373 AD Approx. 560 AD - 636 AD 808 AD - 867 AD Polycarp Hippolytus of Rome Benedict of Nursia Alcuin of York 69 AD - 155 AD Approx. 170 AD - Approx. 235 AD 480 AD - Approx. 543 AD Approx. 735 AD - 804 AD Papias of Hierapolis Basil of Caesarea John Climacus Approx. 70 AD - 155 AD Approx. 329 AD - 379 AD Approx. 579 AD - 649 AD Aristides of Athens Gregory of Nyssa Boniface Paschasius Radbertus Approx. 80 AD - Approx. 133 AD Approx. 335 AD - Approx. 395 AD 675 AD - 754 AD 785 AD - 865 AD Quadratus of Athens Gregory of Nazianzus Maximus the Confessor Approx. 80 AD - 129 AD Approx. 329 AD - 390 AD 580 AD - 662 AD Justin Martyr Ambrose Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite 103 AD - 165 AD Approx. 340 AD - 397 AD Approx. 500 AD - Approx. 550 AD Tatian the Assyrian Leo the Great John of Damascus Approx. 120 AD - Approx. 180 AD 400 AD - 461 AD Approx. 675 AD - 749 AD Irenaeus Jerome Boethius Approx. 130 AD - Approx. 202 AD 347 AD - 420 AD 480 AD - 524 AD Athenagoras of Athens Approx. 133 AD - Approx. 190 AD Tertullian John Chrysostom 160 AD - 225 AD Approx. 347 AD - 407 AD Origen Approx. 185 AD - Approx. 254 Cyprian Augustine of Hippo 200 AD - 258 AD 354 AD - 430 AD Anthony of Egypt 251 AD - 357 AD Heresy and Heretics Gnosticism Arianism Monothelitism Approx. 75 AD - Approx. 275 AD Approx. 300 AD - 500 AD 638 AD - 681 AD Marcion of Sinope Dontus Magnus 85 AD - 160 AD Approx. 300 AD - 355 AD Marcionism Approx. 145 AD - Approx. 500 AD Montanism Eutyches Approx. 156 - Approx. 200 380 AD - 456 AD Noetus Approx. 200 AD - Approx. 230 AD Novatian Pelagianism Approx. 200 AD - Approx. 258 AD Approx. 400 AD - 418 AD Sabellius Approx. 200 AD - Approx. 230 AD Sabellianism Approx. 220 AD - Approx. 300 AD Arius Approx. 250 AD - Approx. 336 AD Novatianism Approx. 251 AD - Approx. 350 AD Apollinaris of Laodicea Approx. 310 AD - Approx. 390 AD Donatism Approx. 311 - Approx. 412 Pelagius Approx. 360 AD - Approx. 418 AD Nestorius 386 AD - 450 AD Church Ages The Apostolic Age Nicene Age Approx. 1 AD - Approx. 100 AD 313 AD - 590 AD The Ante-Nicene Age The Church Among the Barbarians Approx. 100 AD - 313 AD 590 AD - 1049 AD Missions Paul the Apostle Ulfilas ● Conversion of Clovis Ansgar ● Conversion of Vladimir I Approx. 5 AD - 67 AD Approx. 311 AD - 383 AD 496 AD 801 AD - 865 AD 988 AD Patrick ● Alopen enters China Approx. 425 AD - Approx. 490 AD 635 AD Columba 521 AD - 597 AD Augustine of Canterbury Approx. 530 AD - 604 AD Columbanus 543 AD - 615 AD Saint Gall Approx. 550 AD - Approx. 646 AD Aidan of Lindisfarne 590 AD - 651 AD Legend The Seven Ecumenical Councils Major Events Crucifixion of Christ 33 AD The Great Revolt First Jewish-Roman War 66 AD - 73 AD Destruction of Jerusalem 70 AD Kitos War Second Jewish-Roman War 115 AD - 117 AD Bar Kokhba Revolt Third Jewish-Roman War 132 AD - 136 AD Battle of the Milvian Bridge 312 AD Edict of Milan 313 Ad First Council of Nicea Drew up Nicene Creed, opposed Arianism 325 AD First Council of Constantinople Condemned Apollinarianism 381 AD First Council of Ephesus Opposed Nestorianism 431 AD Council of Chalcedon Opposed Monophysitism (Eutyches), described Hypostatic Union, 451 AD adopted Chalcedonian Creed Fall of Western Roman Empire 476 AD Justinian closes the Academy Platonic school of paganism in Athens closed. Symbolic end of antiquity. 529 AD Hagia Sophia built Seat of the Patriarch of Constantinople 537 AD Second Council of Constantinople Condemned Nestorianism 553 AD Third Council of Constantinople Condemned monothelitism 680 AD - 681 AD Battle of Tours Charles Martel defeats Umayyad forces, marking end of Islamic 732 AD expansion in western Europe Second Council of Nicea Restored the veneration of icons 787 AD Persecutions The First Persecution under Nero 67 AD The Second Persecution under Domitian 81 AD The Third Persecution under Trajan 108 AD The Fourth Persecution under Marcus Aurelius 162 AD The Fifth Persecution under Severus 192 AD The Sixth Persecution under Maximus 235 AD The Seventh Persecution under Decius 249 AD The Eighth Persecution under Valerian 257 AD The Ninth Persecution under Aurelian 274 AD The Tenth Persecution under Diocletian 303 AD Famous Christians Ignatius of Antioch Bishop of Antioch Approx. 35 AD - Approx. 108 AD Clement of Rome Bishop of Rome, author of 1 Clement Approx. 50 AD - Approx. 101 AD Polycarp Bishop of Smyrna, martyr 69 AD - 155 AD Papias of Hierapolis Bishop of Hierapolis, author of Exposition of the Sayings of the Lord Approx. 70 AD - 155 AD Quadratus of Athens Bishop of Athens, apologist Approx. 80 AD - 129 AD Aristides of Athens Philosopher, author of Apology of Aristides Approx. 80 AD - Approx. 133 AD Justin Martyr Philosopher, apologist 103 AD - 165 AD Tatian the Assyrian Composer of the Diatessaron Approx. 120 AD - Approx. 180 AD Irenaeus Bishop of Lugdunum, apologist, author of Against Heresies Approx. 130 AD - Approx. 202 AD Athenagoras of Athens Philosopher, apologist Approx. 133 AD - Approx. 190 AD Tertullian Author, "Father of Latin Christianity" 160 AD - 225 AD Hippolytus of Rome Controversialist, martyr Approx. 170 AD - Approx. 235 AD Origen Controversial theologian Approx. 185 AD - Approx. 254 Cyprian Bishop of Carthage 200 AD - 258 AD Anthony of Egypt Monk in the Egyptian desert 251 AD - 357 AD Athanasius of Alexandria Bishop of Alexandria, theologian, opponent of Arius, Approx. 298 AD - 373 AD Macrina the Younger Nun, 'Life of Macrina' written by Gregory of Nyssa 324 AD - 379 AD Basil of Caesarea Bishop of Caesarea Mazaca, 'Cappadocian Father' Approx. 329 AD - 379 AD Gregory of Nazianzus Archbishop of Constantinople, theologian, 'Cappadocian Father' Approx. 329 AD - 390 AD Gregory of Nyssa Bishop of Nyssa, theologian, 'Cappadocian Father' Approx. 335 AD - Approx. 395 AD Ambrose Bishop of Milan, opponent of Arius Approx. 340 AD - 397 AD Jerome Theologian, translated the Vulgate 347 AD - 420 AD John Chrysostom Archbishop of Constantinople, preacher Approx. 347 AD - 407 AD Augustine of Hippo Bishop of Hippo, philosopher, theologian, author of 'The City of God' and 354 AD - 430 AD 'Confessions,' opponent of Pelagius Leo the Great Pope, theologian, turned Huns away from Rome 400 AD - 461 AD Boethius Theologian, philosopher, author 480 AD - 524 AD Benedict of Nursia Founder of western Christian monasticism 480 AD - Approx. 543 AD Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite Mystical theologian and philosopher, writing under pen-name Approx. 500 AD - Approx. 550 AD Gregory I Pope, authorized the 'Gregorian Mission' to convert Anglo-Saxons, 540 AD - 604 AD considered the last 'good' pope by John Calvin Isadore of Seville Archbishop of Seville, involved in conversion of Visigoths, scholar, author Approx. 560 AD - 636 AD of 'Etymologiae' John Climacus Monk of Mt. Sinai, author of 'Ladder of Divine Ascent' Approx. 579 AD - 649 AD Maximus the Confessor Monk, theologian, scholar 580 AD - 662 AD Venerable Bede English monk, scholar, author of 'Ecclesiastical History of the English Approx. 673 AD - 735 AD People' Boniface Missionary to Germanic areas of Frankish Empire, martyr 675 AD - 754 AD John of Damascus Syrian monk, scholar Approx. 675 AD - 749 AD Alcuin of York Scholar, clergyman, teacher, Abbot of Tours Approx. 735 AD - 804 AD Paschasius Radbertus Theologian, abbot of Corbie, defended transubstantiation 785 AD - 865 AD Gottschalk of Orbais Saxon theologian, monk, advocate of double predestination 808 AD - 867 AD Heresy and Heretics Gnosticism Duality and 'higher knowledge,' combat between good and evil deities Approx. 75 AD - Approx. 275 AD Marcion of Sinope Ditheistic, considered Old and New Testaments to have different gods 85 AD - 160 AD Marcionism Gnostic-type duality Approx. 145 AD - Approx. 500 AD Montanism Theologically orthodox with increased emphasis on the Holy Spirit Approx. 156 - Approx. 200 Noetus Proto-Sabellian Approx. 200 AD - Approx. 230 AD Sabellius Modalistic Monarchianism Approx. 200 AD - Approx. 230 AD Novatian Novationist Approx. 200 AD - Approx. 258 AD Sabellianism Mondalistic Monarchianism Approx. 220 AD - Approx. 300 AD Arius Arian Approx. 250 AD - Approx. 336 AD Novatianism Theologically orthodox, refused readmission into church following lapse Approx.
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