SANTBANI The Voice of the Saints September 1989 Sant Ji Visits Bangalore PHOTOCREDITS front cover - Sant Ji in Italy, Carlo Mas- sarini; pp. 2 (Italy), 9, Gurmel Singh; pp. 11, 16, 19, Richard Shannon; back cover - Sant Ji at Sant Bani Ashram, Sanbornton, N.H., Peter Blakey; others un- known. SANTBANI volume fourteen numbe The Voice of the Saints September 19 FROM THE MASTERS To Become A True Disciple 3 Sant Ajaib Singh Ji a Satsang from Italy, May 25, 1989 Sant Ji's Visit to Bangalore: I two talks about children The Welcome Talk 9 Sant Ajaib Singh Ji July 23, 1989 Take the Master's Example 14 Sant Ajaib Singh Ji I July24, 1989 The Jewel of Infinite Value 21 Sant Kirpal Singh Ji from SATSANDESH October 1970 SANT BANIlThe Voice of the Saints is published periodically by Sant Bani As Master, Sant Ajaib Singh Ji, of His Master, Param Sant Kirpal Singh Ji, who preceded them. Editor Emeritus: Russell Perkins. Editor: Richard S assistance from: Christine Gerard, Susan Shannon, and Mary Swan. Annual subscription rate in U.S. $30.00. Individual issues $2.50. Back issues and special mailing rates available on request. All checks and money orders sho payable to Sant Bani Ashram, and all payments from outside the U.S. shod International Money Order or a check drawn on a New York bank (with a mi number). Correspondence should be addressed to Sant Bani Ashram, Franklin, N U.S.A. Articles, including stories and poems, on the theory and practice of Sant Mat, are most welcome. Views expressed in individual articles are not necessarily the views of the journal. To Become A True Disciple Sant Ajaib Singh Ji BANI of Bhai Gurdas is presented We can get the Naam only from the Per- A to you. Bhai Gurdas got the oppor- fect Masters because They come into this tunity to be in the company of four of world to connect us with the Naam. God the Sikh Masters. He was successful in Almighty Himself comes into this world the Path and had reached Sach Khand. and He brings those upon whom He Once some dear one asked Master Sawan wants to shower grace to the Perfect Singh, "In the writings of Master Garib Master and He connects them with the Das it says that a person becomes a Shabd Naam. sadhu when he reaches Daswan Dwar, so Those dear ones who came here with should a disciple who has reached the desire of getting the Naam Initiation Daswan Dwar give out the Naam Initia- have got it today. Now it becomes our tion to other people?" Master Sawan responsibility to do the devotion of the Singh Ji replied, "What to talk about Shabd Naam and become the true disci- reaching Daswan Dwar, even if a disciple ples of the Master. So in this bani Bhai has reached Sach Khand, he should not Gurdas will tell us about those things give the Initiation until the Master gives which are helpful and beneficial for us LO the order, 'You initiate on my behalf and become a good disciple. whoever you initiate I will be responsible I sacrifice myself on those disciples for those souls.' So a person should not of the Master who had the dar- give the Initiation even if he has become shan of the Master. successful in reaching Sach Khand." Even though Bhai Gurdas was success- Our Satguru, Master Kirpal, used to ful in his practices and had reached Sach say that if a disciple takes one step to- Khand he was always like a disciple in wards the Master, the Master comes front of the four Masters. He was one of down hundreds of steps to meet him. If the leading sevadars in the times of those Bhai Gurdas had so much love and four Masters. He earned his livelihood yearning for the Masters, the Master also by honest means, and from his writings had a lot of love for him. When the end it is very clear that he had reached Sach time of Bhai Gurdas came, Guru Har Khand. Gobind (the sixth Guru) Himself gave a For the past few days I have been talk- shoulder to carry the dead body of Bhai ing about the glory of the Naam, and the Gurdas to the cremation ground. benefits of doing the Naam. I have also Only one who has eaten the rock been telling you that Naam is the source candy has appreciation for its sweetness. of all happiness and peace. But unfor- As a hungry person appreciates food, tunately we have turned our back on it. and as a thirsty person appreciates wa- ter, in the same way, only those disciples This discourse was given on May 25, within whom the love of the Master is 1989, at Sant Bani Ashram, Ribolla, overwhelming have the appreciation for Italy. the darshan of the Master. Bhai Gurdas September 1989 3 had appreciation and love for the Master Now He says, "He who loves the Master within him. That is why he says, "I sacri- also loves the sangat. I sacrifice myself fice myself for those disciples who, after on those satsangis who love the sangat, getting the human body, got the oppor- the other disciples of the Master, as their tunity to have the Master's darshan, and brothers and sisters. If they are younger who bow down to the Masters." than them, they understand them as I sacrifice myself on those disciples their sons and daughters. of the Master who bowed at the I sacrifice myself on those disciples Master's feet and sat in His con- of the Master who do the seva gregation. wholeheartedly. He says, "I sacrifice myself on those dis- Now He says, "I sacrifice myself on ciples, those initiates of the Master, who those disciples of the Master who serve got the opportunity of going in the Sat- the Master with all love and humility." sang of the Masters." Dear ones, those who have love for the Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj said, "Do Master will also have love for the chil- not understand Satguru as a human be- dren of the Master, and they will serve ing. He is God Almighty Himself work- Him with all their love and humility. ing through that human pole." Often I have told you the story of I sacrifice myself on those disciples Mana, a disciple of Guru Arjan Dev Ji of the Master who follow the Maharaj. He would never do any seva in Path of the Master and speak the sangat and he would never listen to sweetly. anyone in the sangat. Even though he Now he says, "I sacrifice myself on those came there, ate food from the langar and disciples of the Master who give up their slept there, he would not do any seva, own path and follow the Path of the and he would not listen to any of the Masters." Masters always come into this leading sevadars. Whenever anyone world to connect us with the Almighty would ask him to do something he would Lord. They always give us good advice. say, "Why should I obey you? I do not They say, "Always speak sweetly; speak want to obey my equals. I will do only sweet words; always be humble." what my Master tells me. I will only obey How much pain and sympathy did the order of my Master and not any Master Kirpal have for the people in His equal." So the responsible people then heart? You can imagine how much care complained to Guru Arjan. They said, and sympathy was there in the words "Mana comes into the sangat, eats food which He spoke, when He said that man in the langar and he sleeps in our quar- does not love the men whom he sees and ters, but he does not do any seva. When- with whom he lives every day, but he ever we tell him that he should do some claims to be the lover of God whom he seva he says, 'I will not take any work has never seen. So the claims of all those from my equals. I will do the work only people who say that they love God, but if my Master tells me.' " do not love human beings, those claims So Guru Arjan Dev called Mana and have no basis; they are bogus. asked him why he was not obeying his I sacrifice myself on those disciples brothers and sisters, and why he was not of the Master who love their doing seva. He replied, "Master, I will gurubhais as their sons and obey only You; I will not do anything if friends. anybody else tells me." Guru Arjan Dev SANT BANI told him, "You know that whatever the convince the police that he was not the responsible people tell you is on behalf thief and that the thief had died in the of the Master; you should follow them fire. But you know that one who has and help them do the seva." Guru Arjan stolen goods in his possession is consid- Dev also told him that it is very difficult ered to be a thief. So the police gave him to obey the commandments, the orders, a very severe punishment which they of the Master. But Mana insisted that he used to give thieves in those days. would obey and do only what Guru Ar- Many people came here and did physi- jan Dev told him. Then Guru Arjan Dev cal seva which benefited the dear ones said, "If you insist that I give you some who came here.
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