Oracle SD-WAN Edge Licensing Information User Manual Release 9.0 Revision 1.2 October 2020 Licensing Information User Manual Oracle SD-WAN Edge 8.2 Oracle SD-WAN Edge Licensing Information ser !an"al# Release 9.0 Copyright Information $o%yrig't ( 2020# Oracle and)or its a*liates. All rig'ts reser+ed. ,'is soft-are and related doc"mentation are %rovided "nder a license agreement containing restrictions on "se and disclosure and are %rotected by intellect"al %ro%ert& la-s. E.ce%t as e.%ressly %ermitted in &o"r license agreement or allo-ed by la-# &o" may not "se# co%&# re%rod"ce# translate# broadcast# modif&# license# transmit# distrib"te# e.'ibit# %erform# %"blish# or display any %art# in any form# or by any means. Re+erse engineering# disassembl&# or decom%ilation of t'is soft-are# "nless re/"ired by la- for intero%erabilit&# is %ro'ibited. ,'e information contained 'erein is sub0ect to change -it'o"t notice and is not -arranted to be error-free. If &o" find any errors, %lease re%ort t'em to "s in -riting. If t'is is soft-are or related documentation t'at is deli+ered to t'e .S. 2o+ernment or an&one licensing it on be'alf of t'e .S. 2o+ernment# t'en t'e follo-ing notice is a%%licable3 .S. 2O4ERN!EN, END SERS3 Oracle %rograms, incl"ding any o%erating s&stem# integrated soft-are# any %rograms installed on t'e 'ard-are# and)or documentation# deli+ered to .S. 2o+ernment end "sers are 5commercial com%"ter soft-are5 %"rsuant to t'e a%%licable 6ederal Ac/"isition Reg"lation and agency-specific s"%%lemental reg"lations. As s"ch# "se# d"%lication# disclosure# modification# and ada%tation of t'e %rograms, incl"ding any o%erating s&stem# integrated soft-are# any %rograms installed on t'e 'ard-are# and)or documentation# s'all be sub0ect to license terms and license restrictions a%%licable to t'e %rograms. No ot'er rig'ts are granted to t'e .S. 2o+ernment. ,'is soft-are or 'ard-are is de+elo%ed for general "se in a +ariety of information management a%%lications. It is not de+elo%ed or intended for "se in any in'erently dangero"s a%%lications, incl"ding a%%lications t'at may create a risk of %ersonal in0"r&. If &o" "se t'is soft-are or 'ard-are in dangero"s a%%lications, t'en &o" s'all be responsible to ta7e all a%%ro%riate fail-safe# backu%# red"ndancy# and ot'er measures to ens"re its safe "se. Oracle $or%oration and its a*liates disclaim any liability for any damages ca"sed by "se of t'is soft-are or 'ard-are in dangero"s a%%lications. Oracle and Ja+a are registered trademar7s of Oracle and)or its a*liates. Ot'er names may be trademar7s of t'eir respecti+e o-ners. Intel and Intel 9eon are trademar7s or registered trademar7s of Intel $or%oration. All S:AR$ trademar7s are "sed "nder license and are trademar7s or registered trademar7s of S:AR$ International# Inc. A!D# O%teron# t'e A!D logo# and t'e A!D O%teron logo are trademar7s or registered trademar7s of Ad+anced !icro Devices. NI9 is a registered trademark of ,'e O%en 2ro"%. ,'is soft-are or 'ard-are and documentation may %rovide access to or information abo"t content# %rod"cts, and services from t'ird %arties. Oracle $or%oration and its a*liates are not responsible for and e.%ressly disclaim all -arranties of any kind -it' respect to t'ird- %arty content# %rod"cts, and services "nless ot'er-ise set fort' in an a%%licable agreement bet-een &o" and Oracle. Oracle $or%oration and its a*liates -ill not be responsible for any loss, costs# or damages incurred d"e to &o"r access to or "se of t'ird-%arty content# %rod"cts, or services, e.ce%t as set fort' in an a%%licable agreement bet-een &o" and Oracle. Oracle Linux License Agreement Oracle SD-WAN Edge ships with Oracle Linux. Oracle Linux is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0 and other terms described in the Oracle Linux License Agreement. A copy of the Oracle Linux License Agreement and various open source licenses that are applicable to Oracle Linux was provided to you with the Oracle Linux code you received. A copy of the Oracle Linux License Agreement can also be accessed here: https://oss.oracle.com/ol7/EULA . Revision 1.2 2 October 2020 Licensing Information User Manual Oracle SD-WAN Edge 8.2 Version Published versions of this document are listed below. Version Date Description of Change ;.0 !ay 2020 Release of SD-WAN Edge 9.0 ;.; 8"ne 2020 %dated -it' latest release of SD-WAN :rovisioning Ser+er <=);)2020> ;.2 October 2020 %dated -it' latest release of SD-WAN Edge 9.0.; and OS ?.0.@ Introduction This Licensing Information document is a part of the product or program documentation under the terms of your Oracle license agreement and is intended to help you understand the program editions, entitlements, restrictions, prerequisites, special license rights, and/or separately licensed third party technology terms associated with the Oracle software program(s) covered by this document (the “Program(s)”). Entitled or restricted use products or components identified in this document that are not provided with the particular Program may be obtained from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud website (https://edelivery.oracle.com) or from media Oracle may provide. If you have a question about your license rights and obligations, please contact your Oracle sales representative, review the information provided in Oracle’s Software Investment Guide (http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/pricing/software-investment-guide/index.html), and/or contact the applicable Oracle License Management Services representative listed on http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/license- management-services/index.html. Licensing Information Description of Product Editions and Permitted Features Prerequisite Products Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses Revision 1.2 3 October 2020 Licensing Information User Manual Oracle SD-WAN Edge 8.2 Oracle SD-WAN Edge – Licensing Notes Product Subproduct Licensing Information Product Editions and Permitted Features Oracle SD-WAN Oracle SD-WAN Edge, Permits an Oracle Talari hardware device or equivalent base virtual appliance to function as an Oracle SD-WAN Edge appliance or Oracle SD-WAN Controller, as applicable and as documented in the Release Notes. Prerequisite Products Oracle Talari hardware device or Oracle SD-WAN Edge bandwidth licenses. Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses None Bandwidth Oracle SD-WAN Edge Product Editions and Permitted Features 10 Mbps bandwidth Permits an Oracle SD-WAN Edge appliance to function at speeds up to 10 Mbps full duplex (1400 Byte average packet size). Prerequisite Products Oracle SD-WAN Edge, base Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses None Oracle SD-WAN Edge Product Editions and Permitted Features 50 Mbps bandwidth Permits an Oracle SD-WAN Edge appliance to function at speeds up to 50 Mbps full duplex (1400 Byte average packet size). Prerequisite Products Oracle SD-WAN Edge, base Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses None Oracle SD-WAN Edge Product Editions and Permitted Features 100 Mbps bandwidth Permits an Oracle SD-WAN Edge appliance to function at speeds up to 100 Mbps full duplex (1400 Byte average packet size). Prerequisite Products Oracle SD-WAN Edge, base Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses None Revision 1.2 4 October 2020 Licensing Information User Manual Oracle SD-WAN Edge 8.2 Product Subproduct Licensing Information Oracle SD-WAN Edge Product Editions and Permitted Features 250 Mbps bandwidth Permits an Oracle SD-WAN Edge appliance to function at speeds up to 250 Mbps full duplex (1400 Byte average packet size). Prerequisite Products Oracle SD-WAN Edge, base Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses None Oracle SD-WAN Edge Product Editions and Permitted Features 500 Mbps bandwidth Permits an Oracle SD-WAN Edge appliance to function at speeds up to 500 Mbps full duplex (1400 Byte average packet size). Prerequisite Products Oracle SD-WAN Edge, base Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses None Oracle SD-WAN Edge Product Editions and Permitted Features 1000 Mbps bandwidth Permits an Oracle SD-WAN Edge appliance to function at speeds up to 1000 Mbps full duplex (1400 Byte average packet size). Prerequisite Products Oracle SD-WAN Edge, base Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses None Oracle SD-WAN Edge Product Editions and Permitted Features 3000 Mbps bandwidth Permits an Oracle SD-WAN Edge appliance to function at speeds up to 3000 Mbps full duplex (1400 Byte average packet size). Prerequisite Products Oracle SD-WAN Edge, base Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses None Oracle SD-WAN Edge Product Editions and Permitted Features 5000 Mbps bandwidth Permits an Oracle SD-WAN Edge appliance to function at speeds up to 5000 Mbps full duplex (1400 Byte average packet size). Prerequisite Products Oracle SD-WAN Edge, base Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses None Revision 1.2 5 October 2020 Licensing Information User Manual Oracle SD-WAN Edge 8.2 Product Subproduct Licensing Information Oracle SD-WAN Edge Product Editions and Permitted Features 7000 Mbps bandwidth Permits an Oracle SD-WAN Edge appliance to function at speeds up to 7000 Mbps full duplex (1400 Byte average packet size). Prerequisite Products Oracle SD-WAN Edge, base Entitled Products and Restricted Use Licenses None WAN Optimization Oracle SD-WAN Edge, Product Editions and Permitted Features WAN Optimization 10 Permits an Oracle SD-WAN Edge appliance to function as a Mbps bandwidth WAN Optimization appliance at speeds up to 10 Mbps.
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