DISTRICT ELEMENTARY EDUCATION PROGRAMME (DEEP) (A Programme for universalisation of Elementary Education in India) SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYANA SSA PERSPECTIVE PLAN 2002-2010 & Annual Work Plan & Budget 2002-2003 INDEX S.no Chapter Page No. 1. Planning Team 1 2. Introduction 2 3. State Profile 4 4. Policy issues regarding Upper Primary 9 Education in Haryana 5. Implementation strategies 13 6. District profile 17 7. Planning process 21 8. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan 50 9. Quality in Education 51-54 10. Introduction of Information Technology 55-56 under SSA in Haryana 11. Interventions and their definitions 57-67 12. Budget Provisions 2002-2010 70-84 13. Annual work Plan & Budget 2002 - 2003 85-99 (Summary & Interventions) 14 Requirement list Middle schools 100-106 Toilets 107-109 Rooms 110-112 Boundary walls 113-114 Water facilities 115 15. ListofC R C s 116-138 16. Appendix (Details of participatory meetings 139-149 HHS) TABLES S.no Chapter Page No. 1. Number of Government schools (CD block 22 wise) 2. District at a glance HHS (all children and SC 23 children) 3. District at a glance HHS (all girls and SC 24 girls) 4. Report of household survey (NER - 28-32 blockwise & District) 5. Report of household survey (NER -Dropout 35-39 & RR blocks & district) 6. Report of household survey (Government & 40-44 Non-Government Enrolment) 7. Teacher position in primary 48 ICDs blockwise 8. Below poverty line 49 Existing incentive schemes 9. Yearwise budget (Ceiling of Project cost) 69 10. Summary of project cost 71 ASIE 72 BRC 73 CRC 74 Civil work 75 DIET 76-77 DPIU 78 ECE 79 EFE 80-81 EMIS 82 lED 83 MMWE 84 11. Summary & AWP&B 85-99 GRAPHS & FIGURES S. no Chapter Page No. 1. Population Enrolment & out of school 25 2. District NER, RR and out of school (SC vs 26 all) primary age group 3. District NER, RR and out of school (SC vs 27 all) upper primary age group 4. Block wise population, enrolment and out of 33 school primary age group 5. Block wise population, enrolment and out of 34 school upper primary age group 6 . District Enrolment Government & Non­ 45 government schools (all children) 7. District Enrolment Government & Non­ 46 government schools (SC children) 8 . District Enrolment Government & Non­ 47 government schools (All girls) 9. Total budget (Management & Civil Works) 68 PLANNING TEAM The following officials and individuals acted as the members of District core Planning Team for perspective plan of District Elementary Education Programme under SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN in District KARNAL. 1. Sh. Rakesh Gupta, I.A.S. (A.D.C) Chairman of S.S.A. Kama!. 2. Smt. Raj Arora, D.P.E.O. Karnal District Project Co-ordinator 3. Sh. Hawa Singh, Lecturer DIET, Shahpur (Karnal) Member of Distt. Core Team 4. Sh. Prem Parkash Arya, Head Teacher Govt. Primary School, Uchana Member Distt.CoreTeam 5. Sh. Om Parakash Verma, Head Teacher G.P.S. Ganjogarhi, (Karnal) Member of Distt. Core Team 6. Sh. Gian Chand, Teacher G.P.S. Dholgarh, (Karnal) Member of Distt. Core Team Note:- Special compliments to Sh. Hansraj for their exclusive co-operation in the plan formulation, tabulation and computerization. (I) Introduction Education is a social process for social well being. It is directly related to development of personality of an individual. Education originates from the society, acts through the society and is meant for healthy existence and hormony of the society. It is meant for every individual of the society as it touches and works for attainment of objectives of social, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of each and every individual. Quality of education and educational system is directly reflected in the quality of citizens a country has. Education is a pruopseful activity for refinement of cognitive, conative and affective behaviour of the individual, and consequently it yields better, progressive and healthy dynamic society. It enables us to understand ourself and our environment. So it is very helpful in adjustment of individual in the existing society. It is enriches the individual with knowledge, skills, competencies, capabilities. Ultimately we can conclude that education is a process that makes human being a real human being. Education is a life long process which goes from womb to tomb. It may be formal or informal but both these are complementry to each other. Each one subsists the other. It is the amalgmation of both these kinds that can achieve educational objectives and decides the future behfiviour and personality of the individual. As formal schooling is a planned activity based on the experiences of society till date, so it plays a crucial role in the enrichment and development of individual and society. Further more, education is a useful and nobel activity for a cause so no sincere nation or society can bear that even a single individual goes without education. So every child should be provided with quality education in its own right. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan provides ample opportunities and scope for expansion of educational facilities with a basic thrust on quality that too in the ownership of community. Various hardships and hardspots have been realized during the process of planning and respective provisions their of have been incorporated in this revised perspective plan of SSA for the Karnal District. Reflections of the same can be found in the plan with ample budgetary provisions for the these activities. As no work in itself can be called as complete and some aspects may go unnoticed, therefore, we. The planners, expect the recommendations, suggestions and criticisms by every concerned person. These will be of immense help to us while formulating the subsequential annual work plans for the coming years. These will provide us further energy and direction in the subsequent years. One more thing that we can not help expressing is that words, written and spoken, however good they may be^carry no meaning unless they are given t he practical shape. So the ultimate responsibility lies on the implementing agency, which can create best out of a normal plan. We, ultimately, hope that every intervention or activity proposed in this plan will be effectively utilized for this great and nobel cause for our future generation. Core Planning Team District Karnal (Haryana) STATE PROFILE HARYANA HISTOF^ , t.Th&preserft state of^Haryana came into existence on Nov. 1,1966 In pursuance of the of the state of Pu njg^^^ct Previously it was the part of Punjab State. However the famous as the land of opulence from ancient times. :;t ..Waryanaf has a rich tradition of heroic struggle by its people against heavy odds.The famous battlaof Mahabharata and the three battles of Panipat were fought on the soil of Haryana. Rigveda,the oldestqf the four Veda's, contains several references to the places andjjvers in Haryana region of the Saptdsindhu. Rishi Ved Vyas wrote the Mahabharta in this region. Lord Krishna gave his eternal sermon of the Geeta to a wavering Arjuna before the battle of ' Mahabh^rat on th&Haryana soil. p.uriHrg the British period Haryana remalhied in a state of neglect because the people of this region had contributed their might into rebels fighting for the freedom of the country in the country's first war of independence in 1657. .^,y^*iM-wi^pVesent state of Haryana, aftei^pomiji^lntoi^existerice, tried hard to be prosperous and now it,h^.b,9Come theJioht^rider BT several otheY states, the younger state has now become the fastest growing state through the hard work of sturdy farmers and other people of Haryana. Total population of the ?tate, as per 2001 census, Is 21,082, 989 spread all over the state with the density of 477- persons per square kilometre. Population of children of age group of 0'6 is 3,259,080 (15.46% of state popuiation),.^Out of the totaf population of the state 14, 968,850 persons (71%) live in rural areas and 6,114,139 (29%) live In urban areas. Sex ratio jatfre ^tate popjulation Is found to be 861 females per thousand males, which is lowest among states of India. Tlie seit ratio js observed to, different for rural and urban areas (I.e. 867 in rural areas and 847 in urban areas. Similarly the sex ratio for the children of age group of 0-6 in.the state Is ,824 in general and 8.24 and 809 for rural and urban areas respectively. second lowest in India, after Punja^. jHatygpa,covers 44,212 square kilometres of area but of total 3,166,4t,4,kiIop3eti'0$"df "aTfe^‘ of counfry. Statelias been divided in four division, 19 dl^tflSt^^nd 67itehslls. Total number pf town and villages in the state is 106 and 6955 respectively. GEOGRAPHICAL STRUCTURE (TOPOGRAPHY) Haryana has an area of 44,212 square kilometre. It is situated between 27° 37' and 30^ 35' North latitude and 74° 28' and 77° 36'iongitude. It is surrounded by Utter Parades in the east, Punjgb on the w6st,a part of Himachal Pradesh in the north and Rajasthan on its south. Delhi, the capital of India, is,surrounded on its three sides by Haryana. Haryana can be divided intp its three natural regions named: f. The Shivalic Hills area; 2. ,Rp$b^f Ghaggar-Yamuna;’ 3. Dry area of Aravali Hills; The mighty river Yamuna separates Haryaria from Uttar Pradesh and forms a natural boundary between the two states. The other natural rivers are the Saraswati, the Ghaggar, the Markanda, the Sahibi and the Indora.These are seasonal rivers and flow in rainy season only. CLIMATE th e climate of Haryana is extreme i.e.
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