THE CHALLENGE OFTHE CULTURAL OLYMPIAD BARCELONA IS UNDOUBTEDLY ONE OF THE LEADING INTERNATIONAL CENTRES AS REGARDS ARTISTIC CREATION AND THE CONSERVATION OF A CULTURAL HERITAGE WHICH NOW RELONGS TO ALL MANKIND JOSEP M. CASTELLET PUBLISHER AND LITERARY LRITIC hen Barcelona offered to host the its limitations in other fields, is, undoubted- A Cultural Forum for the World. 1992 Olympic Games, it also ly, one of the leading international centres presented the international as regards artistic creation and the con- Barcelona's traditional hospitality, the ca- community with its proposals for an exten- servation of a cultural heritage which now pacity for innovation which the city has sive cultural programme associated with belongs to al1 mankind. As a result, the in- shown and which it exploits to the full, and the XXV Olympiad. Following the city's se- tention from the outset has been to go an extremely rich cultural background, lection, in 1986, the so-called "Cultural beyond the usual Olympic Arts Festival guarantee the splendour and quality of Olympiad" was included in the Olympic -limited, in previous editions, to the pe- the Cultural Olympiad. Taking advantage programme as a distinguishing character- riod of the Games themselves-, and of- of a moment in the city's history when it istic and asa build-up to the events of 1992. fer the world a long-term programme will attract the attention of the whole The thinking behind this stems from the covering the four years that correspond to world, an unequalled forum will be fact that Barcelona, while fully aware of the classical Olympiad. opened to the best the world has to offer in the Arts, the Sciences, Letters and de la Música, Teatre Grec, Museu Picasso, beginning of October 1988, with the Culture in general. Fundació Miró, etc.), there will soon be "Gateway to the Olympiad", when the Meanwhile, the peoples and cultures of fint-rate facilities for dramatic and plastic Olympic flag arrives in Barcelona, and the world will be asked to collaborate in arts (National Theatre, Municipal Audito- ends in August 1992. It includes a wide the task and take part, with their own con- rium, Museurn of Contemporary Art, Na- range of events in the fields of art, science tributions, in the cosmopolitan eclecticism tional Art Museum, Tapies Foundation, the and culture in general. The programme's that has always characterized Barcelona. new Poble Espanyol, etc.) activities are divided into large blocks, Just as it is intended that the city's own The Cultural Olympiad can also contribute both on an annual basis, and as regards cultural identity be reinforced, it is hoped decisively to a less tangible heritage. It specific events. Amongst these events, the that the occasion of this great celebration could be a landmark in the field of pro- following are particularly worth men- that culminates in the Olympic Games will motion and transmission of events, thanks tioning: stimulate recognition of the personality of to the weight the Olympics carry and their The "Gateway to the Olympiad", in al1 of civilization's ethnic and cultural worldwide following, and it could also set October 1988, which opens the cultural groups. an important precedent in the field of programme with a great concert and the The outlook for 1992 offers unique and cultural sponsorship, which has such a celebration of the arrival of the Olympic unrepeatable opportunities to make this poor record in our country, and which, for flag. dream come true. What is more, by pro- various reasons, has excellent opportuni- The "Olympic Arts Festival", which, as moting these ideals, in a situation of ties in the outlook for 1992. in earlier editions of the Games, provides entente and harmony between nations, a lead-in and a complement to the celeb- the Cultural Olympiad also contributes to ration of the Games themselves. Barcelona's role as a permanent platform The ~ro~ramme. During the spring and summer of for cultural debate, thanks to the various 1992, there will be a series of exhibitions, installations which will be ready by 1992. The cultural programme for the Olympiad traditional events, concerts of classical In this respect, and apart from the facilities extends over the four years leading up to and popular music, opera, dance aiid that already exist in the city (Liceu, Palau the Olympic Games. It starts at the theatre, always featuring outstanding • .+uawow -xa +~aJ6D '266 L U! PUV '3!lqnd IDJ~U~~ay+jo Joah, ay+ s! 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