iE~it.r~ 1£nrn11y f nr Q!ln.ar 1£nrul Q!nurragr Serving 'Ihe Central Penquis Jlrea Vol. 5, No. 17 Thursday, April 28, 1966 Ten Cents The Penquis Chapter of the s G f d National Honor Society was NH at Ul.l or recently organized at PCHS. · • • • ~:e~::rb%~ a:~n~~:ls:~: ~mi_Um" · , •" were elected as charter mem- bers. I .. ·.. ....,--... ··L• Initiation for m embers and , ~ 'j ... installation of officers will be 1 • held May 5th at 7:30 p.m. at the PCHS Auditonum. The Milo High Schod National Hon­ or Society Chapter will per­ form the ceremony: Pictured at right, L to R, E. Herring ; Norma Fortier, Sheila Neal; Kathern Burgess, Judy Benne tt; Nancy Ronco. Standing, Dean Ridley, ScottBurgess, Charles Pullyard, Larry Ruksznis , Kerry Reynolds. Chris Harr­ ingtoiJ.. Dennis Ruksznis, David Gilbert, George Rollins, Gene Tobey, Absent: Jeff Dorine Morgan. M. H. S. Girl's State de s are ""'1-''ll"''u"' Leavitt, Alt. Ste- P. c. H. S. delegates to Boy's State are: Kerry Reynolds • Chnst- phanie Howard, Joanne Lovell and Alt. J anice Buzzell. 0 t\ner H~rr\ngton and Dennis Ruksznis. (Bunker Photos) . ~~ .. ,_ ..,_,_,__ .n .., - )1 ... ..... ~ t:ont'd 0n P<>a-P 12 " . ·--· .- - · .. ,.~ . --. .. __...--·· THE TOWN CRIER eommUHity THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday '11lilo evening by the TOWN CRIER PUBLICATIONS. We hope to be of help to the citizens of the towns 'lo6pitaL '11-ew~ in our coverage through NEWS, INFORMATION, AJ:I.'D LOWER PRICED ADVERTISING. Gifts of clothing for the Children's Ward have been received. We a.ccept no financial responsibility for errors Receptionists are Friday, Hilda Brown; Saturday, Edith White in advertising but will gladly ~rint corrections. and Harriet Hoss; Suntlay, Adelia Leonard and Doris Willinski; Copies of mo~ t pqotos appf~a ring in THE TOWN Monday, Edith Perry; Tuesday, Marian Rhoda; Wednesday, CRIER mav be obtained through our office. H you have news or available photos of any sort Amocr Vincent; Thursday, Edna Trcworgy. we urge you to call an editm· or drop ln. Dead-­ The Regional Hospital Association regular meeting will be !trc will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate TuPsday, May 3rcl following a banquet at 6:30p.m. at Sebec copy received earlie r In the week. CorncJ·Grange HaiL Doctors, HospitalAdministrators, Nurses Class ified atls -o cent minimum including up to Hospital Trustees with wives and husbands are to hear about 12 words. Scents for each additional word. Dis­ Medicare from a s peaker supplied by Social Secu1·ity Office. play ad space by the column inch. PATIENTS ADMITTED From Milo: From Garland: Dorothy Bushway Muriel Day EDLTOR - Joanne Brighan) Charles Grinnell From Dover-Foxcroft: Milo 943-7384 Vera .:S\lrtou Kathleen Green PeL<.·.r Grinnell From Bradford: '.\.';1 iter Patterson Robert Lyford , Jr. Pa.tl icli:i Crosby Clarice Van Dyne Virgil Valente From Brownville:. lf yet~ want to BUY, SELL, Ivan Jeffery William Wadman RENT or SWAP, try "Town William Hurley Eva Jones Crier" Class.tfl~. =--- Robert Philbrook. Phyllis Strout SE RVICES Barbar~l. Marb; From Charleston: 1.1aJy Babin Paul A. West, Suneyingand UNITED D.'1PTIST CHURCH Christine Scott PaiLlinc H:trtin o· raf ting. Box 703, Brownville· l\fiLO From LaGrange: _,·e. 96:3-!n9J. Daily Vac:J.tion Bible School Bt:uJah McLane Velma Lufkin will be held from June 20 to Guy Monroe From Bangor: F'l l 81\l.E July 1. Thosedesil'ingto help William Buckley Maur ice Goodall 32 ft extension ladder and as teachers, helpers, d -;,·ivers, Shirley Barker recreation, pray pa.rlncrs or· PATIENTS DISCHAHGED .!. • f!.. s Lcp laddt~ r; 1 all s t.eel .:;;•,t..: ~ desk and filing cabinet in any \'lil.y, contac t Mr. Don l:'rom Milo: From Milo: O!' Bad·;:J Ma1~ks :,:;d 0-hai 1·. Call Charles Brown Wibbcrly Nf.rs. Stlzanne ra Patr.icia Crosby Rhoda .. Sa1lv Black .•_f t) :2~:jU. Paulene Harlin Fn.ma Gnmmon ::7ordon ...; His :'\BBOT Pct.. n· Gi'illlwll Chaires Kerr :_' .. ,.-:-{. 8,\. LE Abhot Grange is holding all Tom Dunn 2 ~ <1.s st.<>ves, L refrig·eJ·ator, open nHwtlng, April30 at 8 p . Marlene Madore & 1;ai,y From Dover-Foxcroft: .i.J ·l's, windows and sinks. 943- m. at th<J Grange H[lll <nob­ Rita 1ibbP1t.:; h babv Kathleen Green :· o(! r;•; , scn·anc<· .-.[ Grar.gc Week. A lVr yrt ) .c Lancaster · From Bradford: program wi.ll be pres<'nted, Ch·u-le~ Grinnell Newall Lyford '(o-..JH. SALE dancing and games. Ren·t>sh­ Gordon Ellis Robert Lyford Trnck campers & Travel ':':ra­ mcnts w'ill be :.:.erved. Gra.nges Charles Kerr Clarice Van Dyne , 1· • ::; ;:;•)lc\ by J0hn Hoskins, invited are Shu'lt'j, Dawn of Roben Ph ilbr('iJk Ft'on Br .·,,rnville: Carolyn Richard Hope, 1-' ;) dr1 1 . tl.~, A i.:bot pt·ople Guy Monn" D•.•nald }.1.-Jartin Eva ,)'ones and Junior Gn1 !1$" :::; n.rs also Ida Dean Malcolm Royal Phyllis Strout. invited. From LaG range: Hazel Wansink ':"!;A NK YOU NOTICE Ruby Ferguson George Badger, Jr. 1 "i:,;<: ,.- thank my relatives On Friday, April 29th at 2 p. \'(;ima LufKtn Virgil Valente au 1 friend~· fo1· the· many kinu m. an Arbor Day Celebration t ~ik, and deeds received by will oe held at the Milo Ele­ • ·:.a,1·~:W;feamim,.. du ring my SEND BIDS TO mt::ntary School gK} nnds when , <-• t "':::ty in Lhl• hospitaL Superintendent's Office trees \vill be plantetl c1de.r tl:e , .~:.er (.Roacn) Cocl<rane- S. A. D. li-41 a.uspicies of Milo Garden C 1ub. Bids Close Friday April • .:' ~ ' ;• ';,:'· '• ~ I • : 29th! Can be seen at Milo High J UNE 18TH '66! Ford Truck School yard. Ford Station Wagon PLAN TO BE m GUILFORD --- - -I"' . THE TO\\'); CRIER Page 3 F. A. Track Team C1L~urrl1 Nrws CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 9:30 Priesthood meeting 10:30 Sunday School 12,00 Sacrament Meeting :\ieetings are held at theAmer­ ican LegionHall, Do\rP.JL,Foxcroft SANGERVILLE lJ ~TED CHURCH AttheUnitedChurch Sunday, the pas tor, Miss Shirley Haney wok for her sermo.n subject, " What God has Done and Is Doing in Our Midst". Miss Dianna Rees was soloist sing:­ ing"ln the Garden". The Jun­ ior choir sang an anthem and wereleadersincongregational Foxcroft Academy's 1966 Track Team. L toR: First Row, Wayne Dow, David Mallet, P eter singing. Roderick, Robert Annis, Ryan Varnum, Coach Walt Beaulieu. 2nd Row, Francis Robinson, The Altar baskets ofwhite Mike McDonald, Steve Blanchard, Peter Bishop and Mike Taylor. (Bunker Photo) i~~~l;; ::~~t:;~theBridge - P.C.H. S. Honor Students ~~~~~ JEHOVA.H.';:, VH.J.••~~~~~ ELMWOOD PARK, MtLO Sunda_y, May 1 at 2 p.m. Public pible Lecture"A Way Of Life Set Out in The Sermon On The Mount" by W. Bolt. Watchtower Study, Sunday, :\iay 1 at 3 p.m. "Completing The Work of Making Disciples" based on I Corinthians 3:9. - Tuesday, May3at7:30 p.m. Bible Study with Aid of. Book, "Things In Which It Is Impos­ sible for God To Lie" .;"The Founding of the True Christian. Congregation". Thursday, May 5 at 7:00 p. m. Ministry School; Service Meeting at 8:00 p.m. Cont'd on Page 5 25th Anniversary Gift Ware by WestVirginiaGlass Melanson Top Ten Honor Students at Piscataquis Community High School. L to R: First Row, Charles Jewelry Co. Pullyard, Nancy Ronco, Earline Herring. 2nd Row, Larry Ruksznis, Scott Burgess, George r:ui lfor4'. W:•· Rollins, Larry Greaves and David Gilbert. Absent when photo was taken were Jeffrey Cross and Dorine Morgan. (Bunker Photo) Pag:! 4 THE TOWN CRIER PISCATAQUIS COUNTY CHAPTER OF MARCH OF DIMES NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK COUNTY DEMOCRATS TO HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING OBSERVED IN GUILFORD MEET The Piscataquis County Chapter, the National Foundation , In observance of National On Wednesday May 4th the !.~archofDimeshasheld the Annual Meeting for reports and the Library W8ek, the trustees of PiscataqUis County Denio.crat­ e tection of officers, at Blethen House, Dover-Foxcroft. Guilfbrd Memorial Library, ic Committee willholdam,eet­ Those attending were: Paul:rL Day, Chairman; ,James H. Buz­ held Open House Wednesday ing atDover-Foxcroft !3tarting zell, Vice Chairman; Betty Harvey, Secr<~tary; Ruby Dugas, afternoon. at 7 P.M. Treasurer; Estl1er Owen, W. V.S. Chairman and Town Chair­ Refreshments were served At 8 P.M. · Senator Carlton man; Mrs. Rodney Ross, Brownville;Mrs. wardScripture, Milo; from 2 to 4 to a good number Reed, State Senate President Mrs. Faye Stilson ,Sangerville with guest Mrs. Rita Beech ; of interested people. In addit­ will be guest speaker. The me­ Mrs. Neil Jolmston, Sebec; Mrs. June Marsh, Brownville; ion several others visited the eting is open to the public·. Representing the Teen Age Program were: Esther McLain Bookmobile which was station­ Senator Heed will tour Milo, Milo; Sandy Carvin, Greenville and Kathleen Morin, Sanger­ ed in front of the library. Brownville, Foxcroft, Guil- · ville; E. Joel Bois, FLld H.eprescntative from Portlandhead­ During the afternoon, Mrs. ford and Greenville duripg th.e quarters was the speaker. Eva Burgess showed a film, day. Officers for the past y~~~u all were re-elected. "New Fashions In Flowers" Chairmaa reported ':cry satisfactvry results from the recent In recognition of the weeka CORRIDOR ROAD MEETINGS. campa1gn. Total receipts were $2408. 83, more than twice the window in Crockett's Bakery StateSenator JohnMcDonaid amou!1t recel ved from the previous year. The citizens o[ th0 was decorated by Mrs. F1"eda ofDerbywill attend a meeting Count-y a re io be prai~cd for their generous support of this fight Maxfield and Mrs.
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