★ ★ ★ News from the Hield Acquisitions Robert Henryson to the 20th-century novels of Lewis Grassic Gibbon, with special emphasis on • Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, the Jacobites, Robert Louis Stevenson, Queen has acquired the collection of the Rhode Island Mary of Scotland, and Sir Walter Scott. The poet Medical Society. The donation of approximately John Davidson is represented in 13 first editions 50,000 volumes was voted by the Society member­ published between 1893 and 1910 by John Lane of ship at its annual meeting in May. Founded in London. Another first edition is Thomas Carlyle’s 1812, the Society is the eighth oldest state society in On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in His­ continuous operation. The collection contains nu­ tory (1841). Early editions of Scott include a third merous volumes of note, including Pliny’s Historia edition of Lord of the Isles (1815) and a second edi­ Naturalis (1501) and about 15 other 16th-century tion of Marmion (1908). The immensely popular if works. The oldest English-language title is A Dis­ now forgotten “lady” dramatist of Scotland, course of the Whole Art of Chyrurgerie by Peter Joanna Baillie, is represented in a set of her Series of Lowe, published in Glasgow in 1612. Among Plays in Which It Is Attempted to Delineate the many rare first editions is The Physiology of Frie­ Stronger Passions of the Mind (4 volumes, drich Haller (1757). An unusual collection is one of 1806-1812). Works of 18th-century British drama non-medical publications by physicians, including in the collection include a 1766 operatic adaptation works of fiction, poetry, history, travel, etc., in­ of Fielding’s Tom Jones by Joseph Reed, and works cluding Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Adventures of by the prolific George Colman. Sherlock Holmes (1892). Originally given to the So­ • The College of William and Mary, Williams- ciety in 1927, the extra-professional collection in­ burg, Virginia, has acquired at auction an archive cludes 1,200 volumes and an endowment, which of 300 pages of manuscript material relating to Brown will assume for the collection’s mainte­ Commodore James Barron and the Chesapeake- nance and expansion. The Society materials also Leopard affair of 1807. Barron (1768-1851) was include long runs of the journal publications of var­ captain of the U.S. Navy ship Chesapeake when it ious state medical societies, which will be added, was overcome by a British ship, the Leopard, look­ with the Society’s current medical texts, to the ing for alleged British deserters. The materials pur­ Brown Sciences Library. chased relate to the court proceedings of 1807-1808 • The Center for Research Libraries’ Southeast and include correspondence, rough minutes of Asia Microform (SEAM) Project, Chicago, has re­ hearings, witnesses’ testimony, attorneys’ interro­ ceived microfilm copies of manuscripts from the gations. Some of the items are previously un­ Yogyakarta Palace in Indonesia, the gift of Sultan known. The Barron papers are of particular value Hamengkubowono IX. The 120 rolls represent two in shedding light on 19th-century court martial collections: one of court histories and genealogies proceedings and will be added to Barron’s personal and one of dance, dance-drama, and musical nota­ papers, already at the College. tions. The films are the result of an Australian proj­ William and Mary has also purchased an 1818 ect to preserve the deteriorating documents. Spon­ letter from President John Tyler to his first wife, in sored in part by the Ford Foundation with the which he regrets that he will not be home for stipulation that copies be made available to Ameri­ Christmas due to the pressures of public life. can scholars, the films were presented to a SEAM • Columbia University, New York City, has re- representative at ceremonies in Indonesia. SEAM ceived a segment of the correspondence of Sir Ju­ has launched a new project to film manuscripts in lian Huxley (1887-1975) in commemoration of the the Sonobudoyo Museum in Yogyakarta. centenary of the British scientist’s birth. The letters • City College of the City University of New are the gift of author, philosopher and civil liber­ York, Manhattan, has received a collection of 750 tarian Corliss Lamont, whose correspondence volumes and various journal issues relating to Scot­ with Huxley began in the 1920s when Lamont, tish life and literature. The materials are the gift of later a teacher at Columbia, was a graduate stu­ emeritus professor Coleman C. Parsons, who dent. Included are 20 letters from Huxley and 12 taught English at the College from 1937 to 1971 from Lamont, covering a wide range of topics. and is the author of more than 100 articles on Scot­ Early letters offer advice to the young philosophy tish literature. Subjects in the collection range scholar, while later ones comment on Lamont’s chronologically from the 15th-century poems of successful legal challenges to Senator Joseph Me- 490 / C&RL News Carthy’s investigative committee in 1953 and, in ports, newspaper clippings, correspondence, tran­ 1965, of the U.S. Postmaster General’s censorship scripts, interview notes and photographs docu­ of incoming foreign mail. menting the political, social and economic forces • Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, which have shaped the area. has agreed to serve as the depository of the archives • The Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American has received a collection of approximately 600 Physical Society. Included are operating papers, drawings, designs, letters, photographs, and other correspondence, and financial records of the Divi­ materials from the archives of industrial designer sion dating back to its founding in 1947. The ar­ Raymond Loewy. The material was purchased at chives have been placed in the Manuscript Collec­ the auction of the Loewy archives in France fol­ tion as an open collection and have been listed in lowing his death in 1986. Loewy is famed as the de­ OCLC. signer of such familiar items as the Coca-Cola bot­ • Lehman College of the City University of New tle, the classic S–l locomotive, the Greyhound York, Bronx, has recently arranged and made Scenicruiser bus, and the Studebaker Avanti auto­ available three collections of significance in the his­ mobile. Among the materials are a large water- tory of the Bronx. The records of the Fordham Ma­ color rendering of the exterior design of Air Force nor Beformed Church, established in 1696 and the One which Loewy worked out in consultation with oldest church in the Bronx with a permanent minis­ President John F. Kennedy; designs of automo­ try, have been processed. The collection of 18 cubic biles, heavily annotated by Loewy, showing his in­ feet is comprised of record books, consistory min­ fluence and direction; photographs of the innova­ utes, correspondence, legal documents, church tive 1934 Hupmobile, which he designed; sketches publications and programs, speeches, committee for the Russian Moskvitch car of the 1970s which reports, photographs, maps and blueprints, and was never built; and designs for the 1956 Cornell spans the years 1792 to 1967. Also organized are safety car. His work on the Exxon Corporation logo some 40 cubic feet of material from the Riverdale is represented by a number of variations on the fi­ Neighborhood House, a social service organiza­ nal product. Among many photographs of Loewy tion, including minutes, correspondence, photo­ himself is one which shows him as a proud 13-year- graphs and publications from 1883-1978. Lehman old sitting in a small racing car of his own design. has also processed and described the working pa­ The Library has also confirmed that a draft of pers of journalist Jill Jonnes, author of W e’re Still the Bill of Rights, written by Roger Sherman, is in­ Here: The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of the South cluded in the papers of President James Madison. Bronx (1986). Included are 10.5 cubic feet of re­ Apparently written by Sherman, a member of a RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Guaranteed availability, when you want them. Journals of Science, Technology, and Medicine in microform. Every title filmed and delivered— from the first issue forward. Current subscriptions are delivered within three months of the end of the volume year, and availability of all backfiles is guaranteed. For complete title listings and prices, call 1-800-REACH-RP (1-800-732-2477) now. From Connecticut, Alaska and Canada, call collect (203) 397-2600. Research. Publications, Inc. IS Lunar Drive/Drawer AB Woodbridge, CT 06525 (203) 397-2600 September 1987 / 491 House of Representatives, in July of 1789, the draft Commission of the People’s Republic of China. In­ indicates his influence in adding the Bill of Rights cluded are new and old reference works, modern as a group of amendments to the Constitution. and traditional literature, works on art history and Madison is considered the “father” of the Bill of the social sciences, and volumes from the Contem­ Rights but is known to have favored the idea that porary China and Chinese Art series and the Great amendments be interwoven throughout the Con­ Encyclopedia series. stitution. • The University of Rochester School of Medi- • The New York State Library, Albany, has re- cine’s Edward D. Miner Library, New York, has ceived a collection of materials relating to fire­ received the papers of physiologist Edward Fre­ fighting from Dr. Thomas Walsh of Albany. Items derick Adolph (1895-1986). A scientist of interna­ in the collection date from the 17th century to the tional reputation, Adolph trained several genera­ present and cover topics related to the history of tions of physicians and physiologists, and made fires and fire-fighting throughout the United major contributions to the understanding of the States, Great Britain, and Europe.
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