June 11, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1231 her accomplishments and wish her success as TRIBUTE TO THE DENVER GAY Mayor’s A ward for Excellence in the Arts for she continues on her quest for knowledge. MEN’S CHORUS 1992. As a choir member at Montview Pres- f HON. DIANA DeGETTE byterian Church, I have an appreciation of OF COLORADO choral music’s power and its capacity to in- CONGRATULATING MR. TOM IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES spire both singers and audiences alike. It has DAVENPORT Thursday, June 7, 2007 been noted that ‘‘singing is the bridge between heaven and earth; between ages and cultures. Ms. DEGETTE. Madam Speaker. I rise to It has the power to move hearts and to touch HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS commend the exceptional leadership and in- us in ways that truly transcend mundane ex- valuable contributions of the Denver Gay OF TEXAS perience.’’ Today, we celebrate the trans- Men’s Chorus on the occasion of its 25th An- forming power of choral music. We celebrate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES niversary. It is fitting that we recognize this the invaluable contributions of the Denver Gay chorus for its extraordinary service and its en- Thursday, June 7, 2007 Men’s Chorus as it continues to promote artis- during commitment to creative and perform- tic excellence, pride and community. Choral Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I rise ance excellence as well as the enrichment of music touches all of us and we are indeed for- today to thank Mr. Tom Davenport of Lake the artistic and cultural experience in the 1st tunate to have a cultural asset of such mag- Dallas, Texas for his 18 years of service as congressional district and throughout Colo- nitude. Please join me in commending the Superintendent of Schools for the Lake Dallas rado. Denver Gay Men’s Chorus, a distinguished Independent School District. Since its inception, the Denver Gay Men’s choral ensemble. It is the leadership and dedi- Chorus has proven to be a powerful force in During his tenure, the school district has cation which members of this chorus exhibit promoting both artistic excellence and civic on a daily basis that continually enhance our more than doubled in size and has been in a values. Founded in 1982, the chorus was the continuous building program since 1995. In his lives and build a better future for all of our first openly gay organization in Denver. The people. 38 years of teaching and school administra- group is a talented choral ensemble dedicated tion, his focus has always been on providing to musical excellence and it has been a bea- top-quality education for his students. con of strength and support for the gay and f In addition to his passion for education, Tom lesbian community. Touching ears and hearts HONORING THE LIFE OF UNITED has deeply impressed me by his forward think- alike, the Denver Gay Men’s Chorus, with its STATES ARMY STAFF SERGEANT ing in other areas. A few years ago, Tom unique ability to convey acceptance and pride, CHRISTOPHER M. MOORE made the decision to install geothermal heat- continue to be in high demand with diverse ing and cooling in Lake Dallas ISD schools. audiences. Truly, the chorus has established He recognized that, despite higher up-front itself as a major cultural presence that has HON. JIM COSTA capital costs, the District would save money served to expand the appreciation of choral over time, as well as help clean the environ- music and its enduring value as a means of OF CALIFORNIA ment by using a renewable source. poignant artistic expression. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Denver Gay Men’s Chorus has openly Tom is very active in various professional declared that it exists to build community Thursday, June 7, 2007 organizations on both the state and national through music. Members have joined together level. He is a member of the National Associa- for the explicit purpose of providing edu- Mr. COSTA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to tion of Federally Impacted Schools, having cational, cultural and social enrichment for honor and pay tribute to the life of SSG Chris- served as President of the Federal Properties themselves and their audiences. It is an orga- topher M. Moore, who lost his life defending Section for two years. On the state level, he nization of gay people and their friends that is our Nation in support of Operation Iraqi Free- has served as treasurer for the Texas Asso- actively engaged in making a positive con- dom. ciation of Federally Impacted Schools since tribution to the entire community. Christopher M. Moore attended Alpaugh 1999. He is also a member of the Texas As- The Denver Gay Men’s Chorus has High School in Alpaugh, CA. He excelled in sociation of School Administrators and has amassed a distinguished record of service to academics and graduated early. After Chris- served as a mentor superintendent for four our State and our Nation. It has participated in topher graduated from high school he joined newly hired superintendents across the state. the Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses the United States Army. He was so proud to In the past he has served as Commissioner festivals in six cities—Denver, Montreal, New serve in the military; he enlisted for a second of Education Advisory Committee and served York, San Jose, Seattle, and Tampa—rep- term. Christopher Moore was the first Alpaugh as Chair of the Education Service Center, Re- resenting Denver and Colorado as cultural High School graduate to die in combat. gion XI TASA Study Group. He is a Senatorial ambassadors to the world. It has participated While serving with the 1st Battalion 5th Cav- District Representative for the Texas Associa- in exchange concerts with gay men’s choruses alry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division based at tion of Mid-Size Schools. Other professional in Boston, Chicago, Minneapolis, Portland, Fort Hood, Texas, Christopher performed all of organizations to which he belongs include, Phi Philadelphia and Washington, DC. his active duties with great satisfaction. Trag- Delta Kappa, Association of Supervision and In 1990, Rich Geraghty of Denver was ap- ically, on Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May Curriculum Development, Texas Association of pointed administrative director of the Gay and 19, 2007, the vehicle in which Christopher Community Schools, and the Equity Center. Lesbian Association of Choruses Board of Di- traveled was hit by an improvised explosive Locally he is a member of the Lake Cities rectors. Prior to locating in Washington, DC, device. Christopher and five other soldiers Chamber of Commerce and served as vice- the first national offices of the GALA Choruses were killed in the incident. president for six years. He was selected as were in Denver. In 1992, the Denver Gay Men’s Chorus welcomed over 3,500 delegates Christopher is survived by his mother, Mar- the Lake Cities Chamber of Commerce Citizen tha Moore, two sisters, and one brother. Also of the Year in 2005. He is also a member of and hosted 65 choruses at the GALA Cho- ruses Festival IV held at the Denver Center for surviving are his three young daughters and the Lake Cities Lions Club and is an active numerous friends. member of Lake Shore Baptist Church in Lake the Performing Arts. ‘‘Of Rage and Remem- Dallas. brance,’’ by featured composer John It is my belief that Michael’s life symbolizes Corigliano, was performed at the festival’s the ultimate sacrifice one can make for his Tom plans to reside in the Lake Cities area special AIDS Memorial Concert during the country. His valor, strength, courage and de- after retirement with his wife Carolyn. peak of AIDS deaths nationwide. termination to fight for our Nation will forever It is with great honor that I recognize Mr. Over the past 25 years, the Denver Gay live in the minds and hearts of his family and Tom Davenport for years of hard work and Men’s Chorus has performed over 130 dif- Americans across the country. SSG Chris- dedication. I am pleased to join his friends, ferent concert programs featuring over 1,300 topher M. Moore’s dedication to the principles family, and colleagues in congratulating him compositions, arrangements, commissioned of freedom and democracy will serve as an on his retirement after years of devoted serv- works, and medleys. It comes as no surprise example to all of us and for generations to ice. that the chorus was honored with the Denver come. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:13 Jul 28, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~3\2007NE~2\E11JN7.REC E11JN7 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1232 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 11, 2007 HONORING THE LIFE OF TOM joined Fairfax County Public Schools in 1989, the legislative process. H.R. 2316 shines a KOSSORIS piloting the Technology Tools class for Lanier bright light on lobbyists’ activities in order to Middle School in Fairfax, Virginia. Mrs. Siegel end the illegal practices that waste taxpayer HON. PAUL RYAN has been a dedicated educator at Lanier for dollars and bring disgrace to this institution. OF WISCONSIN the past 21 years. Under Democratic leadership, this Congress IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Teaching students for over three decades is moving America in a New Direction. Our pri- and on two continents, she has demonstrated orities put the interests of American families Thursday, June 7, 2007 her unequivocal passion for education. Over ahead of special interests. I am proud to sup- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Madam Speaker, her career, Mrs.
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