DIRECTORY.] LINCOLNSHIRE. "LOUTH. 421 Girls' Grammar School, Westga,te, opened by Lord I Brinkhill & Enderby-:Mrs. G. :Bark, 'Fleece,' wed Heneage on 23rd Sept. 1904, will accommQdate So Burwell-Parker, 'Black Horse,' wed. fri.. & sat girls; present !llttendance, 47 : it is under the same Caistor--{)liver, Shaw' s yard, wed management as the Free Grammar school, with the Oarlton-Dennis, 'Fleece,' mon. & wed. ; Jack son, additi{]n of lady governors; Miss Katherine H. :Masson, 'Fleece,' wed. & sat.; Walker, Temperance hotel, wed. head miSJtress & sat Municipal Technical School, James street, a plain building Conisholme Birkett, Temperance hotel, wed. & sat of brick with stone dressings; Waiter Herbert Jenkins Covenham-Larder, 'White Swan,' wed. & sat. & John Ph.D., B. Se. head master; Thomas Falkner Allison, sec .Metcalfe, ' Marquis of Granby,' wed. & sat Public Elemen'tary Schools. Thmington-on-Bain-Bosnell, King's Head yard, wed. & Controlled by Education Committee of Lindsey County sat. & Sharp, ' Greyhound,' wed. & sat Council; William Newell, a·ttendance officer Ful8'tow-Hyde & Wright, 'Marquis of Gran by,' wed. St. Ja.mes', Westgate (boys), built in 18u, for 290 boys; & sat average attendance, 163 ; John J ones, master Gayton-le-Mnsh-William James Mason, Temperance Engine gate (girls & infants) ; the girls' school will hold hotel, wed. & sat. & J ackson, 'Fleece,' wed. & fri 143 children & the infant·s' 187; aveTage attendance, Girsby-Kemp, 'Greyhound,' wed. & sat 152 girls & IIO infants; Miss Alice Smith, mistress; Goulceby-Crawford, ' King's Head tap,' wed. & fri Miss Louisa Radcliffe, infants' mistress Grainthorpe J. & H. Hopper & Aaron T. Kil'k, 'Pa.ck d d ( · ) d · Horse,' wed. fri. & sat.; Wilson, wed. only Ea.stfiel roa. mued & infants ' were erecte m 1866, Grimoldby-Samuel White, Walmsley's yard, Walker- M a cost, including site, of about £8oo, for 313 boys gate, wed. & sat. & Hall & Smith, 'Woodman,' wed. & girls & 200 infants; the average attendance is, boys & sa;t & girl's, 175; infants, 72; Malachi Bice, master; Miss Ella Burne-ti, infants' mis!tress Hatcliffe Cammack, 'Marquis of Granby,' wed Horncastle Kitchen, 'Whit-e Swan,' wed. & fri Churc'h street (mixed & infants), built in 1875, for 370 Kelstern-Smithson, 'Royal Oak,' wed children; average attendance, 250; Edward Wright, Ludford-Titley, 'Greyhound,' wed. & sat master; Miss J~ane Burdetlt, infants' mistress Mablethorpe-..!tkinson, , Fleece,' "V"Pcl Kidgate (mixed & infants), built in 184o, for 284 chil- Market Rasen-Dan Plumptn>e, 'Marquis of Granby,' dren; average attendance, 190 mixed & 85 infants; wed. & o~bourne, 'Royal Oak,' wed. & sat Joseph Trewick, mas·ter; Miss Lucy Grey, first mis- Mallshchapel-Blytbe, 'Jolly Sailor,' wed. & sat.;- George tre·ss; Mrs. Margaret Brocklebank, infants' misrtress Rushby, 'Marquis of Granby,' wed.; Whitehead, Wesleyan Merthodist (mixed & infant,s), New market; 1 J 11 s ·1 ' d ._ .. n 1 • M · f 'ldi b · k - k , o · y a1 or, we . "" sa". ; nar ~:e-r, arqms o t h e bh UI ngs are of riC. , WJ'th careta er s house Gran by,' wed. ; Stubbs, 'Joily &ailor,' -wed a~tla.c ,_ed, ~ fwere berechted Ibn 1858,1 for di35 boys, 135 Muckton-Goodhand, 'Foresters' Arms,' wed. & sat gir s ""-4~ m an~s, u:t' ave ee~ en arge to a.ccom~o- I North Cockerington-Sl. Smith, 'Woodman,' wed. & sat date 7:>. mfants, aver11ge ~ttendance, 73 boys, 70 grrls 1 North Somercotes-Adcock, 'Jolly Sailor,' woo. & fri. ; & 75 II~fants; Is~l AlhSIOn, master i Mrs. A. M. Graves, 'Woodman,' wed. ; Geo:rge Grundy, 'Rising 1 Alhs~m, m.fants mistress . Sun,' wed. fri. & sat. ; Standaloft, 'Woodman,' wed. & Calthohc (mixed), Upgate, bmlt I.n 1878, f?r 120 chil- fri.; Thomas Wells, 'Marquis of Granby,' wed. fri. & sat dr~n; average attendance, 37; Miss Kathenne Wheeler, Xorth Thoresby-Baxter, • Marquis of Granby,' wed. & mistress sat. ; F~awssett, 'Pack Horse,' wed. & sat.; Henry NEWSPAPERS &c. Hewins, 'Greyhound,' wed.; Winn, 'Royal Oak,' wed. & sa.t Lincolnshire Bee-Keepers' Monthly Record; E. H. Buscoe, Salt fleet J1Qhn Borrill, 'Marquis of Granby,' wed. & publisher, Northgate sa.t.; Bull, 'Jolly Sailor,' wed. & sat Louth & North Lincolnshire Advertiser, published every Salotfleetby-Ta,tham, 'Rising Sun,' wed.; North, 'Golden wednesday & saturday, 20 Eastgate Fleece,' wed. & sat Louth Times & Mablethorpe & Sutton Advertiser, pub­ Scamblesby-Eng!ish, Foresters' Arms, wed. ; Goodwin, lished friday for saturday by Edward Henry Ruscoe, 'Marquis of Grnnby,' wed. & fri.; Josepb Pari·sh & Northgate 'Vilson, 'Greyhound/ wed RAILWAY STATION. South Somercotes-Thompson, Walmsley's yard, wed. Great Northern, William Pickworth, station master fri. & sat. ; Croft, 'Woodman,' wed. ; Sizer, Temp-erance Omnibuses from 'King's Head' & ' Masons' Arms,' & cabs hotel, wed. fri. & sat from Thorne's livery s~ta:bles, to meet every train Tetford-Blades, 'King's Head tap,'wed. ; Hobson, Shaw's yard, wed OMNIBUSES. Tetney-Hall & Francis Stark, 'Marquis of Granby,' Horncas·tle-Kitchen's, from 'White Swan,' Eastgate, wed. ; Todd, 'Fleece,' wed every wed. & fri. 3 p.m TheddletbQrpe Fowler, 'Woodman,' wed. & fri.; PaTish, 'Jolly Saiior,' wed. & sat CARRIERS. Trusthorpe Ablett, 'Rising Sun,' wed With the pla.ces they go to, inns they go from & days of Waltham-Archer, 'Marquis of Granby,' wed departure. Welton-le-Wold-Wallis, 'Greyhound,' wed. & sat .Alford-George Tindle, ' Foresters' Arms,' wed. & sat Alvingham-Topliss & Trafford, 'White Swan,' wed.& sat West Torrington-Thomas Rowson, 'Fleece,' wed. & sat Ashby-cnm-Fenby-Birkett, 'Rising Sun,' wed.; Hnmber- Whitepit-Brumpton, 'Fleece,' wed. ; Skipwortb, Shaw's stone, 'Marquis of Granby,' wed yard, wed. & sat Blechford-Carter, 'Royal Oak,' wed Withern-William Clarl{, 'Rising Sun,' wed. & sat. ; Benniworth-Betts, '::Marquis of Granby,' wed. & sat. ; William Finch, 'Foresters' Arms,' wed. fri. & sat. & Johns(]n, 'Royal Oak,' wed. ; Goodwin, ' Golden Fleece,' Watson, Walmsley's yard, wed wed Binbrooke-Briggs, 'Fleece,' wed. & sat. ; Thos. Dobbs, 'Rising Sun,' wed. ; Christopher Stark, 'Marquis of WATER CONVEYANCE. Gran by,' wed. & sat. ; Payne, 'Marquis of Gmnby,' Joseph Harvey's steamboats to & from Hull weekly wed. & sat.; Ru5hby, 'Royal Oak,' wed PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Allott Rev. Robert ~LA. 52 Westgate Ashton William, 42 Aswell street Adams Mrs. 17 South street Allott Jn. George J.P. Eastfield house Askey Mrs. Ivy house, Goorge street Addey Miss, White house, Grimsby rd Allott Miss, Chequergate Attiwell John Tattam, 5 George etreet Adlard ChristoE.her,Rose cot.New mrkt Allwood Robert, 177 Eastgate Auchmuty Kenneth Charles B.A. Ailsby William Glover, 20 Grimsby rd Anderson Charles, Broadbank (assistant ma-ster, Grammar school), Allenby Miss, 180 Eastgate Archer "\Villia.m, 10 Lee stre~t The Bungalow Allenby Miss, 24 Ge<Jrge street Arliss John, 10 Aswell street Bach Edward Hrougham,Trinity lodge Allenby Mrs. 178 Eastgate Armstrong William Benj. 176 Eastgate Back Regil'lald Stuart, Myrtle house, Allison George Herbert, Westgate Ash A.rthur Herman, Grosvenor house, Brackenborough road Allison Israel, 6 Sydenham terrace, Keddington road Baker Tbos. Jas. 9b, N ewbridge hill New market Asbley Tlwmas, B Cemetery road BarbPr Arthur Hy. Southfield house, Allison John Sidney, 20 George street Ashley Thomas, jun. Vulcan house, Kenwick road .Allison Pbilip, The Hill Cemetery road Bateman Mrs. ga, Priory ter. Eastgate Allison Thomas Falkner, 38 Westgate Ashton Edward, r45 Eastgate Bateman Samuel, 3 Newbridge hill ..!llison Wilham, The Firs, Westgate Ashton George Henry, Olive house, St. Bllazley Rev. John Arthur (curate St . Alli.son William, jun. Westgate house Michael's road J ames'), I George street .
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