c mamma sports The commands HCC wrestlers head to take charge. nationalso see page7 page 11. grading system *, challenged Woes : '* . v .. .. How mny mdits do I need? Are the right dases -by-- being offered? * When is my registration date? mese are just some of the questions thatneed to be answered, now thatSpring Registration has begun. tiigh School students get head start SJ requimhcscstudentstohavea -fit is that ttreir first two s1 certain grade point average. years of allege arc paid for. However, thty do haveto take The student is supponed by in theassettestandscorehigh taxes that originally went to- m emugh to enter college-level ward theirhigh school educa- hi classes above 100. Tht only tion. Tht students do have to to otherlcquirementsarethatthey pay for their own books and hi campl~anapplicadonandthat transport9tion. It tbeirpaFentsmustbeawareof Running Start is mainly de- P' thedecision. AllWashington signed for students who are H high schools are required by bondinhighschoolbtcause I law to let eligible students par- thewoMstdaeasyforthemor c4 ticipate. for students wbsimply want ol AlthoughtheRunningStart to graduate fiom college early. Stu~arenOttligibleforHCC parents of particularly intelli- 01 sports, Edward M. Command, gent students were in favor of Y' prrsident of HCC, wants these theprogram. stwlents to feel at home. "Ithink the program, over- is "We're going to treat thcm all, is best for the students," It justirsallotbtrstudcnts,"Com- Command said. V mand said. ApplicatirrnsareduebyMay Q Running Start is beneficial 1, 1992, for the fall of 1992. fw~bcc1#IsCthcY~MOIC information will be dis- il tm&r to a four-year college tritnlted to high scbol sopho- 0 two ytan early. Amthcr big mom and junTors. - Page 2 ‘Thunderword Thursday Fcbraury 27,1992 News Coordinated studies course captures college ‘experience’ 4a-n Clever algebra where you learn equa- justiceto what coordinated relatedtopics such food and succtssofthefalldbthespring Staff Writer tions of little use which are, at studies are about.” fashionofthe 1940’s. the attack coordinated studiesunit will be A coordinated studies unit best, space fillers in the comer In the WorldWarn modi- on pearl H~Gthe Dew- offered Mondays through Fri- Called days, excluding Wednesdays, focuscd on the thcmc **People of your brain. What you leam natedstudieswrit,studentswere si011 and a dm mjit- i in America: Separate or Con- in a coordinated study [class] is required to choose a date dur- ehg* fiorn 830 am. to 1295 p.m., t and will fullfill credit require- 1 nccted?” will be offered spring tobeutilized fully-righthere, ing the quarter and give, in any ‘~~UP~~ti~we~fun? e- . quarter at HighlineCommunity right now.”desired style, a “50 Years Ago saidMamStickney,** men& for WritingA01 or Writ- t College. The 15-cditcourse course. the took ing 105, Psychology 120 or combines three courses ftom L “Wegot to know Rychology 295, and Political the departments of Writing, each other, and it Science 120 or Political Sci- Psychology, and Political gave us another enx295.munitwiubetaught Science. pint of view be- by HCC instructors Baugher The fall coordinated snd- sides that of our in- ~ChOlgy),RoSemWAdang (Writing), and Davidson Dodd iesunitfocusingonWorldWar StruCtOfS.” I1 and consisting of History “None of us (Political Science). I 115, Humanities 110, and fmwleamingthe “1 speak for the thrree of us Speech 100, met daily ftom 8 jitterbug in a seri- instructors when I say we are am. to noon with aone-hour ow, lS-credit, col- very excited aboutteaching this break. HCC instructors Kay legeclass,” Loop coursespringQuarterr,”Baugher Gribble, Larry Blades and said, “but then we said. Chuck Miles taught the unit. neverknew what to “1 wasfascinated with expect. It was the World War II and wanted to most unique expe- Check For Your leam more about it, as well as rienceany of us Registration Date! gain 15 requiredcredits to- L had.” j: wards my A.A.,” said A.A.,” my wards Kris Winterquarter !# Loop, formerstudent or ”vet- Thecoardinatedstudiesunit Today” port. Students were at HCC offered no coordinated SlLvERMTnnn em,” of the fd coordinatedinvolves guest speakers. field also requiredto give threestudies unit, and many Of the studies unit. “Ialso looked for- trips and special projeds in ad- speeches: a speech based on a program’s fonner students dis- PARK ward to meetingpeople who ditiontoassignedtextbookread- first-hand account of fhe war, like its absence from the HCC APARTMENTS shared my interests for this ingsandclassroomdiscussians. an infornative speech, and a cuniculum. Hdeysaidhefetls class.” “You can’t“Youclass.” just madpersuasive about speech. a “like caged-upgerbil this Studio and According to BobBaugher, this subject,” Hurley said. On Fridays,groups gave quarter,” Sticlcney said. I-Bedroom Y one of the spring’s coordinated “Only actual experience can do one-hour presentations on war- Nevertheless, based on the Apartments studies unit instructors, a coor- dinated studies unit allows for Large Kitchens nh~edand facilitated leaming There were ten ~oodreasons through a close community of Storage Rooms friendships and study groups, why she dldn’t want thls baby. Close to HCC and is a wonderfd wayto learn Birthright helped her with them all, and meet people. $200 off 1st “Coordinated studies is the IRTHRIGHT months’ rent best way to experience college 4alO Aum Ava N., Ri9 life,” said Robert Hurley, also a m,WA 98103 824-3490 ‘tcteran.” “It’s not like linear 633-2881 23006 30th Ave. S. A place to think things through. Des Mdnes, WA. 981 98 ~ ~ ~~ . ~ ~~~ ~ ~ Students ‘i. R See US Before YOU Register R For Different Start Times (Shifts) $7.00 an hour shifh .SO an hour shift ~~ 10 a.m., 2 p.m, 7 p,m. Midnight Sunday - Thursday remanent Part-Time Work P Located in Kent Put Yourself Through School - Work for R.M. S Sign Up In Job Placement Or Call S Thunderword Thursdav Februarv 27.1992 Paae 3 News Taking a few precautions can deter a rapist the garage doors clo6ed at all If while youare walking "Surviving Sexual Assault," a Booher's next example of times whenthey =not inw. somconeisfollowingybu,ctoss book prepared for The Los passive response is the "poor the stnet. If they continue to AngelesCommission on As- me" response. It maywork staff Writer Evenyourmailboxcanhelp - keep you fnoan being victim- follow,walk to the nearest saults Against Women."If you well on a rapistwho ha5 a low ized. Whenlisting with the populated place or hail down a feel htened in any way, you self-image;hemayidcnti@with phone company, or putting a passing car. If, onthe other may want to say that someone you when you say you have no has become a serious nameonthcmailbx,"Uscyour Rw hand, you aae being harrassed stopped earlierand has already fiends and your matkcr 1s dv- sod'~mthardemandsm first two initials, as menoften bysomeoneinacar,twnaFound called the police, who are oning from cancer. be Societytends to do," Dianna Daniels Booher and walk in the opposite direc-their way." The ego-building P:S~YAW focusm~ustthccausesofi~oradvisesinherbodr"~,What tion. The car wouldhave to If you think you are beingmay deter the rdpist who fccls the €Wcbl@cal m*e-up Of WouldYouDoIf...?" "Bynow, twn around to continue fol- followed, do not go home. Go he must prove his strength. Sot :~~'ts*but women need mme attaclerskmwabouttheadvice lowing you. to the nearest fire or police rejectinghim may keep him *realm~omabouthowthe~ to we one initial instead of a Whenwalkingandcarrying station. Similarly,don't puU from showing you how strong canpm~thmselvesand~R- first name if you are a girl packages, try to arrange an over for flashing headlights. he is. vent a mpe. No woman should she wTim, easierway of canying them so The police will have flashing The nextpassive response, beaftaidtoleaveherhameand beaftaidtoleaveherhameand Bewary of anycallers who thatyoucouldn'tbecaughtoff- Edand blue lights. bodyweakness, may stall the should be somewhat Of claim to have dialed wrong or guard.Some women have If you arebeing (hreatenedrapist and giveyou time to what to do in case Of an at- who continue to ask for some- thtownpackagesatattackemin with a possible attack, or fall analyze the situation. 'Tell the temptedattack one who does live there. The order to distact them. victim to a rapist, the^ are two attackcryou have cancer, are A" to a'ife Skills callermaybetryingtow out ~yournustw~txme~mresistance t~~hniqpe~that am pregnant or haveasexually Education Inc. pamphlet, if anly one suggested:pas- transmitted disease," Booher "Rape: A Crime Of SeXdAS- isat he.Neve,, sive and active advises. Ways tostalJ an attack sadt? about one-half of !e- &~anyonc~you resistance. My are limitedonly by you. Use About one-half of ale alone. canthe victim de- anything you can think of to put The same rule which cide ap- off the adrape. teported m~ take applies to repair- pmwhwillbtthe Thesecondtechniquetotry place in the victim's -en, men, or most effective. is active resistance. This is home. Therefore, that people wishing to Try to read the actual backfighting and "can usethcpbnedue rapistandforman bedtheryourprimarymodeof should be the first toanancfgency. In opinimastowhat def- or secondary measuE !b;: place to be secured. thecaseofanenref- will workand if passiveresistance fails," gency, if someone won't. what Whitternore writes. Surprise is p~~~phhtheneeds:yo~phom, Passive -is- the key since the rapist will victim*shome. Thesefore,that offer to call fbr the tance may work most likely be bigger and houldbethtfifstplacetok person,butdonot 1. - . welliftheattacker stmngeq you must be able to ~-~apee~le~open tht br. u ism- inflictinjurythatwillallowyou will allow aminimm 1W0 they sfau or pres- with whomyou toescape.Everywomanshould fc ?- gtmviewingangle. This will sure you, call the havea relation- consider taking a self defense enable you to see who is at the police. Ifanunexpectedrepair- on a regular basis, vary your ship of some sort and may be i fimt door without opening it.
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