PAGE EIGHTEEN MONDAY, MAY 16, 1972 iianci;rsfcr If^raUi More Wallace The Weather ParUy cloudy, mild through at 7. Officers wlU be elected, M em ben of the (Ifencheeter cordla Lutheran Church will to the needy chlldrm treated on and proceed to Holmes Funeral Wednesday . , . chance show- Andover Vernon and Installed, and mualo and Barracks. World War I Vator- Stories, Pictures o t I 1 A bout Town have ita annual Arta and Crafta the ship.' After the program, Home, 400 Main St., to pay re-_ ers/thunderstorms both eve­ specta to the late 'William J. phyaioal education programs ans, and AuxlUary wlH meet to­ Show tomomikr at 8 p.m. U Kai­ there will be a social hour. Hoot* nings. Tonight’s low in 60s. To­ Green School PTA wUl Install Wields, a member. will be presented. night at 6 : ^ p-m . « t the Bclmea Pages 8 and 9 G riner H eads T w o G M s officers at its final meeting of ser Hall of the church. TTie pro­ esses are Mrs. Fred Badger, Funeral Home, 400 Main 6 t, to morrow’s high near 75. the school year tomorrow at gram will Include a puppet-mak­ The Mattohester Steihettee pay respeota to the late Marvin 'Manchester^A. City o f Village Charm Mra. Robert Blake and Mra. The Manchester Itallan-Ameri- 7;3o p.m. in the school audi­ ing demorstratlon and work­ will aponeor a fashion show to­ S. Baker Sr., a member of the Ernet Bggen. The event Is open can Society will meet tcnlght at Charter Unit m ^ ^ torium. Mrs. Joyce Torna and shop given by Mra. Joel Hitt, morrow at 8 p.m. at the 'VFW Barracks. to all women ot the church. 8 at th'e clubhouae, ISS Bldridge (Claaaifled AdrertUIng on Page 16) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS students will demonstrate the the hosplUl ship SS HOPE, Home, 608 B. Middle Tpke. Re- V O L . XCl, N O . 193 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1972 Andover's fledgling CSiarter St 1 op Grads school’s new music program. the hospital ship 8C8 HOPE, freahmenta will he served. The Qlri Scout Troop 848 wlli Commission has elected as Officers and members of the Refreshments will be served. where Mrs. Hitt’s dauj^ter, event Is open to the pubUo, and meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at chairman Jerome Oiiner and as Britlsl\-Amerlcan Club will meet Nancy, Is a nurse In the pediat­ Bonwere School PTA will meet tickets may be purebased at the Community B ^ o ^ Church. secretary, Mrs. Barbara Oody. tonight at 7:15 at the olubhouse The Women’s Group of Con' ric unit, and will be distributed tonight in the school auditorium door. The group set May 34 for its A t RHS next meeting and wlU then de­ cide upon a schedule of meet­ Two Rockville High School ings. girls have been chosen to share summer handbags First Selectman Robert Post Six styles in white or bonel Plain or quilted ^nyls . instructed the group about their ^ graduating Wallace Wounded, Near SIS duUes. d efies of the Home Rule **lss Lucille B. Salterbach populw sat^el and shoulder strap types in jme group. Act handbook for charter com- has been named valedictorian Inside zippers, multi compartments, reg. to $10 mission members were distrlb- and - Miss Rita J. Franceski, uted so that the members could saluteUorian. 5e99 inform themselves on their spe- Miss Salterbach is the daugh- cific responsibilities and the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward fashion sunglasses -■'/HU tlmetaUe. Salterbach of 89 B. Main St., TO,.) Post told members they Rockville. She received die B. A great selection of this-minute styles, all with impact / ’T*V . - should avail themselves of the Stevens Henry Award in 1968, resistant and both metal and tortoise frames. Choose a information compiled by the has been a member o t the Fu­ “wardrobe” of fashion’s faiforite accessory at this low town’s previous charter com­ ture Teacher’s Club, a delegate price 1 reg. to $10 mission. Complete ndnutes and to Girls State, Is a member of records of that group’s inter­ the National Honor Society and 2.59 2 for $5 views with town offlcials would is presently editor of the class Starts reduce the extent of investiga­ yearbook as well as on the staff Today! famous make jewelry tion necessary, according to of the school newspaper. Post. In the summer of 1969 Miss e Maneheater Parkade Choose from a large variety of pendants, pins, bracelets e OoriMna Corner, Griner told members he had Salterbach completed a three- and earrings. Antique t 3T>es, art deco, sum m er jew elry, week course in computer and Weet Hartford ■ contacted Richard Lafferty d e Tri-CltyJnaa^ crystal and bead combinations in this interesting collec­ oriented mathematics at the the Connecticut Public Ebependi- 'Vernon tion. Reg. to 12.60 ture CounciL which dissemi­ University of Connecticut. e New London Mall nates all data and guidelines for Miss Franceski is the daugh­ e Downtown charter commissions, and he ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward New Britain 1.99 would try to get him to a i ^ a r Franceski of 75 Toilcott Ave., e Briatol Plaza (DAL, Jewelry, aU etores) at the commission’s next meet­ Rockville. She has also been the ing as guest speaker. recipient of the E. Stevens Memorial Day Parade Henry. Award and is a member The Memorial Day Committee of the National Honor Society, is’ still looking for veterans of the Chemistry Club, Spanldi any of the wars who are will­ Club and the high school choir. ing to participate in the annual Memorial Day Parade. Those veterans who are un­ Vernon able to march the distance of HT the peoade would be accommo­ r)& Li dated with cars. All town vet­ Gtizen Seeks erans should contact chairman Gordon Howard for further de­ tails. Cut in Budget The committee has arranged this year lor Robert Day, Fearing that the proposed assistant principal at the Rham $io.9 million budget will mean High School, to serve as guest an increase of five mills to the speaker at the Memorial Day present rate of 48 mills, a Ver­ summer event. non msA is organizing opposi­ missies The parade this year will be tion to reduce the prxq>osed fig­ on Monday, May 29, beginning ure by $700,000. M at 9 a.m. at the Andover Ele­ Robert N. Bailey of 44 Hany sleepwear all-weather mentary School, going up to the Lane has been cmitactlng other monument on Route 6 for a local taxpayers in an effort to brief ceremony and then pro­ get them to attend, the budget coats ceeding to the cemetery on meeting which will be held to­ by Barbizon Cider MiU Rd. morrow at 8 p.m. at the Vernon The Rev. ' Raymond Bradley Center Middle School. of the First Oongregiatlonal Ihe decision is made by those Determined candidate (George Wallace throws off jacket on campaign trail at Maryland, and strides to tragedy. Church erf Andover will (rfflclate attending the aimual meeting as and other for both the invocation and the to whether the general budget benediction. and the education budget are 1 6 .9 0 Luncheon Menu acted on separately or as one. II I T Tragedy on Eve of Primaries truncheon menus at the And­ If they are acted on 8ep€utitely top makers to Candidate Hit over Elementary School for the Bailey said he would propose a By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and after the shooting an aide dieted. Other politicians specu- A Wallace television appeal remainder of the week are as reducing the general govern­ Bombs W reck Gov. George C. Wallace, shot said the governor would contin- lated privately that the shoot- went on as scheduled' In Mlch- follows: ment budget of $3.7 million by and criUcaUy wounded on Uie ue his drive for Uie presidency, ing would stiffen any wavering Igan, however, and a Wallace Tuesday? Pizza burgers, 30 per cent and the education eve of what looms as his big- Hls. top rivals are Sens. George. WaUace supporters and per- campaign worker In thq Detroit french fries, vegetable sticks, budget of $7.1 million by 70 per 2 3 .9 0 In Maryland 3 .9 9 -5 .9 9 gest 1972 political trlumi*). Is McGovern and Hubert H. haps swing some voters unde- suburb of Lincoln Park said, pudding. cent. favored to sweep DemocraUc Humphrey, considered the lead- elded between- the .Alabama “Nothing’s changed W e’re eUU Wednesday: Sausage links or Bailey contends that the town and we’re still reg. $6 to $9 reg. $24 to $38 precidentlal primaries today In Ing candidates for the Demo- governor and another candl- campaigning, SILVER SPRING, Md. (AP) — George C. Wallace, hamburg patties, mashed po­ spending is increasing at a Michigan and Maryland, poesi- cratic presidential nomination, date. going to carry Michigan.” tatoes, carrots, spice cake. greater rate than the grand list. shot down at an election-eve rally, lay gravely wounded ■ S A IG G N (AP) — Am erican fighter-bom bers w reck- Wy boosted by a substantial Tjjg Incident may create "a McGovern and Humirfirey Billy Joe Camp, WaUace’s 'nuirsday: Spaghetti, rolls, He said he is advocating cuts and partially paralyzed today on what was to have been ed North Vietnam’s air defense headquarters on the large sentiment to vote for Wal- stopped acUve presidential press aide, told newsmen in the brightest day of his presidentiai campaign.
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