T-WBRIDGE WELLS COMMONS CONS-EBVATORS 6th January, 1976 PRESENT: Councillor Clanfield (Chairman) Councillors Mrs. Bowles, Mrs. Streeten and Wolvey . Mrs. Kentner . Messrs. H.T. Clarke, B.H. Fountain, C.R. Harler, N,J. hmcook and D.I. Lloyd-Roberts. 1. MINUTES - The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. 2. ACCOUNTS - Accounts amounting to E2,639.72 were passed for payment. 3. ESTIMATES - Estimates for the amount required for the purposes of the Commons Conservators for the next financial year were approved in the- sum of £15,210. RESOLVED - That the Recreation and Leisure Committee of the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council be requested to make provision in its estimates for the next financial year of an amount of E15,210 under the provisions of the Tunbridge Wells Improvement Act 1890, the Public Health Act 1875, and all its other statutory powers, (1) FIREDAMAGE--FurthertoMinutelOofthemeetingheldon the 7th October, 1975, the Treasurer reported that he had discussed this matter with the Conservators insurers who had indicated that it would appear that the Conservators would not be liable for fire damage to buildings on the Common in the absence of negligence. In that event, the existing Third Party Policy would provide the necessary cover. RESOLVED - That the report be noted. (2) CLAIM - The Treasurer reported on a possible claim against the Conservators arising out of an accident on 24th June, 1975. This was being Leslt with by the insurers. 5 SURVEYOR1 S REPORT - The Surveyor1s report for the quarter ended 31st December, 1975, was received. The Surveyor also reported an offer of four tress by Mr. and Mrs. Charles for planting on the Common. RESOLVED - That the offer be accepted with grateful thanks. 6. -STAFF - The Surveyor reported that three members of the Staff were already on extended service beyond the retiring age and sought instructions regarding further extensions in view of the present unemployment situation. RESOLVED - That the Chairman be authorised to discuss this matter with the Personnel/Management Services Officer of the Borough Council. DATES _FOR Fl.JTURE MEETINGS (1) The future meetings be held on Tuesday 30th March, 1.976, and Thursday 1st July, 1.976. (2) That the dates for the remaining meetings in 1976/77 be considered at the March meeting. 8. NOTICE BOARD - Attention was drawn to anotice board affixed to a tree at the junction of Major Yorkts Road/Hungershall Park and the Surveyor was instructed to either have the board repainted or, if no longer required,' removed. TUNBRIDGE WELLS COMMONS CONSERVATORS 1 4 30th March, 1976 - Present: Councillor Glanfield (Chairman) ! Councillors Mrs. Bowles, Mrs. Streeten and 1 wolvey , I i Mrs. Kentner. Mrs. H.T. Clarke, C.R. Harler, N.J. Lurcook and D .I. Lloyd-Robert s . MINUTES - The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. AC.COLUNTS - Accounte mounting to E2,928.88 were passed for payment. SURVEYOR'S REPORT - The Surveyor's Report for the period ended 9th March, 1976, was received. RESOLVED - That the report be noted. -STAFF - Further to Minute 6 of the last meeting, the Surveyor reported that the Chairman and himself had discussed with the Personnel/Management Services Officer of the Borough Council the question of further extending the service of the three members of the staff. Following these discussions, the Chairman had agreed that the service of the full time employee could be extended for one year and that the services of the two part-time members of the staff concerned could also be extended for the same period, if necessary, but that arrangements should be made during the year to find suitable replacements who would be willing to work similar hours etc. with a view to these two men retiring in due course. RESOLVED - That the Chairman's actions be confirmed. GRASS CUTTING MACHINES -2Surveyor submitted five tendera received for the supply grass cutting machines. RESOLVED - That the tender of Pace and Sons, in the sum of E487.30 inclusive of V.A.T., (the lowest), be accepted. DINGLEY DELL, RUSTHALL ROAD - The Surveyor reported that the occupier of this property had requested that the two seats adjacent thereto should be re-sited. RESOLVED - That no action be taken in this matter. 26 ERIDGE ROAD - The Surveyor reported that the attention of the architects acting for the owner of this property had been called to the fact that debris from building works had been dumped part of the Waste of the Manor. The agents were arranging for the rubbish to be removed. BAXTE3LEY FLATS, RUSTHALL ROAD - The Surveyor reported that one of the residents of these flats had requested that the area to I the front of the property should be tidied up. He also reported that ~ouncillorMolvey and himself had recently inspected the area which appeared to be tidy and that no further action appeared to be necessary. 1 / LINDEN PARK CRICKET CLUB - The Clerk ~p~rtedthat this Club sought permission to erect a notice board approximately 3 ft. x 2 ft. by the railings at the upper corner of the ground adjoining Fir Tree Road which would indicate the name of the visiting team of the day and details of the next home match. RESOLVED - That no objection be raised to the proposed notice board provided it is exhibited only on the day of the match in question and stored away when not in use and subject to the construction, design and siting of the board being to the satisfaction of the Surveyor* DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS - Further to Minute 7 of the last meeting the Conservators agreed that the remaining metinge for the current year should be held on 7th October, 1976 and 6th January, 1977. , CHAIRMAN - The Chairman indicated that he would not be seeking re-election at the District Council elections on 6th May, 1.976. In ~rderthat a new Chairman should be elected to cover the period until the next meeting in July, he now formally resigned as Chairman of the Conservators. I f RESOLVED - That the Chairman's resignation be received with regret I and that Mro Do10 Lloyd-Roberts be elected Chairman of the 1 Conservators until the annual meeting in July, 1977. 5i Ii * i Mr. D.I. Lloyd-Roberts in the Chair ;: I i i Councillor N,L. Glanfield JoP. - The Chairman paid tribute to the ti aenrices which Councillor Glanfield had rende~edduring his period . i of membership of the Conservatorso .i RESOLVED - That the Conservators do place on record their sincere and grateful thanks to Councillor N.L. Glanfield, JeP., for his services to the Conservators and special interest in the Tunbridge Wells Commons during the past 23 years. COUNCILLOR WOLVEY - The Chairman thanked Councillor Wolvey , who was also not standinn for re-election at the forthcoming District Council elections, for his services to the Conservators during his period of menbership. AUDITORS - % RESOLVED - That Nr. NeJo Lurcook be appointed as an Auditor in place of Councillor NoLe Glenfield for the remain current year. TUNBRIDGE WELLS COMMOIVS CONSERVATORS SURVEYORS REPORT - QUARTER ENDING 7th JUNE 1976 The usual grass cutting programme started at the beginning of April and most of the prominent areas have had at least two cuts. Grass Cutting Machines & Grass Cutting The new rotary grass cutting machine has produced excellent results and has greatly assisted in speeding up the work. It is to be hoped that the programme of replacements may be continued over the next two years, so as to keep labour costs to a minimum. The combination of the dry weather and the new machine has reduced the period over which part time student labour will be required this summer, and none was employed during the spring vacation. 1 Trees Arrangements have been made with the Parks Department to fell a number of elm trees killed by disease. The hornbeam tree in a group of trees at the western end of the Lower Cricket Ground about which the previous Surveyor reported at your meeting on the 8th April 1975, is being watched carefully, as there are indications that the rot at the base is increasing slightly. Seats I Repairs are continuing to be made to seats damaged by vandalism. This continues to be an increasing problem in spite of the provision of additional litter bins as previously authorised. Large quantities of broken glass have also been collected following a special clearing effort from the areas near the Wellington Rocks and the Toad Rock. Post Office Trench Work The Post Office are in the process of completing their multi duct pipe line between Church Road and Mt. ~phraimRoad, which was approved before nly appointment and following discussions with the Engineers concerned, the work is being carried out in'a satisfactory manner, although the dry weather is not helping with the re-settling of the tu~es. ?rial Holes For New Sewage Rising Main The Borough Council have advised that it wishes to dig three trial holes on the on between Manor Park and Nevi11 Park in connection with investigations ' . prior to preparing a scheme for laying a, new pumping main from Hurstwood Pumping o the Southern oukfall sewer. /' /' A further clearance of rubbish f ram this Lake has been made and two lorry loads away, but more debris has been thrown in and a further effort will be ..made as soon as possible. -1- Linden Park Cricket Club Further to Minute 9 dated 30th March 1976 no approach has been received from this Club for their proposed new bod. I Byelaw and Other Notice Boards A number of these have been broken, damaged or just deteriorated and a programme of repair and renewal is in progress as far as funds permit.
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