Welcome letter Dear colleagues and friends , I would like to take this opportunity to in vite you to the beautif ul and histo rical K rako w. It would be a great honour f or us to host the FIG W orking W eek 2021 in Poland. We are con vinced that Poland ma y off er man y attractions f or you, both , as f o r surve yo rs, as we ll as during the da ys bef ore or af ter the wo rking. We do hope that you will enjo y you r visit to Poland and will be willing to come back in the f uture. Poland is a ve ry interesting count ry: it is the count ry of Copernicus, who stopped the Sun and mo ved the Earth , it is also the count ry of John Paul II, who wa s bo rn close to K rako w, in Wadowice . It is a lso the count ry whe re the Solidarit y mo vement wa s initiated, which then - within a decade - resulted in the collapse of the "old, good" communist system . And f inally, Poland is also the country of beautif ul nature , beautiful mountains, la ke dist rict s and beaches o ve r t h e B a lt ic S e a . W ithin the social p rogramme of the W orkin g W eek you will be offered the opportunity to visit ve ry interesting places loca ted close to K rako w and take part in cultural e vent s present ing the Polish t raditions . K rakow is one of the oldest cities in Po land and the seat of the Jagiellonian University, the oldest one in Poland. K rako w is well kno wn as the f orme r capital of Poland and the present capital of Małopolska re gion; it is f illed with treasu res of the past sat isf ying the expectations of e ven the most demanding admirers of architecture and a rt . Taking ad van tage of being there, Miłka Pietrzak particularly in the summer, you will ha ve the unique opportunity to visit the ve ry f amous K rako w Vice P re sident Historic Cent re, as well as the W ieliczka and Bochnia Ro ya l Sa lt Mines .If you decide to arrive Association o f P o lish S u rve yors earlie r or to sta y longe r in Po land, you ma y go to the south, to see beautif ul Ta tra Mountains, the "Polish Alps" with their landscapes, shelte rs, you ma y take the cable wa y and reach Kasp ro wy W ierch with its meteorological observatory. In Zakopane , being the win te r capital of Poland, you will enjo y good f ood, you will listen to the f olk music and rest . Bu t if you decide to go the no rth, you will be able to visit Warsaw, the capital of Poland, with it man y attractions, including Żela zo wa Wola, the Chopin’s house, and then go to Gdansk, and f urther, to the Balt ic seaside . If you ha ve more time you ma y visit the Białowie ża Fore st , the oldest f orest in Eu rope, you ma y visit many national parks, man y histo rica l place s, palaces, cast les . W heneve r you go you will enjoy you r sta y and yo u will f e el at h o me. We are con vin ced that Poland and K rako w a re the pe rf ect places to e xchange the scientif ic and professional knowled ge in su rve yin g, and also to enjo y cultu ral and social e vents - by the participants and by t h e accompanying p e rsons. Hope to s ee you all in Kr a kow ! Letters of support Association of Polish Surveyors (SGP) Historical background 1916 The first surveyor ’s organization was established at the Polish territory under the name “The Union of Surveyors”. 1926 Professional Organization of Polish Surveyors joined International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) 1927 Polish surveyors hosted the FIG Permanent Committee Meetings in Warsaw 1959 Polish surveyors hosted the FIG Permanent Committee Meetings in Kraków 1985 Polish surveyors hosted the FIG Permanent Committee Meetings in Katowice Organization • a voluntary organization of individuals being professional surveyors due to the diploma certifying education in land surveying • SGP has its own “Statute” and “Code of Ethics” • SGP has regional branches coinciding generally with provinces of the country • SGP Convention takes place every three years Organizing Committee MS c . Stanisław P h D . L u dmiła P h D. A n d rze j Ce gielski P ie t rzak P a chuta P re sident Vice P re sident Vice P re sident P ro f . A ndrzej Ho p f er FI G Ho norary Me m ber P h D . Krzysztof M Sc. J a r o s ł a w Elżbieta Biel P h D . Małgorzata P h D . P a w e ł M S c . P r o f . P h D . B a k u ł a W y s o c k i P r e s i d e n t o f B u ś k o H a n u s Włodzimierz K r y s t i a n Janusz K r a k ó w K ę d z i o r a - P y k a W a l o Association G e n e r a l M e m b e r o f of Surveyors S e c r e t a r y t h e B o a r d Supporting organisations Warsaw University of National Union of Employers Polish Society for Geodetic Chamber of Commerce Technology Faculty of Geodesy of Geodesy and Cartographic Companies Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and Cartography AGH University of Science and Technology University of Warmia Mazury in Olsztyn Polish Association for Local journal of geodesy science. Faculty of Mining Surveying and Faculty of Geodesy, Geospatial and Civil Engineering Spatial Information The owner is Association of Polish Surveyors Environmental Engineering Towards the excellence in measurements • excellence in measurements in the field of: hydrographic surveys, engineering surveys, cadastral surveys... • excellence in measurements of: land, forest, constructions... • excellence in measurements in: villages, cities, mega cities, areas of informal settlements... • excellence in measurements using modern technologies: GNSS, precise instruments, laser scanners... • excellence in measurements from: ground (GNSS, Total stations...), air (UAV...), underground (LIDAR platforms...) • Covering the scope of All FIG Commissions’ activities. • Creating a platform of exchanging of information between The Highest Level of Professionals from FIG family and Friendly Organizations like FAO, World Bank, UN-Habitat GLTN… Why Poland HIGH STANDARD OF SERVICES RICH HISTORY GREAT LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY AFFORDABLE PRICES PERFECT ACCOMMODATION RAPIDLY GROWING ECONOMY Facts about Poland CURRENCY Area: 312 679 square km Population : 38 mln inhabitants EXCHANGE RATES Economy: 6th largest in UE UNESCO list: 14 sites Member of European Union: since 1.05.2004 Currency : Polish Złoty HDI (Human Developement Index): 36th on the world The National Bank of Poland, 20.06.2016 CLIMATE IN POLAND Famous Poles Nicolaus Frederic Ignacy Paderewski Copernicus Chopin Maria Curie-Skłodowska John Paul II Donald Tusk Roman Polański Agnieszka Radwańska Robert Lewandowski Lech Wałęsa Donald Tusk Why Krakow • UNESCO heritage • Tasty cuisine • Affordable hotels • Flight connections • Nice weather • Living culture Tourist attractions WAWEL HILL JEWISH DISTRICT AUSCHWITZ-BIRKENAU STATE MUSEUM VISIT POLAND’S WINTER CAPITAL: ZAKOPANE RAFT RUN DOWN THE DUNAJEC RIVER WIELICZKA SALT MINE Krakow Accessibility FLIGHTS TO Krakow Easy to access! 2nd largest airport in Poland 10 km and 15 minutes from the city centre 80 scheduled flights to 20 countries 388 airports reachable with one change Cooperating with 20 airlines Krakow Accessibility N u mb er o f A i r p o rts F l i ght d u rati on f l i ght s p er week AMSTERDAM 2 h 5 m in 34 AT HE N S 1 h 2 5 m in 2 Mo d ern B a lice A irp ort BARCELONA 2 h 4 0 m in 42 with regular connections t o o ve r 5 0 BERLIN 1 h 2 5 m in 19 airports around Europe BRUSSELS 1 h 5 0 m in 25 DORTMUND 1 h 4 0 m in 8 FRANKFURT 1 h 3 0 m in 28 HELSINKI 2h 9 COPENHAGEN 1 h 3 0 m in 20 Nu m erous connections LONDON 2 h 3 0 m in 70 to cities in Poland and E u rope MADRIT 3 h 2 5 min 6 MANCHESTER 2 h 3 0 m in 7 MEDIOLAN 1 h 5 0 m in 34 MUNICH 1 h 2 0 m in 27 PA RI S 2 h 2 0 m in 47 Can be also easily ROMA 2 h 5 m in 36 reached by car t h ro ugh STOCKHOLM 1 h 5 5 m in 24 n e t o f h ighways a n d expressways VIENNA 1h 21 ZURICH 1 h 4 5 m in 13 Accommodation GOOD VALUE FOR MONEY HOTEL NUMBER OF NUMBER OF AVERAGE PRICE STANDARD HOTELS ROOMS ***** 10 978 150-200 EUR **** 27 2578 90-150 EUR *** 74 3438 60-90 EUR ** 18 957 50 EUR WORLDWIDE HOTEL CHAINS Accommodation HOTELS IN THE ICE KRAKÓW’S NEAREST SURROUNDINGS PARK INN by RADISSON Q PLUS HILTON KRAKÓW KRAKOW GARDEN INN Social Events – Welcome Reception Option 1 ICE Krakow Congress Centre TOMASZOWICEThe spacious MANOR HOUSE foyer of the ICE Congress Centre is situated on the eastern side of the building (with a view of the Old City and Kazimierz) on three floors: F0 – 1800 m² (including the Theatre Hall), F1 – 1000 m² and F2 – 650 m².
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