-26°C / -30°C WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2014 No 2 (45) www.astanatimes.com President Urges Country to Use “Window Nazarbayev of Opportunity” of Next 15 Years Holds Key By George D. Gleboff cluding agglomerations (Astana, Almaty, Shymkent and Aktobe), Meetings in ASTANA – In his widely antici- transportation and energy; pro- pated State-of-the-Nation address moting small and medium-sized on Jan. 17, President Nursultan businesses as the backbone of the Davos Nazarbayev outlined in detail his economy; pursuing a host of pro- By Aveya Bremen vision of how Kazakhstan, a coun- grammes in education, healthcare try only 22 years old, could be- and social protection to develop Kazakhstan’s President Nursul- come one of the world’s 30 most human potential further and im- tan Nazarbayev participated in the developed and competitive nations proving the work of public institu- World Economic Forum in Davos, by 2050. To catch up with the de- tions. Switzerland on Jan. 22-23 and called veloped world, he said, Kazakh- Regarding innovative industri- the gathering a useful platform for stan will need to run twice as fast. alisation, Nazarbayev stressed that the exchange of opinions on global Addressing the 1,200 officials, mining will need to be developed, economic issues and global develop- including members of both houses as subsoil use provides the coun- ment. of Parliament, ministers and se- try with a natural competitive ad- “The Davos forum is a place lected guests from social, politi- vantage, but that new approaches where you have an intense sched- cal, economic and cultural circles, to managing, producing and pro- ule of meetings, as it gathers a large who gathered at the Palace of In- cessing hydrocarbons need to be number of heads of state, leaders dependence for the speech, Naz- developed. These new approaches of international organisations and arbayev said the next 15-17 years are priorities for the second five- large businesses. After [Kazakhstan will present a “window of oppor- year plan of the State Programme regained] independence, I have of- tunity” for Kazakhstan to reach a of Accelerated Industrial and In- ten visited the forum because our major breakthrough in its develop- novative Development (SPAIID) country was little known to the ment. for 2016-19. In fact, he suggested world. The aim of the visits was “During this period we will breaking the years between now to speak to and attract investors have a favourable external envi- and 2050 into seven five-year pe- to the young republic. As you are ronment, the growth of demand riods, each aimed at achieving this aware, it was this place where the for resources, including energy one goal, to become one of the 30 establishment of the Foreign Inves- and food, and the maturing of the President Nazarbayev delivers his state-of-the-nation address on Jan. 17 at the Palace of Independence. most developed countries, from its tors Council was initiated. Today, Third Industrial Revolution. We own standpoint. as we have adopted Strategy 2050 should use this time,” he said in total GDP, increasing the share of tion and the share of urban popu- tive justice and the rule of law are “During the second and subse- and established the goal of enter- the speech called “Kazakhstan’s non-oil products in Kazakhstan’s lation increases from the current the basis of a developed country,” quent five-year plans, we should ing the group of the top 30 devel- Way 2050: Common Aim, Com- exports to 70 percent, increasing 55 percent to about 70 percent the President said. establish mobile and multimedia oped countries, there is a need to mon Interests, Common Future.” financing for science to no less of the total. The development of industries, nanotechnology and tell forum participants about this According to the head of state, than 3 percent of GDP, halving infrastructure, healthy lifestyles space technology, robotics, ge- programme,” the President told the following his unveiling of the the economy’s energy consump- and advances in medicine are ex- Seven Priority Areas to netic engineering and explore the Kazakh media after the event as re- Kazakhstan 2050 Strategy in De- tion, increasing the contribution pected to lead to an increase in energy of the future,” the Presi- ported by his press service. cember 2012, the government of small and medium-sized en- Kazakhstan’s life expectancy to Steer Country Forward dent said. In Davos, President Nazarbayev The President went on to outline developed a concept for how the terprises (SMEs) from the current 80 years. Turning to agriculture, he said had meetings with current and for- country would achieve its goal of 20 percent to 50 percent of GDP “Kazakhstan will become one seven long-term priority areas, competition in global agro-pro- mer heads of state, leaders of inter- joining the 30 most developed na- and increasing labour productiv- of the leading Eurasian centres of including adjusting and strength- duction will intensify; hence, in national organizations and multi- tions by 2050. ity by five times, from $24,500 to medical tourism. The formation ening the trend of innovative Kazakhstan, “agricultural lands national corporations. He also met Among the specific goals to be $126,000. of an advanced and competitive industrialisation; developing an should be used by those who in- the forum’s hosts, President of the achieved by 2050 were at least a All of these will lead GDP per national educational system will agro-industrial complex on the troduce new technologies, con- Swiss Confederation Didier Bur- 4 percent annual growth in gross capita to more than quadruple, be completed. Kazakhstan has to basis of ongoing innovations; ex- tinuously improve productivity khalter and Executive Chairman of domestic product (GDP), an in- growing from $13,000 to $60,000, become one of the safest and most panding Kazakhstan’s scientific and perform up to the best interna- the World Economic Forum Klaus crease in investment from the cur- while the middle class becomes comfortable countries for living. capacity; dynamically develop- tional standards.” Schwab. rent 18 percent to 30 percent of the the largest segment of the popula- Peace and stability, fair and effec- ing the infrastructure triad, in- Continued on Page A2 Continued on Page A8 Kazakhstan Institute FM Idrissov discusses bilateral, Developing Eco-Friendly EU relations in Vilnius Plant Protection, Research By Erik Blackwell – although the languages belong to different language groups. Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Er- In turn, Idrissov underscored lan Idrissov visited the Lithuanian Kazakhstan would welcome ex- May Apply to Efforts to Republic on Jan. 27 where he met panded cooperation in agriculture. with top country officials to discuss Kazakhstan is specifically interest- bilateral relations as well as ties ed in Lithuania’s advanced experi- Prolong Life with the European Union. ence in agriculture processing and By Sergey Obolensky Worldwide research is being In Vilnius, Idrissov met with modern agricultural management done into environmentally friendly Lithuanian President Dalia technologies. ALMATY – The Kazakh Re- technologies for plant protection Grybauskaitė, Prime Minister Al- Kazakhstan “is seriously deter- search Institute of Plant Protection because the use of traditional pes- girdas Butkevičius, Head of Sei- mined to bring its agriculture to a and Quarantine (KazRIPPQ) with ticides has been shown to damage mas Loreta Graužinienė, as well as new level,” and participation by the support of KazAgroInnova- human health and can lead to soil, Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas Lithuanian entrepreneurs in these tion and the Kazakhstan Ministry air and water contamination. Linkevičius. efforts would contribute to reach- of Agriculture is now conducting Participating in international According to Kazakhstan’s for- ing the goal, Idrissov said. extensive research into the devel- research programmes, as well as eign ministry, Lithuanian leaders The parties agreed to continue opment of biological agents to be utilizing the latest technology and support Astana’s desire to expand their dialogue across the spec- used against agriculturally damag- equipment, provides the opportuni- cooperation with Europe on both trum of cooperation and as part ing insects. bilateral and multilateral levels. ty for KazRIPPQ to make advances Foreign Ministers Erlan Idrissov and Linas Linkevičius signed a plan of action of preparations for the upcoming “During the years of independ- in the field of plant protection and to As an important outcome of the to promote bilateral ties in Vilnius on Jan. 27. visit of Lithuanian Prime Minister ence, Kazakhstan has rapidly ex- safeguard the nation’s plant health. Vilnius talks, Lithuanian officials Algirdas Butkevičius to Astana in panded the range of plant products’ This work has generated strong reassured of their commitment to multilateral agreements, as well as greening of the country’s economy. 2014. They also agreed to work on procurements. The transition from interest and demand for beneficial facilitate Kazakhstan’s collabo- reaching a consensus resolution of The growing trade turnover be- an effort to organise a trip by Ka- central planning to foreign trade insects and biological products ration with the European Union, all member states of the single pan- tween Kazakhstan and Lithuania zakhstan President Nursultan Naz- and market economy has radically among farmers, agro-producers and including in areas such as signing European visa area. Kazakhstan is was also noted as an important fac- arbayev to Vilnius. changed the system of combating urban professionals who are respon- an enhanced partnership and co- preparing the documents to make tor. In January-November 2013, biological risks. It is quite obvious sible for the condition of forest are- operation agreement between Ka- this change. According to Idrissov, bilateral trade grew by almost 25 that the work to counter threats of as. The institute in the near future is zakhstan and the EU, the country’s it is hoped the European partners percent, reaching $700 million.
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