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Please don’t forget the ones that were crazy enough to climb out windows to hang the fi rst antenna. We are proud of what WMCR; WMCJ; WMCX has become and only wish continued success. But could you at least mention us in the articles? We are now taking requests from the Girls Dorm.... our number is...... DR. ROBERT (BOBBY BIRD) SIEGEL '70 5$',267$7,21,17+(($5/<'$<6 %()25(7+(),5( later that year to replace an old used system I enjoyed the article “Born of Fire” about that we couldn’t even monitor to cue up the Monmouth’s radio station WMCX, but records. We were able to get some student missed seeing any reference to the original activities funding as well. founders of the station in 1967. We started I was Program Director for 1969-1970 the station in the attic of the original and we ran Campus News as well as converted house that was our Student National News 5-6 days per week. During Union. This was before the fi rst two dorms the demonstrations in 1968-69 we were were built. Our Broadcast Range was able to get ourselves approved to be a “downstairs” because we ran the station over local ABC Radio affi liate to help cover the As an “old timer,” I can tell you that the speakers in the Union fi rst fl oor intercom college marches and reactions to changes in the fi rst effort in the early 1960’s to put speakers. We called ourselves WMCR for the Draft laws. together a radio station on the campus of Monmouth College Radio. We felt that we were leaving a legacy for Monmouth College resulted in setting Our broadcast day ran from 8 AM to a growing station. We covered some of the up a PA system in the long gone student closing of the Union at 9 PM. Monmouth sports for the school and worked advertising center (Beechwood Hall) on Cedar Avenue. was a commuter college and we were really fees out with local businesses. Chicken We could broadcast downstairs and hear excited about the new dorms going up. In Delight, local pizza shops, the bookstore in everything upstairs! Very simple, but you 1968 we survived stringing Coaxial cable the lower level of the main building. We have to start somewhere!!! from a used transmitter in the attic dormer often pushed the envelope, like boosted to Our advisor on the faculty was Mr. to the boys’ dorm on one side and the girls 10 Watts and once tried to see how far we Salter. I suppose after we left there was dorm on the other. Luckily, no one fell off could get by setting the transmitter to max some innovation and changes to our really the roof of any of the buildings during this output. The call from the FCC quickly put a crude communication system. We were project. We completed our FCC license stop to that when a complaint from another about one 10th of a second from using tin processing and renamed ourselves WMCJ for station was fi led. cans and string to start the radio station at Monmouth College of Jersey and fi red up our Names like Barkley Hills, Jackie Monmouth back then! 5 watt AM station. Maginski, Mark Markus, among many MARILYNN ROCKY '65 We inherited a used teletype machine from the Asbury Park Press and carried it up the stairs for installation in the control room and then used junk ceiling tiles to make a sound deadening enclosure. That Please send letters to [email protected] or to Letters, Monmouth University Magazine, thing was LOUD. We all chipped in and 400 Cedar Ave, Room 321A, West Long Branch, NJ 07764. Include a telephone number and address. Letters may be edited for clarity or space. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. Because of also begged students for money to get a new the volume of mail we receive, we cannot respond to all letters. Send queries about the Alumni Association to dual turntable deck in the broadcast room [email protected], or call (732) 571-3489. 0210287+81,9(56,7<0$*$=,1()$// Listen to This! MUSIC DEPARTMENT CHAIR RAPOLLA LEADS BY EXAMPLE Heather McCulloch Mistretta When asked what scares him most, Joe Rapolla '90M, chair of the Music & Theater Arts Department, responds, “Not having enough time to do all the great things we have planned.” -2(5$32//$:,7+1$7$/,(=(//(5$-81,25 $1'0(0%(52)%/8(+$:.5(&25'6 nd the list of things Rapolla is doing added, “I think the forefathers of Woods Theatre would be keeps growing as he drums up new ways of excited to see where we are headed.” improving the department, tapping into Always on a mission, Rapolla said one of his main goals is his extensive performance and business to increase the rehearsal space in Lauren K. Woods Theatre experience in the music industry. Since taking and boost students’ access to the latest, state-of-the-art Aover as department chair in July of last year, Rapolla has hit equipment, studios and instruction, drawing on both on- the ground running, building a new student-run record label, campus and off-campus resources. Blue Hawk Records, along the way. One key partnership Rapolla has forged is with Asbury “There are new economics, a new language, and a new Park-based Lakehouse Recording Studios, which has already structure to the music business today,” said Rapolla, who is provided internships for more than 15 students and jobs for married to fellow alumna Karen (Labette) Rapolla '82. He three program graduates. )$//0210287+81,9(56,7<0$*$=,1( Listen to This! onmouth is one of only a few schools around the country, and the only one in New Jersey, to offer Mstudents interested in the business of music, a Bachelor of Arts in Music with a Concentration in the Music Industry. “I love the renewed energy and I want to build on it. I want it to feel like at any point it can bust into a scene from Fame,” said the New Jersey native who earned an MBA from Monmouth in 1990, referring to the 1980 movie with a smile. Helping to make that happen will be a new partnership with the GRAMMY 67$1*5((1'($12)7+(0&0855$<6&+22/2) +80$1,7,(6$1'62&,$/6&,(1&(6 )$5/()7%$&.52: Museum, which will formally debut $1'-2(5$32//$ )2857+)520/()7)521752: 326( in October. With the affiliation, :,7+678'(176)5207+(,7$/,$1$&$'(0<2)086,& Monmouth University will become one of only a handful of universities, and doors to students for opportunities live performances, which sometimes the only one on the East Coast, with like internships, research programs, lasted for four hours, to sold-out audiences access to GRAMMY Museum content employment and accessibility to talent in the beautiful medieval villages of San for educational purposes, curriculum for events and production. Valentino, Caramanico, Torre de’ Passeri, resources, research programs, professional “With GRAMMY Museum’s new and Salle. development seminars, collaborative educational affiliate program, we’re “It was incredible. The students were marketing and promotions, project-based inviting educational institutions to treated like celebrities; they were asked learning and unique student internship engage in a unique resource-sharing for autographs,” Rapolla said. “Music was opportunities. opportunity,” Santelli said. the common theme despite the language Rapolla also notes that the new barrier, and as a result, they formed resources will also foster growth at alliances for the rest of their lives.” the Center for the Arts, who have The trip came to fruition when been instrumental in coordinating Rapolla, who has toured all across the GRAMMY Museum affiliation.
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