Product Index Fail-Safe . .759-760 Gas Discharge Tubes . .550-554 MicroTCA . 1227, 1363, 1372 Feedthru . .765-766 Metal Oxide Varistors . .547-549 PC/104 and PC/104-Plus . 1353, 1448 A Floating-Electrode . .759-760 ESD Devices . 517, 523-525, 527, 542-543, 567 PCI-Express . 1351, 1364, 1369 Adapters Flexible Termination . .757-761, 738, 763-764 Resettable Fuses . .558, 562-567, 576 Power . .1227, 1355, 1361, 1363, AC Adapters . 1104 Flexicap . 761, 738, 763 Surface Mount . .522, 527, 529, 531, 533, . .1366-1367, 1372 Bluetooth . 6, 17, 41 Flexiterm . .757, 760-761, 738 . 536-538,. 542, 553, 555, 559, 561-563, Banana Plugs and Jacks . .1082, D-Sub . 1273, 1281, 1284 General Purpose . 782-791, 796-798, 809-812 . .565-571, 576, 582 . 1130-1132, 1968 Modular . 1203, 1234, 1281, 1971 Half-Turn . 892 Surge Protectors . 520-525,. 527-531, 533, Barrier Blocks . .1541, 1546-1547, 1550 Phono (RCA) . 1145, 1175 High Capacitance . 758, 763, 765-766, . 536-539, 541-542, 550-551, BergStik™ . 1438 RF . 6, 17, 1144, 1150, 1152, 1154, 1156, . 773,. 780, 790-796, 799, 809-810, . .553-554, 566, 1951 Binding Posts . 1130-1131, 1145, 1968 . 1158-1159, 1164, 1166-1170, 1172-1173, . 816, 818-825, 830-831 Thermistors . .555-559, 561 Bluetooth . 1221 . .1175-1176, 1179-1180, 1184-1185, 1187-1188 High Q . .769, 778, 789-791, 804 Thyristors . 517, 566 Broadcast . 1127, 1144 Socket . .199, 1156, 1515-1516 High Temperature . 758, 763-764, 766, Varistors . 541-543, 547-549, 552 C-Grid® . 1474 XLR . 1141, 1145 . 769-771, 773-776, 780-791, 796-801, Voltage Suppressors . 439, 520-523, 525, C-Grid® III . .1475-1476 Alarms . .576, 1799-1801, 1935, 1961, 1984 . 807, 816, 818-823, 825, 830-831 . 527-531,. 533, 536-539, Camera Link™ . 1205 Alligator Clips . .1967, 1971-1972 High Voltage . 757,. 763-764, 770-772, 776, . 541-542, 550-551, 553-554 Card Edge . (See Backplane/Card Edge) Antennas . 4,. 7-8, 14-15, 21, 23, 32, . 781,. 784, 799-800, 805-807, 813, Cleaners . .1842, 1979-1980 Cat 3 . 1189-1190, 1195, 1200 . .54, 949, 1039-1041, 1215 . 818-824, 830-831 Clips Cat 5 . 1089, 1189-1192, 1195-1200, Arrays Interdigitated . 766 Alligator . .1094, 1967, 1971-1972 . 1230-1234, 1238, 1240-1241, 1244 Capacitor . .591, 765, 803-804, 808 Kits . .738, 773, 776, 778, 780-781 Battery . 1957, 1972 Cat 6 . 1089, 1195, 1198, 1203, 1230 LED . 69, 78, 110, 123 Low ESL / Low ESR . .758, 766, 771, Fuse . .574-575, 577, 584, 1103, 1973 CHAMP® . 1257 Resistor . 585-589, 591-593 . 789-791, 802-803, 866 Heat Sink . 1892 Circular Attenuators . 359, 1181, 1188, 1703 Monolithic . .766, 786, 809-812 Test . 1963-1964, 1967-1973 97 Series . .1293-1297 Audible Signal Devices . .1798-1804, 1806 Molded . .767, 818-819 Coils . (See Inductors) Accessories . 1288-1291,. 1296-1297, Automotive Multilayer . 757-761,. 763, 765-776, Compiler Software . 191, 199 . 1305-1306, 1308, 1311-1316, 1320-1321, Capacitors . .767, 794-795, 816 . 780-801, 809-818, 821-822, 825, 827-829 Computers, Single Board . .43-46, 48 . 1323-1324, 1332-1333, 1336, 1340-1342 Connectors . 111, 1310, 1429-1430, Multi-Turn Trimmer . .890-892 Connectors DIN . 1128-1129, 1140, 1148, 1307-1308, 1328 . 1467, 1506, 1521 Open-Mode . .760, 738, 763-764 0 .25mm . 1398, 1453-1454, 1456, Factory Automation . 1310 LED . (See Illumination) Radial . .816-831 . 1466-1467, 1486-1487, 1507, 1523 Field Installable . .1292, 1317-1319 Relays . 1729-1730, 1774-1775 RF Microwave . 769-770, 777-778 0 .30mm . 144, 1120, 1123, 1451, JBX . 1341 Surface Mount . 757-761, . 738, 763-778, . 1463, 1467, 1507 M8 . .1292, 1334-1335 . .780-815, 866 0 .40mm . 1210, 1451, 1464, 1481 M12 . .1238, 1292, 1310, 1334-1335 Tin/Lead Termination . 757-761, 738, 0 .50mm . 1209-1210,. 1227, 1442, 1450-1452, M23 . 1309, 1333 B . .763-764, 772 . 1457, 1463-1464, 1481-1482, 1508, 1510 M40 . 1309 Basic Stamp . .34-35 Tip and Ring . 768, 781, 799, 805 0 .80mm . .1205, 1210, 1226, 1427, Medical . 1291 Batteries . 370, 406, 1878 Trimmer . .890-892 . 1436, 1465, 1507 Metal Shell . 1235, 1290, 1293-1303, 1307, Battery Accessories Ultra Stable . 758 1 .00mm / .039" . .1227, 1364, 1406, 1436, . 1316, 1321-1323, 1329-1331, 1333, 1341 Chargers . 370, 378, 393, 405 Feedthru (Arrays & Capacitors) . 765-766, . .1439, 1442, 1452, 1457, 1466, 1481, Micro and Mini . 1148, 1289-1290, Clips . 1957, 1972 . .958-960 . 1485, 1487, 1507, 1509, 1561 . 1300-1303, 1305, 1310, 1314, 1317-1318, Holders . .1863, 1868, 1876, 1953-1958 Film 1 .25mm / .049" . 1398, 1456, 1466-1467, . 1321, 1324-1325, 1327-1328, 1341 Modular Contacts . 1952 Axial . .835, 848-849, 851 . .1486-1487, 1507, 1523 Mini-DIN . 1290, 1328 Snaps . .1957-1958 Chip . .844-845 1 .27mm / .050" . 1069-1072,. 1218, 1246-1247, MIL-C-5015 Style . .1293-1299, 1316 Spring Contacts . 1952, 1957 DC Link . .839-840 . 1249, 1387, 1391, 1404-1406, 1412, 1436, MIL-C-26482 Style . .1300-1303 Binding Post . 1130-1131, 1145, 1968 Dipped . 834 . .1439, 1447, 1458, 1484, 1489-1490, 1523 Plastic . .1129, 1234-1235, 1285-1287, Bluetooth . 6, 10-11, 13, 17, 22, 32, 35, Film/Foil . .851, 853-855 1 .50mm / .059" . 1398, 1481, 1488 . 1289-1291, 1305-1306, 1308, 1311-1314, . .41, 339-340, 924, 927, 1041, 1221 Metallized 2 .00mm / .079" . 1123, 1205, 1281, 1348, . 1317-1319,. 1324, 1331-1332, Boxes . (See Enclosures) Box . 842, 849 . 1354-1355,. 1357, 1361-1362, 1368, . .1336-1338, 1342 Breadboards . 209 Paper . 843 . 1393-1397,. 1399, 1406, 1439-1440, Push/Pull . 1305, 1322-1324, Buzzers . .1799-1801 Polyester . 832-833,. 835-837, . 1443-1446, 1448-1449, 1456, 1459-1462, . .1329-1330, 1341 . 842-843, 846-854 . 1468, 1481, 1487, 1491-1497, 1502-1503, RADSOK® . 1304 Polyphenylene . 843 . 1523, 1553 Weathertight . 1234, 1287, 1289-1290, C Polypropylene . 833,. 835-836, 842-843, 2 .13mm / .084" . 1470 . 1298-1299, 1302-1303, 1305-1308, . .846, 848-855 2 .36mm / .093" . 1426, 1471 . .1311-1314, 1321, 1324, 1326-1327, Cabinets, Accessories . 110 Motor Run / Motor Start . 838 2 .50mm / .098" . 1120, 1123, 1133, 1135, . .1330-1332, 1336, 1338, 1342 Cable . (See Wire and Cable) Orange Drop . 850 . 1137, 1372, 1430, 1455, 1467, Clik-Mate™ . 1487 Cable Assemblies . (See Wire and Cable) Polyester . 832-837, 842-843, 846-854 . .1481, 1498, 1557-1558 Clincher™ . 1441 Cable Ties . 1045-1049, 1052-1055 Polypropylene . 833,. 835-836, 839-843, 2 .54mm / .100" . 1308, 1348, 1387-1392, Coaxial . (See RF) Capacitors . .846, 848-855 . 1397,. 1402-1404, 1406-1415, Compact PCI . .1237, 1354-1355, 1368, 1378 Aluminum Electrolytic Radial . 832-834, 836-837, 839, 842-843, . 1431-1434, 1437-1438, 1441, 1472-1478, Compression . .1082, 1127, 1151, 1175, 1537 5mm . 696, 741 . 849-850, 852-855 . .1514, 1516, 1523-1526, 1551, 1553 Conan™ . 1436 7mm . 736, 747 Snubbers . 836-837, . 841, 854-855 3 .00mm / .118" . 1423, 1499-1501, CT / Mini CT . .1346, 1398-1399 Axial . .737, 742, 748, 753, 755-756 Suppression . .837, 842-843, 848 . 1542, 1544, 1553 Datamate . .1443-1446 BestCap™ . 727 Surface Mount . 832 3 .50mm / .137" . 1133, 1135, 1137-1139, 1147, Devicenet™ . 1238, 1310 Bi-Polar . 699, 737, 747 Switching . .839-840 . .1482, 1542, 1544, 1548, DF3 . .1459-1460 Computer Grade . 726 High Reliability . .737, 745-746, 1233 . .1551, 1555-1559, 1561 DF11 . 1113, 1461-1462 Double Layer . .727, 729, 732-734 Mica . .856-859 3 .81mm / .150" . .1430, 1542, 1544, DF12 . 1113, 1450 Flatpack . 720 Mounting Hardware . 721 . 1551, 1553, 1557, 1562, 1567 DF13 . .1453-1454 General Purpose 85°C . 691-694, 699, 704, RC Networks . 591 3 .96mm / .156" . 1374, 1415-1417, 1479-1480 D-Subminiature . 716,. 718, 720-722, 724-726, 736, Supercapacitors . .727-735 4 .00mm / .157" . 1120, 1210, 1451, Adapters . 1273, 1281, 1284 . 738, 741-743, 747-748, 754-756 Surface Mount . 691-704, 706-707, 709-713, . 1464, 1481, 1550, 1973 Backshells/Hoods/Housings High Capacitance . 704, 710-713, 715, . 690, 715, 727, 729, 732, 735, 757-761, 738, 4 .14mm / .163" . .1418-1419 Metal . 1246-1249, 1256, 1259, 1261, . 718-721, 725-729, 734, 738, 747-750 . 763-778, 780-815, 832, 856-857, 859-873, 4 .20mm / .165" . .1428, 1446, 1502-1503 . 1263-1265, 1268, 1271, 1279-1280 High Frequency . 727 . 876-881, 888, 890, 892, 947, 960, 1521, 5 .00mm / .197" . 144, 1120, 1123, 1133, 1135, Plastic . 1246-1247, 1249, 1256, 1259, High Reliability . .737, 745-746 . 1603, 1623 . 1137-1139,. 1147, 1362, 1424, 1430, . 1261, 1264-1265, 1271, 1279-1280 High Ripple . 698, 706, 710, 712-713, Tantalum . 1450-1452, 1455, 1457, 1467, 1542-1544, Cable Assemblies . .1210-1211 . .719-720, 724, 726, 737, 740, 745 Axial . .885, 887-889 . 548-1549, 1551-1561, 1563, 1566 Combination . .1263, 1266, 1268-1269 High Temperature . 691-693,. 695-698, 704, Dipped . .882-884, 886 5 .08mm / .200" . .1367, 1420-1421, 1505 Contacts . 1249, 1253-1255, 1260, . 706-707,. 709-713, 690, 717, 719, Fail-Safe Fused . 888 5 .84mm / .230" . 1506 . 1262-1263, 1265-1266, 1268-1270, . 722-723,. 725, 727, 736-737, 739, Hermetically Sealed . 885, 887 6 .35mm / .250" . 1107, 1422, 1541, 1552 . .1272, 1275-1276, 1381 . 741, 744-746, 754-755 High Temperature . 862, 864-865, 7 50mm. / 295". 1384, 1505, 1542, 1552, 1566 D Ribbon . .1246-1247, 1249, 1281 High Voltage . 718-723, 725-726, 738-739, . .868-869, 871, 889 7 .62mm / .300" . .1377, 1542, 1552, 1565-1566 Dust Caps/Covers . .1259, 1261, . 742-744, 748-750, 755-756 Kits . 868, 871 10 .00mm / .393" . .1483, 1504, 1507, . 1264, 1271, 1283 Kit . 706, 731 Low ESR . 860-862,. 867-870, 873, . .1542, 1552-1553, 1566 Filtered ..
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