Faculty Lists fall 2021 Email: [email protected] for corrections. Current update: 8/24/2021 #=75 or older in 2021 (* was over 70 in 2017 list) Part-time faculty are half-time, unless otherwise noted. UNITED STATES (the top 50 will be ranked) FACULTY # Arizona Faculty: Sara Aronowitz, Thomas Christiano, Stewart Cohen, Juan Comesaña, Reza Hadisi, RiChard Healey, Laura, Howard, J. Christopher Maloney, MiChael McKenna, Bill OberdiCK, Guido PinCione, Marga Reimer, Daniel Russell, Carolina Sartorio, David SChmidtz, Houston Smit, MarK Timmons, Joseph Tolliver, Jason Turner, Steven Wall, Jonathan Weinberg. Part-time faculty: *Allen Buchanan (.25 time) Cognate faculty and philosophers in other units: Martin FriCKe, Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini, Christopher Robertson, Simone Sepe. FACULTY # Arizona State Faculty: RiChard Amesbury, Brad Armendt, Thomas BlaCKson, Cheshire Calhoun, Peter de Marneffe, Typer DesRoChes, MarCello Di Bello, Peter Kung, Joan MCGregor, Shyam Nair, Ben Phillips, Nestor Ángel Pinillos, Douglas W. Portmore, Maura Priest, Steven Reynolds. Part-time faculty: Cognate faculty and philosophers in other units: RiChard Creath, Tyler DesRoChes, ZaChary Horne, Ted Humphrey, PatriCia J. Huntingon, Manfred LaubiChler, Jane MainesChein, Martin BeCK MatuštíK, Ben A. Minteer, *Jeffrie G. Murphy, BeCKett Sterner, Jason Robert, Hava Tirosh-Samuelson, Norbert Samuelson, BeCKett Sterner. FACULTY # BerKeley Faculty: Olivia Bailey, John Campbell, Timothy ClarKe, Shamik Dasgupta, Johann FriCK, Hannah Ginsborg, Florian Grosser, Wesley H. Holliday, NiKo Kolodny, Geoffrey Lee, John MaCFarlane, Paolo ManCosu, Alva Noë, Andreja NovaKoviC, Kristin Primus, R. Jay WallaCe, Daniel Warren, Seth Yalcin, Xueyin (Snow) Zhang. Part-time Faculty: Joshua Cohen (.25 time), MiChael (M.G.F.) Martin, Veronique Munoz Darde, Kwong-Loi Shun. Cognate Faculty and Philosophers in Other Units: Asad Q. Ahmed, Meir Dan-Cohen, Amy Rose Deal, G.R.F. Ferrari, Alison Gopnik, Jodi Halpern, Kinch Hoekstra, Christopher Kutz, David Lieberman, #Anthony A. Long, Line MiKKelsen, EriC RaKowsKi, Sarah Song, John R. Steel. FACULTY # Brown Faculty: *FeliCia ACkerman, Nomy Arpaly, Justin BroaCKes, David Christensen, James Dreier, David Estlund, Mary Louise Gill, *Paul Guyer, RiChard Kimberly HeCK, #Christopher Hill, Emily Kress, *Charles E. Larmore, Elizabeth Miller, Adam Pautz, Bernard Reginster, Joshua SCheChter. 1 Cognate Faculty and Philosophers in Other Units: Corey BrettsChneider, Pauline JaCobson, David Konstan, Sharon Krause, John Tomasi, William Warren. FACULTY # BU Faculty: Alisa BoKuliCh, Tian Yu Cao, Daniel Dahlstrom, Juliet Floyd, Aaron Garrett, MarC Gasser-Wingate, *Charles L. Griswold, Jr., Samia Hesni, Walter Hopp, Peter Hylton, Paul Katsafanas, ViCtor Kumar, MiChaela McSweeney, RaChell Powell, Sally SedgwiCK, C. Allen Speight, Susanne Sreedhar, Daniel Star. Cognate Faculty and Philosophers in Other Units: Jeffrey P. Coulter, James Fleming, AKihiro Kanamori, Alan M. Olson, John StaChel, Judith Swanson, Steven Tigner. FACULTY # ChiCago Faculty: Matthew Boyle, Jason Bridges, Daniel Brudney, Agnes Callard, Kevin Davey, David FinKelstein, Anton Ford, Matthias Haase, Michael Kremer, Gabriel Richardson Lear, *Jonathan Lear, Daniel Moeller, #Martha C. Nussbaum, Thomas Pashby, *Robert B. Pippin, John Proios, #Robert J. Richards, Ginger SChultheis, Anubav Vasudevan, CandaCe Vogler, Malte Willer. Part-Time Faculty: James F. Conant (.33 time), Michael N. Forster (.20 time). Cognate Faculty and Philosophers in Other Units: Elizabeth Asmis, Shadi BartsCh, Ryan Doerfler, Chris Kennedy, Ben LaurenCe, Brian Leiter, *David Wellbery. FACULTY # Carnegie Mellon Faculty: Jeremy Avigad, Steve Awodey, Adam Bjorndahl, Simon Cullen, B.R. George, Kevin Kelly, Alex John London, Joseph Ramsey, RiChard SCheines (also Dean), Teddy Seidenfeld, #Wilfried Sieg, Mandy Simons, Joel Smith, Peter Spirtes, Danielle Wenner, Thomas Werner, Wayne Wu, FrancesCa Zaffora Blando, Kun Zhang, Kevin Zollman. Cognate Faculty and Philosophers in Other Units: Andy Norman, FranK Pfenning. FACULTY # Colorado Faculty: DominiC Bailey, David Boonin, Carol Cleland, Heather Demarest, Iskra Fileva, Chris Heathwood, MiChael Huemer, Daniel JaCobbson, Dan Kaufman, Mitzi Lee, Alastair NorCross, Graham Oddie, Robert Pasnau, Robert Rupert, Raul SauCedo, Julia Staffel, Matthias Steup, Brian Talbot, Ajume Wingo. Cognate Faculty and Philosophers in Other Units: MarC BeKoff, Christopher Braider, Andrew Calabrese, MiChaele Fergerson, David Mapel, Laura MiChaelis, Don MonK, MiChael Mozer, Jan MyCielsKi, Martha Palmer, Steven Vanderheiden. FACULTY # Columbia Faculty: Allison E. AitKen, Akeel Bilgrami, Taylor Carman, Justin Clarke-Doane, JessiCa Collins, Melissa FusCo, #Haim Gaifman, Lydia Goehr, Robert Gooding-Williams, Jenann Ismael, Dhananjay Jagannathan, Tamar Lando, Karen Lewis, Wolfgang Mann, Christia MerCer, MiChelle Moody-Adams, John Morrison, FredericK Neuhouser, 2 *Christopher PeaCoCKe, Carol Rovane, Francey Russell, Achille Varzi, Katja Vogt. Part-time faculty: David Z. Albert, *Axel Honneth. Cognate Faculty and Philosophers in Other Units: Souleymane Bachir Diagne, #Jon Elster, #Kent Greenawalt. FACULTY # ConneCtiCut Faculty: Dorit Bar-On, Heather Battaly, Donald L.M. Baxter, Paul Bloomfield, Thomas D. Bontly, Elena Comay del Junco, Charlie Crerar, Lewis Gordon, MitChell Green, TraCy Llanera, MiChael P. LynCh, Alexus MCLeod, MarCus Rossberg, Julian SChlöder, Lionel Shapiro, Keith Simmons, NiCholas Smith, Ayanna DeVante SpenCer, Lynne Tirrell, Jessica Tizzard. Part-time faculty: #William G. LyCan, Stewart Shapiro (.25 time). Cognate Faculty and Philosophers in Other Units: Damir Dzhafarov, Jon Gajewski, Jane Gordon, Magdalena Kaufmann, Stefan Kaufmann, Reed Solomon. FACULTY # Cornell Faculty: Emid Atiq, Tad Brennan, Charles Brittain, John M. Doris, Harold Hodes, Karolina Hübner, RaChana KamteKar, Alexander KoCureK, Michelle Kosch, Scott MacDonald, Kate Manne, Julia Markovits, Andrei Marmor, Shaun NiChols, Carlotta Pavese, DerK Pereboom, NiCholas Silins, David ShoemaKer, William Starr. Cognate Faculty and Philosophers in Other Units: Dorit Abusch, Sarah Murray, David Pizarro, Mats Rooth, Olúfémi Táíwò. FACULTY # CUNY Faculty: Linda AlCoff, Sergei Artemov, *Jeffrey Blustein MiChale Brownstein, #Noël Carroll, Samir Chopra, Alberto Cordero, Omar Dahbour, #MiChael Devitt, Miranda FriCKer, Muhammad Ali Khalidi, Jonathan Gilmore, Carol Gould, John Greenwood, Stephen Grover, Jonathan JaCobs, Elliott Jurist, Frank Kirkland, Serene Khader, #Saul Kripke, Douglas Lackey, EriC Mandelbaum, Charles Mills, Barbara Montero, Stephen Neale, AngeliCa Nuozzo, Gary Ostertag, NiCKolas Pappas, *Rohit PariKh, Massimo PigliuCCi, Gerald Press, *Graham Priest, Jesse J. Prinz, Rosamond Rhodes, #David M. Rosenthal, Steven Ross, Hagop SarKissian, Sandra Shapsay, Peter P. Simpson, Thomas Teufel, IaKovos Vasiliou, Cathrine Wilson. Part-time faculty: #David Papineau, Catherine Wilson. FACULTY # DuKe Faculty: Katherine Brading, Felipe de Brigard, Benjamin Edgar Eva, Jennifer HawKins, Kevin Hoover, Andrew JaniaK, Jennifer Jhun, Wayne Norman, Kevin RiChardson, #Alexander Rosenberg, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Gopal Sreenivasan, *David Wong. Part-time faculty: #Peter van Inwagen. Cognate Faculty and Philosophers in Other Units: VinCent Conitzer, Jon Fjeld, Michael Gillespie, Ruth Grant, Daniel MCShea, Toril Moi, Henry PiCKford, Jesse Summers. 3 FACULTY # Florida State Faculty: MiChael Bishop, MiChael BuKosKi, Randolph ClarKe, MarCela Herdova, Edward S. HinChman, James Justus, Stephen Kearns, MarK LeBar, Simon Cabulea May, Alfred Mele, Maria Morales, Shivam Patel, J. Piers Rawling, John Roberts, John SChwenKler, Nathanael Stein, Zina B. Ward, Andrea Westlund. Cognate Faculty and Philosophers in Other Units: Roy Baumeister, Aline Kalbian, Paul Conway, MiChael KasChaK, Martin KavKa, MiChael Nair-Collins, Fernando Tesón. FACULTY # Georgetown Faculty: Sean Aas, Francis Ambrosio, William Blattner, Alisa Carse, Wayne Davis, John GreCo, BryCe Huebner, Ya Yun (Sherry) Kao, Quill RebeCCa KuKla, MarK LanCe, Neil Lewis, Margaret Little, Huaping Lu-Adler, David Luban, James Mattingly, Shelbi Nahwilet Messner, MarK Murphy, Terry PinKard, Joel MiChael Reynolds, Henry RiChardson, NanCy Sherman, Karen Stohr, Daniel Sulmasy, Femi Táíwò, #Wilfried ver EeCKe, Katherine Withy. Cognate Faculty and Philosophers in Other Units: Jason Brennan, Erin M. Cline, John DeGioia (Pres. of Univ.), Heidi Li Feldman, John Hasnas, John Keown, John Mikhail, Edward Soule, Carol Taylor, Kevin Tobia. FACULTY # Harvard Faculty: Jeff Behrends, Selim Berker, Cheryl Chen, James Doyle, *Warren Goldfarb, Edward S. (Ned) Hall, Sean D. Kelly, Peter Koellner, Samantha Matherne, Jeffrey McDonough, RiChard A. Moran, Bernhard NiCKel, MarK RiChard, Susanna Rinard, Gina SChouten, #Amartya Sen, Tommie L. Shelby, Susanna Siegel, Alison Simmons, LuCas StanCzyK, W. Hugh Woodin. Part-time faculty: Cognate Faculty and Philosophers in Other Units: Danielle Allen, EriC Beerbohm, Gennaro ChierChia, Khaled El-Rouayheb, Peter Galison, Peter Gordon, Parimal Patil, Mathias Risse, MiChael Rosen, Stuart Shieber. FACULTY # Illinois/Chicago Faculty: Anne W. Eaton, Samuel FleisChaCKer, RaChel Goodman, Aidan Gray, David Hilbert, Nicholas Huggett, Jon Jarrett, Anthony Laden, Marya SCheChtman, Georgette SinKler, Will Small, Daniel Sutherland, Justin Vlasits, John Whipple. Cognate Faculty and Philosophers in Other Units: David MarKer, Deirdre MCClosKey, Timothy Murphy. FACULTY # Indiana Faculty: Kate Abramson, Matthew Adams, MarCia Baron,
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