•SpI£jS!?SiS?!,, >v;^,, *v< • •• •• • . .)••.,'• * •-•-,--•' .•- Record^ Tuesday^ December 4 tMr, Vernom •. ..18 il»nd, Vernom ..-8 SECTION ONE Dymondt Oerncr. Ilmotlsta ..IB .. D Victory For "Y" Big Fbe O. F. CITY LOOP HtfiAGt II. Kratth. Mndiwka J Mntlden MulinwiiH W. Crowell, rf 6 TownioiO. Trinity .' Williams, rf 0 0 Prill-hard. "W. B. Smith, If 1 3 RACE TIGHItIS UP C. Woollier, W. F. In Opening Tilt of Season Ituudy. Vernont Little. If 0 flew 3erset> Rfcvocate 0 H. Cllibonl, W. E Simon, c nichnrtlinn. A. I. 0 Hoffman, rg s Leaders Bunching as Season (•• tilhtionn. W E 1 Mrliucr. Trinity Llpp. lg llol.lllii-ll. N. S Now is TWENTY PAGES Continental of Newark Victims. Corey Stars Madden, lg 0 Advances- Race Lead Any Out. lln|.ll«li XIII. SERIAL NO. 1473 , DECEMBER 7,1923 WIM. \V. K: RAHWAY, UNION COUNTY, N. J., FRIDAY HIM 2"3 In First Court tattle. Reserves Drop Con- Slillrr. Mohnwk» in.1 ?n Totals 29 Body's Any Time J..II.-H. I. S The Time Samne YVlIki-*. Aul'tmctlve 1H7» aw Hninplon. • Mnhawkl — 1B7.8 J"0 test to Metuchen "Y". Dymonds Collect Midget* 1.1I.T 10' 0. F. Sllv,.r«. I. S 1W. 1«> to think seriously of getting Author Itny Mnrton. Aulo '. M. C.A. State Conference 0 0 Shifts in the Individual standing ot I'rnr. Autciuiotlv.-* 1M15 1M CrrM t\ r£ i.vi.o lw that t 0 the city bowling lcaguo were many H J Mori..n. llnptlili. \Rahway Welcomes You, Tlylnit Cbalk up the first victory of the sli perfect flips In action and three^ iw.' l.w 1 0 Cumin*". ltnptl«l» V r£ during tho past week, tho averages up II M«rlln. llnpll.tl ... HT.B in JI23-S4 basketball season for the Y. 1 v^JUe free-toss rcjte. -Smith was Kolb. If 0 0 H7 1 1IW 3-24 basKeiDau i»»=«" «•• —- -•;•—,_— McKeown, c • • Plrls, M"hnwk« 0 0 In and Including Friday night's K&mos I'rlrr. Muhnwki 14(1 IT 171 Bowers, rg 14.1.0 : 101 „ C A. Big Five! Meeting the-fast~ncit for the locals ln point of scor- Love. I S 550 DELEGATES 0 sfcow. Cliff Miller retains his hold on Deadlock Ends In Naming McCollough, If 1 ltyno. Mnhmrki 140.2 1M Victrola Continentals, of Newark Saturday lng MCEwen led tho Midgets. the toj)_rung_desplto_ his not rolling (*li.u. Ilium. Auto 1»3. IW 3 HOLD-UP MEN Foulks Flays Furber In SUNDAY SCHOOL -»1ght—on-the-Irvlng_Btreet_court Inj The scor«»; -V>w!l.-,Au!uIliuUYC«_^..._. .. 1ST.S 1M Tdtals^rr;^——.-.-. -.—3—1 -1W.S IW "for-the-long-evenings-and- la&t weeki_but ho Is being hard- Terrlll. W E. Smith Acting Police Chief the Initial game of the schedule the Rahway Bis e lln.l.i-rit. Trinity 1X12 142 ATG0NFEREN6E representative "Y" Quint came from P. pushed, and like the raco of the teams Wlliim. Auutoiimllrri . is a m holidays. ComebackOrTCharges G. 0- llbl INSTITUTE, PLIN behind In tho Urst half and registered Wlth^ho exception of tho opening this year, the Individual raco 1. liable * 0 CHRISTMAS G1FT8 0 tilt the West Ends experienced little at any time and all times to change • thorough trimming of- the visitors, _ 0 0 $1.OO Paid Weekly WaUer 1{ Wu wlfh tu announcu tho arrival of Sergeant Given Appointment On Three city Extends Co.dial Welcome (he contest ending 29 to 21. Bliss, If 0 0 ,! difficulty ln dispatching the Mohawks complexion completely as regard. 1 tho "Kulpkhroma" Lino. Must be •Street Car Conductor Beats OK Commissioner Terms Attackof Mayor "Un- County Association Heads ! Corey. If. c » 1 in . cIV league match Friday night leaders. Sedlock. of the Legion. at our store from now until > probation—Hoff Accepts Challenge To Bo^s oi Ntw J.rs-y Here Being the first game of tbe season seen to bo appreciated. hs r 2 0 at the Y M C A. alleys. The Initial though still short ln games rolled as Wr>r* t !»•« .»— f.. ITT ____«__t>l1 f> 'A _ ^ M a Tt __J D,MMn«« tie contest found the basketeers ot * THE LAST MINUTE GIFT SHOP Xmas insures the delivery of Baudi! Despite Gun Held gentlemanly and Unwarranted '—Cites Meet Here and Prepare 0 -"contort""wii dropped by-:thXTndlan Tie entered -tbo-fray te Is pushing - Mayor by Picking Department Man , M "]("_ Conclajt the" local association not quite up-to-J 3 Ia ; 28 Cherry St, Rahway _ a Victrola to your home on 29 by twenty-eight points.^, good eight. Mlllerstrong. while Ray Smith, of the . standard and the game was somewhat- Tolals . doc<-2 Against Body Record—Belittles Colleague's For Study Course hundred average was pinned by tho Bjialncss Men. Is more than a likely Xmas Eve. slow, but far from being_ devoid of i Continentals winners the nine hundred~ma7TTe^coWti"der^rjT-top^o5ttlonr : K-RAXQI]£I-AT.aERCI^L F. p. r—Acceptance-ot-tnc G. t inc approached ln tho sandwich scs- Martin, teammate of Miller. Is com- Balance That this city will bo the scene or by lack of full conditioning but these' 0 0 Klosi, rf ... S , ing fast. Howard took a big drop last KAFROWLY KISSES DEATH i OPENS MEETINGS will be worked out fast. The shoot- Bcpp, If 2 2 Fink, c 0 0 2 S °The match was devoid of high sin- week when he hit a temporary slump. Easy Payments tog of "Duck" Corey was the big re- 3 1 WHtN ASSAILANT FIPE3 deeming feature of the Big Five play, Schumacher, rg 3 gle counts with one exception, H. hut ho must be watched ln this raco. Kerwiti. lg 4 0 A hearty welcome Is being extended and the margin which he gave the — Smith, of the Mohawks, getting a 215 n. E tlm citizens and various organl- ..is -locals Kaa_JtliB maxe'JL of victory. -*1 count:—Ht zauons of our city today to 550 older 7 ~!~ —-isn 2" JAMES boys troui over.,15U .cities and towm Armstrong, unusual for him. was way 1 ers. while Armstrong was king pinner H smith, M -s 1SI II 3 1 Rahway Reserves W. S M.ir . N. S ..IS 1--.M4 ^'. Matinee Daily 1 JO our -vommoirwealtli... Thl9_ls_tao oft in his shooting and the new leather Rnfthp match with 176.2. __ ..:13_ _V*Y.\i il -ITITIIIBI—iumfarnn.a nf tho B"v'...ljju .1 Q R_ •IS11.S SS seemed a bit tbb~ 'slippery" for~lilm:' 21 The scores: Howard. N. S ..15 visions of the Young Men's Cbrlatian Garthwalto, rf n. Cook. A I. ..13 1TJ.14 ;: Cliff Smith came throughjwlth a few Mossman. If West Ends Cmilo. It. M ..15 Associations ot New Jersey — •"'-*• Alloth. N. S 1T7 1 -.113 2 STORiS JSlps _througtr the iroo-^lrcle which Abbott. If • • • •_•_•_: J Charles J.75- 196 147 Nrlnon. Vrrnon»_ .. r, -1T.HS- ~S>4- _T_Q!LD£Y_ ITU-.- 1US stunrl. Trinity ... S ' gavo a Bplrlted^general talk on county { Mr Furber ordr "weri'bls factors in thYwln and his Mdelflnger. e ;; 185 171 165 hje agreed upon by that'odlcltl and """-•>«n<1 • •••-.--• — --,,. 1 Bliss RcbwotMr, Trinity ..IS 171 11 »*; Richard Bartbcltness IRVING and t0 draw up lhe neceB8ary papers 10 17SJ Sunday School association work and or Furber in open meeting, when f the officials extended the Inrit*- aoor.work was^ scintillating. The lit- Thor'n'_ ,| ;; 144 197 189 Crowell. Vernou* .. ..12 H2 Armstrong 171 sougbt to have tho mayor guar- ll0n l0 the falate Executive Commuv 161 Srhultf. A. I .. IS • -.it) In * Drtmaur Southern Cblvmtry CHERRY STS. 0 ne ma tie forward was everywhere at once Dura lg _2 C. Wooster 182 147 Ch«M\ I. S e to clve Smith full rein uduring « ° WJ °K° "> , ^°, Rahway mu antee to give Smith lull -rei -n uunu t th--«- Conventio--- - , n -Cit y or"T»;«""t 1023 an" d. ,.-ho tad his playing broke up many a rally 05 Van Sant . 169 170 184 E. Cook. U.iptlJti .. ITJ1 1 R«hvray,N. J. th , Corry. A. L ..15 171.13 rw) his probationary Uerlod. ~ ' " Convention City ot 1023 and ha- •-— —— ' l:.-.lmi\n. A. L .... ..IS for the Newarkers. ToU s • *|i|'eVuclieri "•*V" i7ia 'The Bond Boy The agreement to allow "Holl t0 w&s loyally supported by the pastor, ~855 881. 846 n.inl.'ii. Trlnltr .. ..IS The work of Russo at guard was O. F. Van Sanl. W. K. ..15 1710 preside over the destinies of tho po- °' the churches. Board of Kducat on. Mohawks 1 170 Kox K.lut-»llon«) ••il Comedy 1 T( ch(;ni A socl also a big contributor to the Rahway1 Thompson, rf 8 1 riuirlc-.. \V. y. .... irei in t.ce department for the three-month £.° ""'n, k ^ t ?, " °?- 3 Suiter ... 168 151 124' Vail Vcrnonn lwao 3 CI Ho lcac B cx 0 C Smltb. n.ii>llat> us in period "ame about when HoB Bought ^ ' ^- ™ " «. ^- Tlctory. Nick's first appearance In S. Dover, If • .IS K.S 10 23< 2 2 H. Smith 215 141 164 ;ilm»ii. Tm.llj .. .,.„ „, „„ nn rp(.0I.(i t0 League-of Women Voters, Athenian • .' .v« woi -V" nftpr a G. Dover. c_ —1-i K7-» '.-« Ryno .. Club, Junior Order TJnltod American rg .. \V:.r.l. i 1«7 1-*'- Tries r. 147 —it* 133 ut.anvi. )•• M -JiiUJ—211. ur B. Kr K MilliT. N S 1.7113 IU Dlrectors.
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