Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972 Vol. 22 NO. 170 Saipan. MR 96950 ;; ^ @1993 Marianas Variety Monday " November s, ! 993 Serving CNIVII for 20 Years .i Tenorio is governor Democratic ticket wins over GM team bv 1.053 votes By Rafael H. Arroyo team’s 4,144 votes, a 1,053 differ­ strong showing on major Saipan for a four year term. vote due to challenges. ence. precincts to become the C N M I’s The Democrats’ gubernatorial According to Executive Director THE DEMOCRATIC guberna­ TrailinginRotaby a slim margin, top administrationofficials who will win belied most o f the pre-election, Juan Diaz the Board has to schedule torial ticket of Froilan C. Tenorio Tenorio and Borja banked on a assume office in January next year surveys conducted on Saipan by at hearings to see if those challenged and Jesus C. Borja proved surveys least two organizations, which pic­ voters are eligible to vote. wrongby winning the 1993 race for tured Guerrero and Manglona lead­ Other than the voter challenges, governor beating incumbents Larry ing die race first by some 13% and Diaz said the elections were smooth. I. Guerrero and Benjamin T. most recently by 3%. “Everything went on smoothly Manglona with a wide margin. An exit survey conducted by excepuhat the tabulation and count­ Their win ended 12 years of Re­ KPMG Peat Marwick randomly ing got stalled for a long time be­ publican rule for the Common­ among voters showed the TB ticket cause some of our poll supervisors wealth which started with the ad­ leading, 55% to G M ’s 45%, going took hours to reconcile their voting ministration of former Governor into the vote tabulation process. records,” said Diaz in an interview Pedro P. Tenorio. Estimates also had it that a 93% right after the last tally sheet was The victory was also sweet re­ to 97% heavy voter turnout in Rota completed around 12 noon yester­ venge for Tenorio, who in 1989 was seen, although a C N M I- wide day. teamed up with Victor Hocog and overall voter turnout figure was not Earlier estimates had it that the . ran against the same Guerrero- available from the Board of Elec­ counting o f the ballots should have Manglona ticket but lost. tions as it still tries to determine lasted until 2:00 a.m. yesterday, or Latest unofficial results released total voters who were preempted to continued on page 5 by the Board of Elections showed the Democratic tandem garnering 5,197 votes against the reelectionist Froilan C. Tenorio Jesus C. Borja Saipan pays tribute to Joeten G O V E R N M E N T and com­ ness on the island. “Withhis passing, the C N M I munity leaders paid tribute to “I personally admire the man. mourns a greatloss.I w ill miss the C N M I’s most beloved and He is one o f the founding fathers his words o f wisdom and ad­ most respected business leader of the Progressive Party which' vice. I am very close to him who passed away last Friday became the Republican Party. I because what I could not com­ at the age of 70. haveknownhimforsomanyyears municate with my dad I con­ Jose C. Tènorio, affection­ andlamvery glad tohave worked sult with him. I will always ately called “Joeten” by his with him,” the governor added. hold him dear to me,” said the friends and loved ones, is well Guerrero recalled that Tenorio speaker, whose father, Manuel remembered for his contribu­ was a big help to him when he Villagomez is Jeeten’s class­ tion to the business sector and worked for him at the Saipan SI tip­ mate, business associate, part­ to the community as a whole. ping in 1962. When he became ners and competitor all rolled “W e are deeply saddened governor he got him as one of his into one. by his passing away. No one top economic advisers. “His death came as a shock. will be able to replace him in “I value him as a person be­ This is a sad occasion for the terms o f his contribution to the cause I learned a lot from him. As Commonwealth,” said lieuten­ community,” said Governor chairman of my council of eco­ ant governor-elect Jesus C. Larry I. Guerrero in an inter­ nomic advisers, I value his ideas Borja. view Saturday. and advice,” the chief executive Borja, whose mother is a The previous day, the gov­ pointed out. cousin of Tenorio, said his role ernor chartered a plane just be House Speaker and senator- as business leader will be be on Guam to pay his last electThomasP. Villagomez, ech-. sorely missed. respects to the man who helped oed the governor ’s sadness upon Eloy S. Inos, director of Fi- Five month old Tyler Lang Quinene takes to the steet garbed in changed the course of busi­ learning of Joeten’s demise. continued on page 8 appropriate attire to campaign for his grandfather, Froilan C. Tenorio. Proud mom Laura, Tenorio s second daughter is all smiles. Top m an from U S P ostal Service is a C ham orro THE MAN incharge of oversee­ Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, said'Tudela, who is first-ever ministers a budget of $3 billion, 1990. He also had served as Sec­ ing operations and sales for the Georgia and Florida, recently flew Chamorro to hold such a high placing emphasis and resources tional Center manager /Postmas­ US Postal Service in the entire in on his native land of Saipan to position in an agency of the fed­ on improving mail delivery, retail ter of Alhambra, California. southeast area region has an un­ grace the dedication ceremonies eral government. lobby services and specialized Tudela left Saipan in 1957 to canny trait different from all the for the first-ever C N M I postage He was appointed to his current services for business customers. study inGuam. By 1962, he joined rest of the other big men of the stamp last week at the Conven­ position in December 1992 as part He oversees operations involv­ the US Army but got out in 1965. Service - he is a Chamorro from tion Center. of. a nationwide restructuring of ing more than 92,000 employees He first entered the Postal Ser­ the Northern Mariana Islands. “This is a very important event the Postal Service designed to in 2,731 offices. vice as a postal assistant and then Leo B. Tudela, Southeast Area for the C N M I because this stamp • streamline management and raise Previously, Tudela had been a clerk/carrier in South San Fran­ Manager for the US Postal Ser­ would let the world know there is level o f service. division manager/Postmaster of cisco, California. vice in charge o f the states of a paradise island called Saipan,” In such a capacity, Tudela ad­ the Oklahoma City Division since continued on page 7 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-MONDAY- NOVEMBER 8.1993 H istorical vote T uesday for P alau By HOWARD GRAVES The decade-long drive toward ing under it.’ lots. to vote on Sunday. Most o f the self-government has been con­ A year ago, Palauans approved Nearly 2,000 o f the registered Palauans in the United States are KOROR, Palau (AP) - Residents troversial, marred by occasional a constitutional amendment to voters live outside Palau. students. o f this remote western Pacific ar­ violence in past years and threat­ lower the ratification requirement Last month, plitical educa­ The U.N. Trusteeship Council chipelago reach a defining mo­ ened by a'barrage of law suits. from 75 percent to a simple ma­ tion teams, the republic’s vice has sent a six-member team to ment Tuesday when they decide But on the eve of the eighth jority. president and members of meet with Palauans in advance o f whether to ratify a political, eco­ vote in 10 years, there seemed to In the seven previous plebi­ Palau’s Congress made sepa­ the vote. It also w ill monitor the nomic and defense arrangement be a feeling of resignation, indif­ scites, starting in Feberuary 1983, rate trips to meet with vote and the counting of the paper with the United States. ference and an attitude among Palauans could never reach the 75 Palauans in such places as ballots. Approval o f a proposed Com­ some o f “let’s get this over with.” percent threshold required under Corsicana, Texas, Denver, Election commission’ officials pact of Free Association would “The circumstances are differ­ an anti-nuclear provision in their Phoenix, Seattle, Portland, said it may be Thursday or jp d ay free Palau from being the world’s ent this time,” said Bonifacio constitution. Ore., several California cit­ before the ballot count isfaam- only United Nations’ trust terri­ Basilius, who was chief of staff to Kuniwo Nakamura, the fourth ies, Honolulu and Hilo, Ha­ pleted. tory. three former presidents. “Since elected president under which a waii, Guam and Saipan, the The election commission must It also would mean an estimated only a simple.majority approval compact vote has been held, be­ Northern Mariana Islands. certify the vote Nov. 19. $450 million in U.S. financial as­ is needed, there doesn’t seem to lieves about 70 percent o f the On Thursday, election commis­ Palau law then allows 45 days sistance for its nearly 15,000 citi­ be apprehension about the com­ 11,562 registerd voters who live sion teams carried ballot boxes to for the filing of any lawsuits chal­ zens.
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