THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 27, 1860. 4587 Holborn district with the clerk of the Holborn To stop up the streets or passages called White District Board at bis office in Chancery-lane, with Hart-court, Steer's coxirt, Fig-tree-court, Cradle- respect .to the parish of Saint Marylebone with court, Bowling-square, Bowling-alley, King's the Vestry Clerk of that parish at his office at the Head-court, King's Arms-yard, Flying-horse-yard, Court House in Marylebone-lane, witb respect to Honeysuckle-court, Moor-square, Carr-square, the parish of Saint Pancras with the Vestry Clerk Crow-court, Hartshorn-court, Angel-alley, Ebe- of that parish at bis office in tbe King's-road, nezer-place, Vine-court, Maiden-oourt, Union- Pancras-road, with respect to the parish of Saint buildings, Half-moon-alley, and Green Arbour- Mary Islington with the Vestry Clerk of such court, or some of them, which said streets or parish at his office at the Vestry Hall, High, passages are situate in the several parishes, town- street, Islington, with respect to the parishes of ships, or extra-parochial places in and through Saiut James and Saint John Clerkerwell with the which the railway and works are to be constructed, Vestry Clerk of such parishes at his office at the and to appropriate and use such streets or passages, Vestry Hall in Upper Rosamon-street, and with or parts thereof, stopped up for the purposes of the respect to the parishes within the city of London railway and works. with tbe parish clerk of each such parish at his To divert, alter, and stop up, whether tempo- residence. rarily or permanently, all other roads, streets, Printed copies of the intended Bill "will, on or highways, thoroughfares, courts, passages, and before the 22nd day of December next, be depo- squares, which it may be found necessary so to sited in the Private Bill Office of the House of divert, stop up, or alter for the purposes of the Commons. intended railway. Dated this first day of November, 1860. To raise or alter the existing level of the street. Burchells, 5, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster. called Moor-lane, in the parish of Saint Giles with- out Cripplegate, in the City of London. To authorise lateral deviations from the line of the said railway and works, to the extent or Metropolitan Railway. within the limits shown upon the plans hereinafter (Extension to Finsbury Circus.) mentioned in the several parishes, townships, and (Railway from Smithfield to ITinsbury Pavement; extra-parochial places aforesaid, or any of them, .function with Railway of London Railway and also deviations from the levels shown on the Dep6t and Storehouses Company; Powers of sections hereinafter also mentioned, as may be Construction, &c., to Metropolitan Railway found necessary or expedient for the accommoda- Company; or Incorporation of Separate Com- tion of sewers and drains. pany with Powers to Metropolitan Railway To authorise the use and appropriation of any Company ; Additional Capital; Arrangements street, road, court, and passage stopped up or as to Capital and Working, &c.; Powers of diverted for the purposes of the intended rail- Arrangement with Corporation of London as to way, station, and works, and the diversion or site of intended Smithfield Market House; removal of all gas, water, and other pipes which it Further Powers to and Arrangements with may be necessary to. alter, divert, or remove for Metropolitan, Great Western, Great Northern, the purposes of the intended railway ; also the use London and North-Western, Midland, London, and appropriation of the under-surface of any Chatham, and Dover, London, Brighton, and existing street, although the same may not be South Coast, and other Railway Companies; stopped up or interfered with, and the construc- Amendment of Acts.) tion of the railway or any gauge or gauges. OTICE is hereby given, that application is To levy tolls, rates, and duties for the use of the N intended to be made to Parliament in the said intended railway, to confer, vary, and extin- ensuing session for leave to bring in a Bill for all guish exemptions from payment of tolls, rates, or or any of the following purposes, and for powers duties, and to confer, vary, and extinguish other' to effect the following objects, or any of them (that rights or privileges. is to say): To empower the Metropolitan Railway Company To make and maintain a railway, with stations, to undertake the construction of all or any part of sidings, works, roads, and communications con- the railway, and to carry into effect all or any of nected therewith, commencing in the parish of the objects of the Bill, and to exercise the powers Saint Sepulchre, in the City of London, at or near of constructing the railway and works, or any of a point shown on the deposited plans of the rail- them, of purchasing and taking lands, of levying way authorised to be constructed by "The London tolls, and to enable the Metropolitan Railway Railway Dep6t and Storehouses Act, I860," as the Company, for those purposes, or any of them, or intended termination thereof, passing from, in, for the purpose of subscribing to and taking shares through, or into the several parishes, townships* in the capital of a Company to be incorporated as and extra-parochial places of Saint Sepulchre and hereinafter mentioned, to raise additional capital the Liberty of Glasshouse-yard, or one of them, by the creation of new shares or stock, and by in the county of Middlesex, and Saint Sepulchre, borrowing on mortgage or otherwise, and to autho- Saint Botolph Aldersgate, the Liberty of Glass- rise the creation (if thought {[expedient) of such house-yard, Saint Giles without Cripplegate, and additional capital as a separate share and loan Saint Stephen Coleman-street, or some of them, in capital, to be applied exclusively for the purposes the City of London, and terminating in the said of, or as a subscription to, the intended railway, city, in the parish of Saint Stephen Coleman-street, and to be charged solely on such railway, and to at or near the west side of ifinsbury-pavement, at charge the money borrowed on such railway, or or about forty-four yards north of the point where also on the authorised Metropolitan Railway, or auch street intersects Fore-street. to raise money by all or any of such means; and To purchase, by compulsion, the lands and to authorise the Metropolitan Railway Company houses to be described on the plans hereinafter to issue such additional capital, subject to such mentioned, or any of them, and to purchase other arrangements as to its participation in the profits ands by agreement, to authorise the lease of lands, of the general undertaking or the application of and the acquisition of any right or easement in, the profits arising from the intended railway under, and over, the same. wholly or partially to such new capital, and with.
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