£ ...... ItGIS rHA ION Nu. U \. ("''''IIO ... wENT.l "AOTfCTIOH. ,tNey ,-H ~ ·t u~ flt.STI\. ,~l<, PHOGRAMS ... t ",>I~"f,OI\j 0,,,, .. ,0,",, _u ,.7, #o.~ ~ •• '.v' ,'. ( ,'.t. ... " .... , .. " OF' PEstiCIDE PRODUCT HOllCE OF PESTICIDE i.:~ I Co !o I ...... 1 'O·~ .-- • N' lolL Go'" 1 "' ... 1 '(,)fo. ., , .. 1 " . 1 \ ( /I,', t 't" J "oJ. I,r! /"', _ ". "II f IlIIAiIt "I. nlltl Hutt.'nl,. ,II. A" _I' ,'""'lIllt-el, I ~( :n. 1'1'1<1·" , l' .' 7 , ~, , .•~ ~ ! IV! I I I 1 1 L .J HCTE' Chenl~5 In tabc-lanK formula dlHf'rarc In sUb5lan('f' from thai acc.-pt.d In ('onM'('llon With IhlA feCIAtrallon muat tM­ submlltrd 10 and aeerpt .. d hy 1M RrCIAtr.tlon 0lVI510n prior 10 uU' 01 IIw lab..l In comnwrc ... In .ny cOfr .. apond .. nc:e on this prodt.K'lalw.ya refer to the .bo..... u,s. EPA r~llsl'atlon numbtor. On tlw baSIS 01 InfOfmetion futnlahtd by tM rec.atrant, 1M above rwrrtC'd pealKld•• a tw • .rby Reliat.. r.d/R"""ciatered und~r 1M Fed.. r.1 Insectlcld~, fUncl(,ld~. and Rod .. nllnd. Act. A copy of 1M l.~hnc acc~ptrd '" connectton with Ihia R"Ctatratlon!Rr,.c,atralion ia telwned herewith. Recisiration la In no "ay to be construed aa an ,ndaraeme-nl 01 apP"O\'al 01 th ... prod~t br this Alene,. In order to prot.. ct twalth and tlv environment. 1M AdminiatratOf, on h.a motion, may.t any II1M' auspend 01 c.ncel the recialtation of a peat. IClde .n .ecOfdanee- w_th the Act. The accepeance 01 any neme in conne-chon wllh ttrw reliatution of a p'oduct under thia Act is not to be conalrued a. 11"'lnC the reciatrant a fllht to e.elusive u ... 01 the .. me 01 to ita use If II haa bee-n covered by otht'ra. T"J.1s j't'oduct, is r-',n'htJnn ... l1v r(·(f~Rtr~r ... ~ in e<"'!ror~lIn~fl' 'tIii:h f'lfPl\ sec, )(c)(71(A) rrovirl~~ tt· ... t you: 1 • 2u~lt c\n~/nr cit"P "'~ 1 ,j~ .. ,. Yf·("'·,1rtfod ff'T Tp.a:i!:::tr ......_ion/,..~r~giRtrllt1f ... ;J rn duct \lnr1~r f"rJ-"'JtA f,Pc. 3{("')(c.} wh~n t,",P. '\flcnry r'-qU.ll'eS all rp.r_llstl'dnt~ I)f sif'lil ... r PI·O';ucts to subnlt such t1l\t.a. 2. " .." ..... t.~~ L .. bf'l)nr. chl\nq"!! 11.st(>1 ~1f',", b.·fnrp Y')U telpiHie t}-lp nn:,r]uct ffn ,,\,) p"t":lt' : a. ".Jd t:,t' 1,I'ra8P "F.PI. k~CJ1"tratjoJl ~lC). ".d1';~(\-'." b. r;'.1rh~e- U!llJrrc-te('!l" to "q~nltall5." 3. Su""'it fiv .. (5) copj"s of YOUI fin&l prtnted llllo"llng h .. fore you r",l" .. " .. the produc-t ~or shipm.. "t. R"ter to the 1'o-7Q F.ncl"'Fure for a furth .. r 1escriJ.tion of final print,,1 l .. b~linq. If the!'" condit_inn" .. re not c,,",pliei! with. the r"qistrlltlon will t." sul'jecf: to clInc<!'llllti"n in .occordanc" with F'1F'RA sec. 6(e). Your releen" for shif\rncnt of th". product con8titutc~ dCf''''ptllnce of thf.·se condl t tonfi. A st,..mped I.'O!,>Y of the 1 lIhfll 1 is ('ncll)SE"~ for yoUr rp.cords. Ti~othy A.. CarJII"'r l're..... ' uri ~~n"(J(·r (17) ,. ;1~jO('t 1 Cl·~,~-~f)('\f.·nt if'j ,Ip pr/!l''lci H'·'I:,;t. ~tJ()n P1vi,dr,!' (~f-71;" ,$-71,'?7 ,p/Ijr-- /~~"'Y o ATTACHMENT IS A~PlIC"I!ILE IIONATUIII[ OF A~~"OVING OF'ICIAI +1-­ DAT~ \ J. .. __ -,' _ I '1l-2 r - "'- ~/ ~ .. I[v.oua I:OITI,'" "''''Y _ .. U.IIO UNTIL aU~~LY .a a.HAUaTIID, .......WiD "'" ......... 0--* OCT291984 VIIIIIr .... ,....... hadkicte, ..... II , and lkodrnti<Kl<· Act • 1 ~. for thr pt'St ...k' II' wi ..... EI'A IU-t:. N", F LEA. TIC K & L ICE 't/ ~Y.f?1 - 3 S P RAY Ready To Use ,( FOR USE 0 N DOGS & CATS Kills Fle~3, Ticks & Lice For Temporary Protection Against CHIGGERS. EYE GNATS. BITING FLIES And MOSQUITOES Sold Through Licensed veterinarians ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Pyrethrins ' , , , . 0.15% *Piperonyl Butoxide Technical 1.50% INERT INGREDIENTS: . 98·)5% 100.00% • • Total I • I ••• • • ••••• ( • c c ,., I , •• I . • ••••• • • • • .. *Equi valen t to 1. ~%( butylcarbi tyl) «(,- pl'opylpiptH'onyl) • ••••• • •••• ether and 0.8% related compounds • • • EPA Reg. No. 41580- EPA Est. No. ,4 i '}eO- Fi.'--:r I" I KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN • ••••• • • CAUTION . , . .. • ••••• • • Sec Back pan'~ 1 For Addi tional Pl'ecllutionary Sta teme·lit~.. •• • • I •• , STATEMENTS OF' PHAC'l'ICAL TREA'lTt1EN'fS If Swallowed - Call a physician cr Poison Control Center immediately. If In Eyes - Wash with plenty of water. Call a physician if irritation persists. If On Skin - Wash with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing. If Inhaled - Remove to fresh air. Appl:f resfiration if indicated. NET CONTENTS 8 Ounces; 16 Oz. )2 Oz. 1 Gal) B & R Products, Inc. MiHIlli. FloridCl JJ1 'i7 B &. R Fle«, 'rick alld Lice Spray EPA Hl';', , N0, '11',:,' DIRECTIONS FOR USE Page 2 of' 2 It is a viohtlion of Federal Law to use this product jn a manner inconsistent with its labeling, FOR CONTROL OF FLEAS, TICKS &. LICE ON DOGS AND CA 'l'S. HOW TO USE - Remove the Sprayer Cap and hold upright 4 to 6 inches from the animals coat, Pump the sprayer plunger to apply a fine mist to moisten the hair. To insure thorough coverage and spray penetration to the animals skin, part the fur by stroking against the lay of the hair as the spray is applied. Spray 'Ticks directly. Wear suitable latex gloves for this application. Work from the rear legs, rump and belly towards the head making sure not to get spray in animals eyes, mouth or scrotum. Spray to slightly dampen the hair and skin. Repeat treatment as needed but not more often than once a day. Animal ~dding should be removed and sprayed thoroughly. Replace with fresh bedding. Treat the interiors of' kennels(cracks and crevices where insects may hide) and other places where Ticks and Fleas may congregate. ~r problem infestation~ plan on a second treatment within) to 5 days. New _himals which are accepted for boarding should be treated before placing in kennels. For diff'icult Lice infestations plan on dipping with a suitable EPA approved product directed ror that use. The above treatments will give temporary relief rrom Chigger." Eye Gnats, Biting Flies and Mosquitoes. Repeat every 2 to ) days as needed. PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS Hazards To Humans &. Domestic Animals CAUTION. Harmful if swallowed or inhaled. Avoid breathing the spray mist. Wash hands after use and before eating or smoking. Do not contaminate rood, ~eed or food utensils. Some cats may exhibit temporary excessive salivat~on after treatment therefor treat sparingly. Avoid treatment or excessive exposure to puppies or kittens of less than six weeks of age. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS ..'hi3 product is toxic to fish. Keep out of any body of water. Do not con­ taminate water by cleaning of eq~ipment or disposal of wastes. Apply this product only as specifieu on this label. Cover or remove birds o~ fish aquariums before use. if there is a possibility of contamination.:,··:. • c ...... " f. , .. STORAGE &. DISPOSAL I I •• • Do not contaminate wat.er, rood or feed by storage or disposal. S'I'OIMGE. ~-C6t',p product in original container in a cool, dry! locked, place out. Qf.. J;fach ••q!: children. DISPOSAL. Do not reuse empty conta~ner. Wrap and put ~n trash .•• : ••• , I I I t . NOTICE - Buyer assumes all risk and liabili ty of use, storage and/?'r ha~rt.-..• ling not in accordance wi th the terms or this label. .. •••• , .....• • I j •• B &. R Productu, Inc. .. 18721 S.W. 104th Avenue . '" Miami Florida ))157 I .
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