Property of the Watertown Historical Society - . Am , watertownhistoricalsociety.orgOakvill* Watertoum Weekly ' TIMES Vol. 9, No. 378 Subscription Price, $3.00 Per Yi Single Copy, 6 'Cents. March 3. 1955 Prominent Jurist ; School Bldg Program To Speak Here At Faces Two Year Delay No new classrooms will be avail- to hous-i about. 40-3 pupils, Bald- Memorial Lecture able for at least two more years win has an enrollment of almost despite overcrowded conditions in •650 children. : •Judge -Harold R. Medina, U. S. present school buildings, accord- Last, November the school, Circuit .Court., of •Ap'PBals.^wll' de- ing to *Jie chairman of the School board, approved a program of a, liver-the second of the Robert Taft , Building Committee, Ellsworth T. new twelve room, structure for Memorial Lectures here Friday j Candee. 'the Watertown, area and an eight evening, Match. 4,-'at 8 -o'clock.in The cause of the delay is trap- room, addition, to Polk School. lit ~ the . Bingham Auditorium of the ed directly to the time lost in Oakville as immediate solutions • Taft School. "A Look.at America" having a survey 'rciade of school for the crowde-i elementary is the title .chosen by Judge Me- needs by the firm, of Engelhart. schools. dina for the-..occasion. .En.gelh.art -and Leggett of New However, the program, was tabL- - This annual series of- lectures 'is York, Mr. Candes'ievealed. ed when officials of the school, presented by 'the' school .and. - its. A.s a 'result the Board of Edu- 'board, and building mmmittee de- * Alumni. Association to honor the cation is faced, with the problem cided it was; first "i-jcessary .to have late Robert Taft, .alumnus, of the of finding emergency facilities to a professional firm survey the school and nephew of its. founder. relieve • overpopulation especially j overall school, building require- Medina will be introduced, by a,t Baldwin School. Built originally ments. 'Thomas. W. Chrystde, New York, A representative of the survey an alumnus and former trustee of firm last December informed the the school: •officials that " a complete survey This, year's lectures were open- of school needs would be. ready ed last week when Samuel Eliot Board Of Finance in .May.,"" When schco' board mem- Morison. spoke- on "Washington'; bers pointed out that "we must 'Brother Jonathan", Governor have a-building .In 1956'," Mr. N. Trumbuil". The third -in the series Holds Meeting To Engelhardt, Sr. replied that his. will 'be' given. May 13 by the.Hbn- firm could file -an •"early interim -orable Prescott. Bush, -Republican report." But he advised that a full •Senator 'from. Connecticut.. • Set New Tax Rate survey should be. made in view . Judge -"Medina, a. .graduate of Originally scheduled for March I of the large sums, of money tnvolv- Princeton, Phi Beta Kappa, and o 9, the Board of Finance' meeting j ed a school 'Construction "propram, Columbia-University Law' School, to set the 1955 tax .rate was held Upon request of school officials, . :ls a judge in the. U. S. Circuit instead -on March, 2. The meeting a town meeting last January ap- 'Court; of Appeals. He- is best known date was advanced when the 'Board *' proved, an appropriation of ;$3-»50G tor'the trial. nrl94d of, eleven coni- ot Finance received* the OffIcial. j for the Engelhardl. .survey. The munists who had 'been indicted and Grand, List from, the Board- of Tax!l firm has already started its stud- Wre*feond. guilty 'under .the:.-,8nBt& Review Somewhat earlier than, had. ies here. , • met. - - .-.'- -. Conoco Association- ewitecP ijt»~-:«igh'f|i'-ami most been expected, according to a fin- jj "The town meeting also approved ' He taught at- Columbia -after' his. suees.8(Bfiiit:S«W'O« Tuesday, evenioo wit-•h th-•e presentatio•*- - n :®• f- the Ran' - ance board official.' i $6,500, upon request of the "school 'graduation, and was -well known. dalpjr Ittngprtytt. Bingham .Auditorium. Over 600'. members, joined the The final Grand. List figures are!: building connmitt-*^. for the hir- for his cram course -in which he local organliation which enabled it to offer four concert performances, ing of an, .architect to draw pre- helped some 40,000 '"students, pre- $30,219,137. - - ii to subscriber*.' . _ . * The amount needed to be rais- liminary plans. pare for the bar examinations.. However, the architect cannot When-be opened, his. own practice. -above are: the: newly-elected, officer* for the 1955-56 con- ed by taxes is approximately $900,- cert , season, • left: to rfgftt, •-Henry Pennell, secretary;. Mrs. John S. 'DOG. Forecasts of a three or three (Continued on Page Six) •he. got into'appeal's work and did. Ferguson, vice-president; Phillip T. Young, president. -nothing else until 1931.- .Prior to and a. half mill increase in, the his appointment as Judge, he had tax rate were recently made by' argued 1.40O.'rases 'in- the -appeHiite. •the finance board 'Chairman,., 'Ells-! Democrats To Try .courts, covering e^ery •. imaginable worth T. Candee, and tax collect- "kind- qf fc»w ••\fter Ms,first trial NEW ZONING REGULATIONS TG BE or Irving' F. Smith, "They said, 1 •case,in., distancing.'young./Herbert however , that the final rate de- •Stager *«r -aw;'-Basic rot"; rrnttea pends upon, 'the amount to 'be seti _ "temoersMembers , oft thtft=° Democratic 1 '"aside for surplus and the' per- i 1.OBn "Committee are showing States.- ''n--HI31,-- hec-"3id"'-noc lose ^0PI»AfTEfifUBtl€ HEARING 1 sl a single .case, as a "trial lawyer. centage oi 'Collections computed by sns of unrest and dissatisfaction, the finance board. Last year's tax! I1. , "ot revolt, over certain estab- - 'Hejias'iriade a Cfaveer 6f^ beih-g ; ilsn "busy. He has; done' much, sailing .,:The:. Planning; apd- Zoning' .Com man stetql],-. these .were, protests, for rate was, 28%" mills. «J practices' of tne political or- • will.meet:"*after the public "more Vpratectton •_ against business The results of the finance board ganization. l and .compT«inte"'ttat the- ordinance meeting held last evening could [ . According to two members of of ™S?"Sr S^l not be known, in time for this i the committee, who would not, per- ^£%l^\J^^\'«^reealBlt&as to to" officiallyy JJ«« been too Tievere in its restric- week's issue of this, paper. mit their names to'be used "at this tenmany man'y wwf wwfe e oonn tfa tfae e'iurSie- iurSie-1 1«** ** the ord&iance andd, .sett ttheh j tion. on bannesa. time", a number of them, pi*»n to •lion of 'courts .ud on "civil and.?*d.?. 6.6 fo r ?*• e f ' eann" ?*eann ?*• ****"& ff"? ™ aek for a special meeting of the pleitdii^pr««ees.Htslate^bookt^lt^ S S ™gg be held tonight town ranrmitfee "to f.et 'these' mat- .is ''Judge" Medina Speaks".' He ,(March. ?rd) at 8 D- m- m the Town Rep; Russell Predicts Defeat For Gov. ters, out on the floor." " • has taken part, in many- legal re- [ Mali. One of the. main grievances, ac- JToroiformss affecting court procedproceduree . * -N'" -o town' . * meeting - Is necessary rordin=r _to these sources,, is the '••'"••'"" y-* " "'^ :" ' * * I"' •- ' -^-:" • •' i .tc approve • -the - ordinance as un- i - ; .. _ - - , . '• . .- Ribicoff's Tax & Road Bldg Programs committee's annual failun* to "put der-state statutes the 'zoning auth- up a, full slate of candidates for ority is empowered to enact the Rep. Arthur H. Russell, foresees town offices at election time." One Bloodmobile Here ordinance',,.- following the "public f ! 'trouble ahead for Gov. RibicofFs of the inform,ants stated, Our hearing. - •. - <, -.". j road, tax, and budget programs In ,party's in a, rut. It doesn't stand March H Local - .Whether- or. not changes orj Board OK s Legion the Republican controlled House''01* anything: it hasn't even-got a arnendments will be' made to theI of Representatives. ]. program. When election time Quota 200 Pints original proposals depend upon the " es i: just e3 throu ! A member of the powerful "™ - «° Leh the • The Red Cross ..Sloodmobile will discussionis at* thge hearing this: £*• D&w House Appropriations Committee, motions and doesn't even 'try to cvenirt?. 'according to"' the-" chair- the veteran, legislator from. Oak- run a, campaign with men, who be'here from 12:43 p. m."to 5:45' -. ... -. *. •'-T .. - .•. l"Or DOX! might stand a chance to •p.nvon Monday, M&rch.l4. at the ™l?-™ the - commission, John .V. Th™e Board.of'"EducatioBoam.«JMucauonagre«n agreed., vilIe stated in, an .interview thafindt f\ 'K'ePu:Dlicans .In this Swift-Junior High 'School. 'The., Abbott"-.,... :• . • 1 7 to -allow'the .American Legion members of that committee " [ ly split .and .if quota'"'" , fo- r •"""•'"th" e torn *wl"l b" e *-"'150 • Mr. 'Abbott .reported-that the PPos t to use 'thhe SwifSift JunioJi r HigHihh ththe chiehiff executive'ti' s bdbudget "too.. • *»,„.,. * „ t. , , pints or :• blood, with. ,300' oonors --has, 'received several. School pvrrt tor a boxing show, at tocomplate and vague,." el claim- ^ J^V^,!^ £™ " »«S •needied,. ty insure reaching this- fi- l -temeeting«o^ay;, ate rejecting ed ttat_tf the 'bud,gef were passed gure, " i.tions. Mdst-jOfr^eni deal-with the 'the request at'first. as submitted, it. might cost the r the request atfirst. Another grievance mentioned 'The" BToodmobile,". tmeratfMl provision* onbttainess develop!'Pii state "an extra, five to six million 1 by 1provision*' ments and, . oddl-on-.bttainessy enough., •th develop-!'e chair- . Permission: was granted in thedollars."" . was the practice of allowing the * (Continued on " Page -11) late hours of the evening a/ter chairman of the committee to JO'hn •M'CCleary, Legion Post Com,- Rep.
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