DOCUMENT RESUME ED 095 862 IR 001 042 AUTHOR Ah Mai, Karen L. TITLE Pacific Educational Computer Network Study. Results of the Second Planning and Review Meeting, January 9, 1974. INSTITUTION Hawaii Univ., Honolulu. ALOHA System. SPONS AGENCY National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. REPORT NO HU-AS-CN-74-33 PUB DATE 31 May 74 NOTE 28p.; For related documents see IR 001 041 and 043 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.75 HC-$1.85 PLUS POSTAGE 'DESCRIPTORS Communication Satellites; Computer Programs; *Computers; *Conference Reports; *Information Networks; *Telecommunication IDENTIFIERS Aloha System; *ARPA Network; Pacific Rim ABSTRACT At the conference, which brought together many university representatives from the Pacific Rim, papers were presented yielding both individual problems, perspectives, and successes in computer networks and also group needs and development. In the first section of this report the status reports of networking in the Pacific Rim are summarized. Next comments on technical and policy issues in international network development include a special emphasis on the use of the ARPA Network as a resource in Pacific network experiments and disucss the use of satellites in experiments, the implications of direct broadcasting, and the distinction between "experimental" and "operational" status. A decision on an interim organization was made at the close of the meeting. Included in this report are abstracts of selected preprints and reports. (WH) 153 1 , j iA p 4 k 414A1"°s *' ,,ti4 t'w- rf US DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH EDUCATION WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION r- TH,S DO( t,Mf NTKA.,BF EN RE PRO ''s DUCED Ext.(' Ti y As kECEIVEO IROM F. TIE PE /SONOR ow-_,AN.zAT.ONORIGIN AT.NC LT POINTS OF . IF WOROPINIONS STATFD 00 NOT NECESSARILYkEPRE SENT OFF ICIAL NATIONAL NSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION 05/ POLICY -kr r AALfirr . 7-7 tr -0P.7.411.F:p 41+ It(, s 141 1 1,. .1?1 4if''4)111' tr4 ft' _ago. sr0(),;.,!? f..? , o* - t.. 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Karen Ah Mai May 31, 1974 This report was supported by the NationalScience Foundation NSF Grant No. GJ-33220. under TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. THE SECOND PACIFIC EDUCATIONAL COMPUTERNETWORK PLANNING AND REVIEW MEETING: January 9, 1974- List of Participants 2 3. STATUS REPORTS OF NETWORKING IN THEPACIFIC 4 4. TECHNICAL AND POLICY ISSUES OF INTERNATIONALNETWORK DEVELOPMENT 9 S. INTERIM ORGANIZATION 17 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AVAILABLE REPORTS 18 it 4 1. INTRODUCTION The second planningand review meetingfor the Pacific Educational Computer Networkexperiment was heldas part of the Seventh Hawaii InternationalConference on System Sciences. special subconference A on Computer Nets attractedmany papers of interest to the participantsin the Pacific network Many of the institutional experiment. status reports given bythose present at the planning meetingwere extracts from this subconference. papers presented at A meeting of interested subconference attendeeswas held to exchange up-to-date informationon the networking plans and activities of the various institutions. The session was chaired by Professor JohnBennett of the Universityof Sydney. also discussed various The group technical and policyquestions relating to the development of a Pacific EducationalComputer Network. Among the topics discussedwere: the possibility of connecting the ARPANet to Pacificnetwork nodes; theuse of satellites for international datatransmission; the implicationsof the broad- cast mode of transmission; and the distinctionbetween "experi- mental" and "operational"status. An interim organizationfor the distribution and reports relating of information to the Pacific experimentwas also established. 2. THE SECOND PACIFICEDUCATIONAL COMPUTER NETWORK PLANNING ANDREVIEW MEETING: January 9, 1974 List of Participants 1. Chairman:JOHN BENNETT University of Sydney (Professor, Universityof Basser Computing Center Sydney) Sydney, N.S.W. 2006 Australia 2. NORMAN ABRAMSON University of Hawaii (Technical Director,ALOHA The ALOHA System System) 2540 Dole Street, Holmes486 Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 3. KAREN AH MAI (same as above) (Research Associate,ALOHA System) 4. MANUEL ALBA University of Hawaii (Director, Technology and East-West Center;-LincolnHall Development Institute, Technology and DevelopmentInstitute East-West Center) 1777 East-West Road Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 5. VINTON CERF Digital SystemsLaboratory (Observer, International Computer Science and Network Working Group) Electrical Engineering Stanford, California 94305 6. DIXON T.S. CHEN Ministry of Communications (Telecommunications Chung-Li, P.O. Box 1 Laboratory) Taiwan, Republic ofChina 7. HARIJONO DJOJODIHARDJO Institut Teknologi Bandung (Director, Computer Jalan Ganesh 10 Sciences Division) Bandung, Indonesia 8. HARRY HUSKEY University of Californiaat (Consultant, UNESCO) Santa Cruz Department of Computer Science Santa Cruz, California95060 HIROSHI INOSE Department of ElectronicEngineering (Professor, Tokyo Universit.) University of Tokyo Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo,Japan 10. ROBERT KAHN Advanced ResearchProjects Agency (Observer, ARPA) 1400 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, Virginia22209 -2- 11. KENNETH J. KOKJER University of Alaska (University of Alaska) Electrical Engineering Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 12. PAO-HAONG KONG 18, Lane 81 Roosevelt Road (Director, Telecommunications Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan Laboratories) 13. JI-CHEN MA National Taiwan University (Professor, National Taiwan Department of Electrical Engineering University) Taipei, Taiwan (107) 14. SHOICHI NOGUCHI Research Institute of Electrical (Professor, Tohoku Tohoku University University) Katahira 2-1-1 Sendai 980, Japan 15. JURO OIZUMI (same as above) (Professor, Tohoku University) 16. ITTIPON PADUNCHEWIT Computer Science Laboratory (Head, Computer Science Graduate School Laboratory) Chulalongkorn University Bangkok, Thailand 17. JAI P. SINGH Indian Space Research Organization (SITE Director, India) (ISRO) F-Block, CBAB Complex District Office Road Bangalore - 560009 India 18. KI S00 SUNG Korea Institute of Science and (Director, Computation Technology Research Laboratory) P.O. Box 1313 Chyung Ryang Seoul, South Korea 19. G.A. VIGNAUX Victoria University of Wellington (Professor, Victoria Private Bag University of Wellington) Wellington, New Zealand 3. STATUS REPORTS OF NETWORKINGIN THE PACIFIC Participants in the secondplanning and review meetingfor Pacific Educational ComputerNetwork activitieswere welcomed by Dr. Norman Abramson, TechnicalDirector of The ALOHASystem. The ALOHA System, a researchproject in the Departmentof Electrical Engineering, Universityof Hawaii, is involved innumerous com- puter-communications experimentsutilizing satellites and radio transmission. Prof. John Bennettof the University of Sydneychaired the session, which was called(1) to provide theopportunity for in- dividuals interested ininternational networkingto meet each other and (2) to discuss issues pertinent to theformation of a Pacific Educational ComputerNetwork experiment. summaries of remarks Following are made by members of thegroup regarding the interest, plans^and activities of theirrespective institutions in the field of izomputersand networking. Ittipon Padunchewit,Head of the ComputerScience Laboratory, Chulalon korn Universit : In computer-oriented ong orn Un versity education, Chula- o ers a Master's degree in ComputerScience, a Bachelor's degree in Engineering,and a Certificate awardedby the Computer ScienceCenter. In network-related research,the development ofcommunications systems is just beginning. We have ordered low-speedMohawk Data Systems terminals and modemsand will try to connectto other universities, Hardwareconstruction has just started. We hope to be part of the Pacific network experiment in thesecond stage of our development,perhaps in 1975. Harry D. Huskey, UnitedNations Consultanton Computers in Developing Countries: We were recently involvedin a contract between the Universityof California, UNESCO, andBurma to set up a computer center atRangoon. There is no activity taking place in this developmentthat is related tojoining the Pacific Educational Computer Network. Jai P. Singh( Directorof the SITE ProjectIndian Space Re- search Organization: The participation of Indias is doubtful at this stage since it is not in therange of ATS-1. A transnation- al system may be possibleafter ATS-1 for as well as for education. informational purposes Our current sta`us is thatof an ob- server of the Pacific networkexperiment. Harijono DjojodihardjojDirector of the ComputerScience Di- vision, Computer Center, Institute of Technologyat Bandun : The Institute of Technology has22 departments,'
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