14th February 1942 THE .. LEfiISLATlve ASSEIBLY 'DEBATES' Off.icial Report Volume I, 1942 (litII FebrUary to IOlla Marcia, '94J) ,. FIFTEENTH SESSION OF THE FIFTH LEGISLATIVE 1942 .-~ ~EW DELHI PIUNTED llY THE ~UNAGER '\ GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PR:,\SS: 19.'l CORRIGENDA. In the Legis1a.tive Assembly De- (6) Volume II, No.9, dated the bates, Budget Session, 1942,- 23rd March, 1942,- (i) page 1429, line 1, inaeri (1) Volume I, No.1, dated the the word "is" after the 11th ~ 1942, pa.ge word" blood" ; and 31, line 20, for " Muslims " <ii) page 1457, line Sfrom the read " Muslim " ; bottOllD, read "are" for (2) Volume I, No. 15, dated'- the word "they"; . the 5th March, 1942, page (7) Volume II, No. 11, dated 708, line 20 from the hot- the 25th March, 1942, page tom, fOr "Suppression" 1539, line 18 from the read "Supersession"; bottom, for the word " who .. read " why "; " (3) Volume II, No.6, dated the 17th March, 1942,- (8) Volume II, No. 13, dated the 1st April, 1942, page 1651, (i) page 1207, line 4, delete line 21, Jor the word the full stop after the " attacks" read" attack "i word " statemene" ; and (9) Volume II, No. 14, dated (ii) page 1265,lines 5 and 22, the 2nd April, 1942,- Jor " The Honourable Sir (i) page 1688, line 17, for HOJ,Di Modi" read " The .. It . is given to C class " Honourable . Sir Romi read" I said that A and-B Mody" ; olass" . (4) Volume II, No. 7,dated the (ii)page ~ 1693, line 22, Jor 19th March, 1942, page " Syed Murtuza Sahj.b 1357 ,line 15 from the bot- Bahadur .. rurd " Ma\llvL tom, Jor "The Economist Syed Murtuza 8ahib news' " read " The Econo- Bahadur" ; and mist news-"; .. (iii) page 1729, line 19 and. page 1730, line 9 Jor (5) Volume II, No.8, dated,the . .. Di"aD Bahadur Sir 20th .Maroh, 1942, page A. Ramaswami Muda- 1422,line 13 from the bot- liar .. read " The HonoUt"- tom, delete the second able Diwan Bahadur Sir " that" at the end of the A. Ramaswami line; MudaJiar ". LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Pre.ident : The Honourable Sir ABDUR RARIM, X.C.S.I. Deputy Pre.ident: Mr. AKHIL CHANDRA DATTA, M.L.A. Panel Gf Ohai'rm,,,: SUD GHULAti BRIK NAIRANG, M.L.A. Lieut.-Colonel Sir HENRY GIDNEY, M.L.A. Sir HURY RICHARDSON, M.L.A. Sir COWASJI JSBANOIR, Bart., K.C.I.E., O.B.E., M.L.A. • Secretary : • Mian MUHAIIlIAD RAPI, Barrister-at-Law. A88i.tants of the Secretary: Mr. M. N. KAUL, Barrister-at-Law. Khan Bahadur S. G. HASNAIN. -Mar.hal : Captain Haji Sardar NUR AHMAD KHAN, M.O., r.O.M., ~.A. • • Oommittee• on Petition.: . Mr. AxRIL CHANDRA DATTA, M.L.A., Ohairman. SYBD G U~A BRIK NAIRANO, M.L.A. Mr. JAKNA-DA8 M. MBHTA, M.L.A. Sir ABDUL HALIK GHUZI'A.' M.L.A. ~. - - .~ .~ -.·l:c:.C .. ".':"." Mr. N. M. JOSBI, M.L.A. CONTENTS VOLUJlE I.-11tA Febr1J4rg to 10th MarM, 1945 •. PAGIIB.· TB11lt8D.4Y, 12TH FBBBu ....Y.1942- WB0'KB80AY, 11TH FIIBBUABY, 1942- Member Sworn. • 83 :Members Sworn • 1 Starred Queetjona aad Starred Queetion8 and Anawen A ~ . • 88-99 Unat&rTeci Questions and Death of Sir RasbaymdJa Anawen .' Rau . • . 98-100 Statements laid on the Motion for Adjoummeat_ Table 21-35 Arreet and det.entioo of Mr. S&rat ~ Boee Deaths of Mr. L. C. Buss and -Notmoved • • 1000-01 Sir Akbar Hydari . 86-40 Banning of the HiDdu Motions· for Adjournmant- J4ahaaabha s-iClll at Postponed 40 Bbagalpw-Poatponed .'101 H_"E. The Govemor General'. Lathi Charge on Sikh Re· AlI88Dt to Billa . 40-41 Jigioua Congregation by Bill pa.aaed by the Council of the Delhi Police-Ruled State . _ . 41 out of order .' • 102-05 Home DepartJDeDt Notifica- Failure to obtain aP:ero,:al tions iuued under the of the Central Legis- Registration of Foreigner. lature for declaring India Act, 1939 . 41-43 at War with Japan- Amendments to certaiD Diaallowed by the Gov. Motor Veh.icles Rulea . 43-61 ernor General . l0i-06 Amendment to the Insur- Failure to prO'llide ade· ance RuleR _ _ _ 61 quate meaDll of Trans. Election of two non-official port for Agricultural. ' Members to the Defence ProduCI'!--Negatived . 106, ~ ConllUltative ~ . 62 Resolution ,.e AdministratiClll The Workman's Compen- ot the Inllome·ta1 Depart. sation (Amendment) Bill rnent-Di'JCU88ion 110* -Introduoed . 62 concluded 107........a " The Indian Merohant Ship- ping (AmeIldmant) BiU- SA'rU1\O.a.y, 14Ta FBJlBU.u.y, 1942- ~ _ . • 61 Starred Quediona and The Coffee Market" Expan. -ADswel'll • • • 157-67 sion Bill-Introduced . UnatarrJd Quet¢iOQS and The Indian Penal Code AnswenI • . 167-68 (Amendment)· BiII- Motirm for Adjoummant n- Introduced . 63 Banning of the Hindu The Indian Modical Council Mahaeabha Seesion at (Amendment.) BiII- BhagaJpv-Dfsallowed "16s-e9,170 Introduced . • • 68 Army Commiaaions to The Multi-unit Co-operative Australians-Ruled out Societiea Bill-Introduced 63 of order • . 168 The Indua Ve8sels (Amend- Urging Allied Nations for ment) Bill-Introduced . 64 declaration of Political Tpe Indiau Boilers (Amend. and Social equality of ~ mantI Bill-Introduoed . 64 white and coloured ,'he Weekly Holidays BiII- Race8-Diaallowed by • '\i Referred to Select Com· the Governw General • It6 . mittee. 64-70 Inadequate action ~ !.'6' Report of the Public Ac. gards Rele&l!('! of Politi- count. Con:lmittee--Dia. cal Prisoners-Ruled -...... CU8IioD Dot concluded 70-81 out of order 170-72 --------------------------~---~ --------------~-• PAOJIII. PAO". DAY, 14TH FBBBtr4BY, 1942-00""". S.i'.rtrBDAY, 14th FBBBUABY, 19'2-OtmllJ. Motion for Adjournment re-ccrmcl. The Usurious Loans (Amend. Delay in giving relief to ment) Bill-Introduced . 189 Short-Bt&ple Cotton Qro __ Ruled out of MONDAY. 16n FEBBUABY, 19'2- order . • . 172 Starred Questions and Expendit.ure from Indian Answer. • lIH-205 RevenU88 on Military Unstarred Questions and Training of AU8tralians Answers . J06-10 -Ruled out or order _ 172-73 ~ Crom H. E. the Looting of Hill People of Governor General. • 211 The Special Haj ~ Ahnorah District by t.he Report. _ • _ Kauks-Ruled out of III order . • • 173 Home Department Notifi- Lathi charge by Poliee on cation' wuad \mder the Mohurrum ~ at Registratiun of Foreign- Akola-Disallowed . 174 ers Act, 1939. 211 Sending of Indian Military Imperial Council of Agricul- Fol'08ll and Material. t.ura1 Reeearoh N oti1ication ~ - 0 'tV e d iasued under the Agriol,1l- "y the Govemor General 174 tura) Produce ~ Act. Failure to relt18118 Political 194.0. .. 212 Prisoners and Detenua Election of the Standing -Disallowed, . Committee on Emigration 212-17 Arreete of and Lathi charse Election of Three Mualim on Traden agitating Member. to the Standing against the Punjab 8&188 Committee on Pilgrimage Tax Act-Dill&l1owed . 175-77 to the Hejaz. 217-19 Neoeaeiiy of ·Government Election of a Member to the statement for allaying Committee 00 Public Public apprehensions Aocount. 220-21 about Defence of India Election of Members to the -Disallowed. 177 Defence Consultati\'e Com- Dispensing with the Question mittee. 221 . Hour on t.he General Bud- The Cotton Ginning and set presentation day • 178 Preaaing Factories (Amend ~ Code of Criminal Pro- mant) Bill-Introduced . 221-22 cedure (Amendment) Bill The Indian Patents and De- (Amendment of Section 4) signs (Extension of Time) -Referred to Select Com- Bill-Introduced . 222 The Workmen'. Compenaa- ~.. The MIlIIlim PerBOnal Law ~ (Amendment) Bill- (ShaMt) Application Paaaad _ . 222-28 (Amendment) Bill-Refer- The Indian Merchant Ship- ping (Amendment) BiU"':" md to Select Committee . ~ The . Indian Penal Code Paaaed.. • • • 229-;-31 (Ainendment) Bill-Cir- The Indus Ve_Is (Amend- culated. 180-86 mimt) Bill-Pused . 231-32 The Federal Court (Supple- The Indian Medical Council mental Powers) BilI- (Amendment) Bill- Referred to Select Com- Paaaed.. 232-36 The Indian Penal Code ~. 186-88 The Code of Criminal Pro- (Amendment) Bill-Die- cedure (Amendment) Bill cU88ion on the consider- (Amendment of Sections ation of clautl68 Dot con- 182. 488 and 496)-Cir- cluded 236-58 oulatelf.. J88 The Code of Criminal Pro- TUESDAY, 17TH FIlBBUABY, 1942- cedure (Amendment) Bill , Starred Questions and -Introduood . ",' 188 Answer. ',' . 2119-64: The ftIim PerBOnal Law Visit 'to India of Their Ex- (Shoriat) Applioation cellencies Generalilllimo ~ Am9tldment) Bill Cbiaug KU-Shek and -Introduced. • . J 1st Jladame Chiaog . iii FAGEI. FAOII:8. TUCSDAY, l'7th FEBBUOY,l942-Contd. MONDAY, 23rd FEBRU.uy, 1942-Contd. The Indian Fenal Code Short Notioe Que.tion and (Amendment) Bill-Dis· Answer. • 403-04 .cUlllian on considerat.ion of Motion for Adjoumanent re cla_ post.poned. ~ Arrests in the Funjab for 'The Indian Boilers (Amend. protests agaenet· the ment) ~ •• 273 General Sales Tax Act The Multi·unit Co·operat.ive -Disallowed. • • 404-05 Societ.ies BiU-F&8II8d • 274-87 Secret Session of the Legis. The Coffee Market. Expan. lative AlI88IDbJy • . 4:06-06 sion Bill-Fa.aaed. 287..,;..90 General discussion of the Report of the Fublic Ac. R'ailway Budget 406-67' counts Commit.tee • 290-94 UEBDAY, 24:rH Io'SBBUARV, 1942- WEDNBSDAY, 18TH FEBRUARY, 1942- Starred Questione and Member Sworn . I 29i lit.arrell Quest.ioDs and Answers 459-72 Answers 29(1-312 U netarred Question and Unstarred Question and Answer. -. 4:72-73 Arulwer. 312-13 Election of Members to the Mot.ion for Adjournment re Standing Contmittees" on , Condition of the Defences Emigration and" on PH· .. of India-Ruled out of grimage to the Hejaz. '73 order . 313 Mflssage frdm the Council of Me88&ge from 1:. E. the State . 473-74 Governor General,. 314 Depart,ment of Indians Over· FrelleJltation of the Railway Ileal!! Notification issued un· Budget for 1942·43 .
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