~~ • (m(.~ BULK RATE (.;;;us , N£WS U.S. POSTAGE a."-Il~_ I~ Of'l"IO"~ be "first come, PAlO 1~ co.«i I'l!tSO'oAU BOCA RATON, FL r-tiIt;.........., IJ \.1'011 ~ See Our View page 6 PERMIT NO. 1712 THE INDEPENDENT ATLANTIC SUN By DAVID E. KlDD s.ur N~ Editor 'V1dlou1 Ihe benefil of a classroom auoosphere, 5nldenlS in kiIdqarden lhroug1llhe eigth III11dc have been sininS in small groups ill \u'ge, open gymnasium. II\SlelId of chanSinS classrooms al lhr: adof each period, teachers switch groups so tbc YOllIII« sludenlS "'* act confused moving from group 10 group in • larae building "'ofpcople. SIl:b has been !he situltioo since lag We1neIday when Ad· IIIIIiIilanIors ofFJorida AUantic University reopc:oed the doors oflbe FAU Henderson laboralOry school. Only mil tirnt. the doors 10 ..-..- were really !he doors of!he FAU teaehin& Gymnasium. 1JIiveni£y AdmlniSlJlllOtS closed the Hendenon ScbooI on Friday, $iIfIedJer I doe 10 compIaillls from parents about possible danger ..die ~ being removed rrom classroom ceihncs University Administralors closed the lleaderson School on Friday, Septemher I due \n complaints from parents aboul possible danger from the asbestos being removed from the classroom ceilings. AD of tbe asbestos has since been removed from tbe ceilings and University Ad­ ministrators are waiting for air-quality test results before letting students return to the classroom. The Henderwn ~I\e was supposed to reopen on Wedrw:sday, $epltmber 6 Howcver Ihe asbestos removal took longer than e,· peaed. and Umve~ny Administnl.lion decided 10 keep the school c!ll!\­ ed lIDIiI the end of the week. Although \be Hcllllerson building was closed, classes resumed in tIltFAU gymna~lum IllSl wednesday. "The FAU Gym IS now pro­ bIIIly the wgest OflC·room schoolhouse in lhe ....orld,·· $aId Hendcr~ .. Principk Barbara Blltner, Henderson's Hornt and School Association rod ....'uh School Ad­ -.strIlOrs on Sqxc:mber 8 w dicuss !he SIJUalion. AlI of the: asbcslos has SInce been remo' ed from classroom ceil­ ••UnlveBll)' AdnunistnIIorS are 3....~ lir-quallly lestS results bciIre Ietun& studmb mum 10 !he c!as:sroom, Scmc FAU studenlS ha,'~ voiced concern Utal the Henderson ~ ..illlOOlKlpOhu the: amounl of time ....ilable for students __me Gym, "We're not keeping anyone: from USIng the f.cil.IM:S. u.iYauy classes dort·( stan llIlul 4 pm. and our S1udenlS get OUI ~ then," Binner said • t Director of Physical Plant dies Five Finalists for FAU ... IRUCE GO'I'I'BSMAN .....,~ of old ones, AcatrdiDI KI c...- ...... Jtecradoft. ODCoftbe ~ be ..wortiAc 08 President named today the PAU . ',..w courts IIpfllPAU wen 1I1IIIf-mul.08 A»plI -Prior tI) ..:savke II' FAU. Ouifrn wu By DAVID E. K1DD finalists in the search for !he DeAt Il:WII-...slbllBdMnlGuiffre.of~ aqJIoyed" Florida IJlIenWioQII UDivenicy. He SuD Nrws Edh(K President of Florida Atlanll~ 01 PItyIbI PIIDt. died of a maai worbd dlm from 1976 10 1980. The Board of Regents University. ....beell lqlloyteofFAU IilIce Ouiffi'a worked II sevenJ COlIICnlC:tioIIIDd drat· Presidenlial Selection CIlrnminee 1be FAU Se.rch comnllllCC 4&, J :0. dim.1orofUD1ver- dDI companies from 1971 w.I976, AI tbal time. will meet willt FAU's local and the: BOR oommillec will ::ih naidcld in 80cII RIIotI. be .... btred by tbe State Uruvenlty SyMD. PTcsidatlial seareh eomminee in make separate and independanl . • AcccmHn& 10 PIIyJical PIIDl, 0uIffrc _ yet 10 in me Board ofResenlS room on recornrna'idalions w the Board of ...... o.uh... 'AU .leonIWC" be~ "Weba1leDOplllltoloatrorareplliDo- the: lItird floor or the: Admin RegenlS arler Ihe inter> iew .'...... Hc~c:oa- ...... _1 .. building arid ....ill Innounce five ..... DeW buiJdlap ud for die .... III -. see PRFS page 3 ~.2. ~ I'I «D1 AtIaDIic Su•.5epltnIbt, 11,]989 9 NEWS ; TKt: b«__d r...lernll~ C{)\1lrDetei.1 Campu, from 5;lO. In ...ff\l H' dump pkddn&- (Col, 6:45 tn Room 128 lege fun Sef\'K-e) The Tau Klpp3 --FROM THE NEWSDESK-- Inleoile>o Warbbop-tO be heM.; Ep5110n fratemM) llfden:d ,IS mnnbe' 5ehedule, FOf rnfornllUion on lhe lhe FAU Celller Audi,orium Tic-Let ~.al at the Commercial Campus 01, chaple:rs 10 lo"r2p !llc,r pledging pro­ schedule call lhe Tn-Rail offICeS il offICe 1401/ 367.j758 "1ft ~m 10 be hcJfIond ror Seplember 13 from 5:30 to 64~ grmt) !hil; fall. hoplng 10 MOP Iw.. 1·800-TRI-RAll (874-72~5) Of. In kin"" Ar1 Gadltry 10 bold IsnIrfi her ......Iribul"'-Io .-AU llbrary­ Room 128 ing. TKE ..~ ,he 1«OOll nall(lIII.l BfO\\aro Coullly. 728-8445. Am uhlbil"",- FAL'\ Rln~r An 1o a ce"'mony ~ for Seplemller 19. TImI' \1. mnl W«blIop­ fn'emlly ,n a "'ftL '0 do >0 Presidndial (an(lidal~ iar_ Gallery ",II P~III an nhlblllon on tile S E. Wimberly libn') ..ill 10 be held 31 ,lie Davoe Carnpu<o • TKE follo""ng Zeta 8eu Tau', tloa a'.i.....-F,1c:s ha,e been lhe brnh of IMXh In ~n1"kd "The dedICate tile Molly S. Fnlliberg Seplember 14 In Bu'ld'oll 9. R.. lead. i!; folk,."'nga 1988 N:IIu:W lit<­ c:sIabh'>hed for ~~ all of the can­ Legacy of Reulel: The 1'l1Ioeh An, JIId&ira C(~lecIlOIIS Mrs Fntilberg's 201 leffralem,t)' COUllCil (NIC) proposal ddale. for tile poslllOO of Presideru and C",fu; MO\emem.·· NO\~mber C(lnInbulKl'b have ll"en tile FAU BOR 10 __ n,'~ finali<U It IIw fra,~ lind new ""aYs 10 recrull ofFAU. The lilaare 1I-ailab1e III the 9 through De=nbn 16 For .sel,. libra') lhe loCOOnd largo! rolleclioa -m ror PnsidnoI- Af,~r .. member;. follov.,njl.locaIionI. lIonal ,n(ormation call (4071 of Jud»c bo<>b In the >We of d....lIng on<ampUs llllel'llC'\O' Ilblal of a pled,e peflOO. nc:" II tile AdrrulllSiranOrl Bu,ldln~. 367·2660. Flonda. ach of !be ek"m Ii...." ...... ,«nlll' .. dIlle ,owed 'rn.medlilcl) Room 31J. from 8:JG.5:00; tu.drnon <dIoof 10 noopnlS­ C-unicalioo and ketal..... 'one of these rratetnlloelo ha.e • !he Wllllber1) lobnl). Tbe Henden.on ~1eme1U<) loC:hool '\IIlpo .oB!;loop- 10 be Ileld at the i!iift NEWSDESK ... chapten. II FAU M the B....lrd linl\'nsll)' TOVoer. rropenc:d on !iChedule .....edne...la) SIlK!) abroMl opponllSlll)-The OffICe of the Pro>OSI, SqlIallbn" 6 Hoo.'e'ofi. t~ on lhe Fulbnghl Pl-ot!:nm offer. ,ra!uate III lhe FAt: Libn!) IIIlhe PBCC­ FAt G)rnnalillnn I~ of lhe S1udenl\:In oppnnUOII) for ,e""atell 'onh Campus. PGA Bollle\-mI. HndeNlfl S,1e due to the N!lllou"lJ' :and ~ ~br<ud. The on-nn'I'JU' Palm BeadI G:ordens. 1ISbN,>!; ",,",,,.I The ",h<><~ ....., SUMMER SIZZLES .I'phcat~ Ueadllnc: for " October C'hi_ \ouIh Good..m\Iission men cbed '>l1lC'e the pre'I."'" TIIu,,· 16. Inlere:s&ed '>ludml\ ~k1COfUC1 Inpnform .. F-\L- The<e\cnIOm 111.) due to ~ "I ~,~... at the Fulbnghlld~l'I)I'. Dr I)(>roth) mc-n-Wocr 19l!9 CllltlN' YOUIh Gnod· """'" 1~11 M Slet.'o(IfI. ,\OM!07. 'I67.. to'r ",11 ""'I'''' ",ll pre-.enl "An r------------, UNIVERSITY CHEVRON funher ,nf"rmallOll Ad' enlu~ In Ch,~ """8 and Tn·Rail lickm 10 br iwoftl­ Ilano...,' III the l'1lI\cNl) Cner Gold Wanllo R•.lund Inp ...I.a, for the Tn·R",1 ""f (".1:I>l Room <on Ocl<>ber 1:IIh aI 8 r------------------------,=== "II:<' .'" "',.. a..,lable at '>l.I1 ..... r m T ode-t, are SJ 11'1" general Improve Your : COOLING SYSTEM SPECIAL : LlOSb AddlllOllall), a Ii'e·mlnu,," '<aI"" .lid \.~ fur ~'eOJ '<'<It.,_ The I Check all belts and hoses I adJu'olmel'll lI:h b«n I1I<OIk ,n Ille II<:LtI' 1InK on ~Ie Sepltrnber I aI CAREER? Be Your : Pressure system test ; I Flush entire cooling system I Own Boss? : Includes one gallon of antifreeze : Need Part-lime I I Income? I $29.95 : I Have An ~-------------------------I OUTSTANDING I AIR CONDITIONING SPECIAL OPPOATUNllY Check all belts with I I Fill system Network 2000~.. an : Check for leaks Authorized I Check operation of entire system 1ndepenclenl Mar1tel;8r 01 I Up to one pound of Freon included US SPRINTS I ... lI $18.95 _ --Call lo-gl __ FRED PONTE -~ NAJA certified Mechltnlcs (305) 760-4248 _EU~1"E8 ._­ Pk:k up and delivery to .,-:111..712 Boce Campul '.. --._1 --- F.... EstImat.. Bonnie McCall ._------------ -- TOTAL NAIL & SKIN CARE 20"", all ('III ManIcure/Pedicure MEN· Waah/Cul U OFF· REC S14 IS 011 .11 pelms WELCOME BACK ·OWLS" W'tJCuIIBIow tiD 15 oil all h1!1hlighUng {Shampoo not lncludflll .. WOMEN· W'1IhICu1 U OFf. REG S,t Specializing In Hlghhghs Aaron Rents Furniture @ Wt'tlCutl8low t'2 oLlghlwave opli.curl (Shampoo nol 1nckHle<l) By Matri. Perm $45 ~ SSG cordially offers our hometown team Mou.., ':3OaIn. 1,:tOpm. Awo'nI_1I Rft_ncMd Sa!. I,JOam _ 5:30pm. W...~n. W~lc_ OFF DELIVERY 1907 NW 2nd Ave, Boca 392·4050 s 50% [ 50% SECURITY DEPOSIT L __:~~.!.~~~o~~~!..~~~~~_~~ _ c 15l1(" OFF YOUR NEXT MONTH'S RENT 1 each time you bring or refer a friend L who rents furniture. STUDENT 10 REOUIREO 200-A SW 121h A~c fOR SPECIAL OfFER Pompano lkach. f-l 33069 COUPON VAlIOONLV AT This preferred CUI1omer. Ploy Newest Gome In Town POMPANO STORE Tum S125 Into 100,000 (305) 785-9661 For more Infonnatlon call1-800-229-GAME - daDoDIlO die &.I'd of Rqenu from PRES_I The 8l,wd of Rqenu mly 1'-----Police Beat--- cboose one: of die candidalc5 """".Eacb of the five finalim will 1"CICOlM'ICnded by either of the JIJ'IIt-Beluly Tre•••••• ....' In~IO''''' visit FAU for a separate lWCHlay A Miami rnidelll .u comminees or it may choose a JI.6ordaIy,..
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