State-by-State Listing of Business Results from the Tax Cut and Jobs Act compiled by The Winston Group updated through May 31, 2018 This listing includes as many examples as we could identify, and there are likely others that exist. As a result, this is not intended to be viewed as an exhaustive list. STATE (No. of Examples) PAGE NUMBER ALABAMA (11): 4 ALASKA (4): 5 ARIZONA (8): 6 ARKANSAS (7): 7 CALIFORNIA (18): 8 COLORADO (9): 10 CONNECTICUT (12): 12 DELAWARE (5): 13 FLORIDA (21): 14 GEORGIA (19): 16 HAWAII (8): 19 IDAHO (12): 20 ILLINOIS (26): 22 INDIANA (16): 25 IOWA (11): 27 KANSAS (4): 29 KENTUCKY (8): 29 LOUISIANA (9): 31 MAINE (4): 32 MARYLAND (10): 32 MASSACHUSETTS (19): 34 MICHIGAN (20): 36 MINNESOTA (13): 39 MISSISSIPPI (5): 40 MISSOURI (21): 41 MONTANA (4): 44 NEBRASKA (6): 44 NEVADA (9): 45 NEW HAMPSHIRE (2): 46 NEW JERSEY (15): 47 NEW MEXICO (3): 49 #2 NEW YORK (29): 50" NORTH CAROLINA (15): 55" NORTH DAKOTA (3): 57" OHIO (25): 58" OKLAHOMA (6): 63" OREGON (5): 64" PENNSYLVANIA (22): 65" RHODE ISLAND (4): 68" SOUTH CAROLINA (6): 69" SOUTH DAKOTA (3): 70" TENNESSEE (8): 71" TEXAS (23): 73" UTAH (5): 77" VERMONT (2): 78" VIRGINIA (13): 78" WASHINGTON (12): 81" WEST VIRGINIA (6): 83" WISCONSIN (18): 84" WYOMING (2): 88 Total examples: 546 This report is a cumulative state-by-state listing of examples of what business are doing as a result of the tax plan passed by Congress. This report includes as many examples as we could find. The examples and stories are sorted by state from most recent to oldest with a brief description of the benefit or action, with citations for the entity or source of the example with the relevant link to the story. In cases where more than source or organization has found the example, all are credited. #3 ALABAMA (11): Date Company Details Source 5/1/18 Alabama Power A 9% rate cut for electric Americans for Tax Reform" Company (Birmingham) customers, amounts to https://articles.al.com/news/ $257 total index.ssf/2018/05/ alabama_power_reduces_rates_be.a mp?__twitter_impression=true 3/29/18 Great Southern Wood Increased employee Americans for Tax Reform, U.S. Preserving (Abbeville) benefits Chamber of Commerce" https://www.businesswire.com/ news/home/20180329005723/en/ Corporate-Tax-Law-Change- Employer-Enhances-Employee 3/9/18 Overseas Hardwoods $1,000 bonus to non- Congressman Bradley Byrne" Company (Stockton) management employees https://byrne.house.gov/media- center/press-releases/byrne- celebrates-alabama-company- giving-tax-reform-bonuses 3/5/18 Otelco (Oneonta) $500 bonuses for U.S. Chamber of Commerce" employees https://isp.netscape.com/sports/ story/0022/20180305/7185920.htm 2/26/18 American Proteins $1,000 bonuses to seven Americans for Tax Reform, U.S (Cumming) employees Chamber of Commerce" https://www.bizjournals.com/atlanta/ news/2018/02/26/georgia-poultry- processorgiving- employees-1-000.html 2/19/18 Xante Corporation $1,200 bonus checks to Americans for Tax Reform, U.S. (Mobile) 100 employees in state Chamber of Commerce" AL.com" http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/ 2018/02/mobile- based_xante_hands_out_1.html 2/13/18 Protective Life Raised base wage to Americans for Tax Reform" Corporation $15; $1,000 bonuses http://investor.protective.com/press- (Birmingham) release/corporate-news/protective- life-corporation-announces-bonuses- employees 1/12/18 Russell Lands $500 bonuses for 400 Americans for Tax Reform, U.S. (Alexander City) employees Chamber of Commerce" https://www.bizjournals.com/ birmingham/news/2018/01/12/ russell-lands-responds-to-tax- reform-law-with.html #4 Date Company Details Source 1/2/18 Regions Financial Corp Raising minimum wage U.S. Chamber of Commerce, (Birmingham) to $15 per hour American Bankers Association " https://www.bizjournals.com/ birmingham/news/2018/01/02/ regions-raising-minimum-wage- investing-in-several.html Cogent Building Group $2,000 bonuses for all Americans for Tax Reform" (Point Clear) four employees" https://www.atr.org/list DTI Partners Inc. $1,000 bonus to full- Americans for Tax Reform" (Mobile) time; $300 to part-time https://www.atr.org/list workers ALASKA (4): Date Company Details Source 3/13/18 Premera Blue Only remaining health care U.S. Chamber of Commerce" Cross Blue Shield provider will invest $50 http://www.ktuu.com/content/news/ (Anchorage) million in the state over four Premera-to-invest-50M-of-tax-refunds- years in-Alaska-476618023.html 3/7/18 Enstar Natural Plans rate cuts for 144,000 Americans for Tax Reform, U.S. Gas (Mat-Su) ratepayers Chamber of Commerce" https://www.adn.com/business- economy/2018/03/06/tax-code- change-could-mean-a-break-for- alaskans-on-utility-bills/" 3/7/18 Alaska Electric Plans rate cuts for 17,000 Americans for Tax Reform, U.S. Light and Power customers Chamber of Commerce" (Juneau) https://www.adn.com/business- economy/2018/03/06/tax-code- change-could-mean-a-break-for- alaskans-on-utility-bills/ 3/7/18 Golden Heart Plans rate cuts for 8,500 U.S. Chamber of Commerce" Utilities and people https://www.adn.com/business- College Utilities economy/2018/03/06/tax-code- (Fairbanks) change-could-mean-a-break-for- alaskans-on-utility-bills/ #5 ARIZONA (8): Date Company Details Source 5/16/18 Pivot Purchased new machines, https://kjzz.org/content/640861/how- Manufacturing taking advantage of trump-administration’s-tax-cuts- (Phoenix) expensing provisions impact-arizona-businesses 2/9/18 U-Haul (Phoenix) Full-time employees to Americans for Tax Reform" receive a $1,200 bonus, $500 http://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/ for part-time workers arizona-news/u-haul-to-give-its- employees-bonuses-as-a-result-of- tax-cut 2/2/18 Tucson Electric Looking for ways to pass on Americans for Tax Reform" Power Company the benefits of tax reform to tucson.com" (Tucson) costumers http://tucson.com/business/tucson- electric-power-mulling-ways-to- rebate-income-tax-savings/ article_696b70fe-29ba-5518-8f0a-1d 31a86fc76b.html 1/22/18 Data Sales Co. $1,000 bonus to all Americans for Tax Reform" (Scottsdale) employees http://www.prweb.com/releases/ 2018/01/prweb15111705.htm 1/9/18 Arizona Public Utility plans a $119 million Americans for Tax Reform" Service (Phoenix) rate reduction for customers https://www.aps.com/en/ (2.7 million) ourcompany/news/latestnews/Pages/ corporate-tax-cut-savings-lead-aps- to-request-decrease-in-customer- bills.aspx 12/22/17 YAM Worldwide $1,000-$2,000 bonuses to Americans for Tax Reform, Business (Scottsdale) 594 sta$ers Roundtable " https://www.businesswire.com/news/ home/20171222005297/en/YAM- Worldwide-Give-1.3-Million-Bonuses- Employees%C2%A0after 12/20/17 Western Alliance Increase base pay 7.5% for American Bankers Association," Bancorporation lowest-paid 50% of Americans for Tax Reform" (Phoenix) employees; increase 401 (k) https://www.wsj.com/articles/banks- match; improve maternity are-getting-a-big-tax-cut-wells-fargo- benefits (1,700 employees) others-plan-to-share-it-with- employees-1513809227 Sutter Masonry, Hourly wages increased by $1 Americans for Tax Reform" Inc. (El Mirage) and $50,000 in bonuses were https://www.atr.org/arizona distributed to 100 employees #6 ARKANSAS (7): Date Company Details Source 3/29/18 Great Southern Investments to lower Americans for Tax Reform" Wood healthcare costs, extend paid https://www.businesswire.com/news/ Preserving, Inc. leave, and develop home/20180329005723/en/ scholarships for dependents Corporate-Tax-Law-Change- of employees Employer-Enhances-Employee 2/28/18 Entergy Credits to customers for tax U.S. Chamber of Commerce" Arkansas (Little reform savings of estimated Americans for Tax Reform" Rock) $20 per month for every 1,000 http://www.entergynewsroom.com/ kWh latest-news/entergy-arkansas-files- initial-plan-pass-466-million-tax- savings-customers-2167/ 2/8/18 Tyson Foods Inc. $1,000 bonuses to 100,000 U.S. Chamber of Commerce" (Springdale) employees nationwide Americans for Tax Reform" http://www.ozarksfirst.com/news/ about-5000-missouri-tyson-foods- workers-to-get-bonuses/970406564 1/16/18 Peoples Bank $500 bonuses and a $50,000 American Bankers Association" (Magnolia) contribution Americans for Tax Reform" U.S. Chamber of Commerce" https://bankingjournal.aba.com/ 2018/01/banks-continue-rolling-out- post-tax-reform-bonuses-community- investments/ 1/12/18 Home $500 one-time bonus for 850 Americans for Tax Reform" Bancshares, Inc. employees U.S. Chamber of Commerce" (Conway) https://www.atr.org/arkansas 1/11/18 Walmart Increase starting wage from Americans for Tax Reform" (Bentonville) $9 to $11; one-time cash U.S. Chamber of Commerce" bonus; new benefit for Business Roundtable" adoption expenses (132 https://news.walmart.com/ locations in Arkansas) 2018/01/11/walmart-to-raise-us- wages-provide-one-time-bonus-and- expand-hourly-maternity-and- parental-leave 12/28/17 Bank of the Bonuses of up to $1,200 for Americans for Tax Reform" Ozarks (Little 2,300 employees https://www.businesswire.com/news/ Rock) home/20171228005579/en/Bank- Ozarks-Announces-Investment- Employees #7 CALIFORNIA (18): Date Company Details Source 5/3/18 Ectopia (San Tax reform bonus for all Americans for Tax Reform" Diego) employees U.S. Chamber of Commerce" http://www.furnituretoday.com/article/ 553343-ecutopia-announces- company-bonuses-based-new- corporate-tax-structure/ 5/2/18 MEC Arial Work $1,000 bonuses Americans for Tax Reform " Platforms U.S. Chamber of Commerce" (Kerman) http://abc30.com/politics/paul-ryan- promotes-tax-cuts-at-kerman-factory/ 3421261/ 4/24/18 Simulations $1,000 bonuses Americans for Tax Reform" Plus, Inc. https://www.businesswire.com/news/ (Lancaster) home/20180424005653/en/ Simulations-Announces-Employee- Bonuses 2/22/18 Mission Produce $1,000 bonus and new Americans for Tax Reform" (Oxnard) facilities investments U.S.
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