Spelthorne Borough Council Staines Town Centre Draft Urban Design Framework UI No 3041 Date 11/2008 Client Spelthorne Borough Council WE BELIEVE IN MAKING CITIES WORK THROUGH OUR UNIQUE INTER-DISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO URBAN DESIGN, TRANSPORTATION, REGENERATION AND DEVELOPMENT. 3041 CONTENTS STAINES Town CENTRE 1 INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................................5 THE TEAM URBAN INITIATIVES: 2 ConTEXT ...................................................................................................................................................9 URBAN DESIGN, PLANNING AND MOVEMENT 3 DRAFT URBan DEsign FramEwork .................................................................................................. 41 URBAN DELIVERY: 4 DELIVEring THE Vision ........................................................................................................................ 71 MARKET AND PROPERTY PROJECT DIRECTOR JOHN DALES DOCUMENT DATE 11/2008 1 Fitzroy Square London W1T 5HE t +44 (0)20 7380 4545 f +44 (0)20 7380 4546 www.urbaninitiatives.co.uk Aerial View of the Study Area N Terminal 5 Terminal 1-3 A3113 LONDON HEATHROW AIRPORT Cargo Terminal 01 Introduction Wraysbury Reservoir 1.1 Purpose and structure of the report King George VI Reservoir M25 This document presents a Draft Urban Design Staines Reservoir Framework (UDF) for Staines Town Centre prepared by Urban Initiatives on behalf of Spelthorne Borough Council. The report sets out the urban design, B378 planning and movement context for the study area and outlines the key constraints and opportunities which A30 will shape the future growth and regeneration of the Staines By-Pass A3044 town centre. London Road B376 A30 The report is presented in the following sections; River Thames ASHFORD Section 1: Introduction A308 A308 Ashford Station Section 2: Context STAINES Section 3: Development Framework Staines Station A308 Staines By-Pass Section 4: Delivering the Vision B3376 Kingston Road EGHAM B376 A320 M25 Queen Mary Reservoir River Thames B377 Fleet Lake Manor Lake Plan 01_1: Regional Context B376 St. Ann’s Lake Abbey Lake Staines Town Centre URBAN DesiGN FRAMEWORK 5 M3 Motorway A roads B338 River Thames B roads Rail Lines / Rail Station Study Area A320 M3 CHERTSEY Wider Context Transport St. Marys Church, Church Street, (Grade II* Listed) 02 CONTEXT STAINES PLOVER BY-PASS VICARAGE ROAD CLOSE BREMER ROAD King Acre Court VICTORIA ROAD MEADOW COURT BILLET ROAD KESTREL AVENUE WATERS DRIVE LARK AVENUE LAMMAS CLOSE HAWKSWAY PARK GARDENS GREEN WRAYSBURY ROBIN WAY ASPEN CLOSE BIRCH GREEN VICARAGE ROAD STAINES BY-PASS LAMMAS CLOSE WATERS DRIVE MOORMEDE SWALLOW CLOSE CRESENT MOOR LANE KINGFISHER DRIVE WRAYSBURY ROAD WRAYSBURY GARDENS VICARAGE ROAD FAIRFIELD AVENUE AVENUE FAIRFIELD MILL MEAD LONDON ROAD STAINES BY-PASS NEW STREET MUSTARD MILL ROAD MUSTARD MILL ROAD CHURCH STREET STREET HALE LONDON ROAD CHURCH STREET THE MALTINGS KINGSTON ROAD ISLAND CLOSE SIDNEY ROAD HIGH STREET GREENLANDS NORRIS ROAD ROAD BRIDGE CLOSE ROSEFIELD ROAD TILLY'S LANE MATTHEWS LANE GEORGE STREET BRIDGE STREET GORING'S SQUARE HIGH STREET COOPERS LANE SOUTH KINGSTON ROAD STREET CLARENCE STREET HIGH STREET GOODMAN PLACE THAMES PROACH STREET COLNEBRIDGE CLOSE LEACROFT STATION AP THE CAUSEWAY LEACROFT PULLMANS PLACE STATION ELMSLEIGH ROAD APPROACH KINGSTON ROAD THE HYTHE Friends Walk THAMES STREET STREET ALBERT DRIVE GRESHAM ROAD SOUTH DRAKE AVENUE ALBERT DRIVE FARMER'S ROAD PINEWOODDRIVE THORPE ROAD D CHILTERN CLOSE RICHMOND BOLEYN CLOSE CHERTSEY LANE CHERRY ORCHARD COTSWOLD CLOSE THE FERNERY ETON COURT ROAD CHERRY ORCHARD WESTBROOK ROA CLOSE AUGUR RIVERSIDE DRIVE MURDOCH CLOSE SIMMONS PLACE RICHMOND CRESCENT RICHMOND ROAD CHERTSEY LANE BROADACRE RIVERSIDE DRIVE BUDEBURY ROAD GRESHAM ROAD PROSPECT PLACE 0 10 25 50 100 200m GORING ROAD EDGELL ROAD COOPERS CLOSE Plan 02_1: Study Area Plan 8 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Planning Policy Context Policy EM1: Employment Development seeks the retention and promotion of employment within the This section considers the existing context of the study designated employment area. area both spatially and in terms of planning policy. The 2.2.1 Introduction Policy TC1 sets out the role of Staines as the principal built environment is considered, including its historic The Council is at an advanced stage of preparing town centre serving north Surrey and promotes development and current built form, land use and its Core Strategy and is progressing an Allocations development of a scale and character suitable for movement patterns. These elements, together with a Development Plan Document in parallel. The Council this role. In particular it seeks to make provision for a brief review of the current property sector, inform the submitted the two documents to the Secretary of State further 32,000 sqm of retail development to meet the constraints and opportunities for future growth and in June 2007. An examination of the Core Strategy needs of its catchment area. development in the town centre. and Policy DPD took place in September 2008. These Supporting text to the policy refers to Spelthorne documents form the strategic Borough level planning Retail Study 2004 which was updated in 2007. The documents for Staines Town Centre and a brief review update suggests that there would be a capacity for of relevant policies and allocations is presented below. about 18,000 sqm additional retail up to 2016 and scope to 2026 for further development up to and 2.2.2 Review of Core Strategy Policies relevant possibly beyond the 32,000 sqm figure in Policy TC1 to Staines Town centre which is based on the 2004 study. These projections were updated in 2007. They do not alter the general The vision in the Core Strategy sees the role of scale of additional retail floorspace required but Staines as continuing to be a major shopping centre involve amendments to dates. It however advises that and location for related services to meet the needs of a cautionary approach be undertaken with regard to North Surrey. long term projections of retail floor space. Objectives 1 and 21 of the Core Strategy support the The Proposals Map accompanying the Core Strategy development of Staines with a mix of town centre uses designates primary and secondary shopping frontages such as retail, leisure and employment and objective in the town centre. Broadly the stretch along the 21 promotes development of sustainable transport pedestrianised High Street, the Elmsleigh Centre system that supports the spatial strategy and provides and Two Rivers is designated as the primary frontage for the needs of all sections of the community in an and that to the east and west as the secondary environmentally acceptable way and further improve frontage. Policy TC2: Staines Town Centre Shopping Staines’ role as a public transport interchange. Frontage in the emerging Core Strategy seeks to Strategic Policies SP1 and SP4 promote the location of regulate the proportion of retail appropriately along employment and retail in appropriate locations within these frontages reflecting their status as primary or Staines town centre. secondary frontage. The Core Strategy designates areas for employment within Staines and specifies areas of primary and secondary retail within the town centre. A land use plan is shown in Plan 02_10 Land Use Plan. Staines Town Centre URBAN DesiGN FRAMEWORK 2 3 4 1 Study Area Statutory Listed Building Locally Listed Building Conservation Area Allocations 1 Gresham Road 2 Moor Lane 3 Bridge Street Car Park 4 Elmsleigh Centre Plan 02_2: Planning Constraints Plan 2.2.3 Review of Allocations DPD Table 1: Identified Sites within Staines in the Allocations DPD The Allocations DPD allocates a number of sites for residential and retail uses within and around the study Site Address Area Allocated for Time Scale area. These sites, along with the identified capacity Steel Works and Builders 1.37Ha 100 residential units 2011-16 are listed in Table 1. Merchants, Gresham Road, Staines 2.2.4 Planning Briefs Builders Merchant, Moor 0.57Ha 30 residential units 2011-16 There are two specific draft planning briefs relevant Lane, Staines (site is north to the study area; the Elmsleigh Centre Western of the study area) and Southern Extension Planning Brief, that will be Bridge Street Car Park, 0.71Ha 75 residential units 2008-11 adopted as Supplementary Planning Documents Staines (SPDs) in due course by the Council and the Bridge Street Car Park Development Brief. The Elmsleigh Centre and 6.62Ha Phase 3 – extension to the south to provide Phase 3; 2008-11 adjoining land, Staines 2,500sqm of retail floorspace, at least 30 flats Elmsleigh Centre Western and Southern Extension Phase 4: 2011-14 and Phase 4 – extension to the west to include Planning Brief at least 18,000sqm of retail floorspace, a mix The Elmsleigh Centre Western and Southern of related non-retail uses, approximately 65 Extension Planning Brief sets out the Council’s vision flats, additional parking and revised access for the realisation of the additional retail floorspace and service arrangements. Improvements to needed in the town centre in an integrated manner. It the bus station. adds further details to the higher level policies in the emerging Core Strategy and Allocations DPD and sets c) To secure completion of the upgrading of the Bridge Street Car Park Development Brief out the future development of the Elmsleigh Centre in Elmsleigh Centre and its effective integration with
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