Burma Bibliographical Project Siegfried M. Schwertner Bibliographical description RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR R., C. H. Razi - 10. Lost tribes of Tibet - 11. Pygmies of the Adung "Pseudo-human documents" / by "C. H. R." etc. 1st ed. − Wang Valley - 12. The last village - 13. Touching the Rangoon : Art Publ., [1927]. 131 p. snow - 14. Child of beyond - 15. Back into the world - 16. GB: BL(12330 t 33) Genetic fingerprints - 17. The mysterious leaf deer - 18. OUL(BOD Camera UB 27001 e.918) The ghost valley - 19. Through the looking glass - 20. The return. R and A Note: This book is about exploration, danger, and discovery United States / Department of State / Office of Intelli- in a remote area of the planet where the greatest necessity gence Research is salt, where people plow the earth using themselves as Research and analysis the beasts of burden, and where the main source of meat is a group of primitive species that are little known outside R.G. the region. In 1993 Alan Rabinowitz, called "the Indiana G., R. Jones" of wildlife science by the New York Times, first set foot in Myanmar, the country known until 1989 as Burma, R.L.C. hoping to survey the country's wildlife and convince the Calogreedy , R. L. government to establish protected natural areas. In the event-filled years that followed, as the Myanmar govern- R.L.H.C. ment allowed Rabinowitz and his Wildlife Conservation Rangoon Labour Housing Conference Society team to travel to increasingly remote areas, he succeeded beyond all expectations, not only discovering R.N.V.R. species new to science but also playing a vital role in wild- Burma / Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve life preservation, including the creation of Hkakabo Razi National Park, now one of Southeast Asia's largest pro- R.U. tected areas. - Book jacket. University < Rangoon > Subject(s): Rabinowitz , Alan <b. 1953> : Journeys - Burma Burma : National parks and reserves ; Zoology R.U.B.C. D: B-SBB(1 A 437642 Haus 2) Boat Club < Rangoon University > F: BIULO(GEN.III.73035 GB: BL(YK.2001.a.16313) Raabe, Gerhard SOAS(GB333.954 /813948) China, Burma, Indien SG: ISEAS(QL84.5 B9R11) Moser, Don Tampines & Woodlands: English 333.9541609591 RAB US: CU(Mann x) & HI(Widener) & LC & NIU(SEA) & Rabinowitz, Alan <b. 1953> NNC(Barnard) & OAU(Alden SE Asia) & UCB(BioSci) Beyond the last village : a journey of discovery in Asia's & UCB & UCD(Shields) & UCI(Sci Lib) & UCSC(S & forbidden wilderness / Alan Rabinowitz. – Washington, DC ; E Lib) & YU(SML & Kline X) : QL84.5.B93 R33 2001 London : Island Pr./Shearwater Books, 2001. XVI, 300 p., NcD(Perkins - 333.95416 R116, B573, 2001) [16] p. of plates, map, index, bibliogr. p. 283-289. NYPL(Research JFE 02-15374) ISBN 1-559-63799-4 UCLA(Biomed QL84.5.B93 R116b 2001) Contents: 1. Yangon, 1993 - 2. Tarnished golden land - 3. Of rhinos and sea-gypsies - 4. Gateway to the North - 5. Last ditto. − London : Aurum, 2002. XVI, 300 p., [16] p. of prayers at Shwedagon - 6. Into the triangle - 7. Savage plates, map, index, bibliogr. p. 283-289. land - 8. For the love of salt - 9. In the shadow of Hkakabo ISBN 1854108190 R 1 Burma Bibliographical Project Siegfried M. Schwertner GB: OUL(IND Burma 4 d 69) the Royal Force Historical Society and the Royal Air Force US: Creighton Univ, NE Staff College Bracknell. – [n.p., England:] Royal Air Force Ref.: OCLC 48467100 Historical Society, 1995. 130 p., illus., maps, ports. – (Bracknell paper ; 6) – ISBN 0951982443 Proceedings for the Workshop of Trans-boundary Biodiver- Subject(s): Burma : World War <1939-1945> - Campaigns - sity Conservation in the Eastern Himalayas : November 22- Congresses ; World War <1939-1945> - Aerial operations, 26, 1994, Kunming, China British - Congresses ; World War <1939-1945>, Personal Workshop of Trans-boundary Biodiversity Con- narratives, British - Congresses servation in the Eastern Himalayas < 1994, Kunming, Great Britain : Royal Air Force - World War <1939- China > 1945> – Operations - Burma GB: BL(C.1996.a.876) CUL(9004.c.9432) Races of Burma OUL(BOD M97.F02498) SOAS(E Coll 3 U / 59) Enriquez , Colin Metcalfe IRL:TCD(HL-186-765) US: CU(Kroch z) & YU(SML) : D786 .R25 1995) Racial Relations Group HU(Widener Harv.Depos.) The Indian in Burma Ref.: OCLC 60266478 Pearn , Bertie Reginald Rafferty, Kathryn E. The mixed races of Burma Burma and Southeast Asian regionalism / Kathryn E. Pearn , Bertie Reginald Rafferty. – McLean, Va.: Research Analysis Corp., 1969. VII, 35 p., map, bibliogr. p. 34-35. – (Technical paper / Stra- Radcliffe-Brown , Alfred Reginald <1881-1955> tegic Studies Dept. ; RAC-TP-363) – At head of title: Strate- The Andaman Islanders : a study in social anthropology gic Studies Dept. Study 009.120. Technical paper (Anthony Wilkin studentship research, 1906) / by A. R. Subject(s): Burma : Foreign relations - Asia, Southeastern ; Radcliffe-Brown. – Cambridge : Univ. Pr., 1922. XIV, 510 Foreign relations - China p., 19 plates on 13 l., diagrs., 2 maps. Asia, Southeastern : Foreign relations - Burma HRAF AZ2,1 China - Foreign relations - Burma Subject(s): Andamanese : Social life and customs SG: ISEAS(DOC 2361) Burma : Ethnology ; Folklore - Andaman Islands US: HU-EWC Andaman Islands : Social life and customs ; Native races WU(Memorial Lib. Microforms Micro Fiche 5616) GB: OUL(BOD 247189 d.22) US: CU(Olin Microfiche 887 AZ2, Andamans;1) ditto. – ibd., 1969. 45, [9] l., map. – (Study / Strategic Stud- NIU Microforms-2nd FL-FML Microfiche AS36.H84 ies Dept. ; 009.120) A556 AZ2, 1) IU(Main Stacks & Withdrawn : US: CU(Kroch Pamphlet DS Burma 37+) 572.9541 R11A) Rafi, Mirza Mahomed ditto. Repr. with additions. − ibd., 1933. XIV, 510 p., 19 The problem of Indian settlers in Burma. – New Delhi: In- plates on 13 l., 2 maps, index, bibliogr. footnotes. dian Institute of International Affairs, [1946]. 38 p. GB: OUL(RHO Stack 909 r. 241; SCA Tylor E 11:4) Subject(s): East Indians : Burma US: CU(Annex DS491.A54 R12 1933) CH: ILO(325.3(591) R13 / 8751) GB: OUL(IND Nuneham 33 B 37/3) ditto. − Glencoe, Ill. Free Pr., 1948. XIV, 510 p., illus., US: CU(Wason DS485 B89R13) maps. HU(Widener Harv.Depos. Q 135) US: CU(Kroch &Uris: DS491.A54 R12 1948) LC(DS485.B85R2) NNUT(Burke MRL Pamphlet 1079) UC(NRLF DS485.B85 R3 B 4 305 070 , SRLF ditto. 1st Free Press pbk. ed. − New York : Free Pr. of Glen- A0010173409) coe, 1964. XIV, 510 p., illus., maps. YU(SML LC Class. DS528.2 E3 R34) ISBN 0029255805 GB: LSE(BLPES, CC Store DS486.5.A5 R12, Rafiki , A. S. OUL(BAL (TJ) KS bro ; SCA Tylor E 11:4(b)) Inversion of times [: an appeal for the erection of a memorial IRL:TCD(SPL- 7-777) at Rangoon to Abu-Zafar Bahadur Shah, Mogul Emperor] ... US: NNU / ed., with alterations and additions, by Yehza en-Nasr Park- inson. – London : Luzac, 1911. 24 p. Radcliffe-Smith , A. GB: BL(8023 g 21) Noteworthy Euphorbiaceae from tropical Asia : Burma to New Guinea Rafy , K. U. Shaw, Herbert Kenneth Airy Folktales of the Khasis / by Mrs. Rafy ... – London : Mac- millan, 1920. XI, 160 p., illus. – Repr. in part from the The RAF and the Far East War , 1941-1945 : a symposium Statesman of Calcutta on the Far East War, 24 March 1995 ; sponsored jointly by US: LC(GR305.R3) R 2 Bibliographical description R Raghavan, V. p. 80-158: Pegu Preservation of palm-leaf and Parabaik manuscripts and plan D: HD-SAI(216 adm 64/432)* for compilation of a union catalogue of manuscripts : report GB: BL(X 709/2719) BL-APAC(T 20345) prepared for the Government of the Socialist Republic of the US: LC(DS477.6.R3) Union of Burma / by the United Nation Educational, Scien- tific and Cultural Organisation. – Paris: Unesco, 1979. 19 l. Rahman , Abdul − (Restricted technical report ; 144) − Technical report, Arabian nights in Burmese PP/1977-78/5.1.5 Subject(s): Manuscripts, Burmese : Conservation and resto- Rahman , S. A. ration. Arabian nights novel A: ÖNB(1259916-C 144 NEU Per) SG: ISEAS(Ref Z6605 B9R14) Rahmatullah , Moulvi Md. GB: SOAS(Pam.SEAsia 14/511625) Life of the prophet Muhammad Raghu Vira Raick , Julien M. J. O. Indian scientific nomenclature of birds of India, Burma and Metallurgical treatment of the complex ore of the Burma Ceylon / by Raghu Vira and Shri K. N. Dave. – Nagpur: corporation, Asia. − [1921.] − 37 l. − Stanford Univ., Metal- Publ. by Shri Lokesh Chandra for the International Academy lurgical Engineer thesis 1921. of Indian Culture, [1949]. XXIX, 538 p., illus. – (Sarasvati Subject(s): Burma : Lead - Metallurgy vihara series ; 20) – Title also in Sanskrit US: CSt(SAL 3781 .S78R) Subject(s): Burma : Birds ; Birds - Nomenclature (Popular) F: BNF(Mss.8° imp.or.1783) Raikes, D. F. GB: BL(14010 e 16/23) BL-APAC(V 2164) OUL(IND A brief history of the Mon people. – [Bangkok: The Siam Lex gen 25) SOAS(J598.2/368753 ; 481016) Society, 1975?] 20 l. – Cover title: The Mon, their music and NL: KITLV(M rr 1355) dance US: CU(Annex QL691.I4 R14) HU(Museum Comp Zool- Subject(s): Mon : History ; Burma :Music ; History. ogy: A-V813) LC & MnU(TC Wilson Ames) : GB: SOAS(Pam.SEAsia 3/368797) QL691.I4R3 NYPL(Humanities-Asian&ME Div *OKA+) PU UCB(Main PK2971 .S3 v.20) Railway audit code / issued by the authority of the Auditor- YU(SML Yale Class. Fpg15 +Sa71 20) General of Burma, Government of Burma. – Rangoon : Govt. Print. and Staty., Burma (for Adtr.-Genl.), 1937. 29 p., Indian scientific nomenclature of the mammals of India, app. Burma and Ceylon / by Raghu Vira ; K. N. Dave and GB: BL(I.S.Bu.185/3)* BL-APAC(IOR/V/27/724/10) Lokesh Chandra.
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