An Entertaining and Instmctive Home Jojirhal, Especially Devoted to Local News and Interests, [$1.00 a Year. Founded in 1800.] 15 ' T j/St3jCQQ PRICE TWO CENTS: ci|- 14?; Ib93. VOL;PXCIII.-NO. 28. S NOR WALK, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY gSs I. O. O. F. Installation. ||| Dislocated His Shoulder. * Pay Your Taxes. ^ ^J't Rev. S. H. Watkins, rector of Grace - iK, A new mast was placed in the yacht The following officers of Kabarisa* Site / :\i I Our Elms Doomed. TERSE TALES OF THE TIMES. Ernie, this morning, to replace the one After to-morrow, July 15th, nine per Church, is in receipt of a letter advis­ cent penalty will be added to all unpaid Encampment, I. O. O. F., were install­ - ... - It seems to be an undoubted fact broken last Sunday. Commodore Bowe ing him that Mr. Henry A. Hills, or­ r Borough Taxes. ..„ ed last evening, by a Deputy from ganist of the church, had onMonday tliat our splendid elms, the glory of the ''"A new hydrant has been placed on superintended the work. • - ;x East avenue near the Selleck school. Stamford: Frederick Andrews, C. P.; dislocated his shoulder, at Williains- New England summer-time, are doom­ S. B. Wllspn, S. W.; R. Mitchell, J. port, Pa., where in company with his ife ir. t The contract for putting the cross­ HI Saloons Raided. W.; St. John Merrill, S.; B. S. Keith, ed to destruction. The continued an­ 5'>:'Mr. Edgar N. Sloan has sold his Sheriff Cole raided three unlicensed wife he is visiting friends. As to how walks, along the line of the tramway in T.; John Kenney, H. P.;. William But­ the accident occurred was not stated. nual assaults of the myriads of bugs yacht "Warden" to Expressman Lin­ the Borough, in repair has.been award­ saloons in Bridgeport Thursday night. tery, I. S.: Sydney Williams, O. S. A ; ©cy v' and beetles on these magnificent shade coln. ed to Patrick Carney, by contractors None of the parties arrested had filed fine collation was served. A pleasing &>. T': trees, have already destroyed a large Reed & McKibben. an application for a license. part of the session was the presenta­ " heneral Orders 4th Rept. C. N. G. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Morison will Col. Frost this morning issued the number in town, and now it seems cer­ leave for a sojourn at Shippan Point on tion to Thomas Sterling, Stratfield En­ > Appointed Pension Surgeon. r campment, Bridgeport, of a handsome following general orders for camp : tain that destruction, awaits hundreds Monday. ; . f ** Ran Over the Ties. badge. The presentation speech, which I. In compliance with G. O. No. 2, more of our oldest and largest elms Dr. Bissell of New Haven, formerly An engine on the Rockville branch was a happy one,, was made by P. C. P. Brigade Headquarters, June 26, 1893, The Tramway cars commenced run­ of the New England road jumped the whose graceful majesty has shed cool­ ning on twenty minutes schedule time, surgeon general of the C. N. G., has John H. Wade. Mr. Sterling, while a issued in pursuance of G. O. No. ,13, A. been appointed pension surgeon for the track at Vernon Center yesterday. It G. O., June 22d, 1893, this command ing shade and beauty at home and fame this morning. • member of the Stratfield. Encamp­ New Haven district. He held that po­ was attached to a passenger train. The ment, takes a great interest in the wel­ will assemble, in dress uniform, at the abroad. It is a most regretful pity that driving wheels of the engine ran twelve —Ladies Kid Oxfords 75c, at Hoyt's. sition during Cleveland's first adminis­ fare of Kabaoqa, and it was in recogni­ State Military Rendezvous, Niantic, on nothing can be devised to exterminate tration, but for political reasons was rods over the ties, but the passenger tion of his kindly interests and services Monday, August 21,1893, not later than the insect-pests which have wrought displaced by Dr. C. Furdy Lindsley. coaches did not leave the track. that the presentation was made.-j - 10 o'clock a. m.f lor a six days' tour of Officer Sullivan, of Danbury, was duty and instruction. Enlisted men this destruction. shaking hands with old friends in Nor- Burglary in Danbury. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA.IT'S will appear fully armed and equipped* walk, this morning. ; "THE KIND THAT CURES." Bennett Family Reunion. * and will take with them leggins, white A Dog That Had Sense. The clothing store of Solomon • A pleasant family reunion was held trousers and white gloves. Field, and , • An esteemed patron of the GAZETTE, Connecticut pensions:—Original wid­ Meyers, on White street, Danbury, ' Appointed Delegates. • ,: at the Bennett homestead on East ave­ staff officers will appear mounted. ows, etc.—Sarah A. Boelnn, Abbie M. was burglarized last night or at an early nue yesterday. Thoeje present were II. Commanding officers of organi­ and one who loves the horee and dog hour this morning, and clothing and Governor Morris yesterday after­ Bradley, Carlota Hull. noon appointed Dr. James Campbell of Edwin Bennett of New York, Charles zations will make requisition for trans­ as man's best and most faithful four- jewelry to the value of over $200 stolen. R. Bennett of Worcester, Mass., Mrs. portation on or before July 26th, inst. footed friends, 6ends us the following The burglais gained an entrance by Hartford and Dr. Charles A. Lindsley The police reported four electric of New Haven and Dr. R. S. Goodwin Augusta Hayt of Danbury, and John Baggage, beyond that carried by the instance of canine sagacity as "a nut cutting out a panel in a door in the F. Bennett, Mrs. Mary E. Stuart, Mrs. men in their knap-sacks, will be limited lamps on the streets of the borough as rear of the store. Officers have a clue of Thomaston, delegates from Connec­ for dog muzzle maniacs to crack. The not shedding any ray of light last night. ticut to the pan-American congress to Harriet Curtis, JVfiss Emily Bennett, to two chests for each company, and following incident of the dog's reason­ and the guilty parties will no doubt be AGss Jane E. Bennett and Miss S. one valise or small trunk for each offi­ apprehended. be -held in Cleveland some time in ing powers, which for want of a better September. Frances Bennett of Norwalk. These cer. The Quartermaster is charged word is usually denominated ' 'sagaci­ Miss Jennie Fitch'has returned from were all the children born to Eli B. and with enforcing strict compliance with her long sojourn in Pueblo, Colo., and Anah Eversley Bennett, except th9ir ty," isonly a sample of similar evidence —Child's Spring-Heel Shoes, Hoyt's. : this requirement. Transportation for of dog-sense, to be found in the news­ is at the home of her mother on France •JL Leaves To-Day. first child, a daughter who died in in­ horses for field and staff use will be papers of the country almost every day street. Consul Edward Downes, of Bridge­ fancy, and there has therefore been no furnished from regimental headquar­ of the week: Crabbe vs. Coon. port, will leave for his post of duty this break in the circle of nine brothers and ters. The Yonkers hat company which was afternoon. He will take the. train for and sisters. During the day photo­ •'A small frame cottage occupied by offered flattering inducements to locate As Ennis Crabbe was driving through III. Commanding officers will have two families at No. 60 Beacon avenue, Bull Run this morning he saw three New York city, where he will remain graphs of the family group and the their books in camp prepared for in Danbury, has decided to remain in nntil to-morrow, when .he will set sail homestead were taken, and at the tea Jersey City Heights.took fire from some Yonkers. coons in a mulberry tree. He succeed­ thorough inspection. unknown cause at 1 o'clock yesterday ed in dislodging and capturing two of for Amsterdam. He will be entertain­ party,which followed, the table was set iV. A school of instructions will be morning. The occupants of the house, —DBESSMAKING at reasonable prices. them, but the other one managed to ed at dinner to-night at the Manhattan with the silver tea service presented to held at regimental headquarters in five of whom were children, escaped in Miss SHERWOOD, 137 Main St. 647-3t escape. While he was putting them in club in New York city by William their father by citizens of Norwalk on camp, from 1 to 2 o'clock p. m., each their night clothes. All the household a basket the parent coon came on the Neely and others. the completion of his fifty-two years day, except Monday and Saturday. All goods were burned. One of the chil­ scene and showed fight for her off­ term as Town Treasurer. The party officers and non-commissioned officers The Tribune says the Nicaragua received a number of visitors, among dren was an infant in cradle, and it Canal Construction Company is out of spring. Mr. Crabbe essayed to capture H Will Sue the Borough. of the regiment, not engaged on other was dragged from the cradle to the her but she made her escape over a The Borough is threatened with an­ them Rev. Dr. Noble. duty, will attend each session of this hallway by a pet dog that had always funds and has stopped work upon the This gathering was nearly as unusual, Iff Nicaragua canal.
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