LONG BEACH (CALIF.) PRESS-TELEGRAM LOOKING AND LISTENING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1951 c—a Sound Stage" program which RADIO and TELEVISION PROGRAM LISTINGS makes its debut tonight over! Fame and $5000 Awaiting KNX at 7. ... The Anderson family, headed by Robert Young as Jim gets into the Christmas KLAC KFI KMPC KECA KHJ KFWB KNX KFOX KFAC KGER KVOE Horace Heidt's Winner theme during the airing from 570 640 710 790 930 980 1070 1280 1330 1390 1480 KFI at 8:30. Now the hus- By KING CHARLES bands can listen to "Perfect Hus- band" with emcee-star Gorge Tit following programs ora compiled from reperfi provided by »h« broadcasters. No rnpamlblllty ossumtd for hnt-mlnut* ehongti which lomtfliMs or* mad«. The fourth annual radio grand opened the door to comedy for Fenneman over KECA at 10:30. finals of the Horace Heidt "Ori- Messenie. He was playing with a . Frank J. McKinney will ad- KNXT Channel 2 KHJ Channel 9 ginal Youth Opportunity Pro- dress a Chicago dinner meeting DIAL LITES — TONIGHT KNBH Channel 4 KTTV Channel 11 gram" will be broadcast Sunday, combo at an Ottawa tavern when of Democrats which will be KTLA Channel 5 KLAC Channel 13 when five talented contestants a customer offered $5 for a ren- aired over KHJ at 11:15. EfFOBMATTVE DRAMA KECA Channel 7 will compete for the $5000 grand dition of the number and "Bud" I prize at the Shrine Auditorium in 8:00-KNX—Lowell Thomas 6:00-KFI—Dr. Kildare immediately obliged with a varia- 6:SO-KNX—Stars in the Air . , Los Angeles. The CBS program tion that brought down the 8:SO-KHJ—Reporters' Roundup "It's a Wonderful Life," TELE-TIPS — TONIGHT will be held under the auspices TV-1-Year PARTS James Stewart. of the Downtown Lion's Club of house. 9:00-KECA—USSR . Treat- 7:00-KHJ—Murder by Experts Pfc. Smith will celebrate his 10:00-KNBH (4)—Martin Kane Los Angeles. ment of Minorities 9:00-KFI—Dragnet INFORMATIVE 22nd birthday just before he SPORTS SiOO-KTIA (5>— Playcrafters 10:3»-KNXT (2)—Big Picture The youthful contenders will Warranty Club . Christmas Wrap- . Korean War Film represent the cream of the na- KCSO-XECA—The Perfect Hus- 8:00-KFWB—Fishing News takes to the mike for the grand All Ports pings VARIETY tion's talent discovered by Heidt finals. In civilian life, the young Including bandt 9:30-KHJ—Rod and Gun Club 5:30-KHJ (9)—TV University 7:00-KTTV (ID—Bob Shan- in his 12-month, Philip Morris- 8;30-KECA (7)—Crusade in the non's Varieties tenor attended Long Beach City All Size Picture Tubes sponsored tour across country. In Plus $2.00 fo regfsfer and THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1951 Pacific 8:30-KNXT (2)—Garry Moore College, appeared with St. Luke's 9:30-KLAC (13)—Institute of 9:OOJtNBH (4)—Ford Festival the limelight for the $5000 grand Inspect set . prize are: Lou DiMaggio, 20-year- Boys Choir for eight years. Now for a sharper, clearer, no-glart KGER-One Night Stand KECA-Edward Arnold Family Relations . Rosemary Clooney We repair all makes, work picture with eye-case viewing. 5 P. M. KNX-Phinp .Nurman (]0:55) DRAMA SPORTS old accordionist from Pittsburg, a chaplain's assistant at Camp KECA—Fun factory KECA-Pcrfect Husband KHJ-Music. Morean 7:00-KECA (7)—The Ruggles 8:30-KTLA (5)—Wrestling . Calif., and cousin of the famous done by trained techni- for contemporary styling that KLAC—News, Sports Manner Roberts, Smith is aiming for the fits any home decoration. 10:45 P. M. KNX-Golden LlEht 7:30-KNXT (2)—Crime Pho- Berry-Blears Yankee Clipper, winner of the cians. 17 years in L. B. with L. A. Today (5:10) KNX-Tlns l Kelleve KFAC-Muslc Met when he can devote his full KFI—Feature Wire (l'J:55> tographer, 8:30-KTTV (ID—Football Films first round this year; Corp. Jim KGER-Rev. Kopp time to study. one of the finest TV repair Prices Start KMPC—News. Business, 11 P. M. 11 A. M. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1951 Andy Caudill, 17-year-old trumpe- 95 Sports KHJ-KKi-News ter from Ashland, Ky., and win- Prochut has his heart set on Shops. PHONE 70-5433 KHJ-KVOE-Preston ut KLAC-Music KLAC-Al .arvls Yukon KMPC-Oance 'Jim*. KKl-DuubJe or Nothing 5 P. M. KLAC (13)-Institute of Family ner of the second round; Leon a professional career. Should for a Big Screen KECA-Dream Harbor KMPC-School of the Air Relations KFWB—Red Howe KFWB-Movletlme KFWB-Maurlce Hart KNXT (2)-Ghost Rider: "Bud" Messenie, 28-year-old Prochut turn to rodeos for a KNX—Ed R. ilurrow KNX-News. snorts KECA-B. Crocker "Trails of the Wild" KTTV (ID-Football: comedian from Marseilles, 111., living, he's a triple-threat man. KFAC—Serenade KFOX-Saddle Club KHI-KVOB-Ladles Fair KNBH c4)-Kukla, Fran, Ollio Season Review 17" Table Model KFAC-Music KFAC-Muslc and third round winner; Pfc. He sings, plays the accordion, KGER—Corral KGER-Splrlluals KNX-Mrs. Burton . KTLA (S)-Playcrafters 10 P. M. Fred Smith, 22-year-old, tenor and rides well. • TRADE-INS ACCEPTED KFOX—Mission KECA <7)-Stop the Music KNXT (2)-TV News • EASY TERMS 11:15'P. M. 11:15 A. M. KTTV (11)-Range Riders from Long Beach, now a chap- • WE DO OUR OWN SERVICE WORK 5:15 P. M. KKJ-Frank J. McKinney KECA-A Girl Marries KNBH (4)-Martin Kane KFWB-Gene Norrr.an KNX-Perrv Mason KLAC (13)-A1 Jarvis KECA <7)—Life Begins at SO Iain's assistant at Camp Roberts, i QN TV Esther Powell 65 KLAC—Stars ol Week HNX-Alerry-Uo-lionnd KGER-Mlsslo- and winner of the fourth_ round, i Angeles and Herb Smith! KMPC-Loncsome Gal KFI-Palladlum Orchestra 5:15 P. M. KTTV (ID-Rocky King T o f Los BEST RADIO & TV KECA-Treas. Snow 11:30 A. M. KLAC U3)-Ski Tips The fifth is Louis Prochut, 20 66, of Long Beach, will be among KFI-Ted Myers. Newi KNBH (4)-Bob and Ray 2236 E. 4th St. Phone 9-2813 KGER—World News, KMPC-H. flytta KHJ <9J-Comedy Time year-old accordionist from Yank- the "oldsters" entertaining on 'weather 5:25 11:30 P. M. KFl-Llve Like Millionaire 10:30 P. M. ton, S. D. Open Nights 'Til 9, Including Sat. KFOX-Muslc KFI-Scnators Repurt KHJ.Queen for a Dav 5:30 P. M. "You're Never Too Old" over KNX-Tom Harmon KK'JA-Meet The Band KECA-AKalnst tne Slurm KNXT (2)-Army Film: "The Big KKCA-W11! RoRtrs Ex- KGEK-Kanch ni.iiae, vets. KFOX-Wnafa Tite Tune KNBH (4)-Howdy Doody Picture" The background of thfi con- KLAC (13) at 7. ... "Meet Your cerpts (5:25) KUER-Newp. Bili' Ranch testants are as varied as the var- Children" over KHJ (9) at 7.30. 11:45 t. M. KNX-Nora Ilrake KTLA (5)-Cowboy Thrills KNBH (4)-Gene Norman 5:30 P. M. KHJ rrowell's Nest KHJ (9J-TV Univ. KECA (7)-Earl Wrlghtson ious parts of the country from . A show heavy on the swap KFI-To Vets 11:45 A. M. KL.AC-.News HNX-Vou and World KTTV (ll)-Capt. Video KTTV (ID-Alert for News which they hail. Accordionist Di- shop angle is Tviewe7d over KFI-Casa Cugat KKCA-Kasv Aces KLAC (IS)-Western Serial KLAC (13)-Ed Lyon and Movie Maggio is the son of a sardine KTTV (11) at 8. ... A fashion PUTS A BRAND NEW KMPC-Stars o( Song 12 MIDNIGHT KGER-Ur. Dan Gilbert About KHJ-sky Kinc KLAC-MUSIC to 6:uo KNX-Brlcnter Dav i P. M. 10:45 P. M. fisherman and, while music has expert will introduce a show of KECA-Chet Huntley KM PC-nance r-ttrl\ .2 NOON KNXT (2 j-Film: "Valley of alwaj'S been his foremost ambi- better suits and coats on the ADLER Sewing Machine KGER-Benedlctlon KFl-JlusIc Other Side ol KFl-Farm Reporter KTLA (5)-Beat the Champ tion, he is also an athlete. Monty Margett "Person to Per- Your Eyes KNX-Carroll Alcott Day (to 5:301 KLAC-News. Al Jarvis Wanted Men" KECA (7)-Adventure Time: IN YOUR HOME KFAC-Vlennese Varieties KFWB-Larry Finley KFOX-Klivthm Cpl. Caudill is the youngest son" show tonight when th viva- Ona all inclusive FEE covers eye KFOX-P'atter til 11 KNBH (4)-Adventure of Patches "Golden Ball" examination, PRESCRIBING «nd KFOX-News K.NX-N6WE. tiuwtncrne KMPC-Prayer Muslo KECA <7)-Chet Huntley KHJ (9)-New3 cpmnetitor in this year's grand cious Margetts gal appears over K-ECA-.S'ews KHJ-KVOK-News Liberal Trade-in ADJUSTING of glasses. You can 5:45 P. M. KKCA-News KHJ (9)-News 11 P. M. finals. The Kentuckian promises KNBH (4) at 8:30. By popu- TOMORROW KKWB-BIII Anson KTTV (11)-Christmas Shopper to toot a mean trumpet for the I lar demand, "Amos 'n Andy" are never havo complete VISUAL COM- KMPC-Top Tune KNX-News KLAC (13)-Timmy O'Toole Time KNXT (2)-Film: FORT until glasses aro expertly ad- KLAC-Sam Baiter FRIDAY KGER-Music money. When he entered the Uni-1 repeating "The Rare Nickel" over KNX-Frank Goss 6:15 P. M. "Life Returns" versity of Kentucky last year, he KNXT (2) at 9. , Vanessa justed. KF1-E. Peterson DECEMBER 14, 1951 12:15 P.
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