LEDGER ENTRIES Established June, 1893 LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1951 Number 52 ARTHUR H. VANDENBERG Diatinguinhed viflitorn have re- Michigan's senior senator, Arthur cently been seen In Lowell Includ- Red Arrow Trackmen Moose To Sponsor H. Vandenberg, was laid to rert ing Gov. G. Mennen Wllllatps who Michigan Bell WtlTpOifii GrandvMe Cancer Drive Goes Qver The Top Softball Activities Showboat Head last Saturday In Oak Hill cemetery, breakfasted Friday morning In the Grand Rapids. Senator Vanden- Lowell Cafe. Accompanying him Boww t<o East and Lee Pint Game May 18 berg had been In poor health the past two years end his passing was Secretary of State Fred M. Asks Peraiission Red Arrow track men under Lowe!! Coromtoity Raises SI .254 At the annual spring dinner and Goes To Europe April 18 is mourned not only by the Alger, and It Is understood they Coach Nlsbet are making their business meeting the Lowell Moose people of Michigan, but by the na- were enroute to Newaygo to do presence known in Grand Valley made plans foi their summer soft Norm Borgerson. President of tion as a whole. •omc fishing In the Muskegon river To Raise Rates cinder meets. East Grand Rapids, ball activities. The manager of the Showboat. Inc.. and manager of the for wall-eyed pike. The Newaygo last year's state champs in their team will be named In the near business end of the annual feature The senator was born in Grand Republican was quoted as saying Berle D. Sleek, manager here class, were able to defeat the Ar- future. Mclvln Lewis will ugain on Flat River since Its Inception Jn Rapids, always lived there, and these officials have hurled the po- for the Michigan Bell Telephone rows by only 11 points. Lee, this act as basiness manager and will 1933. ever missing a performance, died In his home just five blocta litical hatchet for a good fishing Company, has announced that 10- year's conference threat, gained a schedule ^amus. announced this week at a meeting from the place of his birth. At the trip together. cent pay calls will be Included In At tn 40 decision over the locals. uf the dlicctorn of the Showboat age uf 16 years he becuint- state The previous week Guy Lom- an application to be filed by Mich- The Mouse will play at Recre- that he would be unable to be here Lowell turned In an Impressive 77 ation Park on Mondays and Fri- editor of the Grand Rapids Her- berdo, famous bandman, was igan Bell with the Public Service to 33 victory over Grandvllle in for this year's show. old. later becoming editor and in a Lowell visitor. Commission May 14 for a rate in- days. Out-of-town games will be their third meet of the season. played on Wednesday nights. Ten- Mr. Borgerson told the Doard 1919 was made president of the * * * crease to raise revenues 17%, or that he had long wanted to visit Herald Publishing Co. S22,000.000 a year. The revenue Outstanding point getters for tative plans call for the local team More detailed information is giv- Lowell are. Ron Hoist who has to represent Lowell In a Grand Europe and relatives in Norway A great leader, a great gentle- en herewith regarding the article from pay station increase Is esti- and this spring may be the last mated nt (2,600,000. won both the high and low hurdles Rapids suburbanite league. man. and a great friend, the sen- in last week's Ledger concerning against East, Lee and Grandvllle. The first game of the season Fri- chance for a long time, so he and ator waa always progressive in civ- improvements for the Lowell public Lowell, As Example In the Grandvllle meet Hoist set day, May 18, will pit the Moose Mrs. Borgerson are leaving New ic and political realms and his ad- schools. This information shows Under the application, monthly u new record of 17.3 !n the highs against the Grand Rapids Team- York on May 16 for about three vice and counsel was sought by that of the total enrollment of 782, increases for the various types of to break a mark set by Armstrong sters Union, which played under the months In England, the continent, many great leaders. students from neighboring districts service at Lowell would be as fol- in 1938. Hoist also placed in the Brady Motors heading last season. and Norway returning to Lowell Senator Vandenberg's develop- attending Lowell schools, number lows; high Jump in these meets and ran The Moose are to be compli- just about In time for the last ment as the outstanding leader of 182 this year. Residence service; Individual- on the relay team. mented for the fine entertainment night of Showboat. his party in the Senate and the This fact is greatly appre- E. C. Foreman, vice president, line, $1; 2-parly, 76 cents; 4-party, Kutch'nski, has captured first in k they furnished local fans In the strongest spokesman for American ciated by the cititens of Lowell was named by the board to take 75 cents; rural. 76 cents; extension the mile in all threfe meets and is past. This season promises to be "free enterprise" was the thing and thereby makes a friendly over the business management of telephones, 15 cents. running the distance consistently no exception. All positions on the that made him a national flgur*. relationship between village and the enterprise with the help of the Business service: Individual-line, under 5 minutes. Canfield is unde- team arc open, and a scramble for His change from a position favor^ rural folks. usual committees and the enter- flat rate, $2.60; Indivldual-llne feated In the 880-yard run winning births is expected. Ing American Isolation on a troub- tainment end of the show with the * * # . measured rate, 11.50; rural, $1.75; first in all three meets. Carlson baa led International scene to his role program and all that goes with It The "big freeze" hasn't froxen, extension telephones, 25 cents. two first and a second in pole vault of unquestioned leader of a bi-par- stabilization hasn't stablllied. Hon- I. of T. Dinner Donee would be managed as In the past Additional messages, over the 76 competition. tisan International policy crowned ey is living up to only half of its monthly allowance on measured- South Boston Grange by C. H. Runciman. the career of the Senator from past reputation of 100 cant* to a rate business service, would be in- Other men who have acored points consistently for Lowell are Grand Rapids with the admiration do"ar. Attempts are made to creased from 4 cents to 5 cents. The committee has Informed us Porritt, Bryan and Parker in the Albert G. Myors, 63 of the whole world. atretch the dollar by using cheaper Long-distance rates would re- that their entertainment and pro- Because of his stand President cuts of meat, meat substitutes, main unchanged. dashes. Condon and Dalstra in the gram for the dinner dance Wednes- Passes Unexpectedly 440, VanderMass in the hurdles and Roosevelt appointed the senator a more home sewing and "making day, May 2. la about completed delegate to the San Francisco con- high Jump. Hoag in the 880 and with the Barbershop Quartette and Albert Glenn (Bert) Myers was over", cutting auto c jete by driving born In Auburn, Ind., October 23. ference which organized the Uni- leas, making home repairs, carry- w Venneman in the mile. Packer in Hammond Organ the main acts. the shot. Bryan and Grummit in 1SS8, the son of Flora Porter and ted Nations. Through his contri- ing lunohea, planting larger gar- At Hortings Moy 3 The South Boston Ladles have butions the Marshall Plan waa the broad Jump, and Litchewski in promised all you can eat from Oliver Philip Myers, and si ent his dens. Many Lowell families have boyhood there. He came to Kala- made workable, and his great lead- their various methods of reducing The spring meeting of the Farm the pole vault. the part of the turkey you like Bureau Women of the 4th District Besides these men Coach Nlsbet mazoo. Mich., in 1906 and moved ership in other Important phases of living coats to wage their war on best. Serving times are 6:30 and foreign policy led to the demand will be held from 10;46 a. m. to 3:30 has several new men out for track 7:30. Fine prizes and door prizes to Lowell from Grand Rapids July inflation. 3rd. 1923. He waa in the employ of that he run for President of the it is a stand for strength. p. m. Thursday, May 3rd, at Barry who have scored points and are are proihlsed. Countys Farm Bureau Community the Leonard Division of Nash Kel- United States which he declined, * * * Improving in each meet. Hall in Hastings. vinator for twenty-three years. saying he could do his country Many a green thnmb In LoweB Vktor Reynolds Wins more good in his present position. Mrs. Robert Weisgerber, program Checking on final flfnraa In the Kent County 1961 Cancer cam- Mr. Myers was married to Ver- is already busy at work; may Scfetv Measures CaH onica Flynn April 12. 1910 and to In a speech made by the aenator chairman, of Ionia county, says paign, which w«nt "over the Thursday, are WWhtm D. Mat- First At Talent Show the wmlhar fmror us. this union were born nine children, in the last year of World War n * * * » Mrs.
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