Pursuivant Readiness Portfolio Lochac College of Heralds Welcome to the Pursuivant Readiness Portfolio. If you're reading this, that means you think you're ready for the rank of Pursuivant in the Lochac College of Heralds, and want to demonstrate it. Congratulations on getting this far, eing willing to step up is a good sign for all heralds. Please note that this portfolio is entirely open- ook, ecause eing a herald is not about knowing all the answers to all the #uestions – it's about knowing where to go to find the answers% &he !ortfolio consists of three hypothetical case studies of life as a working herald. Each of them will contain #uestions to demonstrate a range of the skills that may e expected of a herald in the )C*. +ou don't need to e an expert in everything, ut a Pursuivant should understand at least the asics of each of the aspects of heraldry rather than eing !urely focused on a single part. Please send your completed !ortfolio to [email protected]. Please note that !hysically mailed su missions are not currently requested or accepted. -ne part of a herald's .o is the research and a!!lication of names, and the po!ulace will come to know you y yours. What is your )CA name? What is your mundane name? Is your )CA name registered? If so, when and through which 0ingdom was it registered? What is the lazon of your device? Is your device registered/ If so, when and through which 0ingdom was it registered? What is your Canon Lore I23/ What is your Lochac Roll of Arms I23/ * If available – the web address of your pages on Canon Lore and the Lochac Roll of Arms will end in ‘id=!!!’ where xxx is your I# number$ %ach will be a different number &ursuivant Readiness &ortfolio Last updated 'arch( A) *+ &age , of - Case Study I – A New Member +ou are acting as court herald for &heir 4ajesties. What would you do to ensure that everything goes well5 efore, during, and after court/ 2uring this court, a new mem er of your grou! into court received their *ward of Arms. &his is their first ever award, in fact their first time eing called into court at all. Is there any specific information or actions required to make sure that the award is properly recorded? 6resh from receiving their *ward of Arms, the new mem er of your grou! decides that they'd #uite like to register an )C* name and a device of their very own, and come to you for help. What approach would you take to guiding them through this process/ What pitfalls should they e wary of/ &hey tell you that they'd like a 78th century Welsh name, what sources would you recommend they focus on? 9nder your guidance, your client has developed a name and device, ut you are concerned that there may e conflicts which were missed in the design process. Where would you look for the resources re#uired to check this, and where might you go for additional assistance with the pro lem/ &ursuivant Readiness &ortfolio Last updated 'arch( A) *+ &age + of - In your conflict checking, you find two devices that might e a conflict. 6or the following lazons, ex!lain why they do or don't conflict with the !roposal, with references to the su missions rules as appropriate. +ou only need com!are these to each other, assume no other conflicts. Proposed 2evice: :;ules, a horse courant and a chief argent.< Potential Conflict 75 :Per pale gules and azure, a horse statant and a chief em attled argent.< Potential Conflict =5 :;ules, a horse courant and on a chief argent three lo1enges sable.< What is the procedure you would follow for su mitting the client's name and device? If drawing this client's device for su mission, what challenges might you encounter and what details would you need to e careful of/ -nce the name and device have een su mitted, what are your duties to the client and to the College of Arms, as the consulting herald? *fter the re#uired waiting time, the client finally hears ack about their su mitted name and device. &heir device has !assed, ut the name has een returned due to conflict. How would you approach this situation, oth in informing the client and in assisting with their next attempt/ Are there any pressing pro lems you might ex!ect to encounter? How is a resu mission different from a new su mission? &ursuivant Readiness &ortfolio Last updated 'arch( A) *+ &age / of - Case Study II – 0he Tournament &he sun is shining on the list field as the fighters and !opulace prepare for today's >aronial tournament, and you've een asked to act as the Herald"In-Charge for the event. Who will you need to consult, and what information will you need, to make sure you can hel! everything run smoothly, oth for the tournament and the rest of the event/ &he tournament is about to egin, and you've gotten the list cards for the first round. )ome of the names are smudged and unreadable, and some seem like they'll e rather difficult to pronounce. What is your next step? How would you handle any com!laints about mispronunciations/ >etween rounds of the tournament, someone running a merchant stall y the field asks if you can make some advertising announcements for them. )hould you accept their re#uest/ If so, is there anything you need to do, or anything you need to e careful of, while doing this/ &ursuivant Readiness &ortfolio Last updated 'arch( A) *+ &age 1 of - &he sun is shining down right and hot on com atants, !opulace, and herald alike. What can you do to make things more !leasant and safe for all concerned? Is there anyone whose aid you could recruit for these endeavours/ *fter the tournament, &heir '(cellencies decide to run a small court, and as the Herald"In-Charge for this event, you're &heir first choice as court herald. What materials and preparations will you need efore court/ &he hall that evening is packed to the rim with people having a good time, ut the kitchen would like you to make some announcements over the noise. What can you do to improve your chances of eing heard over feasters and games/ How would you adapt this !lan if your voice was weak after the tournament/ &ursuivant Readiness &ortfolio Last updated 'arch( A) *+ &age * of - Case Study III – The Group Herald +ou've .ust een selected as your local group's new herald. Congratulations% >efore you take u! your duties, it's important that you know what those duties actually are. What are your new duties as a local group herald? Each local group's herald holds a title for their time in office, and you are no different. Which heraldic rank elongs to each of the types of ranch in Lochac/ Where would you find this information, and the names of the titles assigned to each position? At an event in your local group, the steward has neglected to ask anyone to e Herald-In-Charge for the event. &he following heralds are in attendance: yourself as grou! herald, the neighbouring >arony's herald, Cru( Australis Principal Herald, and another rostered herald. Who is the Herald-In-Charge for this event/ Who could they turn to for assistance? If that !resumed Herald-In-Charge were actually absent from the event, who would it e instead/ &ursuivant Readiness &ortfolio Last updated 'arch( A) *+ &age 3 of - )ome mem ers of your local grou! would like to use their titles in the native language of their persona. Where would you look for this information to hel! them/ &o demonstrate, please provide the following titles in the given languages ?if there are multiple options, !rovide your favourite@5 Lord in 6innish " Count in Arabic " 0night in -ld English " Princess in )panish " Lady in Welsh )ometimes it's nice to e fancy, and someone in your grou! has decided to run a very formal feast, with everything specified down to the seating order. If you were consulted as to the correct -rder of Precedence for the arrangement, which resources would you consult, and what information would you need to gather? Another upcoming event in your grou! has een scheduled for a weekend when you'll e unavoidably absent. How would you make sure that the event was properly su!!lied with the heraldic services it would re#uire, in your absence? &ursuivant Readiness &ortfolio Last updated 'arch( A) *+ &age 4 of - 'arker's Notes When com!leting your !ortfolio, !lease leave this page lank. It is for the notes of the herald marking your !ortfolio to record their assessment of your work. Case )tudy I – 2emonstrated sufficient understanding? +es Ao Areas requiring improvement5 Case )tudy II – 2emonstrated sufficient understanding? +es Ao Areas requiring improvement5 Case )tudy III – 2emonstrated sufficient understanding/ +es Ao Areas requiring improvement5 Recommended for promotion? +es Ao Reasons and 6urther Comments5 &ursuivant Readiness &ortfolio Last updated 'arch( A) *+ &age - of -.
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