University Cooperative Extension When full-grown, typically in 1 to 2 years, the Shade tree borers: adult stages cut a hole through the bark and emerge. Many of the adult borers, particularly the characteristics and control longhorned beetles and metallic wood borers, feed on pollen, tender bark or leaves but do not cause Whitney S. Cranshaw and David A. Leatherman1 any significant injury. The adult stage is mostly spent flying to new host trees, mating and laying eggs. Eggs of most shade tree borers are laid on the bark, usually within small cracks. (Longhorned Quick Facts beetles and horntails insect eggs are deposited underneath bark.) Eggs typically hatch within 1 to Shade tree borers are insects that develop 2 weeks and the newly emerged borers chew through underneath the bark of trees and shrubs; the bark. Subsequent borer development takes certain beetles and moths are the most place just under the bark and in the wood. As the common borers. borers tunnel in the tree they make meandering Most shade tree borers can only success- tracks that are packed with fibrous boring dust. fully attack trees that are injured or When fully developed, the adult insect emerges stressed. through a hole chewed in the bark. With the excep- Shade tree borer development takes from 1 tion of horntails these exit holes are oval in cross to 3 years to complete. Adult stages of section. these insects occur outside the tree. Major groups of wood borers include the Control of shade tree borers includes main- following: taining growth and vigor of the tree or shrub. Longhorned beetles (Cerambycidae) Insecticides can best control shade tree Longhorned beetles are named for the very borers if they are applied when adult long antennae typical of the adult. Some of these insects are laying eggs on tree trunks. insects may reach a maximum of two inches in length. Larvae are known as roundheaded borers and penetrate deeply into the wood while feeding. Completion of the insect life cycle (egg, larval, pupal and adult stages) may take several years. Most longhorned beetles are not able to attack Shade tree borers are insects that develop healthy trees and primarily come to attention as a underneath the bark of woody plants. Most of nuisance problem when emerging from firewood these insects are only capable of attacking dying (see Service in Action sheet 5.563 Firewood and trees, felled logs or trees under stress. Stress to house log insects in Colorado.) However, species woody plants may be the result of mechanical are known that can directly damage black locust, injury, recent transplanting, overwatering or poplar and cottonwood. drought. These borers often are incorrectly blamed for damage caused by a pre-existing condition or injury. Certain borers, in particular the "clear- wing borers," are capable of damaging appar- ently healthy trees. 'Whitney S. Cranshaw, Colorado State University Cooperative Extension, assistant professor, de- Life History and Habits partment of entomology; and David A. Leather- man, Colorado State Forest Service entomologist A large number of beetles and moths develop and CSU assistant professor, department of ento- as wood borers in their immature (larval) stage. mology (revised 5/87) Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Kenneth R. Bolen, director of Cooperative Extension, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. Colorado. Cooperative Extension programs are available to all without discrimination. To simplify technical terminology, trade names of products and equipment occasionally will be used. No endorsement of products named is intended nor is criti- cism implied of products not mentioned. Metallic wood borers (Buprestidae) Control Metallic wood borers are beetles named for their metallic sheen. Most metallic wood borers Most borers are only capable of attacking are green, bronze or blue, but brightly colored trees that are stressed due to drought, injury or species also occur. Larvae are known as flatheaded disease. Consequently any means of promoting borers. They feed just under the bark making vigorous tree growth should be considered the meandering mines through the cambium. Com- primary approach for borer management. Trees plete development usually takes a year. Metallic that are only marginally adapted to Colorado wood borers are only able to develop in dead wood conditions or those that are shallow rooted and or in drought-stressed trees. However, problems subject to winter drought can have chronic borer with these insects frequently occur in birch and problems. (Service in Action sheet 7.211 discusses occasionally in jumper and apple. winter watering.) A few borers, particularly clearwing borers, Weevils (Curculionidae) are considered to be more "aggressive" and are Few weevils are wood borers. The best known capable of damaging apparently healthy trees. is the poplar and willow borer. In Colorado, this Infestations of pinyon borers are thought to be insect commonly infests willow causing gnarled related to excessive watering and rainfall that distortions and holes in lower stems and branches. allows increased cracking in stems and trunks. The white pine weevil also is a problem in some Borers within trees cannot be successfully areas where it kills and curls the top leader of treated with insecticides because the insects are spruce and white pine. in a protected site. Insecticidal control is best Clearwing borers (Sessiidae) achieved if sprays are made during periods of Clearwing borers are a group of day-flying adult activity and egg laying. Trunk sprays can moths with relatively scale-free wings. Many of kill the adult borers during egg laying and may these moths are very similar in appearance to also be effective against the newly emerged lar- wasps, although they do not sting. The larvae of vae before they enter the trunk. Canopy spraying these insects are some serious insect pests includ- also may increase control of longhorned beetles ing the ash/lilac borer, peach tree borer (see Ser- and metallic wood borers since the adult stage of vice in Action Sheet 5.566, Peace tree borer), rasp- these insects often feed on the twigs and foliage berry crown borer, viburnum borer and currant before laying eggs. borer. Development (egg to adult) of these insects Timing trunk sprays varies with different typically requires a year to complete. borer species. The general time of adult emer- gence, which is associated with egg laying, is Carpenterworms (Cossidae) summarized in Table 1. Insecticide applications Carpenterworms develop into very large typically persist for about i to 2 months and may moths, somewhat similar in appearance to the need to be reapplied during a season if egg laying more common sphinx moths. Carpenterworm occurs over a long period. larvae bore deeply into trunks and branches, pro- Pheromone traps (Service in Action sheet ducing large amounts of sawdust as they feed. 5.562) can most accurately determine adult flight Shelterbelt plantings in the eastern plains are periods. Pheromone traps are marketed for most commonly damaged by carpenterworms. Life of the clearwing borers and carpenterworms. cycles of carpenterworms takes 2 to 3 years to However, availability often is limited to commer- complete. cial uses. In the past, lindane has been the primary Pinyon borers (Pyralidae, Dioryctria spp.) insecticide used for borer prevention. However, Larvae of a group of moths cause problems to availability of lindane is becoming increasingly various pines. Most common is the "pinyon pitch restricted. Chlorpyrifos (Dursban, Lorsban) is mass borer" that causes large masses of pitch to currently the most widely labelled insecticide for form around feeding wounds under the bark of borer management. Endosulfan (Thiodan) and trunks and branches. Life cycles of these insects carbaryl (Sevin, etc.) have some labelled uses for are not well understood but probably require 1 to 2 borers. Trunk sprays should thoroughly wet the years to complete. The Zimmerman pine moth is wood along areas where borers enter. Most borers thought to be established in parts of the Denver typically attack lower trunks (e.g., peach tree metro area and has a 1-year life cycle. borer) but others can affect the upper crown areas Horntails (Siricidae) of the tree (e.g., bronze birch borer). Horntails are a family of non-stinging wasps Since many borers are attracted to recent (sawflies) that develop solely within trunks and wounds, try to avoid pruning during periods branches of killed or damaged trees. Two or more when the adult insects are laying eggs. years are required for the horntails to complete Concentrating insecticide applications around their development. An unusually large ichneu- wounds, cankers and callous growth also may be mon wasp (Megarhyssa sp.) with an extremely useful in managing borers that use these sites to long ovipositor is a common natural enemy of enter trees. horntails. Systemic insecticides, applied to the root zone or injected into trunks, generally are not able to treatments of borers. Paradichlorobenzene (PDB) control existing borer infestations. These treat- moth crystals can kill peach tree borer larvae ments may give some control when applied just when they are located within the base of trunks. as young borers first enter trunks. However, (Service in Action sheet 5.566 discusses this use.) injected treatments also may provide wounding Crystals also may be inserted into the tunnels of that can allow entry of disease organisms. borers that leave external openings while feed- Fumigants have been used for some "rescue" ing, such as carpenterworms. Table 1: Flight periods and hosts of common shade tree borers in Colorado. Name Common hosts Typical flight periods . METALLIC WOOD BORERS Chrysobothrus femorata Apple, maple, Populus, hardwoods June-August Flatheaded apple-tree borer Atimia huahuachae Juniper June-July Agrilus anxius—Bronze birch borer Birch June-July Agrilus sp.
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