T-476 Skipjack RELIANCE Architectural Survey File This is the architectural survey file for this MIHP record. The survey file is organized reverse- chronological (that is, with the latest material on top). It contains all MIHP inventory forms, National Register nomination forms, determinations of eligibility (DOE) forms, and accompanying documentation such as photographs and maps. Users should be aware that additional undigitized material about this property may be found in on-site architectural reports, copies of HABS/HAER or other documentation, drawings, and the “vertical files” at the MHT Library in Crownsville. The vertical files may include newspaper clippings, field notes, draft versions of forms and architectural reports, photographs, maps, and drawings. Researchers who need a thorough understanding of this property should plan to visit the MHT Library as part of their research project; look at the MHT web site (mht.maryland.gov) for details about how to make an appointment. All material is property of the Maryland Historical Trust. Last Updated: 04-05-2004 ~ ., ;/. f/nh Nu 10-3cH) !Hti. IO·HI • l.\0~,c.\?")~ T-L! 7 ~ I/ · . li~ITI DSIAITS IH:l':\Rl~ll.l\:'l OFTlll: INTERIOR RNPSUsEOtlLY--------··J NATIONAL PAHK SERVICE CEIVEO NA'I10N1\I. ItEGISTE~{ OF EilSTORIC PLACES INVENTORY -- NOi~HNA TION FORl\.1 TE ENTERED . E~---------~------ - SEEiNSTRUCTIONS IN HOW TO COMPl.ETE NATIONAL REGISTER FORMS TYPE ALL ENTRIES-- COMPLETE APPLICABLE SECTIONS ,, .. :\ ·- L'.WNM1E HISfORIC CHESAPEAKE BAY SKIPJACK, "RELIANCE" --------·· ... _ -· MlO/OR COMMON ; ;•''l t ' l i\ q' ... Ql'\i l<....J _, .. ,_, c.t ~ l l - ,, STRl:El & NUMf1rn -----__ Knapps ~ ar:r._o_\_._~s_____ ·-------------N_o_TFOH PuaucAnoN______ _ C:llY. lOWN CONGRESSIONAL DIS ffilCT ~--~---~~'~i..,.1~1:.unBJl~--~----:==.~V~IC~.IN~ll~Y~O~F--~-------=-F~i~r~s~t..::;__ ___--:~::--~-- SIA Tc CODE COUN rv CODE --~~~~-.i.M~a~r-\~0~~~n~di.--~~~~~~...,....~2~4~~~~--~~~--:T~a~l~b:.:.:..:.Q~t...,....~...,....--...---~~4~J--~- .Ll.J C !.. ASS H.:' JC ATION CATEGORY OWNERSHIP STATUS PRESENT USE _DISTRICT _PUBUC .X.occuP1Eo _AGRICULTURE _MUSEUM -BUILDING!S) X...PHIVATE -UNOCCUPIED ,XCOMMERCIAL -· STRUCTUAI: _BOTH _WORK IN PROGRESS ....:EDUCATIONAL _PRIVAfE llC:SIDENCE -.SITE PUBLIC ACQUISITION ACCESSIBLE __F.NTl:RTAINMENT _RELl<HOUS KoBJECT _IN PllOCESS .x_ YES: RESlRICTED _GOVERNMENT _SCIENTIFIC _BEING C:ONSIDERED _YES: UNRESTRICTED _INDUSTRIAL _TAANSPOATAflON X Boa.t _No _MILITARY _OTHER: _[jO\\TNER O:F PROPERTY __NA-MENr~ ... .N~11-.Y~ __ c_._ _Gr_e_e_r:i_e ________ .561__ J_m_1r_._·r _tz>_... --~~-~r~~ STn~EI & NUMBf:A ---~--2_0_G_C_~a.ude St_r_e_e_t__________________ . CITY. TOWN STATE Annapolis _ v1c1N1TY oF Marvland 211101 [£}LOCATION o:F LEGAL DESCRIPTION COURTHOUSE. 0 ___RE~;:s ..._. H_v _1-_o~~e_o_s._eT_c_. _y,_e~s""""s· e 1 f~,ocurnen tat ion 0 ff ice Sff1!:-.ET Ill NUM~EA ___________,,,D.e;p.ax::.t:.rn~Dt of Tran s~tu.t i on_'.>-J..... J......... s-.._c .... a_a.._.s..._:t,_.....,c;..._, iu...a .... r_,•d...._ _____ ClfY. TOWN STATE __ l· 7 a~bj'pn+on, .. .'Q.C. [(JREPRESENTA'ffON I.N EXISTING SURVEYS TITLE OAll· ---------·-----····-·--·····--·--------------- .... FEDEHAl __ STATE __ COUNl V --LUt''.AL ---- --· _____________ .,.. ~ .. ---------·-llb·OSITOfi 1 fOH -·--------------·-----------------·------------ ~UilVtY A"c:(HWS t:I ly. T6W-N~----- --·-----·--· ---·- ·--~·-- -----·----·-S-T-A-TE-. ----·---·--------- Efj DESCRIPTION CONDITION CHEtrK ONE CHECK ONE -EXCELLENT _DETERIORATED LuNALTEREO -ORIGINAL SITE -GOOD _RUINS _ALTERED _MOVED DATE--- ~FAIR _UNEXPOSED DESCRIBE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL (IF KNOWN) PHYSICAL APPEARANCE The Reliance is a Chesapeake Bay skipjack built in 1904 at Fishing Creek, Maryland~--Sne is a sloop-rigged sailing vessel presently used for dredging oysters in Maryland waters. She has a regiate~ed length of 41 feet and an over-all length of 60 feet. Her beam is 14 feet and her draft is 2.5 feet. Her dredge gear includes four pairs of dredges, dredge cables, and front an<l starboard dredge rollers; one set of winders; one four-cylinder winJe.r:- moto.:'; and one yawl boat with an eight cylind~r motor. She has one suit of canvas sails. All ·running rigging is manila and all deck hardware is iron. Her deck layout includes a small cabin aft with three crude berths and ·a large hatch forward. This vessel is constructed of native Eastern Shore :pine and all repairs have been made in the original style. ~ ' ''.' T-Y1~ I ( ~· PERIOD AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE·· CHECK AND JUSTIFY BELOW . ·--PRtHISl ORIC ·--.ARCHEULUliY !'Rf.HISTORIC _COMMUNITY Pl.ANNING -LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUHE __ .Hf:i:GION __ l400-149H -ARCHEOLOGY-HISTORIC _CONSERVATION -LAW -SCl!:NCE ___ , 500-, 599 -AGRICULTURE __ ECONOMICS -LITERATUHE -SCULPTURE _1600-1699 --ARCHITECTURE --EDUCATION _MILITARY -SOCIAUHUMANITARIAN -1100-1799 -ART _ENGINEERING -MUSIC __ THEATER ._1800-1899 Z.coMMrnce _EXPLORATION/SETTLEMENT _PHILOSOPHY {{_TRANSPORTATION • K.1soo- -COMMUNICATIONS )(_INDUSTRY -POLITICS/GOVERNMENT -OTHER (SPECIFY! _INVENTION SPECIFIC DATES 1904 BUILDER/ARCHITECT STA TcMENT OF SIGNll-!CANCE The significa.nce of the skipja.ck Re.liance is sha,red as well by her twenty­ nlne sisters who ma.ke up the last fleet of working sailing vessels in North ·Ameriica. The "skipjack" is the final stage in a development that began with the Indian dugout and ended with the internal combustion engine. During the 1890 1 s, rising costs and dwindling oyster harvests forced Chesapeake water- ·men to seek a replacement for the large and expensive "bugeye." The lines for this replacement were taken directly from the flat bottomed crab ski.ff. Because it had a flat bottom and hard chines, the resulting boat could be ( ,/"""'"'--. built cheaply. The economy of construction and the working charact~ristics ' of the skipjack. made it hugely successful for the short period of .time be"."" ·fore the gasoline engine wa.s · generally accepted. in the Bay. During the non-oystering months skipjacks were used to haul fresh produce, lumber, and livestock to markets in Baltimore and Washington. Today there.are thirty survivors in a fleet that once numbered in the thousands. These boats are still being used to dredge fo~ oysters in the .Maryland waters of the Chesapeake Bay from November to March. Each year the size of Maryland's oyster fleet declines. The prevailing at­ titude among watermen is that in five or six years time working sails will disappear from the Bay and those remaining skipjacks will have their masts cropped. Most of a working skipjack's enemies are economic: declining pro­ fitability in the face of increased mechanization and higher yard costs. With outside help it may be possible to.stem the economic problems and pre­ serve the working sail. 1 ~tviAJOR BIBLIOGRAPlHCAL REFERENCES Brewington, M. V. fhes~pe~~-~-~Y.Ll'i-2}ctorial Mar]:_!_iil!e HistoPy. ~~wington, M. V. Cht~s.~11e_~l)~~ Bay l.<?.1~ Ca~1·oa.s 'u,:Ocfl)uf~·e_y~.- ·'gess, Robert H. Ches<'1.pt~a.ke Circle. · .1:mrgess, H.obc1"t H. Ches-a1)e-Zike.,. SaTITng Craft. Burgess, Roher-t H. 'l'hrs--\vas._Chesa.peake Bay. DeGast", Robert Oystermen-or-·Ffie,.-Chesapeake · M3ryl0nd Hi~iCcil-SQfI"f:IY. Archi 'Y:os 6TFaryJ and .ilUGEOGRAPHlCAL DATA . ACREAGE OF NOMINATEO PROPERTY not applicable UTM FIEfEt-IENCES A Ls..J LL I I I I I LL 1 f l I I J B Lt-1 J I 1 I I I I I I I I I ' I ZONE EAS !ING NOfHHING ZONEEASTING NORTHING c Li_J l_L.L ..L.l_,_J LL \_1.. l~='=' ::".l ___o t ~- I LL _1--! .--.L-1 I I ~~-+-1-_ ---v£R8,.\C-uuu i-J6AR''.f-o~ :_;-c;~iP;i·1 t5i\i"___ -- LIST ALL STAffi AND COUt·fnEs FOR PROPERTIES OVERLAPPING STATE OR COUNTY BOUNDARlt:S STATE CODE COUNTY CODE I I /;---- STATE: CODE COUNTY CODE. ·! [;:ij FORi\·t :PREPARFD BY njm ' NAME I TITLE I .___ £.cter L ,J.e.e.J.ing, Capta'; ~ _,..,Su::>k....Jiyp:-1-,J:r· a~c'-Jlk'-:!R:=e~·=1::':j:::a::n~c;;:;e~----------7:::" ORGAN:.!A TION DA IE Jan • 2 3 , 19 7 6 STRHr & NUMBUI TELEPHONE ~~~~=1=51 Monticell.Q._~Auv~eun~u~e,.,_~~~-.-~---'--~~~~2~6""-"'-3--~2~4-9~2.__~~--~~---- cnv OR TOWN STATE --~~~~--=~~dpolis; Marvland 21401 msTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER CERTIFICATION THE EVALUATED SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS PROPERTY WITHIN THE STATE IS: NATIONAL- STATE.i(_ LOCAL __ As the desigoatud StJte Historic Prnse1vdlio11 Olficer for the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 8 9·665). I hereby nominate this property for inclusion in the National Register and certify that it has been evaluated according to the criteria and p1occdu1es set forth by the N.itional Park Service. STArE ~ISTORIC PRESERV.l\ Tl(JN OFFICER SIGNATURE ----~-----------------------~- TITL!; DATE fft)A NPS U:>E tiNLY lr--- I HER~B'Y CERTIFY THAT THIS PROPERTY IS INCLUDED IN THE NATIONAL REGISTER i DME . l 01REc-r61i: oF-t=,-ctu-i:-AfiEHr:oi.-0Civ-"A"No-j:.ffsr6-il1c f>RE!:.foRvAr1.oN rATIESl: 01\TE ------1 · \ KEEPE'ROf'1ti'rN;.~noNAL Arni~; fl8 . I ..,, .. ,, Turkey Neck( ' 9 Point :,{-_(... ' .. \ ..===-==-=-=J .... ·. 0 0 "C) Upper Bar Neck oint \ \ Lower Bar Neck \ Point Cove • # 52-Y. 476 I" T< e I 111~c e 8/7.$-. +ake"' ~7 :T.. Sf,.~l"''J .
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