y D O W PLU N GES Economy at a Glance New York; Chase Manhattan Bank led supplies. Trading was moderate. 5.8 percent from 1978, but below spending the way Wednesday to higher interest Washington: Calling Congress a “ turtle charges for both buriness am consumers Increase trends of recent years, Joan with arthritis,” Howard Jarvis, the man by boosting its prime lending rate a Courtless, a home economist with the behind California’s tax cutting Proposition qiiarterpoint to a record 15 1/2 percent. Agriculture Department reported. 13 accused Congress Wednesday of Washington: Treasury Secretary G. New York; The Dow Jones Industrial stalling on leglslaUon to cut individual in- William Miller urged Congress average fell below the 800 level to an 11- come taxes and federal spending. Wednesday to approve a ti.h billion loan month low Wednesday as Wail Street, Washington: Americans spent an guarantee for Oirysler Corp., saying already battered by soai^ig interest rates, hl2 average of $441 per person on clothing taxpayers could lose 32.75 billion if the showed fears that Iran might cut off oil during the first three quarters of 1979, up flnmcially ailing autonutker shuts down. Energy at a Glance Kuwait: Kuwait, a small U.S. supplier billion program to develop fuel alter- shares their goals, but members of 14 con- of foreign oil, plans to lower its oil produc- natives commercially. servation groups criticized his energy tion by 5(X),000 barrels a day when major Schenectady, N.Y.; Scientists at policy as misguided and dangerous. oil company contracts come up for General Electric Co. labs said Wednesday Cairo, Egypt: Egypt has agreed to sell renewal at the end of the year, a Kuwaiti they have completed Initial tests on a Israel about 2 million tons of Sinai oil next newspaper reported Wednesday. generator that could supply more power year at compromise prices, slightly Washington: The Senate defeated than normal machines because it operates higher than the prices posted by the Wednesday two synthetic fuels proposals at minus 452 degrees Fahrenheit. OPEC, but below those originally opposed by the administration, deciding Washington: President Carter tried to dem anded"^ Egypt, the newspaper Al instead to consider a high priority 388 reassure environmentalists Wednesday he Ahram said today. N 1 ^ Kennedy and Brown 1 Consolidation Key issue I Manchester Soccer 1 Markets End Season Announce Candidacies 1 In Manchester Election? 1 Squad Advances 1 With 'Mixed Reviews^ Page 8 Page 14 Page 15 1 1 1 Page 21 ------------------------------------------------------------ ^ J '.1 Insid e Today Gassified................. .......... 24-26 HanrbFatpr Comics..................... ................27 EXIitorial ................. ................13 Entertainment ........ ................18 Fair Tonight, Family..................... ................12 Gardening ................ ................21 Cloudy Friday Obituaries ................ ................14 Peopletalk................ ..................2 Dalalla on page 2 Sports....................... .......... 15-17 Television ................ ................18 Weather................... ..................2 Eir^mnn H rra li Vol. XCIX, No. 34 — Manchester, Conn., Thursday, November 8, 1979 > A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881» 20* Single Copy • 15t Home Delivered PLO Not in Iran to Help Hostages TEHRAN, Iran (DPI) — Palestine tion between Iranian leaders and bassy carrying giant placards of piei.'e of cloth and had his hands it.” Pars news agency reported an un- Liberation Organization emissary American officials, since “ this Khomeini and shouting “ Death to bound behind his back, reporters "If the United States takes such a named official representing the Abu Al Waleed arrived in Tehran matter relates solely to the Iranian Carter” and ’’Yankee Go Home” in said. Moslem guards led the tall man decision (the other buyers will International Red Cross visited the today but immediately rejected PLO revolution,” WAFA said. English. across the embassy parking lot amid definitely not follow such a decision. hostages and announced they were in mediation to obtain the freedom of State Department officials noted ThJy cheered in support of the loud sneering by the crowd. And as some say, the oil buyers will “ fine condition." dozens of American hostages in the the PLO has issued “ contradictory” ayatollah’s decision not to negotiate The h ost^ e was described as not accept the probable boycott by But the Red Cross official told U.S. Ebnbassy, the Palestinian News statements about its reported media- with President Carter’s special en- having "redUfsh hair, which was bad- the Unit^ States.” Pars the hostages were "emotionally Agency WAFA said. tion efforts in Tehran. “ We are not voy Ramsey Clark. ly rumpled,” reporters said. Carrying caricatures of President and pyschologically upset." Wafa said the Palestinian official, certain at this point what the PLO Moslem militants holding the In a newspaper interview. Oil Carter, the demonstrators shouted. The visit took place following who is military operations aide of has in mind,” one official said. hostages inside the compound for the Minister Ali Akbar Moin'ir again "Islam is victorious Imperialism is rumors that some oi the hostages had PLO chief Yasser Arafat, "arrived in Palestinian officials had predicted fifth straight day paraded one of the denied reports that Iran cut off oil obliterated!” suffered knife or other injuries Tehran today for important talks earlier today that Abu Al Waleed hostages in front of a mob of exports to the United States. He said In New York, the cancer-stricken during their capture Sunday. with leaders of the Islamic Republic would not make any move if protesters chanting, “ Criminal the shipments from the country’s shah volunteered to return to Mexico Western sources said a group of and rejected his presence was for the Aimtollah Rubollah n m n eln r Was' Amerfcah.” main oil terminal recently d rop i^ but his doctors said he was too ill Americans had been gathering and purpose of mediation between not favorably inclined to discuss the The unidentified hostage, one of because of bad weather. leave, The New York Times offering prayers for the hostages. American leaders and Iranian of- fate of the hostages. , the 60 to 65 people held by students He said if the United States reported. A State Departmentto Details of their whereabouts were ficials.’’ Thousands of Iranians today demanding Washington extradite the decided to boycott purchases. “ There spokesman said, “ We have heard withheld by the sources. Waleed also said he rejects media- marched on the occupied U.S. Ehn- shah, was blindfolded with a white are “ more and better customers for nothing to that effect.” Coronado Club Apartments To Be Condos By LANEY ZUBOFF the apartments affordable and use enough time to look and we have them as a “ testing” ground for other apartments to use as a Herald Reporter future conversions. resource” to relocate tenants, said MANCHESTER - TenanU at the Totonis. “ Money is not that improtant,” 86-unit Cktronado Club Apartments, The tenants legally have 90 days, said Totonis. Learning the business is located at 26 Prospect St., have been once informed, to decide whether or more important and by doing this we informed that their apartments will not to buy but Totonis said K.C.I. are able to learn. Once we get the be the second in Manchester to be Asssociates have made a committ- experience the next step is to buy converted into condominiums. ment to extend that deadline by six existing apartments and convert K.C.I Associates of Eiast Hartford months. them.” owns the nine-year-old complex “ Assuming the tenants place 20 K.C.I paid 318,(XX) a unit nine years which, until now, has been advertised percent down, after fees, they will ago and put an addition 32,(XX) per to attract singles but will beconle af- probably pay an addition $60 a month unit into furnishing the apartments. fordable housing for families as well, which they will get back in taxes at "W e’ll start low and raise the price said Kelly Totonis, general manager the end of the year,” said Totonis. if sales are going well,” said Totonis. at Coronado. There has been no controversy K.C.I. will be asking in the low to The first conversion in Manchester about the change, said Totonis. who high 320,(XX) range, depending on the was the 32-unit Beechwood housing said response to the conversion had size of the apartment. complex, located on Highland Street, been uncertain. Several tenants have It now costs 3320 to rent a one ow n^ by William Peck, trustee, already indicated they want to make bedroom 700 square feet; 3375 for a Gladys Peck and Margery Gussak a purchase, he said. two-bedroom, 935 square feet; and who formed Romar Associate. Occupancy at the complex has 3400 for a three-bedroom, 1035 square Condominium conversions are a always been 100 percent, sdid feet, said Totonis. "hot” issue in the state with the Totonis. Facilities at the apartments There are 60 one bedrooms, 24 two legislature investigating problems include a swimming pool, tennis bedrooms and two three bedrooms at with the changes including lack of courts, exercise rooms, game room Coronado. relocation for tenants being dis- with pool tables and two sauna Totonis said he expects K.CJ.l. will placed. rooms. sell 50 percent of the units to its Because K.C.I. owns 800 Extensive remodeling, at an ap- tenants who are being offered a 32,- apartments and numerous shopping proximate cost of 3650,000 is plann^ 500 break off the going price for the properties, including Falconridge for the condos, including the installa- apartments, and who will be able to apartments and Top Notch Foods iif tion of a new intercom system, an I ' I Manchester, the association can af- keep the furniture in their addition of two laundry rooms new apartments furnished by K.C.I ford to make only a marginal profit The Coronado Club Apartments on dominiums.
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