Descendants of John Ahern and Bridget Gibbons John Ahern Bridget Gibbons b: Abt 1801 in Castlemartyr, b: Abt 1803 in Ireland County Cork m: Abt 1828 in Ross, County d: 28 Apr 1877 in Ross, Mount Meath, Ireland Nugent, County Meath, Ireland d: 20 Feb 1900 in Ross, Mount Nugent, County Meath, Ireland Philip Ahern Christopher Ahern Patrick Ahern Anne Kennedy John Ahern Julia Hughes Anne Donohoe Margaret Ahern Patrick Shanley Mary Anne Ahern Elizabeth Ahern Catherine Ahern William Knight James Ahern Margaret Dermody Hannah Martin b: Abt 1830 b: Abt 1832 b: 17 Mar 1834 in Cork City, b: Abt 1839 in Ireland b: Oct 1838 in Ross, Barony of m: Abt 1864 in Ross, Barony b: Abt 1851 in Ireland b: Sep 1841 in Ross, Barony of b: Abt 1851 in Ireland b: Nov 1843 in Ross, Barony b: Sep 1846 in Ross, Barony of b: Abt 1848 in Ross, Barony of b: Abt 1834 in Ireland b: Sep 1853 in Ross, Barony of m: Abt 1879 b: Abt 1861 in Lisnashkea, d: UNKNOWN in thought to d: UNKNOWN in thought to Cork, Ireland m: 1862 Fore, Civil Parish of Killeagh, of Fore, Civil Parish of m: Abt 1870 in Ireland Fore, Civil Parish of Killeagh, m: 31 May 1875 in Mount of Fore, Civil Parish of Fore, Civil Parish of Killeagh, Fore, Civil Parish of Killeagh, m: 1868 in St. Brighid's R.C. Fore, Civil Parish of Killeagh, County Fermanagh be U.S. be U.S. d: 3 Oct 1884 in Ross, County d: 5 Apr 1904 in Ross, Barony Union of Oldcastle Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle d: 30 Sep 1926 in 452 Union of Oldcastle Nugent Catholic Church, Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Union of Oldcastle Union of Oldcastle Mount Nugent, County Cavan, Union of Oldcastle m: Abt 1885 in Castle Pollard, Meath, Ireland of Fore, Civil Parish of d: 29 Apr 1900 in Ireland d: Abt 1870 in Ross, Barony of Amsterdam Avenue, New York, d: 28 Mar 1930 in Ross, Ireland d: Aft 1879 in Ross, Barony of d: UNKNOWN in possibly d: Bet 1901 and 1911 in Ross, Ireland d: Nov 1918 in Clydebank, West Meath, Ireland Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Fore, Civil Parish of Killeagh, New York Mount Nugent, County Meath, d: UNKNOWN Fore, Civil Parish of Killeagh, USA Barony of Fore, Civil Parish of d: Bet 1901 and 1911 in Ross, Scotland d: Mar 1941 in Clydebank, Union of Oldcastle Ireland Union of Oldcastle Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Barony of Fore, Civil Parish of England Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle William Ahern Mary Brophy Henry Ahern Mary Ahern John Thomas McCabe George Ahern John Ahern Anne Ahern Joseph Ahern Richard Ahern Mary Devon Elizabeth Ahern Willie McAuley Edmond Patrick Ahern Agnes Ahern Michael Colgan Marianne Ahern Theresa Ahern Philip Ahern Catherine Fogarty James Ahern Margaret Ahern Christopher Ahern Bernard Ahern Lawrence Ahern Bridget Ahern Patrick Ahern Mary Anne Shanley James Nelson Conover Bridget Shanley Elizabeth Shanley James O'Hara James Shanley Anne Shanley James Joseph Whelan Catherine Marie Knight Ernest George Cole Clare Knight Patrick Kelly Agnes Bridget Ahern Thomas William Vallely John Ahern Patrick Ahern Margaret Philip Ahern Elizabeth James Ahern John Joseph Ahern Clara Betts Matilda Docherty William Ahern Mary Ahern William Foley b: 20 May 1863 in Ireland b: 12 Aug 1870 in Dublin, b: 23 Oct 1864 in Ireland b: Mar 1866 in Ireland m: Abt 1890 in Ross, Barony b: 3 Dec 1867 in Ross, Barony b: 20 Nov 1869 in Ross, b: 1871 in Ireland b: 29 Sep 1871 in Ross, b: 22 Sep 1875 in Ross, m: 9 Jul 1899 in St. Brighid's b: 3 Jul 1877 in Ross, Barony m: Abt 1916 in New York b: 19 Mar 1879 in Ross, b: 26 Feb 1882 in Ross, b: Abt 1880 in Ireland b: 22 Oct 1864 in Ross, b: 30 Oct 1868 in Ross, b: 3 Sep 1871 in Ross, Barony b: 5 Feb 1884 in Ireland b: 28 Jun 1872 in Ross, b: 19 Jun 1875 in Ross, b: Abt 1878 in Ross, Barony of b: 9 Jul 1880 in Ross, Barony b: 1 Mar 1882 in Ross, Barony b: 8 Apr 1887 in Ross, Barony b: Abt 1890 in Ross, Barony of b: 23 Aug 1876 in Ross, b: 25 Jan 1881 in New Jersey b: Jan 1878 in Ross, Barony of b: 23 May 1879 in Ross, b: Abt 1878 in Ireland b: 25 Jul 1881 in Ross, County b: 29 Dec 1882 in Ross, b: 28 Sep 1873 in Bansha, b: 23 Aug 1875 in Ross, b: 1872 in Manchester, England b: 21 Sep 1879 in Ross, b: Abt 1875 b: Abt 1880 in Ross, Barony of b: 31 Oct 1873 in Northern b: Abt 1878 in Ross, Barony of b: Scotland m: Clydebank, England b: 1886 b: Abt 1888 in Scotland b: 1896 in Ireland b: 22 Jul 1899 b: Abt 1902 in Newcastle- d: 26 Mar 1921 in Ross, Ireland d: 17 Jan 1889 in Melbourne d: 1934 of Fore, Civil Parish of of Fore, Civil Parish of Barony of Fore, Civil Parish of d: 1884 in Ireland Barony of Fore, Civil Parish of Barony of Fore, Civil Parish of R.C. Mount Nugent, County of Fore, Civil Parish of Barony of Fore, Civil Parish of Barony of Fore, Civil Parish of m: Abt 1912 Barony of Fore, Civil Parish of Barony of Fore, Civil Parish of of Fore, Civil Parish of m: 21 Sep 1899 in Ireland Barony of Fore, Civil Parish of Barony of Fore, Civil Parish of Fore, Civil Parish of Killeagh, of Fore, Civil Parish of of Fore, Civil Parish of of Fore, Civil Parish of Fore, Civil Parish of Killeagh, County Meath, Ireland m: 6 Oct 1906 in St. Paul the Fore, Civil Parish of Killeagh, County Meath, Ireland m: Abt 1919 in New York, NY Meath, Ireland County Meath, Ireland County Tipperary, Ireland Barony of Fore, Civil Parish of m: Abt 1903 Barony of Fore, Civil Parish of m: Abt 1902 in Ireland Fore, Civil Parish of Killeagh, Ireland Fore, Civil Parish of Killeagh, d: Abt 1918 in Egypt d: 1971 d: May 1981 in Passaic, New Upon-Tyne Barony of Fore, Civil Parish of m: 30 Jan 1888 Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Cavan, Ireland Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle d: 18 Oct 1963 in East Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Union of Oldcastle Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Union of Oldcastle d: Abt 1934 in New Jersey Apostle Church, 59th Street, Union of Oldcastle d: Mar 1970 in Brooklyn, New d: UNKNOWN d: 24 Apr 1883 in Ross, d: 18 Feb 1957 in Dover, New m: 5 Jun 1904 in St. Paul's Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle d: 26 Apr 1948 in Plainfield, Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Union of Oldcastle m: Abt 1905 Union of Oldcastle Jersey d: 1985 Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle d: 11 Feb 1941 in Ross, d: 7 Jan 1890 in Batavia d: 17 Mar 1903 d: 6 Sep 1922 in Brisbane, d: 1 Aug 1906 d: 1 Jun 1917 in 34 Cypress d: Abt 1880 in Ross, Barony of d: 21 Oct 1943 in 43-46 189th d: 10 Jan 1912 in Bronx, New Meadow, Nassau County, New d: 1907 d: Abt 1901 in U.S.A. d: Abt 1904 d: Bef 1910 d: Bef 1910 d: 15 Mar 1967 in New York, New York, NY d: 20 Feb 1879 in Ross, York County Meath, Ireland Jersey Church, Brooklyn, New York d: 24 Apr 1964 in Roanake, New Jersey d: 1977 in Ross, Barony of d: Abt 1947 in Newark, New d: Abt 1944 in Newark, New Barony of Fore, Civil Parish of Queensland, Australia Avenue, Queens, New York Fore, Civil Parish of Killeagh, Street, Queens, New York York York New York d: Abt 1935 in New Jersey Barony of Fore, Civil Parish of d: 12 Feb 1945 in Brooklyn, Virginia Fore, Civil Parish of Killeagh, Jersey Jersey Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle Union of Oldcastle Killeagh, Union of Oldcastle New York Union of Oldcastle, County Meath, Ireland Jane Ahern Anne Ahern Verne Howard Getty Patrick Ahern Marianna Mahon Henry Morgan Ahern Mary Comer Mary Catherine Ahern George Ahern Jean William Wolfe Tone Ahern Frederick Anthony Ahern Gerard Ahern Leo Ahern Geraldine Ahern William OConnor Joseph Ahern Vincent Ahern Elizabeth Ahern Helen McCabe Harold J. Crawford Louis Ahern Kieran McAuley Mack J. Colgan Jacklin Colgan Bessie Colgan Fred Colgan Margaret Ahern Christopher Ahern Kathleen Monica Ahern Margaret Marie Conover James Benjamin Conover Dorothy Gawthrop Joseph Francis Conover Mary Helen Post Antoinette O'Hara Anne Corine Whelan James Joseph Whelan Genevieve Veronica Vallely Doreen Sayer Margaret Whelan Margaret Anne Whelan Patrick J. Sheerin Angela Whelan Patrick McNamara William Whelan Helen Appello Elizabeth Rosemary Whelan Lawrence Peter Colbert Thomas Edmund Whelan Vincent John Whelan Catherine Schoenstein George Cole John Thomas Cole Robert Louis Cole Kenneth Cole Bronson Cole Clare Patricia Cole Temple Cole Marjorie Cole John Malachy Kelly Patrick Kelly Rosetta Mary Kelly Joseph Kelly Christopher Kelly Angela Kelly Genevieve Veronica Vallely James Joseph Whelan Frank Healy John Thomas Vallely Teresa Vallely Frank B Byrne Patricia Ahern Ian Ahern Catherine Ahern Jim Ahern Norah Ahern John Ahern Rosemary Foley Anne Foley Norah Foley b: 8 Nov 1888 in County b: 30 Jan 1890 in Dublin, b: 26 Jun 1891 in Dublin, b: Abt 1893 in Ireland b: 29 Oct 1892 in Dublin, b: Ireland b: 22 Aug 1894 in Dublin, b: 7 May 1896 in Dublin, m: Abt 1920 b: 19 Apr 1898 in Dublin, b: 3 Apr 1900 in County b: 28 Feb 1902 in County b: 28 Dec 1903 in County b: 16 Apr 1907 in County b: 10 Nov 1903 in Ireland b: 19 Apr 1909 in County b: 19 Mar 1911 in Ross, b: 6 Nov 1913 b: Abt 1897 in Ireland b: Abt 1901 in New York, NY b: 28 Dec 1900 in Ross, b: 28 May 1917 in New York, b: 5 May 1913 in New York, b: Abt 1917 in New York, New b: Abt 1916 in New York, New b: Abt 1923 in New York, New b: 11 May 1906 in Ireland b: 6 Jan 1908 in Ireland b: 25 Aug 1910 in New York, b: 28 Oct 1910 b: 28 Oct 1910 b: 7 Apr 1915 in Cripple b: 13 Apr 1912 in New Jersey b: 12 Oct 1911 b: 19 Aug 1919 in New York, b: 23 Jun 1905 in New York, b: 17 Apr 1907 in New York, b: 23 Dec 1906 b: 12 Oct 1909 in Brooklyn, b: 28 Dec 1909 in New York, b: 6 Mar 1912 in New York, b: 20 Mar 1909 b: 5 Jan 1914 in New York, b: 5 Aug 1914 in Brooklyn, b: 16 Aug 1916 in New York, b: 15 Feb 1921 in Brooklyn , b: 8 May 1918 in Brooklyn, b: 6 Apr 1916 in 85 Old b: 5 Nov 1919 in Brooklyn, b: 12 Sep 1921 in Brooklyn, b: 1 Sep 1923 in Queens, New b: Abt 1903 b: 1 Apr 1904 b: 18 Jan 1906 in Mt.
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