.- - , : , THE EVENING FARMER • .,, nBE JUST AND FEAR NOT.', • VOL. II. BRIDGEPORT, CONN., WEDN·ES'OAY- EVENING, SEP.TEMBER 27, IS65. NO. ,' 310.. -:;--- - - == .r 4MIlRIC.AU liO:l':.Il:'. DAXLY ~.jI L1i UJ'& W! &. L.EE NOTIOII r r I"'~ " ':'. I'IrDC;~PO.l:7', OPPOSI TE TH~ OLD. ",1lL"l.O.t. ERKESON'S . - .,'.- . , T 'nAVlNG BIlEN OlJIlUIfti,y _. D~ror, & RUOaS : " NEW Y0RK NEW HAVEN R. R I ~, •• haTe lold 0111'- DBU.-ftO...... wrbIt . - REPUBLICAN F ARAlER, -. .rermorlv ·tho 1!'orll House. New Photographic Gallery, \hi• Advert_ment to DOuty OU ........... (MIl- SUMMBR ARRANGEMENT. 1865 aleDal.. bu:.em- ............. T~ s U8smnBER [lAVI NG T.A!tE!i AT ~.our · OOM¥ElNOINa MAY 15th, 186:1 • . )w•• tWC01IliDll.'OMne ........ ~~ __ . ,. the Hotel, la Brldgop ort, to::'merly ltuoW"n LEWIS W. BOOTH, II by • tho ZUI.I:lle oC the York Houa • . No. 285 Main Str~et, fflI! OP.l)OSite t!:l e- vi! Udlroad Depot aud Wholesale aad RebU Drnggl.t; · Pure Drugs ud 'lIedichei, ., . '- Steam.Doatand relltted Lalldi.laB'the same, h", ao ti;.orutl&'bl,.dll DOW roady repAired, fortbe ronovat(od ro~ ep tlOil I'!!~~~~~~o~~;"!~ ~~;~;~~~ Near Golden Bill Street. of {rlenlb all.4 euatomers, wbom he eaa aoeommod:lte IIRIDGEPORT. CONN. AT o~: OLD E8TABLIIH~D .rAND wUh roll.Ul8 ClealS nnd 1949l:l: at nil 1e1'onc.blc houri'. 'llIB E STADLISInIENT 18 ENTIRELY NEW at . !l.ort :;l.o)iieo. The house bs.s all the ·convweDu. l . ud cont.inl all tb ll. - ~ . ON TJUI ' tbtue d e.dr:l~hl In a p apulz.r COdclll Hotel, and It. 1l.'" .I,co. I,... @1 "dIN ,"UI, central loeatIoo, within a r(ow rods 01 the It_mboat Goraer of lIIIIraIa _d Btate Bta_ i&ndil!.g and at:.!y . sho:t. diltance from the ne.... Railro.d LATEST I Jl!IPROl'EMENTS, We take ru. oceuI.Ol1 to ,bank IlM pUUe _ Uae'" Toth.Store No.7 WsIl.£t., Oity Bank Biilldi= 4If'aI p.troraqe w. haTe reeelneJ ~ UleteD,._ tr.velera~hr.!c~Dep~t . m.u.eit on ebe or fo tbunde molt in the eommodl01lll cfty. places ror I,~~~~~~1~~~~~f~1i~:;i~~:: Known to the Art. tW we baTe beeD.e:ncaced lD DnI........... 4 w .... A po:-t!i)n of the pubUc 'plIotro~;e 15 r eapectCU117 to· ..1..:1.1 rUt;li6hed It ... ery aeaUy for 'he parpoles of. reapeet.fUll3'loli~dt aoondD1I&IlCB of u.. ....... felted. rtlrn361 ' B . D_ STONE. The Wlrumeats . re fcported, and .re ama,,! ~ b. Qrrv 1II0!rIl:r., DRUG AND APOTHECARY STORE. M.H. WBEEI.JiR&CO., CORNER WALL AND mDDLE-STREETB INTEND TO FURmsn MY PATRONS, AS BER. BRIDGEPORT. CONN_ I tofore, ..... ith tho choleest kinds of Medielne.... wet ANALYTIOAL OHEJlIST' ABD DBUGGlB'I'a "cd ou::' raellitics ro)r m:lltin! good "orlt aro Wur• al sIl other .rticl.B usually kep~ in a Drug and Obe1ll1ca • earv Backiagham, I'roprletor. E BtabliBhment_ TR.lINS LEAn; lIr.rno£rORT .·on FEW Ton(' • p.ned. (iaBend oxamine sp ec;mcnD. :l!'artiC.w.r .&tteatioa ....4 to ' ~ TBIB OLD AND Popr ABBOTBL& Referring to the .baTe remoTal, I would relpeetfnlly f ." J I ~. Orl"l:CJII 'I1P S~'&I:RS, ... bas boen refitted " and reCurpIahcd ... At 2:50, (Exp )6:08,7:09, 10:!!2(Esp.), 10:400A. M.; at Boliclt a contlntl&1lco of the kind patronap hitherto ICI Ilf throUGhout, and II now onoofthe mOl ' ~:' 2;40 (Exp.,> 5:0:;, (Exp.) 5:40, rm.d S:35 P. !.L (Exp.) =0 DELAY. IibenJly extended to me, and It ..... W be my eOllltaat til! of 07•• , BoB, !IIIba- CORIWR OF WALL AND WATER srs., .. eonTenient and best conducted bonles deavor to merit tho confidenoo or m:r eualomorl. ..... a1'.i. lntheState..e Gentlemen who 'f'IBhBridgeporton bnalnea'!l, BMUaJonkBIIlb-OM. -. 1 eral Water' dI.c. ' . orfam.Ulel who wtah to board ata hotel, willllPd at the . .. , !j· ·l 8JtIDGBPOBT, CONN. "City" 1&1',. &Cd airy rooml, a 4ra1 d ... table, and &1 Pasl6ll.,rera far Bon8&toD.le RaUroad 'll'lllt.te tbe 9:4' Oartes De Visites FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS kntiveaervantB. No palnawUtbo lpar&dtomakeaTerJ­ A.)[' and 5:00 p, M. traiDB '0 Bri~epOrL I..&DOHA.TO .... a7, a, .A.JIa 8 ...... tb.ln.g pleaa&lrt,and agreeable to the traTeler or regnld zievi.·ru;i .R4Ur~ WILL 8E DBLIVERED Mediciaes, Ohemical., 'I'B..B 8T.... T boarder. Cowaeeted .... ith tbe Botella. LI...ery 8table' Bridgellort OL Dect. 7th p estafurn.lahed with hon.1 and earri.a.gel at short no P&88engers (or N.uptuckllllllroad wUl tako iho Ht:OO PatentMedlcfnoll, J owet &. SonIPQroL_d. --t ' ., \ .. ; TIC"" .P PAPEa: UCfI dee 11 A . lLand 5:00 P . lIoI, train. to the JUDCtiOn. The Second Day After Sitting Germ.n &. P aris Porfumcry,Pure Freoeh Zioc, ' ••_. <L~ Deli.... by Carrier. per yeu. __ ••••• _••• ___ •• : •• $7 OD DcUvr.1td NO'M04lk hUroad Faney Soapll , Llnleed Oil, H F#N"B,.or ::EE A -reT. .~.&lIIII"ORD HOVIiIl. Toilat Artie le~, Spiritl TurpeuUne, ... ,' ~ 1 ·. 1 SeDt Ill,.,..,. or Ten or more to one address ••• ~ 00 PHOTOGRAPHS! a .. lr ErusheB. D eodorized Napth., M W.&T....,'I'~TI THIS MODERN BUILT BOUSE, LQ. Ii~:~~I~lr~~~~~)~~"~~,~:'~!O~~~~~~~~;!Will Nor .....lk_ Tooth Brushe3, Ooaeh Varul. h, By tbe ....... _••••• #O __ •• __ ••• • __ •• ~ ••• _._ • •• ___ )5 Paint 8ruBbel, FtlrDiCure V&rDla2t, ..............________________________ _ _._________ 3 ••• ·ute4 in 8tamford, one of tbe most buu· Tn.ll1(S FRO. !fEW YORK I'ORft"aW HAnft". All ili... :: l'&in;ed III OU, W' ~to r Oolt'tl. or Ind!. III tlful ... illagel on the liDe or the New Whitew.ah B:-u!l"!t"", Drylns Jmpan, OHera for Sale In>. Sp(ongcll, Oolora gronn!ll:l 0:1. 8p.criptl__ p!l7able alway. in adYUlr8. Corkl. Window GIMa, 20 Jlhd•• ae.... crop:l!'. IL Kolas.... abonte AD hour'I ride from Ne.... York city, II open for tho: . receptl"nof guesta. Taklnr the dell&:htCnl SEA BATH· 8ird,seee, Putty, , II York ud New Havcn Rlilroad, only :l!'hotographs Enlarged u'om .&mbro· ....1lIIII •• A.DVERTISING!I ING,8AII.IliG, and other AQUATIC EXCURSIONS, :~~~~~~~5~~~~~~~~~~::~:: CongreBl 'Vate!, RO l in, 10 Jlhd•• aew crop 1'. L B_.. " . I London Parter, Goldlt:1dSltver Lear. tosether~ tb.e 4eld IpOrtl, romantic carrlap driVel tvpe. or Daguerreotypes. Y.dy ~~lDdd.rpaper._. __•• -.--••• 530 00 Scotcb Ale, Bronze" Y.,{1: wtthout paper. __ ............ _•• ____ __ __ •. 25 00 and Bcenery, lurp&al8l, for varietT and .ttraedon..,n 10 I'lIacheolUl Bt. CJrolJ: a ... PureWfncunil LI:t,-; o ~ l . ChamoilSklJu. ' " ,. r: t'l o..lIqOU"8 (lU,lDiM) 1 or 3iDaertloDl. __ ••• _••• _.. 1 50 otbl,.:!"hOnAe C01lDtryII BOWLING lummerrelo:"t ud BILLIARDl. In connection 8ALOON; wlth'JD.y allO Noae but rirst Cia•• Work Deliv. Pure Splcel. 8pe"m Oll. 10 l"ii>e. Bollaiid Gfa. - -.: 't ,) I~~~~~~."'~~~~. :;~~~~:;:.:~~ ..-~~~,~~~:'~~ Glue, Lard 011, Par ccmth,,"ce. each lIlIertlou __ •• n •• • __ ..... u . 2S BOARDING s-lIdLlVERY STABLE. ered. aad :l!'erlect Satisfac' 8alt Petr", Kerosene Oil, as abl......... boa Whia•• ,. , - . ;~ .:.i'') BaIt ~.l or' luerUoDl. __ • ___ ...... __ . ___ ·· '15 L . N. PARKER, Proprletor_ Stamford. Ct., AJlril 23. 1563. 13 ~i.~i';~~~~::~~,_ St.amr ord .t 6:00 A. M, for Ne" Po!ub, Barllln, Fluid, PoreoadoaaaCl8, e.ch lDeertIon. __ •• ___ •••••• __ •• 15 tion Gnaran-.ed. lualgo, O.mpheue, SO abl•• B.otoe Gfa. 1 .gure. 3 mODtba,. 9 i 6 months, $1 , 12 months, $25 1I''&!rJ:O:lllAr. RO!rIl:r., Dyo W oob, Alcohol. 2S Bbl...... a1UD, 'tRllNS U.t.V& BRIDGEPORT J"01t !'law H'&VJ:!'I. Acidl, Sperm Oandlol :;i " " '! IS; .. ~; .. 40 DONT FORGET THE NUMBER -ALIO - N~ARLY OPPUSITE THE N, Y. k N. U. At 7:17, 9:31 and lU:15A. M. (Exp.); at ~:09, 2:3:J,(Exp.) : 'II:::r :i " l~j 30: roo VASSAR &- Co'. PALE and AMBER AL.. iii RAILROAD DEPOT, 5:20, (Exp.) 6:30,8:15,10:33 P . Jc.{Ellp.) 285 tf'76 • .. IOj" laj .. 60 8ee largo bUll or adTertiaem611.tat the 5tatleD BottHI Maia Btreet. WOMAN. II ... BRIDGEPORT, ~T. 0 .... foar ~o.arM at the _e rate .. four Iq1l&l'et. The fill. and Hotoll. TIIM:I!':r.II'S :r.I:QVI:D abnefttelllnlfor lhe'DaDr. with oeculonallDsenina Supt'l Omce, 4th ATenue and 27tb I treet, N. Y . ,~ ... " AaBilb.Dt" Supt'. Office. S~atlon BOUI., N_ B­ D &be 'Weeklr. If ordered lD the Weekl}' all the time, The 6ubscrlber ha'dog opened tbe .boTS Hotolll pre EMALES, owing to thopcoullir ADd Ill'portaat rei• . pared to accommodate Permanent ADd Tr.ll.Dlient Board JAMES R . HOYT. Superintendent.. Fon . AND the eh&rp wlU ..,.,33 ... _L a4dWoDal F tlOUB "'hicb they quUalu, 1helr peculiar organlz•. er. , 00 the mOl ' reason.hle terma. tion, and tho offic"l tbey porform, .re s ubject to many II OM ladllD apace, or 12llnea our ad- "...qura or Two GOOD BILUARO T ADt." are .ttached to the OLEANING STEAM BOILERS. s ufTerilJg~ .nd a:imco1s pc~nll.r t o tbe .ex Freedom GROCERY AND ' PROVISION House_ ii•• ~ - "':~ - .. ... ..u.Irc tJpe. r~m theH contributel ill. no smlll degrl'e to tbelr hap­ E. P_ HITCHCOCK. 1U" ANuFAOTURERS AND OTHERS WHO USE p:neu ::I.n d welrare, for nono call' be b.pp,. who .re ill. U of Oopartaenhip, or D Luolutlo:l, ~&~W~lm$==lc-_______________________ NAUGATUOK RAILROAD. STOB.E. ' U ".a" are ..1.• .1. Steam .Engiaes .ro notified that the proprietorlof Notoll.ly ~o , btU no onA or tbu e v.riou· rema'e eom.
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