![Bibmas] Bibliography of Mesopotamian Astral Science](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
[BibMAS] Bibliography of Mesopotamian Astral Science # Skip to Database Bibliography of Mesopotamian Astral Science – reduced variation This list is only a trimmed down variation of the BibMAS database (v 0.6); for more information and for accessing the complete database, see bibmas.topoi.org. Please do not circulate without this notice. © 2013/2018 (file created 2018-09-06) by Alex Schwinger, in cooperation with Mathieu Ossendrijver. author editor year title higher-level context bib-type url Aaboe A Boardma 1991 Babylonian Mathematics, The Cambridge Ancient History @incollec DOI n J & Astrology and Astronomy [CAH], vol. 3 [of 14]: The Assyrian tion URL Edwards and Babylonian Empires and other I & States of the Near East, from the Hammon Eighth to the Sixth Centuries BC; d N & ed. by BOARDMAN ET AL.; pt. 2 Sollberge (edn: 2) r E ch.: 28b, pp. 276-292 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Aaboe A Hodson 1974 Scientific Astronomy in The Place of Astronomy in the @inproce URL F Antiquity Ancient World: A Joint Symposium edings of the Royal Society and the British Academy [PTRSL A 276]; ed. by HODSON [=Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences [PTRSL A], nr 276 (1257)] pp. 21-42 Oxford: Royal Society Aaboe A Hoskin M 1972 Remarks on the Theoretical Journal for the History of Astronomy @article URL Treatment of Eclipses in [JHA], vol. 3 (1972), iss. 2 Antiquity pp. 105-118 London: Science History Publications Aaboe A King D & 1987 A Late-Babylonian Procedure Annals of the New York Academy of @article DOI Saliba G Text for Mars, and Some Sciences, vol. 500 (1987), nr 1 Remarks on Retrograde Arcs [From Deferent to Equant: A Volume of Studies in the History of Science in the Ancient and Mediaeval Near East in Honor of E. S. Kennedy [Fs Kennedy]] pp. 1-14 New York: Blackwell Publishing Aaboe A Maeyam 1977 A Computed Cuneiform Text Πρισματα (Prismata): @incollec a Y & for Mercury from Babylon: Naturwissenschaftsgeschichtliche tion Saltzer B.M. 48147 Studien. Festschrift für Willy W Hartner; ed. by MAEYAMA ET AL. pp. 1-8 Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag Aaboe A Steele J 2002 On Columns H and J in Under One Sky: Astronomy and @inproce & Babylonian Lunar Theory of Mathematics in the Ancient Near edings Imhause System B East; ed. by STEELE ET AL. n A [=Alter Orient und Altes Testament: Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments [AOAT], nr 297] pp. 1-4 Münster: Ugarit-Verlag http://bibmas.topoi.org/reduced/[11.09.18, 10:30:08] [BibMAS] Bibliography of Mesopotamian Astral Science Aaboe A Swerdlo 1999 A New Mathematical Text Ancient Astronomy and Celestial @inproce w N from the Astronomical Divination; ed. by SWERDLOW edings Archive in Babylon: BM [Dibner Institute Studies in the 36849B History of Science and Technology ser.] pp. 179-186 Cambridge, MA and London: MIT Press Aaboe A [undated What every young person [no parental ref.] @unpubli ] ought to know about naked- shed eye astronomy Aaboe A 2001 Episodes From the Early [no parental ref.] @book DOI History of Astronomy. With 50 New York, Berlin, and Heidelberg: URL Figures Springer Verlag Aaboe A 2001 What Every Young Person Episodes From the Early History of @inbook DOI Ought to Know About Astronomy; by AABOE Naked-Eye Astronomy pp. 1-23 New York, Berlin, and Heidelberg: Springer Verlag Aaboe A 1984 Ancient Babylonian Archaeoastronomy: The Journal of @review URL Astronomy: Review Essay of the Center for Archaeoastronomy, Three Books by Asger Aaboe vol. 7 (1984, January) pp. 136-137 College Park, MD: Center for Archaeoastronomy, University of Maryland Aaboe A 1980 Observation and Theory in Centaurus: International Magazine @article DOI Babylonian Astronomy of the Historyof Science and Medicine, vol. 24 (1980), nr 1 pp. 14-35 Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers Aaboe A 1971 Lunar and Solar Velocities Kongelige danske videnskabernes @book URL and the Length of Lunation selskab, matematisk-fysiske Intervals in Babylonian meddelelser [KDVSMM], nr 38, 6 Astronomy Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers Aaboe A 1969 A Computed List of New Kongelige danske videnskabernes @book URL Moons for 319 B.C. to 316 selskab, matematisk-fysiske B.C. from Babylon: B.M. 40094 meddelelser [KDVSMM], nr 37, 3 Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers Aaboe A 1968 Some Lunar Auxiliary Tables Kongelige danske videnskabernes @book URL and Related Texts from the selskab, matematisk-fysiske Late Babylonian Period meddelelser [KDVSMM], nr 36, 12 Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers Aaboe A 1966 On a Babylonian Scheme for Centaurus: International Magazine @supppe DOI Solar Motion of the System of the History of Science and riodical A Variety Medicine, vol. 11 (1966), nr 3 pp. 302-303 Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers Aaboe A 1965 On Period Relations in Centaurus: International Magazine @article DOI Babylonian Astronomy of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 10 (1965), nr 4 pp. 213-231 Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers Aaboe A 1965 Some Seleucid Mathematical Journal of Cuneiform Studies [JCS], @article DOI Tables: (Extended Reciprocals and vol. 19 (1965), nr 3 URL http://bibmas.topoi.org/reduced/[11.09.18, 10:30:08] [BibMAS] Bibliography of Mesopotamian Astral Science Squares of Regular Numbers) pp. 79-86 Boston: The American Schools of Oriental Research Aaboe A 1964 A Seleucid Table of Daily Journal of Cuneiform Studies [JCS], @article DOI Solar (?) Positions vol. 18 (1964), nr 2 URL pp. 31-34 Boston: The American Schools of Oriental Research Aaboe A 1963 On a Greek Qualitative Centaurus: International Magazine @article DOI Planetary Model of the of the History of Science and Epicyclic Variety Medicine, vol. 9 (1963), nr 1 pp. 1-10 Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers Aaboe A 1960 On the Tables of Planetary Kongelige danske videnskabernes @book URL Visibility in the Almagest selskab, historisk-filosofiske and the Handy Tables meddelelser [KDVSHM], nr 37, 8 Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers Aaboe A 1958 On Babylonian Planetary Centaurus: International Magazine @article URL Theories of the History of Science and Medicine, vol. 5 (1958), nr 3-4 pp. 209-277 Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers Aaboe A 1955 On the Babylonian Origin of Centaurus: International Magazine @article DOI some Hipparchian of the History of Science and Parameters Medicine, vol. 4 (1955), nr 2 pp. 122-125 Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers Aaboe A 1991 Saros Cycle Dates and Transactions of the American @article DOI & Britton Related Babylonian Philosophical Society [TAPS], URL J & Astronomical Texts vol. 81 (1991), nr 6 Henders pp. 1-75 on J & Philadelphia: The American Neugeba Philosophical Society uer O & Sachs A Aaboe A 1979 Contributions to the Study Kongelige danske videnskabernes @book URL & of Babylonian Lunar Theory selskab, matematisk-fysiske Hamilton meddelelser [KDVSMM], nr 40, 6 N Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers Aaboe A 1975 The Babylonian Theory of Archives Internationales d’Histoire @article URL & Lunar Latitude and Eclipses des Sciences [AIHS], vol. 25 (1975, Henders According to System A December), nr 97 on J pp. 181-222 Turnhout: Brepols Aaboe A Ellis M 1977 A Text Concerning Essays on the Ancient Near East in @incollec & Huber Subdivision of the Synodic the Memory of Jacob Joel tion P Motion of Venus from Finkelstein [Fs Finkelstein]; ed. by Babylon: BM 37151 ELLIS [=Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, nr 19] pp. 1-4 Hamden, CT: Archon Books for the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences Aaboe A Taton R 1965 Qualitative Measurements in Mélanges Alexandre Koyré: Publiés @incollec & Price & Cohen Antiquity: The Derivation of à l’occasion de son soixante- tion http://bibmas.topoi.org/reduced/[11.09.18, 10:30:08] [BibMAS] Bibliography of Mesopotamian Astral Science D B Accurate Parameters from Crude dixième anniversaire, vol. 1 [of 2]: but Crucial Observations L’aventure de la science [Fs Koyré 1]; ed. by TATON ET AL. [=Histoire de la pensée, nr 12] pp. 1-20 Paris: Hermann Aaboe A 1969 Two Lunar Texts of the Centaurus: International Magazine @article DOI & Sachs Achaemenid Period from of the History of Science and A Babylon Medicine, vol. 14 (1969), nr 1 pp. 1-22 Copenhagen: Munksgaard International Publishers Aaboe A 1966 Some Dateless Computed Journal of Cuneiform Studies [JCS], @article DOI & Sachs Lists of Longitudes of vol. 20 (1966), nr 1 URL A Characteristic Planetary pp. 1-33 Phenomena from the Late- Boston: The American Schools of Babylonian Period Oriental Research Abusch Collins J 1995 Ascent to the Stars in a Death, Ecstasy, and Other Worldly @incollec URL T & Mesopotamian Ritual: Social Journeys: Essays by Men and tion Fishbane Metaphor and Religious Experience Women; ed. by COLLINS ET AL. M [SUNY Series in Religious Studies ser.] pp. 15-39 Albany, NY: State University of New York Press Adelman 1943 [Untitled] The Philosophical Review, vol. 52 @review DOI n H (1943) (1943), nr 2 URL pp. 204-205 Durham: Duke University Press Ahnert P 1990 Astronomisch- [no parental ref.] @book chronologische Tafeln für Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius Barth Sonne, Mond und Planeten (edn: 7) Airy G 1853 On the Eclipses of Philosophical Transactions of the @article URL Agathocles, Thales, and Royal Society of London [PTRSL], Xerxes vol. 143 (1853) pp. 179-200 Royal Society Aistleitne 1955 Ein Opfertext aus Ugarit (Nr. Acta Orientalia Academiae @article r J 53) mit Exkurs über Scientiarum Hungaricae kosmologische Beziehungen [ActaOrHung], vol. 5 (1955), iss. 1/2 der ugaritischen Mythologie pp. 1-23 Albani M 1994 Astronomie und Wissenschaftliche Monographien @book Schöpfungsglaube: zum Alten und Neuen Testament, Untersuchungen zum nr 68 astronomischen Henochbuch Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag Albani M 1992 Die lunaren Zyklen im 364- Mitteilungen und Beiträge der @article Tage-Festkalender von Forschungsstelle Judentum an der 4QMischmerot/4QSe Theologischen Fakultät Leipzig, vol. 4 (1992) pp. 3-47 Leipzig: Thomas-Verlag Albani M 1997 Un instrument de mesures Revue Biblique [RB], vol.
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