Inside Archbishop Buechlein . 5 Editorial . 4 The Question Corner . 15 Serving the CChurchCriterion in Centralr andi Southert n Indianae Since 1960rion Sunday and Daily Readings . 15 www.archindy.org October 24, 2003 Vol. XXXXIII, No. 4 75¢ Pope John Paul II Anniversary Archbishop asks everyone to help the Church through Called to CNS photo from Catholic Press Photo Serve campaign By Brandon A. Evans Each year, Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein reaches out to the Catholics of the archdiocese to ask for their help to keep the ministry of the local Church alive. As intention week- end for the annual Called to Serve: United Catholic Appeal and Parish Stewardship campaign approaches, the employees of the Archbishop O’Meara Catholic Center in Indianapolis offered their pledges during a luncheon on Oct. 16. The parish intention weekend will be Nov. 1-2. During October, many parishes have taught parishioners about the United Catholic Appeal by letting lay witnesses speak about stewardship, watching the 2003-04 campaign video, making financial Some 50,000 people fill St. Peter’s Square on Oct. 16 for the evening Mass marking the 25th anniversary of the election of Pope John Paul II. He accountability reports available and hosting greeted the crowd in eight languages and thanked them for the affection they’ve shown toward the “successor of Peter.” ministry fairs. The goal of the campaign is $5.3 million. Each year, the money given to the Pope prays for ‘wisdom, holiness and str ength’ United Catholic Appeal (UCA) is put to use funding the varied shared ministries and VATICAN CITY (CNS)—As the civil authorities and some 50,000 faithful release of the pope’s post-synodal doc- home missions of the archdiocese. world offered congratulations and from many countries, all of them eager to ument on the role of bishops and heart- Coupled with individual gifts of time, encouragement, Pope John Paul II cele- share the moment with the aging and frag- felt expressions of support from aver- talent and prayer, the only way for the arch- brated a 25th anniversary Mass and ile pontiff. age Catholics. diocese to continue its vital service to the prayed for the “wisdom, holiness and The Mass was an emotional high point “I’m 26 years old, and I’ve followed people of God is by gifts of treasure. strength” to keep leading the Church. of the anniversary events, which included him all my life. I see Christ in him,” Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein, The Oct. 16 liturgy in St. Peter’s a conference of cardinals and bishops dis- Rome resident Cecilia DiCarlo said addressing those at the luncheon, asked that Square brought together Church leaders, cussing the pontificate’s major themes, the with tears running down her cheeks. the whole archdiocesan family do four “He invites everyone to be Christian, things to ensure success for the Church’s The Oct. 31 issue of The Criterion will be a special commemorative edition even when it is difficult. He knows how mission. reviewing Pope John Paul II’s papacy. The issue will include many historical difficult this is for young people, and The first is to pray. photographs. The Oct. 31 newspaper also will include stories and pho- that is so special, especially from some- “We all need to grow in prayer—for our tographs in honor of Blessed Mother Teresa. one his age,” she said. own sakes, yes, but also for the sake of the See POPE, page 8 mission of Jesus.” He also asked Catholics to share their faith in word and deed. The archbishop said that parishioners Archdiocese celebrates beatification of Mother Teresa should be personal recruiters to their broth- ers and sisters for the UCA. A circular stained- By Mary Ann Wyand One of this year’s goals is to get 1,500 glass window at more families in the archdiocese to partici- St. Philip Neri “Works of love are works of peace.” pate. More than half of families do not par- Church in Those inspirational words of wisdom ticipate in the UCA. Photo by Mary Ann Wyand Photo by Mary Indianapolis is from Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta See APPEAL, page 7 reflected on the were featured on a poster with her picture glass covering a placed at the foot of the crucifix near the portrait of Blessed tabernacle during an archdiocesan Mass in Mother Teresa of her honor on Oct. 19 at St. Philip Neri Calcutta, who was Church in Indianapolis. beatified by Pope Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein was John Paul II during the principal celebrant for the Mass hon- an Oct. 19 Mass in oring Blessed Mother Teresa on World St. Peter’s Square Mission Sunday only a few hours after in Rome. Mission- Pope John Paul II beatified the Albanian aries of Charity nun during a eucharistic liturgy in Sisters, from left, St. Peter’s Square in Rome. M. Jerome, M. The former Agnes Gonxhe Bojaxhiu Danielle, M. Gaynel was born in 1910 in Skopje, Macedonia, and M. Stephena and received her calling to serve the poor assist people in and sick after experiencing a vision of the impoverished Christ, who told her, “I thirst.” She neighborhood, founded the international Missionaries of serve in parish Charity order in 1950. ministries and min- Father Carlton Beever, pastor of the ister to offenders near-east side parish, concelebrated the at the nearby archdiocesan Mass, which concluded with Indiana Women’s a recorded message from a talk given by Prison. Mother Teresa sometime before her death See MASS, page 9 Page 2 The Criterion Friday, October 24, 2003 Archdiocese celebrates excellence in Catholic schools at awards dinner By Brandon A. Evans O’Connor said that love is the first thing you notice when going into a More than 1,000 people recently gath- Catholic school. ered to honor five individuals and to hear “We must never forget our faith tradi- Rich Clark Photo by about the crucial role that Catholic educa- tion,” said Annette “Mickey” Lentz, secre- tion can play in the lives of young people. tary of Catholic Education and Faith The annual Celebrating Catholic Formation, “which teaches us that a School Values Catholic educa- Awards Dinner was tion is one that is held on Oct. 14 at filled with hope the Indiana and grace. Convention Center “We must also in Indianapolis. reflect on how Lawrence “Bo” we can serve our Connor, Msgr. students, so that Harold Knueven, prayer, morality Franciscan Sister Joan Luerman, J. Patrick and values become a part of their educa- Byrne and Michael Browning were hon- tion as well,” she said. ored for their role in the community and Quoting Psalm 127, Lentz said that for being exemplary representatives of a “ ‘Unless the Lord builds the house, then Catholic education. they are in vain who build it.’ Our schools Michael Becher, the event chair, said succeed because of the presence of the that more than $335,000 had been Lord within them, who is our builder.” raised—a record amount—and that since “Also, as Catholic educators, we the event started more than $1.3 million in believe that our culture has weaknesses in needs-based tuition assistance has been need of transformation,” she said. “We given out. He thanked all those in atten- believe that, with God’s help, our Catholic dance. schools can transform our culture and help Carolyn Woo, the Martin J. Gillen Dean of the Mendoza College of Business Administration at the “Your presence here means that you bring peace to this world.” University of Notre Dame, left of Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein, presented the keynote address at the support the excellence that is going on in And our culture can be dangerous to Celebrating Catholic School Values Awards Dinner on Oct. 14 in Indianapolis. Those honored were the Catholic schools, and that you do our youth, said Carolyn Woo, the Martin Michael Browning, back row at left, Lawrence “Bo” Connor, back row at right, and front row, from left, believe in giving low-income families J. Gillen Dean of the Mendoza College of Msgr. Harold Knueven, Franciscan Sister Joan Luerman and J. Patrick Byrne. assistance in attending Catholic schools,” Business Administration at the University Becher said. of Notre Dame, the keynote speaker for will be shaped in no small ways by the was “a little surprised” by the award, but “I believe our archdiocese is entering a the event. power of our commitment and by the way very grateful. new moment of grace,” Archbishop Daniel “Our environment is quite hostile to we care for our young people,” she said. Msgr. Knueven, retired pastor of Our M. Buechlein said. “It’s an opportunity to youth,” Woo said. “It is hostile in overt One such way to help youth, Woo said, Lady of the Greenwood Parish in cooperate with Divine Providence in con- ways: poverty, peer pressure, violence, is in the Catholic school system, which Greenwood, said that his Catholic educa- tinuing to provide the best Catholic educa- abandonment of some kind. But it is also reinforces tradition and offers young peo- tion at St. Paul School in New Alsace and tion to as many children as possible hostile in covert ways: it gives messages ple a “commons.” Saint Meinrad Seminary “has always been throughout our archdiocese. that nothing really matters except suc- “We do need a commons,” she said, “ a the opportunity for me to say yes to peo- “Scholarship assistance, you under- cess—success by any means. It gives a place where we can all gather, a place ple and to be available to them whenever stand, will be absolutely vital to our mis- sense to young people: Can you really where we live shared values, a place were they were in need, and I will continue to sion in this ‘new moment,’ and so I thank count on anyone? Is there really hope? we care for each other, a place where we do that until my dying day.” you and I ask for your continued involve- “The entertainment industry creates a continuously define who we are and what Sister Joan, pastoral associate of ment and your continued support of this culture, believe it or not, of isolation, and we believe in by what we change and St.
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