OMB No. 10246018 Gnited States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES REGISTRATION FORM This fbrm s for use m nomlnatmg or requesting detetmmations for individual properhw and dlsticts, See insmctions in How to Complete the National Regi&r of Historic Places Rtgismon Fm(Nariod Register Bullctia 16A). Complete ach lkm by mhg"x" m the appropriate box or by entermg tbc informanon requested. liany Item docs not apply to the pmpen king documented, enter TtG" for "not appticahle." For hnff ions, architccml classification, materials, and areas of sign~ficance,enter only categories and subcategories Born the iashuctinm. Place additional cnkies and nmnvc rfms nn contin~~ationsheets WPS Form 10-900~1).Use a tTrpcwrlter, word processor, or computer, to complete all !terns. 1. Name of Property historic name Church Hill North Historic District IBoundarv Increase) other nameslsite number DHR File # 3 27-820 2. Location stree.t & number 800 Black N. 25'%t., 700-1300 Blocks N. 26'"t., 800-7300 Blocks N. 27'" St,, 100-1300 Block N. 2gthSt., 100. 1200 blocks N. 2gthSt., Z 00 Block N. 2om,31 " & 32* Sts.. 2500-2600 Blocks Cedar & 0 St%, 2500-3100 blocks P St,, 2600-3100 Blocks Q St. Not for publication N/A city or town R~chmond vicinity NIA state Virsinia codex county Richmond (Independent Citv) code 760 Zip 23226 3. Statfledera1 Agency Certification As the designated authority underthe National Historic Preservation Act of 1986, as amended, 1 hereby certify that this X nomination -request for determination of eligibility meets the documentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets the procedural and pmfe-ional requirements set forth in 36 CFR P&rt 60. In my opinion, the property X meets -does not meet ethe National Register Criteria. I recommend that this property be considered significant -nationally statewide -X- 1ocalIy. ( -See continuation sh#t for additional comments.) &nia ~e~art.Aeniof,Historic -Resources, Smle clr Federat agency and bureau In my opinion, the property meets- does not meet the National Register criteria. ( See continuation sheet for additional comments.) Signature of commenting or other official Date State or Federal agency and bureau 4. National Park Service Certification I, hereby certiQ that this propem is: -other (explain): -entered in the National Register -See continuation sheet. -determined eligible for the National Register -See continuation sheet. Signatme of Keeper -determined not eligible for the National Register -removed hmthe Kational Register Date of Action En,", -1 NMleotPmprty -pdRopcty UwwdRaPrty Hnbrd-vAhInR~prty (Checkasmany boxesasapply) (Checkoniy one box) (Do nu inchde praviarsly listad re- in the ~3unt) private building(s) 286 23 buildings prblic-local H district sites El publicstate site &lucWes pbliefederal sall~cture obi- object 286 23 Total Name of related multlple properly lirtlng Nunbar deon(rfbuUngiwources pnvloualy llated (Entet "WA" if property is not pad of a multiple property listing.) In tha N.tkrul RagI-r 6. Function or Uae Hiatorlc Functions cumant Funtlonr (Enter categories fmm i-ons) (Marcatapries from instructions) 00 MESTIC: side dwelllm. multide Mllm COMMERCUTRADE: soedaltv store COMMWCEITRADE: sDedaltv store SOCIAL: rneetirta hell SOCI& meetim hall TRANSPORTATION: raildated TRANSPORTATION: dl-related ArchimlCls.rMmlIon M.mrlrk (Entetcategoriesfrom instructions) (Enter cat-es from Insbudim) Grsek Rwival fandatial BRICK ltalianate dls WOOD: Weatherboard . Second Emure BRICK Queen Anne md OTHER: Standim Seam Colonial Revival ather NIA Art Deco Nuntlva Daaulption (Desaibe the histaic and cumnt condtlal d the pperty on an, a mas amUnuaUon sheets) Church Hill North (Boundarv increase) Richmond (Indepmdent Citv). VA Name of Fnydy CoUntymldSta 8. Statement of Sioniflcance Applicable National Register Qiterla hasofslgnlficanw (Mark 'Y' in one w more boxes forthe criten'a qualifying the (Mer categories from in~trudiotx) property fw National Register listing) ARCHITECTURE A Property is associated with events that have made ETHNIC HERITAGE: BLACK a significant contribution to the bmad patterns of RELIGION our history. TRANSPORTATION B ~ropertyIS associated dth the lives of persons significant in our pasl C Property embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction or represents the HlWk of a master, a possessas high artistic values, or represents a significant and Modof Slgnlficanw distinguishable entity Was mmponents 1ooO-1840 lack Individual distincticn. D Property has yielded, a is likely to yield, information importent in phistory or history. , slgliiicant mtes Criterla Co~ldentions 1884 (Mark 'X'in all the boxes that apply.) 1gYJ Roperty is slgliftcant Person A owed by a religiws inwonor used for (Complete if Criterion B is marked above) religiaus prposas. B removed fmm its original location. C a birthplace or a grave. CIllhrrl Amlktion D acemetery. aACK E a reconstruded buiidirrg, object, or stmu-e. F ammmemorative~. ArrhitlctlBullder G lass than 50 yean of age or achieved signfflcance Levl Wn. T. Wlev Davis. vvithin the pest 50 yems. Bhd Bailev Fuman. Wlllam C. Ndand. Chatles Thaddeus Russell. EMF. Sind Narrative Statement of Slg~lflCmm (Explain the significance of the pqmly on one or more continuation StIWtS.1 9. Malor BiblioanDhical Referonas Bibliography (Cite the books, articles, and other sources used in preparing this fam on one or more continuation sheets.) Revlous docum~onon ilk (NPS) Rhuy Loc8uon of Additiorvl Data preliminery determinetion of individuel listing (38 State Historic Preservation 0ff1c.e CFR 67) has been requeatsd. Otherstateagency previously listed in Me Nalional Register Federel agency previously determined elable by the National Register ~ocelgovernment designated a Nationel HimLendmatic University retided by Historic American Buildings Swey other # Named mpitay : recorded by Histaic America Engineering Record church Hill North (Boundaw Increase) Richmond (Inde~endedCity). VA Name of Property ~ountyand stae IO. Geoora~hicalData Acreage of Property A~!JrO~imateiv37 acres UTM References (Place additional UMre(eremm on a cDntinuatnn sha) 1 -18 . 286.640 4,156,700 3- 18 286.700 4.156.940 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 2 -18 286,640 4.156.860 4- 18 287.130 4.157.360 -X See mntinuatim sheet. Verbal Boundary Description (Describe the baundanen of th. pmpaty on a antinubon sheet) Boundary Justification (Gplain why the hmdwias mra sddd on a cmfinwtb shd) II. Form Pre~aredBv namehitle Kimberlv Merkel Chen organization Kirnberlv M. Chen 8 Assodates. Inc. date 28 June 1999 street 8 number 2701 East Broad Street telephone 804-225-9560 city or tm Richmond state VA zipcode 23223 Additional Documentation Suoml the follmng tans urth thm uwnpldd form Continuation Sheets Maps A USGS map (7.5 or 15 minute series) indicating the poperty's location. A Sketch map for historic districts and pmperties hamlarge acreage or numerous reswrces. Photographs Representative black and white photographs of the puperty. Additional items (Check with the SHPO a FPO fa any dditbf'al tom) Pro~ertvher (CMIDMe. this im .t the muad ofthe SHPO or FPO.) name See comdeted Obmer of Record form and attached mailina labels street 8 number telephone city or tow state zip code Papmork Reduction Ad Sdmm Thb infcwmlh b mng cokted formto the N~UWIRsgirta of HbtkP*sa to nominate propaim (orlisti~~wdaamin.&itilWfalIlstlm,toW~m.mdtoemndgd.tm~Raspnsstothi.rag&isnqrJndtooWnabamffin ffiwrdaica VA~the N&I Hktorlc p&rati& Ad,a lmanded (16 U.S.C. habq.). EstlrnUdBurdsnSUetn~PUhk~apoNnOburdnforW.(onnb-babmg0181 lwaparrmpmwlnc*dingthmtmsfu-ng Insfrudm, plMsnng and nmirtsimng data. and comg*bng and mwwlng (ha ha Wad canman rqrdmngthm hndm a any 8- of this lonn to the Chd. Admm- SarAcr amlon. Nalbml Rrk SrrCe.Pa Bom27,7.1~. DC 200(37127, and the Omee d Ma~gaMn(and Budgd. Papmurk Red- Pmled (lCQ4Xn8). Waahmn#m 0'2 2D6C11 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Section number 7 Page 1 Church Hill North (Boundary Increase) Richmond, VA (Independent City) SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The Church Hill North National Register Historic District, listed 5 September 1997, covers a twenty-fiveblock area in Richmond's east end. The district is bounded, approximately, on the north and northwest by M Street and Jefferson Avenue, on the east by North 2QmStreet, and on the south by the adjacent St. John's Church Historic District. The district has more than 500 buildings constructed from the midnineteenth to the early-twentieth wntury. The National Register Nomination report states, The scale and materials used throughout Church Hill North are consistent, while the styles vary enough that no one style of architechre dominates. Federal, Greek Revival, Italianate, Second Empire. Stick, Queen Anne. Classical Revival, Colonial Revival and Art Deco styles exist side by side in a compatible manner. The similarity of setbacks and landscaping gives a natural and harmonious rhythm to the neighbahood." The district exqansion continues this theme of similar building scale and materials, with a blending of architectural styles, and harmonious streetscapes. The expansion is mughly bounded on the west by North 2S" Street, on the north by T Street, on the east by @ Street, and on the south by the adiacent Church Hill North HistoricDistrid Theboundary increasecontains 288 buildings, twenty-three of which are noncontributing, and
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