![INDEX of NAMES (Narrative)](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
INDEX OF NAMES (Narrative) AGUSTI ELGUERO, Vicente (ar- BAGNALL, Thomas (cf. Register chitect) : 254. V-6): 133, 139, 142, 148-9, 153-4. ALBA, Duke of (Spanish noble- BARRENECHEA, Francisco (college man): 68-71, 74, 121, 136. servant): 83n. ALBERT, Archduke of Austria: 21. BASTARDO, Luciano (college ser- ALBORNOZ, Cardinal : 33. vant): 265. ALEIXANDRE, Manuel (jeweller) : BENEDICT XIV, Pope ( 1740-58) : 255n. 50. ALFONSO XII, King of Spain BENNETT, George (Bishop of (1875-85): 213, 215, 224. Aberdeen, 1918-46) : 90n, 265-6. ALFONSO XIII, King of Spain BERMINGHAM, Wflliam (rector, (1886-1931): 263-4, 273. Irish College): 113. ALLEN, Charles (rector, English BERMUDEZ (confessor of Philip College, Valladolid): 220n, 221, V): 41. 224-5. BISLETI, Gaetano (Cardinal Pre- ALMERIA, Bishop of: 121. fect, Congregation of Seminaries ALONSO, Francisco (college bene- and Universities) : 259n, 262. factor): 236. BLACK, James (Bishop of Paisley, ALTICOZZI, Lorenzo, S. J. (rector, 1948-68): 275, 278n. Scots College, Rome): 50. BLACKHALL, George Ignatius, S. J. ALVAREZ GAL'LEGO, Emflio (rec- (cf. Register 11-3): 36. tor, Santuario National) : 279n. BLANCO, Federico de (cf. Register AMADEO I, King of Spain' (1870- VIII-13): 253, 255, 258, 264. 73): 183, 212. BOBADILLA. Juan Fernhndez de AMBASSADOR, British, in Madrid : (college administrator) : 25, 28-9, 39, 167, 185. 31. AMBASSADOR, Spanish, in Lon- BONAPARTE, Joseph Napoleon I, don: 18x1, 47, 49, 53-4, 57-8, 66, 71. King of Spain (1808-14): 160-1, ANDERSON, James, S. J. (rector, 165-6. 1665-92): 38-9. BONAPARTE, Napoleon: 160, 162. ARANDA, Count of (President, BORROW, George (author and Council of Castile): 44, 66, 121. evangelist): 194. ASTURIAS, Princess of (later BOURDALOUE, Louis, S. J. (prea- Queen Maria Luisa): 134. cher and orator): 42. Index (Narrative) BOYLE, Daniel P. (rector, 1960-65) : CANTERAC, Lieut.-Gen. C C s a r 276, 277n, 279. Jose: 256n. BREMNER, John (cf. Register VI- CANTERAC, Countess of: 205. 6): 172. CARAFFA, Vincentius, S. J. (father BRINGAS, Francisco de (cf. Regis- general, 1646-49) : 36n. ter VIII-6): 169, 180. CARLOS, P.. S. J. (Hugh Semple's BRINGAS, Francisco Antonio de companion) : 28. (cf. Register VIII-5): 147, 156, CARRUTHERS, Andrew (V. A., 168-9, 177. Eastern District, 1833-52) : 185-6, BROCKIE, Thomas (priest in 197-8, 211. Scotland): 127. CASCAJARES, A n t o n i o Maria BURGESS, Marjory (mother of (Cardinal Archbishop of Valla- John Geddes, rector) : 49-50. dolid): 82n. BURGOS, Bishop of: 122. CASHEL, Archbishop of: 24. BURNS, Peter (cf. Register V-25): CASTEL RODRIGO Y ALMONA- 250-1. CID, Marquis of, Count of Pro- BURNS, Robert (poet): 124. Vera: 29n. BUSTAMANTE, Angel de (Inten- CATHCART, Catherine (college dente-Corregidor, Valladolid) : 75, benefactress) : 39. 78-9, 82, 85, 88, 97, 135. CATHCART, William (Governor of Gerona, father of preceding) : 39n. CHALLONER, Richard (V. A., CABALLOS GUERRA, Pedro (Nea- London District, 1758-81): 47, 57. politan ambassador, Madrid) : CHARLES 11, King of Spain (1665- 157. 1700): 38. CALAHORRA, Bishop of: 14711. CHARLES 111, King of Spain (1759- CAMERON, Alexander I (rector, 88): 44, 53, 57, 61-2, 66, 73-4, 79, 1'780-98; bishop, 1798-1828) : 72, 98-9, 107-8, 116, 121-2, 128x1, 130, 76, 112, 116, 119-21, 127-51 137-8, 263. passim, 153-5, 157-60, 163-5, CHARLES IV, King of Spain (1788- 168-9, 171-3, 175, 177, 180, 183-4, 223, 272. 1808): 68, 138, 147-8, 153, 157, 160. CAMERON, Alexander I1 (rector, CHISHOLM, Aeneas (Bishop of Aberdeen, 1899-1918) : 201. 1810-33 ; cf. Register VI-30) : 116, 134x1, 150-1, 154, 157, 159-62, CHISHOLM, Angus/Aeneas (cf. 163-81 passim, 183-4. Register VI-18 ; bishop, 1805-18) : CAMERON, James (father of 133, 135x1, 137, 150. Alexander dameron I): 127. CHISHOLM, John (V. A., Highland CAMERON, John (rector, 1833-73) : District, 1792-1814) : 164. 171-2, 179, 183-209 passim, 211-3, CHRISTIE, William, S. J. (mission- 217, 219, 221, 242, 259. ary in Scotland): 34n, 35. CAMPBELL, Donald A. (Archbishop CICOGNANI, Gaetano, Archbishop of Glasgow, 1945-63): 275, 277. (nuncio in Spain): 27411. CAMPBELL, Lieut. James (husband CLAPPERTON, James (cf Register of following): 70. V-11): 194-5, 197, 203. CAMPBELL, Mother (Visitation CLERK, William, S. J. (rector. nun): 70, 99, 121, 140. 1721-26): 41-3. CAMPOMANES, Pedro Rodriguez, COLGRAVE, Andrew (cf. Register afterwards Count of (jurist and 111-60): 41. statesman): 67-8, 71, 73-5, 106, COLONNA, Marcantonio, Cardinal: 108, 113, 118, 133-4, 140. 153. CAMPOMANES, Countess of: 205. COMPOSTELA, Archbishop of: 98n. The Scots College in Spain CONNOUY, James (rector, 1940- ENSENADA, Marques de la (Span- 52): 259-61, 267-9, 271-8 passim, ish statesman) : 70n. 279. ESPETIUS ANDUAGA, Jose (ar- CORTS, Fernando, S. J. (rector, chitect) : 254. 1711-14): 40n. EYRE, Charles (V. A, Western COWIE, John (rector, 1873-79): 188, District, 1869-78; Archbishop of 195, 199, 201, 203, 206, 207n, 208-9, Glasgow, 1878-1902) : 190, 206-7, 211-21 passim, 223-4, 245. 217-8, 220, 227-8, 231, 235. CRISTINA, Queen Regent: see Ma- ria Cristina. CRONIN, Francis (cf. Register V- 27): 251, 259. FARNESE, Alessandro, Duke of CRUZ, Daniel de la (professor, Va- Parma: see Parma, Duke of. lladolid seminary) : 250. FARNESE, Isabel (wife of Philip CUADRA Y AVELZANEDA, Maria V): 41. Ana de la, Sra. de Pifia del Valle FARQUHARSON, J ohn (rector, de Esgueva: 81. Scots College, Douai) : 145. CUNNINGHAME GRAHAM. Robert FERDINAND "THE CATHOLIC", (author and traveller): 233. King (1474-1516) : 130. FERDINAND VI, King of Spain (1746-59) : 121n. FERDINAND VII, King of Spain DALRYMPLE, Sir John (Scottish (1814-33) : 160-1, 167, 175-6, 179- advocate and judge): 117. 80, 183-4. DALRYMPLE, William (wine mer- FERNANDEZ, Michela (mother of chant): 100. founder's son?): 29n. D'ARRET, Joseph Vincent (cf. FERTOIS, Countess of (descendant Register V-(6a)): 139. of founder?): 177. DAVIDSON, John (cf. Register VI- FIFE, Thomas, S. J. (rector, 1714- 29): 134n. 17): 40, 43. DAWSON, Andrew (cf. Register VI- FLANAGAN, Philip (rector, 1952- 23): 133. 60): 25911, 277-9. DAWSON, James J. (cf. Register FLORIDABLANCA, Count (Spanish VI-199) : 230-1, 251n. statesman): 106, 137, 161. DAWSON, William (cf. Register FORBES, John (cf. Register VI- VI-186): 252n. 58): 171-2. DELANY, Thomas (shipping agent, FOUNTAIN, Charles (cf. Register Oporto): 11611, 163. 111-32): 44. DOHERTY, John (cf. Register V- FRANCO, Francisco, Head of 20): 231, 234. Spanish State (1936- 1: 269, 278n. DONALD (William Semple's ser- in vant); 26. FRASER, Charles (priest DUQUESNOY, Charlotte (wife of Scotland): 126. Francis Semple) : 29n. FRASER, William (cf. Register VI- 47; later a bishop in Canada): 157. FUENTE, Luis de la, S. J. (cf. Register 1-(6a)) : 38. EASSON, Donald (cf. Register VI- 228): 237, 238n. EDGAR, Agnes (mother of James Humble) : 249. GANDASEGUI, Remigio (Archbls- ELIZABETH, Queen of England hop of Valladolid): 263, 273. (1588-1603) : 21. GARAIGORTA Y LECANDA, Juan Index (Narrative) de (cf. Register VIII-9): 180, 189. GORDON, John (father of John GARCIA Y GARCIA, Antonio Gordon, rector) : 153. (Archbishop of Valladolid): 274, GORDON, John (rector, 1798-1810) : 279. 102-6, 111, 116, 118-9, 120n, 128- GARCIA GOLDARAZ, Jose (Arch- 42, 145-51, 153-62 passim, 163-4. bishop of Valladolid): 27911. GORDON, John (cf. Register VI-17; GARCIA MANSO, Manuel (cf. nephew of John Geddes): 125-6. Register VIII-10) : 189. GORDON, John (John Baptist) (cf. GARCIA MANSO, Mariano (cf. Register V-1): 58, 72, 74, 77, 85-6, Register VIII-11): 190, 220, 225. 93-6, 99, 102, 106, 110, 112, 122, GARDEN, Robert (cf. Register VI- 141. 64): 173. GORDON, Margaret (sister of John GEDDES, Alexander (Scottish Gordon, rector) : 153. priest, kinsman of John Geddes) : GORDON, Robert (brother of John 53, 56. Gordon, rector): 153. GEDDES, John (father of follow- GORDON, William (cf. Register ing): 49. VI-81): 188. GEDDES, John (rector, 1771-80; GOTTI, Gerolamo Maria, 0. D. C., bishop, 1780-99) : 42n, 49-126 (Cardinal Prefect, Congregation passim, 127-9, 131, 132x1, 134n, of Propaganda Fide): 241-2 135-42, 145-6, 148, 153, 163, 249, GOURLAY, R o b e r t (founder's 26211, 280-1. jailer) : 20n. GENERAL, Father, Society of GRANT, Alexander (rector, Scots Jesus: 30, 34-40, 42-3. College, Rome) : 202. GIL, Alonso (Alcalde of Boecillo) : GRANT, Alexander G. (cf. Register 174. VI-86): 132n, 178. GILLIS, Angus (cf. Register VI-84): GRANT, James (V. A., Lowland 178. District, 1767-78): 4211, 48, 52-4, GILLIS, James (V. A., Eastern 56-7, 83, 84n, 98, 104, 115, 126. District, 1852-64) : 201n. GRANT, Kenneth (Bishop of Argyll GODOLPHIN, William (ambassador and the Isles, 1946-59): 275. in Madrid): 39. GODOY, Manuel (Spanish states- GRANT, Peter (Scottish agent in man): 160. Rome): 69-70, 77, 83, 95, 99, 102, 115-6, 117n, 119. GODSMAN, Alexander (priest in Scotland); 49. GRANT, Robert (principal, Scots GOOLD, John (Carron Co. agent, College, Douai): 48-9, 53-4, 58, El Ferrol): 105. 69, 72, 83-4, 95, 99, 102. GORDON, Adam, S. J. (rector 1655- GRANT, William, S. J. (rector, 56): 33-7. 1659-65): 37-8. GORDON, Arthur (wine merchant) : GRAY, Gordon J. (Archbishop of 100, 116. St. Andrews and Edinburgh, GORDON, Charles (nephew of 1951- ; Cardinal, 1969): 277, John Geddes; priest in Scotland) : 282. 125-6, 194n, 197. GRIMALDO, Marquis of (Spanish GORDON, James (V. A. of Scot- minister of foreign affairs): 58, land, 1718-46): 52. 66, 106. GORDON, Jean (sister of John GUTHRIE, William (priest in Scot- Gordon, rector): 153. land): 49-51. GORDON, John (principal, Scots GUZMAN, Gaspar de, Count of College, Paris): 48-9, 53, 58-9, 72. Olivares: see Olivares, Count of.
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