NEWSPAPERS POST OFFICE LOKDON 2400 LONDON NE"\VSPAPERS. DAJ:LY PAPERS. Glasgow Herald, f\5 Fleet street E C GlaRgow News, 47 Fleet street E C Daily Morning Papers. Irish Times, 153 Fleet street E C The Times, Playhouse yard E C ; Printing house square, Leeds Mercury, 65 Fleet street E C Blackfriars E C & 162 Queen Victoria Rtreet E C Liverpool Courier, 4 Ludgate circus E C ~lorning Advertiser, 127 Fleet street E C ; C. K. Crouch, City Liverpool Daily Post, advert. office, 1:10 Fleet street E C correspondent, 75 Old Broad street E C Liverpool .Journal of Commerce, 4 Warnford court E C Morning Post, 12 Wellington street, Strand WC; City office, Liverpool MHil, HH Fleet street E C l<~xchange chambers, Change alley E C Manchester Courier, HH Fleet street E C Public Ledger, 6 St. Dunstan' s alley, St. Dunstan 's hill E C }Janchcster Evening Mail, Hll I<'lePt street E C Daily News, 19, 20 & 21 Bouverie st E C ; advert. office, 67 Manchester J<~xaminer & Times, 61 J<'leet street E C Fleet st E C ; City office, 4 Royal Exchan~c building-s E C Manchester Guardian, 9 Northumberland street, Strand WC Daily 'felegraph, 78, 135, 136, 137 & 141 J<'leet street E C; City Newcastle Chronicle, 22 Essex street, Strand WC; & Chronicle office, 10 Old Broad street E C buildings, Westgate road, 1"\ewcastle-nn-Tyne. See advert Standard, 103, 104 & 105 Shoe lane E C ; City offices, :l1 Thread­ N eweastle Daily.Tournal, 169 Fleet street E C. 1'lee advertisement needle street E C ; advertisement office. 2:3 St. Bride st E C North British Daily ~[ail, 191 Fleet street E C , Daily Chronicle, Daily Chronicle buildings, Fleet st E C & Nottingham Daily Guardian, 2 Whitefriars street E C Myddelton house, 1\fyddelton st E C ; City office, 1 i{oyal N otl;ingham Evening Post, 2 Whitefriars street E C Exchange buildings E C ; branch, 2:39 Shoreditch High st E People'sJournal Newspaper& Acivtsmnt.Offices,l45Fleet stE C Financier (The), editorial offices, 2 Royall<Jxchange buildings Scotsman (The), 45 I<'leet street E C E C ; publishino- office, 85 Gracechureh street E C Sheffield Independent, 5 Austin friar~ E C Lloyd's List (shipping intelligence) & Commercial Daily ShieldsDailyNews(Whitecross& Yorke, proprs.), North Shield~ Chronicle, 38 Hoyal Exchange E C . Staffordshire Sentinel, advertisement office, 84 Fleet street E C D11.ily Recorder of Commerce, 65A, Leaden hall street E C Sunderland Echo, 161 Strand WC Situation & London Advertiser, 1,45 Cheapside E C 'l'ynesicie Echo, 161 Strand WC Post Office Daily List, 14 Bartholomew close E C York Daily Herald, York; the county paper; larg-est circula­ Morning Shipping List, 28 Bishopsgate street within E C tion & the best advertising medium in the nortttern countid, Dornbusch's Floating Cargoes List, South Sea house E C London office, 161 Strand WC ·Sportsman, Boy court, Ludg-ate hill E C Yorkshire Post, 80 Fleet street E C Daily Index, 75 Fleet street E C Ships Loading & Dock Directory, 1 Talbot court E C Cuckoo (Tile), 16\J Fleet street E C WEEKLY AND OTHER PAPERS. Daily Evening Papers. Aberdeen Herald & WP-ekly Free Press, Benson's chambers, Globe, 367 Strand WC & Burleigh street WC; City office, 30 62 Ludgate hill E C, Saturday Cornhill E C Academy, 52 Carey Rtreet WC, ~'riday Pall :llall Gazette, 2 Northumberland street, Strand WC; City Accountant, 5 Adelaide place E C, ::laturclay office, St. Andrew's house, Change alley E C Adelaide Observer (WP.ekly), office for adverts. 131 Fleet stE C Shipping & Mercantile Gazette, 54 Graeechurch street E C Advertiser (London, Canada), 1:!1 Fleet str~<et E C Standard, 103, 104 & 105 Shoe lane E C; City offices, 31 'I' bread­ African 'l'imes ('l'he), 121 Fleet street E C, 1st of each month needle street E C & 5 Cowper's court, Corn hill E C ; advertise­ Agrieultural Economist, 3 Plough court, Fetter la"ll.C E C, 1st of ment office, 2:3 St. Bride st E C eaeh month Echo, 22 Catherine street, Strand WC ; City office, 1 Royal Agricultural Gazette, 7 Catherine street, StrR.nd WC, Monday l<Jxchange buildings E C AllPn'E! Indian 1\'lail & Official Gazette, 13 Waterloo place S ,,v, London Daily Stock & Share List, 10 Warnford court E C on the arrival of the Brindlsi Mail li~vening Report (except Saturday), 6 St. Duns tan's alley E C Alliance News. 13 Fleet street E C, I<'riday National Press Journal, 13 Whitetriars street E C American GasLight .Tournal,22Buckingham stWC ,Fortnightly l<Jvening Corn Trade List, 28 Bishopsgate street within E C American Settler, 127 Strand WC, Saturday Dornbusch's Floating Cargoes I,ist, l:;outh Sea house E C American Traveller, 4 Lang-ham place W, Saturday Daily Commercial J{eport, 21 Cull urn street E C Ang-lo-Amcrican Grocer, 2 Dorset buildings, Salisbury square St. J ames 's Gazette, 13 Angel et E C &Dorset st.Whitefriars E C E C. Saturday Evening News, &:3 Farringdon street E C Anglo-American Times, 127 Strand WC, Saturday Architect (The), 175 Strand WC, Friday Argm & Australasian (Melbourne), 80 Fleet street E C LONDON OFFICES OF FOREIGN & COLONIAL DAILY PAPERS. Argus&Borough of Hackney Liberal,14 Pollard's row, Beth­ Advertiser (London, Canada), 131 l<'leet street E C nal green road E, Saturday Age (Melbourne), advertisement office, 131 Fleet street E C Army & Navy Gazette, 16 Wellington st. Strand WC, Saturday Argus (Melbourne), 80 Fleet street E C Art Journal; editorial office, 29! City road E C ; publishing Cape Times, 131 Fleet street E C office, 26 Ivy lane E C, 1st of every month Evening M:ail (Melbourne), London office, 80 Fleet street E C Artist & Journal of Home Culture, 185 Fleet street E C, 1st ot Galignani's Messenger, 16S Strand WC each month Globe (Toronto), office, 151 Fleet street E C Athen~um, 20 Wellington street, Strand WC, Saturday La Cite, 74 Old Broad street E C Australasian (.Uelbourne), London otliec, 80 l<'leet st E C, i)at La l'resse, 55 Berners street W Australian Circular, 69 & 70 Ethelburga hO'lRP E C Le JHoniteur Universe!, 1 Castle street, Holborn E C Australian & New Zealand Gazette, 29 Bow lane E C, Saturday New York Herald, 46 Fleet street E C Avalanche (The), 12 York street, Covent garden WC, middle uf New York Tribune, 26 Bedford street, Covent garden WC the month Shen Pao (Chinese), Gray's inn chambers, 20 High Ho! born WC Bankrupt Weekly Gazette (Perry's), 26 & 27 Bush laneE C, Sat South Australian Hegister, ad vert. office, 1311<'leet street E C Baptist ('fhe), 61 Paternoster row E C, I•'riday Sydney Morning Herald, 8 George yard, Lombard street E C Bazaar & Exchange& Uart, 170 Strand WC, 1\fon. Wed. & Fri Bell's Life in London, 9 Catherine street, Strand WC, Sat , , , . Bell's ·weekly Messenger, 26 Catherine st. Strand WC ,Monday Journal General d Affiches (Petltes Affiches), rue Jean .Jacques 1 Bermondsey & Rotherhithe Advertiser & Southwark Record Rousseau41, l'aris (l<'~~Il:ce). JudiCJal & legal advertisem~n~s 51 Parker's row, Doekhead SE, Saturday ' & general notices. lhts s~ecml newspa~er (whose ongm Bicycling News, 18 York street, Covent garden WC, Friday da~es b~ek to ,16~2) of all kmds of advertisements a~pears BieyclingTimes, East Temple chmbrs. Wilitefriars st E C, 'fhurs ~atly. Subseriptwns :-Abroad, 1 ye~~:r, 56 fr.; halt-year, Bird O'l<'reedom, 5'l Fleet st:reet E C, \Vcdnesday 29 fr. 5.0; quarter, 16 _fr.; 1 mo~tth, 7 fr.; 1 copy, 30 ~en~s. Bondholders' Reg-ister, 2 Royal Exchange bldgs E C; publish­ InsertiOns :-25 centtrues p. !me. Address, post patd, m ino-offices 85 Graceehurch st E C ·2nd &HhTues.in each month l<'rench, Eug1me Lambert, man. Rue .J . .J. Rousseau41, Paris Book~eller, l2 Warwick lane E C, '1st of each month LONDON OFFICES Ol" PROVINCIAL DAILY PAPERS. Boot & Sho~ 'l'rades Journal, 282 Strand_WC, 'fhurs.&Monthly Borough ot Hackney Express & Shoredttch Observer, 299 Old Aberdeen Journal, 47 Fleet street E C street E C. l<'riday Birmingham Daily Post, 138 Fleet street E C Boys' Newspaper, 172 Strand WC, Tuesday Bradford Chronicle & }!ail, 161 Strand WC Brewers' Guardian, 5 Bond court E C, alternate Tuesdays Bradford Observer(l<Jdwd. Herbert,city editor),5Austinfriars E C Brewers' Journal ('l'he) & Hop & Malt Trades l{eview, 17:i Dailyl<'reePress(Aberdeen),Benson's chmbrs.62 Ludgate hl E C Strand WC, 15th of each month Daily J{eview (Edinburgh), 153 Fleet street E C . British Architect & Northern l~ngineer, 144 Fleet st E C, Friday Devon Evening Express,27 Imperial bldngs, Ludgate circus E C British & Colonial Printer & Stationer, 26 Imperial buildings, Dublin Evening 'l'elegraph, 211 Strand WC Ludg-ate circus E C, 1st & 16th of each month Dublin Freeman's Journal, 211 Strand WC British & Foreig-n Confectioner & Trade Heview, 14 St. l\Iary Dundee Advertiser, H5 J<'leet street E C. See advertisement Axe E C, monthly Dundee Courier & Argus, Dundee, N.B; & East 'l'emplecham- British Journal of Photog-raphy, 2York st.Covent grdn WC, l<'ri bers, Whitefriars street, Fleet street E C British Mail & Journal of the Chambers of Commerce,40 Cilan­ Dundee Evening 'l'elegraph .Kewspaper & Advertisement cery lane WC, first of each month Offices, 145 Fleet street E C. See advertisement British Medical Journal, 161A, 8trand WC, Friday J<:dmburgh Courant, 47 I<'leet street E C British Mercantile Gazette, 108 Fleet street E C, l<'riday Edinburgh Evening Express, 47 Fleet street E C British 'l'rade J ournal('fhe), ;~Cannon st E C, lot of each month Evening Citizen (Glasgow), 2 Whitefriars street E C Broad Arrow, 2 'Yaterloo place SW, tiaturuay Glasgow Evening Times, 65 Fleet street E C Builder, 46 Catherine street WC,l<'riday .
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