VOLUME 23 NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 2010 AMERICANMATHEMATICALSOCIETY EDITORS Weinan E Sergey Fomin Gregory Lawler Tom Mrowka Karl Rubin Terence Tao ASSOCIATE EDITORS Noga Alon Alexei Borodin Robert L. Bryant Emmanuel Candes Sun-Yung Alice Chang Brian Conrad Pavel I. Etingof Mark Goresky Christopher Hacon Peter Kronheimer Elon Lindenstrauss Jacob Lurie Haynes R. Miller Assaf Naor Sorin T. Popa Thomas Scanlon Freydoon Shahidi Karen Vogtmann Avi Wigderson Lai-Sang Young PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND USA ISSN 0894-0347 Available electronically at www.ams.org/jams/ Journal of the American Mathematical Society This journal is devoted to research articles of the highest quality in all areas of pure and applied mathematics. Submission information. See Information for Authors at the end of this issue. Publisher Item Identifier. The Publisher Item Identifier (PII) appears at the top of the first page of each article published in this journal. 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Postmaster: Send address changes to Journal of the AMS, American Mathematical Society, 201 Charles Street, Providence, RI 02904-2294 USA. c 2010 by the American Mathematical Society. All rights reserved. This journal is indexed in Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt MATH, Science Citation Index , Science Citation Index TM–Expanded, ISI Alerting Services SM, CompuMath Citation Index ,andCurrent Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences. This journal is archived in Portico. Printed in the United States of America. ∞ The paper used in this journal is acid-free and falls within the guidelines established to ensure permanence and durability. 10987654321 151413121110 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY CONTENTS Vol. 23, No. 4 October 2010 David Ben-Zvi, John Francis, and David Nadler, Integral transforms and Drinfeld centers in derived algebraic geometry ................... 909 Mark Kisin, Integral models for Shimura varieties of abelian type . 967 A. Klemm, D. Maulik, R. Pandharipande, and E. Scheidegger, Noether-Lefschetz theory and the Yau-Zaslow conjecture . 1013 Shih-Hsien Yu, Nonlinear wave propagations over a Boltzmann shock profile ............................................................... 1041 Yukinobu Toda, Curve counting theories via stable objects I. DT/PT correspondence ...................................................... 1119 Peter Symonds, On the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of the cohomology ring of a group ...................................................... 1159 Volker Runde, B(`p) is never amenable .................................. 1175 Valentino Tosatti and Ben Weinkove, The complex Monge-Amp`ere equation on compact Hermitian manifolds ........................... 1187 INDEX TO VOLUME 23 (2010) Adamczak, Rados law, Alexander E. Litvak, Alain Pajor, and Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann. Quan- titative estimates of the convergence of the empirical covariance matrix in log-concave en- sembles, 535 Ben-Zvi, David, John Francis, and David Nadler. Integral transforms and Drinfeld centers in derived algebraic geometry, 909 Berestycki, Henri, Fran¸coisHamel, and Nikolai Nadirashvili. The speed of propagation for KPP type problems. II: General domains, 1 Bertrand, Daniel, and Anand Pillay. A Lindemann-Weierstrass theorem for semi-abelian vari- eties over function fields, 491 Bestvina, Mladen, Kai-Uwe Bux, and Dan Margalit. The dimension of the Torelli group, 61 Birkar, Caucher, Paolo Cascini, Christopher D. Hacon, and James McKernan. Existence of min- imal models for varieties of log general type, 405 Bowen, Lewis. Measure conjugacy invariants for actions of countable sofic groups, 217 Bux, Kai-Uwe. See Bestvina, Mladen Calegari, Danny, Michael H. Freedman, and Kevin Walker. Positivity of the universal pairing in 3 dimensions, 107 Caputo, Pietro, Thomas M. Liggett, and Thomas Richthammer. Proof of Aldous' spectral gap conjecture, 831 Cascini, Paolo. See Birkar, Caucher Chinta, Gautam, and Paul E. Gunnells. Constructing Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series, 189 Conlon, David, Jacob Fox, and Benny Sudakov. Hypergraph Ramsey numbers, 247 Derksen, Harm, Jerzy Weyman, and Andrei Zelevinsky. Quivers with potentials and their rep- resentations II: Applications to cluster algebras, 749 Dormy, Emmanuel. See G´erard-Varet, David Enriquez, Benjamin, and Gilles Halbout. Quantization of quasi-Lie bialgebras, 611 Esnault, H´el`ene,and Olivier Wittenberg. On abelian birational sections, 713 Fox, Jacob. See Conlon, David Francis, John. See Ben-Zvi, David Freedman, Michael H. See Calegari, Danny G´erard-Varet, David, and Emmanuel Dormy. On the ill-posedness of the Prandtl equation, 591 Gunnells, Paul E. See Chinta, Gautam Hacon, Christopher D. See Birkar, Caucher Hacon, Christopher D., and James McKernan. Existence of minimal models for varieties of log general type II, 469 Halbout, Gilles. See Enriquez, Benjamin Hales, Thomas C., and Sean McLaughlin. The dodecahedral conjecture, 299 Hamel, Fran¸cois. See Berestycki, Henri Imanuvilov, Oleg Yu., Gunther Uhlmann, and Masahiro Yamamoto. The Calder´onproblem with partial data in two dimensions, 655 Kim, Minhyong. Massey products for elliptic curves of rank 1, 725 Kisin, Mark. Integral models for Shimura varieties of abelian type, 967 Klainerman, Sergiu, and Igor Rodnianski. On the breakdown criterion in general relativity, 345 Kleiner, Bruce. A new proof of Gromov's theorem on groups of polynomial growth, 815 Klemm, A., D. Maulik, R. Pandharipande, and E. Scheidegger. Noether-Lefschetz theory and the Yau-Zaslow conjecture, 1013 Koll´ar,J´anos, and S´andorJ Kov´acs. Log canonical singularities are Du Bois, 791 Kov´acs,S´andorJ. See Koll´ar,J´anos Liggett, Thomas M. See Caputo, Pietro Litvak, Alexander E. See Adamczak, Rados law Losev, Ivan. Quantized symplectic actions and W -algebras, 35 Lunts, Valery A., and Dmitri O. Orlov. Uniqueness of enhancement for triangulated categories, 853 Margalit, Dan. See Bestvina, Mladen Maulik, D. See Klemm, A. McKernan, James. See Birkar, Caucher . See Hacon, Christopher D. McLaughlin, Sean. See Hales, Thomas C. Merkurjev, Alexander S. Essential p-dimension of PGL(p2), 693 INDEX TO VOLUME 23 (2010) Nadirashvili, Nikolai. See Berestycki, Henri Nadler, David. See Ben-Zvi, David Orlov, Dmitri O. See Lunts, Valery A. Pajor, Alain. See Adamczak, Rados law Pandharipande, R. See Klemm, A. Pandharipande, R., and R. P. Thomas. Stable pairs and BPS invariants, 267 Pillay, Anand. See Bertrand, Daniel Popa, Sorin, and Stefaan Vaes. Actions of F1 whose II1 factors and orbit equivalence relations have prescribed fundamental group, 383 Richthammer, Thomas. See Caputo, Pietro Rodnianski, Igor. See Klainerman, Sergiu Runde, Volker. B(`p) is never amenable, 1175 Scheidegger, E. See Klemm, A. Shah, Nimish A. Expanding translates of curves
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